Get two free audiobooks AND support bookstores ๐Ÿคฉ Make the switch

Support your local bookstore while listening to great audiobooks. readers love local bookstores for their community, curation, and culture, and we strive to provide that same experience no matter where you are.

How it works

Step 1

Create a free account and choose your bookstore.

Step 2

Sign up for a monthly membership or buy audiobooks ร  la carte.

Step 3

Listen anytime, anywhere.

Choose bookshop screen in app

Step 1

Create a free account and choose your bookstore. makes it possible for you to buy audiobooks through your local bookstore. Choose the bookstore youโ€™d like to support, and they will get a portion of every purchase you make.

Create a free account app credit button

Step 2

Sign up for a monthly membership or buy audiobooks ร  la carte.

Pay $14.99 USD each month for one audiobook credit and 30% off individual audiobook purchases, or buy and listen to audiobooks on your own schedule with no strings attached.

Start a membership app in iPhone and Apple Watch

Step 3

Listen anytime, anywhere.

Listen with the free app and enjoy features that make listening easier and more enjoyable, including a sleep timer, bookmarks, and more. Start listening now!

Readers love listening with!


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive. You can also check out our Help Center or contact support and a real, audiobook-loving human will get back to you.

Built by a small socially-driven company is an employee-owned Social Purpose Corporation that shares profits from your audiobook purchases with your chosen bookstore, giving you the power to keep money within your local economy.

View our full story


Check out our Help Center or contact us and a real, audiobook-loving human will get back to you!

Get two free audiobooks AND support bookstores ๐Ÿคฉ Make the switch