Apocalyptic & Dystopian audiobooks
![Downrigger Drift [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791048_1120.jpg)
![Downrigger Drift [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791048_1120.jpg)
Downrigger Drift [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
By: James Axler
Narrated by: A Full Cast, Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, D...
Length: 5 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The nuclear cataclysm that maimed America altered the rules of existence. The new reality guarantees a grim battle for survival, but the higher human instinct to exist in peace and good will lives on. Legends endure and Ryan Cawdor is a warrior of his time. When the good fight needs to be won, Ryan and his band take a stand.
In the nuke-altered... Read more
![Caged Goddess [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781685089825_1120.jpg)
![Caged Goddess [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781685089825_1120.jpg)
Caged Goddess [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
By: James Axler
Narrated by: Richard Rohan, Colleen Delany, Terence Aselford...
Length: 5 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Nature’s power--harnessed by hatred!
Seeking insights into the Gaia Force, Krysty travels with Ryan to the hidden island enclave of the Sisters of Mother Earth. While there, Ryan reaches some much-needed inner peace, while Krysty gains new insights into her connection with Gaia. But the Sisters are unprepared for a raid by an invader who can... Read more

Die Wahrhaftigen - Abridged
By: Helena Wagenschütz
Narrated by: Helena Wagenschütz
Length: 11 hours 47 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Was tun, wenn man feststellt, dass der eigene Mann einer verfeindeten Organisation angehört? Mit dieser Frage sieht sich die Wissenschaftlerin Rabea Winterfeldt plötzlich konfrontiert. In der postpandemischen Gesellschaft im Jahre 2041, in der nur ein kleiner Teil der Menschheit die tödliche Mutation des Coronavirus überlebt hat, wacht ein... Read more
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Заводная - Abridged
By: Паоло Бачигалупи
Narrated by: Антон Макаров
Length: 18 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Когда глобальное потепление растопит льды и огромные территории уйдут под воду… Когда иссякнут запасы природного топлива и цивилизация скатится на технологический уровень стимпанка… Когда экологические катастрофы, стирающие целые народы с лица земли, станут обыденным явлением... Когда то немногое, что осталось от прежнего уровня жизни в бывших... Read more
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Scythe - Die Hüter des Todes (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged
By: Neal Shusterman
Narrated by: Torsten Michaelis, Ilka Teichmüller, Peter Lont...
Length: 9 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Auch in einer Welt, in der Armut, Kriege, Krankheit und Tod besiegt sind, müssen Menschen sterben, und die Entscheidung über Leben und Tod treffen die Scythe. Sie sind auserwählt, um zu töten. Sie entscheiden, wer lebt und wer stirbt. Sie sind die Hüter des Todes. Aber die Welt muss wissen, dass dieser Dienst sie nicht kalt lässt, dass sie... Read more
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Der Prozess - Abridged
By: Franz Kafka
Narrated by: Moritz Brendel
Length: 2 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Der Prozess Ein Roman von Franz Kafka, gesprochen von Moritz Brendel. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Bankangestellte Josef K., gegen den ein Prozess anhängig ist. Das Gericht agiert im Geheimen, und bis zu seiner Hinrichtung erfährt K. nicht einmal den Grund der Anklage. Ort der Handlung ist eine fiktive deutsche Großstadt. Die Zeit der Handlung... Read more
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Creep (Gekürzt) - Abridged
By: Philipp Winkler
Narrated by: Nils Nelleßen
Length: 7 hours 13 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Ein Blick ins dunkle Herz der Hypermoderne Sie kennen uns, denn sie beobachten uns. Und wir lassen sie in unser Zuhause, teilen online unsere intimsten Gedanken und Bilder. In seinem zweiten Roman nach seinem gefeierten Debüt "Hool" erzählt Philipp Winkler die Geschichten von Fanni in Deutschland und Junya in Japan - beide suchen im Leben... Read more
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Vox (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
By: Christina Dalcher
Narrated by: Andrea Sawatzki
Length: 7 hours 50 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Ihr könnt uns die Wörter nehmen, aber zum Schweigen bringt ihr uns nicht! Als die neue Regierung anordnet, dass Frauen ab sofort nicht mehr als einhundert Wörter am Tag sprechen dürfen, will Jean McClellan diese wahnwitzige Nachricht nicht wahrhaben - das kann nicht passieren. Nicht im 21. Jahrhundert. Nicht in Amerika. Nicht ihr. Schon bald... Read more
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Fahrenheit 451: Book Summary & Analysis - Abridged
By: Ray Bradbury
Narrated by: Bill Hathey
Length: 25 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Book summary by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title. In a dystopian future where books are outlawed and firemen burn any that are found, one man dares to question the system. Fahrenheit 451 follows Guy Montag, a fireman whose job is to destroy knowledge and maintain societal conformity. But when he meets a young woman who... Read more
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School's Out--Forever - Abridged
By: James Patterson
Narrated by: Valentina de Angelis
Length: 4 hours 18 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In this eagerly awaited follow-up, brave bird-kid Max and her flock are discovered by an FBI agent and forced to go to "school." There is no such thing as an ordinary day as Max deciphers how and when she's supposed to save the world, and she faces her greatest enemy--a clone of herself. Read more
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Der Posten 2 - Abridged
By: Dmitry Glukhovsky
Narrated by: Stefan Kaminski
Length: 11 hours 12 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Zuverlässig von allen Seiten durch Sicherheitsposten und Kosakentruppen geschützt: ein tausendjähriges Moskau. Innerhalb der drei Verteidigungsringe und hinter der Mauer des Kremls: der Palast. Dort zeichnet der Imperator die Besten der Besten, die tapfersten der tapferen Offiziere aus. Dann müssen sie die Hauptstadt verlassen in die dunklen... Read more
View audiobook![Polestar Omega [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791505_1120.jpg)
![Polestar Omega [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791505_1120.jpg)
Polestar Omega [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
By: James Axler
Narrated by: A Full Cast, Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, D...
Length: 5 hours 10 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Banded together to survive, Ryan Cawdor and his companions travel the barren wastelands of a post-nuclear world. There are no laws in Deathlands—only fear, destruction and annihilation. As each day brings a new struggle, this group journeys toward the shaky promise of sanctuary.
Ryan and his friends become the subjects in a deadly experiment... Read more

Logan's Run - Abridged
By: William Nolan
Narrated by: William F. Nolan
Length: 2 hours 24 minutes
Abridged: Yes
It is the year 2116. Following climate crisis, over-population, government overreach, civil uprisings, and a complete breakdown of society, a new dystopian society has emerged to replace what once was— with a catch: At age 21, everyone's life is suddenly over! Logan-3 has been trained to kill— born and bred from... Read more
View audiobook![Crimson Waters [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791246_1120.jpg)
![Crimson Waters [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791246_1120.jpg)
Crimson Waters [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
By: James Axler
Narrated by: A Full Cast, Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, C...
Length: 4 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Everyone who lives in Deathlands must endure the hellscape of a world mutilated by nukes and madness. Survival is a grim pursuit, achieved only by the most ruthless means. Yet Ryan Cawdor and his companions remain determined to persevere by doing whatever it takes to survive.
When a mat-trans malfunction strands Ryan Cawdor and his friends in a... Read more
![Reaper's Peace [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9798890555908_1120.jpg)
![Reaper's Peace [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9798890555908_1120.jpg)
Reaper's Peace [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
By: James Axler
Narrated by: Full Cast, Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, Ale...
Length: 6 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
The bestselling post-apocalyptic saga continues! The battle-weary Companions count their blessings when they find refuge at a tranquil ville, founded on the principles of harmony and enlightenment. However, they soon discover this supposed utopia is anything but. Violence waits in the silence, hidden beneath the pagodas and prayer halls. As... Read more
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Armageddon - Abridged
By: Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins
Narrated by: Steve Sever
Length: 3 hours 18 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The biggest novel of 2003 will be highly anticipated by consumers worldwide. Only the almighty God stands in the way of Antichrist's plans to rule the world forever. Nicolae Carpathia challenges God to a final showdown in the cosmic battle of the ages. Read more
View audiobook![Serenity [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Suzanne Sussex](http://covers.libro.fm/9781685087630_1120.jpg)
![Serenity [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Suzanne Sussex](http://covers.libro.fm/9781685087630_1120.jpg)
Serenity [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
By: Suzanne Sussex
Narrated by: Laura C. Harris, Peter Holdway, Khaya Fraites, ...
Length: 7 hours 14 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"When Sammie made a discovery that could bring hope to all the survivors of the Black Flu, one man’s twisted greed turned that dream into a nightmare. He destroyed Safe Zone E and caused the death of thousands.
After the destruction of her Zone, Sammie was voted in as leader of the former residents. She made them three promises: she would find... Read more

Year One - Abridged
By: Nora Roberts
Narrated by: Julia Whelan
Length: 6 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: Yes
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER (December 2017)A stunning novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts—Year One is an epic of hope and horror, chaos and magick, and a journey that will unite a desperate group of people to fight the battle of their lives…It began on New Year’s Eve.The sickness came on suddenly, and spread... Read more
View audiobook![Wretched Earth [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791222_1120.jpg)
![Wretched Earth [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791222_1120.jpg)
Wretched Earth [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
By: James Axler
Narrated by: A Full Cast, Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, C...
Length: 4 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: Yes
After the Megacull, the weak died off, so that a century later, the living have descended from only the toughest stock. Still, it takes more than strength to survive Deathlands. It takes skill, cunning and a warrior's heart. But for Ryan Cawdor, staying alive isn't just about living. In this nuke-transformed America, it helps if somewhere, deep... Read more
View audiobook![Desolation Angels [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791468_1120.jpg)
![Desolation Angels [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791468_1120.jpg)
Desolation Angels [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
By: James Axler
Narrated by: A Full Cast, Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, D...
Length: 5 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A hundred years after the nukecaust, the tortured landscape of post-apocalyptic America offers a brutal fight for survival. Yet tech secrets lie hidden, useful to those brave and strong enough to believe that hope can carry them toward ever-elusive peace.
Violent gangs, a corrupt mayor and a heavily armed police force are the hallmarks of former... Read more
![Hive Invasion [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791529_1120.jpg)
![Hive Invasion [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791529_1120.jpg)
Hive Invasion [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
By: James Axler
Narrated by: A Full Cast, Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, D...
Length: 5 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Seeking refuge in a post-Armageddon America, Ryan Cawdor and his crew of misfits travel together for survival and sanity. Known as Deathlands, this lawless hellscape is defined by destruction, death and despair. Only those who persevere with the belief in a better future stand a chance in this world where each day brings a new, and potentially... Read more
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The Final Warning - Abridged
By: James Patterson
Narrated by: Jill Apple
Length: 4 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In this breathtaking new story from the astonishing imagination of James Patterson, a girl has to save herself from an army assembled just to capture her-and maybe save the planet while she's at it.
Maximum Ride is a perfectly normal teenager who just happens to be able to fly, the result of an out-of-control government experiment. Max and the... Read more
![Iron Rage [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791581_1120.jpg)
![Iron Rage [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by James Axler](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648791581_1120.jpg)
Iron Rage [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
By: James Axler
Narrated by: A Full Cast, Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, D...
Length: 4 hours 53 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Since the nukecaust, the American dream has been reduced to a daily fight for survival. In the hellish landscape of Deathlands, few dare to dream of a better tomorrow. But Ryan Cawdor and his companions press on, driven by the need for a future less treacherous than the present.
Pulling sec duty aboard a steamboat on the mighty Sippi is a... Read more
![Death Watch [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Jerry Ahern](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648807305_1120.jpg)
![Death Watch [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Jerry Ahern](http://covers.libro.fm/9781648807305_1120.jpg)
Death Watch [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
By: Jerry Ahern
Narrated by: A Full Cast, Terence Aselford, Eric Messner, Na...
Length: 5 hours 5 minutes
Abridged: Yes
John Rourke has battle for over 600 hundred years, fighting the enemy of humanity in its many forms. But this, his final battle, will test the very makings of his soul. His enemy, Deitrich Zimmer, has conquered the very workings of life itself, capturing the prize of immortality. Now, he threatens to unleash his final Doomsday plot, which will... Read more
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