Biography & Memoir audiobooks

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Barão de Mauá E Eusébio de Queirós  - biografias - Abridged by Sébastien Auguste Sisson
Barão de Mauá E Eusébio de Queirós - biografias - Abridged
Sébastien Auguste Sisson
Barão de Mauá E Eusébio de Queirós  - biografias - Abridged by Sébastien Auguste Sisson

Barão de Mauá E Eusébio de Queirós - biografias - Abridged

By: Sébastien Auguste Sisson

Narrated by: Renato Peres

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sisson tem um ponto de vista singular sobre os biografados – o de um contemporâneo deles! Esse frescor, por si só, justifica sua leitura nos dias de hoje dessas biografias. De "Barão de Mauá", destaca-se a vertiginosa ascensão como empresário, cujo exemplo atualíssimo é ter fundando o Banco do Brasil. De "Eusébio de Queirós", é de se notar seu... Read more

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الدحيحة - محمد علي كلاي - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - محمد علي كلاي - Abridged
طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - محمد علي كلاي - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله

الدحيحة - محمد علي كلاي - Abridged

By: طاهر المعتز بالله

Narrated by: أحمد الغندور

Length: 2 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

يطفو كالفراشة ويلدغ كالنحلة! قصة أشهر ملاكم في التاريخ، فاز ببطولة العالم في الوزن التقيل وعمره اتنين وعشرين سنة، وأول تصريح ليه بعد الفوز كان قنبلة مدوية في الأوساط العالمية، أعلن اعتناقه الإسلام وانضمامه لمنظمة "أمة الإسلام" تحت اسم محمد علي كلاي! حول الملاكمة من رياضة أقرب لمصارعة التيران لفن معتمد على المهارة والذكاء وسرعة رد الفعل قبل... Read more

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Euskal Herriko 40 emakume - Abridged by Cira Crespo
Euskal Herriko 40 emakume - Abridged
Cira Crespo
Euskal Herriko 40 emakume - Abridged by Cira Crespo

Euskal Herriko 40 emakume - Abridged

By: Cira Crespo

Narrated by: Gontzal Mendibil

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

LABURPENA: Kuxkuxeroa zara? Gustatzen zaizu zu jaio baino lehen zure herrian zer gertatu zen jakitea? Eta mota askoko jendea ezagutzea? Orduan, hau da zure liburua. Hemen ezagutuko dituzu gure gizarteari egindako ekarpenagatik erreferentzia diren Euskal Herriko emakumeak eta gizataldeak. Belaunaldi berrientzat erreferentzia... Read more

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The Bushes - Abridged by Peter Schweizer & Rochelle Schweizer
The Bushes - Abridged
Peter Schweizer & Rochelle Schweizer
The Bushes - Abridged by Peter Schweizer & Rochelle Schweizer

The Bushes - Abridged

By: Peter Schweizer & Rochelle Schweizer

Narrated by: Harry Chase

Length: 5 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Get the inside story on America’s most powerful political dynasty.

President George W. Bush leads our nation in a time of unprecedented peril. But how well do we really know him or his remarkable family, whose history often mirrors the history of America? Now, in the first full-scale biography of the Bushes, Peter and Rochelle Schweizer trace... Read more

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Paula Deen - Abridged by Paula Deen
Paula Deen - Abridged
Paula Deen
Paula Deen - Abridged by Paula Deen

Paula Deen - Abridged

By: Paula Deen

Narrated by: Paula Deen

Length: 6 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

• Fans love Paula Deen: Paula Deen: It Ain’t About the Cookin’ spent over 3 months on the New York Times bestseller list: there are over 500,000 hardcovers in print..

• A superstar author: Paula Deen is an American icon. She is one of the most popular hosts on the Food Network and with more than 6 million books in print, an expanding restaurant... Read more

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Mindhunter - Abridged by John E. Douglas & Mark Olshaker
Mindhunter - Abridged
John E. Douglas & Mark Olshaker
Mindhunter - Abridged by John E. Douglas & Mark Olshaker

Mindhunter - Abridged

By: John E. Douglas & Mark Olshaker

Narrated by: John E. Douglas

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Now a Netflix original series

Discover the classic, behind-the-scenes chronicle of John E. Douglas’ twenty-five-year career in the FBI Investigative Support Unit, where he used psychological profiling to delve into the minds of the country’s most notorious serial killers and criminals.

In chilling detail, the legendary Mindhunter takes us behind... Read more

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Rites of Passage - Abridged by Robert Peterson
Rites of Passage - Abridged
Robert Peterson
Rites of Passage - Abridged by Robert Peterson

Rites of Passage - Abridged

By: Robert Peterson

Narrated by: Eric Conger

Length: 1 hour 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A raw, powerful account of an infantryman’s life during wartime– complete with all the horrors and the heroism . . .

Robert Peterson arrived in Vietnam in the fall of 1966, a young American ready to serve his country and seize his destiny. What happened in that jungle war would change his life forever. Peterson vividly relives the tense patrols... Read more

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Gorbeiako haizea - Abridged by Gontzal Mendibil
Gorbeiako haizea - Abridged
Gontzal Mendibil
Gorbeiako haizea - Abridged by Gontzal Mendibil

Gorbeiako haizea - Abridged

By: Gontzal Mendibil

Narrated by: Gontzal Mendibil

Length: 11 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Eleberri honetan Gontzal Mendibilek, Gorbeiapeko bere herriari lotutako istorio honeik modu soltean eta aurreritxi barik kontatzen deuskuz. Bizitza eta heriotza, denbora eta memoria, adiskidetasuna eta maitasuna, kultura eta politika, euskaldunon komunikazio-inkomunikazioa. Gerrako mina, aitite Adolforen asmamenak eta geroagoko xelebrekeriak eta... Read more

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"I dissent - Ich widerspreche." - Abridged by Ruth Bader Ginsburg
"I dissent - Ich widerspreche." - Abridged
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
"I dissent - Ich widerspreche." - Abridged by Ruth Bader Ginsburg

"I dissent - Ich widerspreche." - Abridged

By: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Narrated by: Wiebke Puls

Length: 1 hour 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Vorreiterin. Heldin. Wonderwoman." (ttt) "I dissent - Ich widerspreche." - diese Worte haben sie berühmt gemacht. Ruth Bader Ginsburg hat die Welt verändert. Die zierliche Richterin am Obersten Gerichtshof der USA war moralischer Kompass und feministische Ikone der Millennials - geschätzt, mitunter auch gefürchtet für ihren messerscharfen... Read more

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Вкус. Кулинарные мемуары - Abridged by Стэнли Туччи
Вкус. Кулинарные мемуары - Abridged
Стэнли Туччи
Вкус. Кулинарные мемуары - Abridged by Стэнли Туччи

Вкус. Кулинарные мемуары - Abridged

By: Стэнли Туччи

Narrated by: Дмитрий Стрелков

Length: 7 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Стэнли Туччи вырос в италоамериканской семье, которая уделяла огромное внимание еде и каждый вечер собиралась за кухонным столом. В этой книге он не только делится самыми разными рецептами, но и рассказывает связанные с ними удивительные истории. «Вкус» — это размышления о жизни и еде, перемежаемые рассказами актера о детстве в США... Read more

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The Mountain of the Women - Abridged by Liam Clancy
The Mountain of the Women - Abridged
Liam Clancy
The Mountain of the Women - Abridged by Liam Clancy

The Mountain of the Women - Abridged

By: Liam Clancy

Narrated by: Liam Clancy

Length: 6 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In an irresistible tale of a life lived fully, if not always wisely, Liam Clancy, of the legendary Irish group the Clancy Brothers, describes his eventful journey from a small town in Ireland in the 1930s into the heart of the New York music scene in the 1950s and ’60s.
Following in the grand tradition of such Irish memoirs as Angela’s Ashes and ... Read more

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Raging Heart - Abridged by Sheila Weller
Raging Heart - Abridged
Sheila Weller
Raging Heart - Abridged by Sheila Weller

Raging Heart - Abridged

By: Sheila Weller

Narrated by: Rodney Saulsberry

Length: 2 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A tumultuous story of love, obsession, provocation, and violence that featured in “ Trial of the Century.” Here is the intimate untold story of O. J. and Nicole Brown Simpson's tragic, turbulent marriage. Author Sheila Weller was granted unprecedented cooperation by Nicole's family and exclusive access to friends who... Read more

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الدحيحة - مالكوم إكس - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - مالكوم إكس - Abridged
طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - مالكوم إكس - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله

الدحيحة - مالكوم إكس - Abridged

By: طاهر المعتز بالله

Narrated by: أحمد الغندور

Length: 3 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

قصة حياة الحاج مالك الشباز. في مايو 1925 تحديدًا في مدينة أوماها بولاية نبراسكا، اتولد مالكوم ليتل ومعاه نبوءته. مالكوم ابن العائلة الفقيرة لأب داعية مسيحي فقير وأم ذات شخصية قوية وشجاعة، كان بيحمل صفات اسم المدينة اللي اتولد فيها. أوماها، تعني المشي عكس التيار! من هو مالكوم ليتل الذي تحول لمالكوم إكس؟ وإزاي قصة حياته كانت مؤثرة في المجتمع... Read more

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الدحيحة - نجيب محفوظ - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - نجيب محفوظ - Abridged
طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - نجيب محفوظ - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله

الدحيحة - نجيب محفوظ - Abridged

By: طاهر المعتز بالله

Narrated by: أحمد الغندور

Length: 2 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

هل يرضيك كل هذا الظلم يا جبلاوي؟ بعد نجاحه في نشر أول رواية أخد أجره خمسميت نسخة من الناشر، نزل على عربية حنطور يلف على المكتبات لحد ما لقى مكتبة في باب اللوق وافقت تعرضهم عندها، لكنها مش هتديله أجر غير بعد بيع نسخ من الرواية! وافق طبعًا، وفضل يروح كل يوم يتطمن في حد اشترى الرواية ولا لأ، وفي يوم ملقاش ولا نسخة على الرف، وكان في شدة السعادة لحد... Read more

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Running the Table - Abridged by L. Jon Wertheim
Running the Table - Abridged
L. Jon Wertheim
Running the Table - Abridged by L. Jon Wertheim

Running the Table - Abridged

By: L. Jon Wertheim

Narrated by: Robert Forster

Length: 5 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In many sports, the pinnacle is Wheaties-box fame and notoriety. But in the world of pool, notoriety is the last thing a hustler desires. Such is the dilemma that faces Danny Basavich, an affable, generously proportioned Jewish kid from Jersey, who flounders through high school until he discovers the one thing he excels at – the felt – and hits... Read more

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A Soldier's Promise - Abridged by First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex
A Soldier's Promise - Abridged
First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex
A Soldier's Promise - Abridged by First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex

A Soldier's Promise - Abridged

By: First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex

Narrated by: Lee Sellars

Length: 5 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

An uplifting story of unlikely friendship and hope during the Iraq War.

After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, First Sergeant Daniel Hendrex was dispatched along with his unit, Dragon Company, to Husaybah, a small town bordering Syria in the Sunni-dominated Al Anbar Province in Iraq. Their mission was to plug the bottleneck at the border... Read more

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El espía que robó la bomba atómica - Abridged by Ann Hagedorn
El espía que robó la bomba atómica - Abridged
Ann Hagedorn
El espía que robó la bomba atómica - Abridged by Ann Hagedorn

El espía que robó la bomba atómica - Abridged

By: Ann Hagedorn

Narrated by: Carlos Garza

Length: 8 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

. Aunque nació en Iowa en 1913, George Koval vivió por ocho años en la URSS, lugar en el que se crio bajo el yugo de la ideología soviética. Sus cualidades lo convertían en el candidato ideal para el Ejército Rojo: una afición al beisbol, una doble nacionalidad y una mente brillante. Con el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la inteligencia... Read more

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Superarme siempre fue un placer - Abridged by Federico Atilio Rodriguez De Lima
Superarme siempre fue un placer - Abridged
Federico Atilio Rodriguez De Lima
Superarme siempre fue un placer - Abridged by Federico Atilio Rodriguez De Lima

Superarme siempre fue un placer - Abridged

By: Federico Atilio Rodriguez De Lima

Narrated by: Lucia .I.A

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Vivir es un aprendizaje continuo, un ejercicio de adaptación que nunca termina, un camino que, en ocasiones, se oscurece y se vuelve hostil, asediado por situaciones que nos atormentan y nos hacen querer tirar la toalla. Pero esas situaciones son, al final, tan solo experiencias, momentos pasajeros que podemos superar, incluso en las condiciones... Read more

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No Ordinary Time - Abridged by Doris Kearns Goodwin
No Ordinary Time - Abridged
Doris Kearns Goodwin
No Ordinary Time - Abridged by Doris Kearns Goodwin

No Ordinary Time - Abridged

By: Doris Kearns Goodwin

Narrated by: Edward Herrmann

Length: 6 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Pulitzer Prize–winning classic about the relationship between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt, and how it shaped the nation while steering it through the Great Depression and the outset of World War II.

With an extraordinary collection of details, Goodwin masterfully weaves together a striking number of story... Read more

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A Piece of Cake - Abridged by Cupcake Brown
A Piece of Cake - Abridged
Cupcake Brown
A Piece of Cake - Abridged by Cupcake Brown

A Piece of Cake - Abridged

By: Cupcake Brown

Narrated by: Cupcake Brown

Length: 5 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Eleven-year-old Cupcake Brown woke up on the bicentennial and found her mother still in bed. She struggled to wake her up, pushing and pulling until she managed to tug her mother's lifeless corpse onto her own small body, crushing her beneath its dead weight. After squeezing out from under her mother, Cupcake calmly walked over to the phone and... Read more

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The Ride of Our Lives - Abridged by Mike Leonard
The Ride of Our Lives - Abridged
Mike Leonard
The Ride of Our Lives - Abridged by Mike Leonard

The Ride of Our Lives - Abridged

By: Mike Leonard

Narrated by: Mike Leonard

Length: 4 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mike Leonard is a lucky man. It’s not everyone who gets parents like Jack and Marge. At eighty-seven, Jack is a pathological optimist with an inexhaustible gift of gab. Marge, Jack’s bride of sixty years, though cut from the same rough bolt of Irish immigrant cloth, is his polar opposite–pessimistic and proud of it. What was their son, Mike,... Read more

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I'm a Stranger Here Myself - Abridged by Bill Bryson
I'm a Stranger Here Myself - Abridged
Bill Bryson
I'm a Stranger Here Myself - Abridged by Bill Bryson

I'm a Stranger Here Myself - Abridged

By: Bill Bryson

Narrated by: Bill Bryson

Length: 5 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A classic from the New York Times bestselling author of A Walk in the Woods and The Body.

After living in Britain for two decades, Bill Bryson recently moved back to the United States with his English wife and four children (he had read somewhere that nearly 3 million Americans believed they had been abducted by aliensas he later put it, "it was... Read more

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الدحيحة - يورجن كلوب - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - يورجن كلوب - Abridged
طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - يورجن كلوب - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله

الدحيحة - يورجن كلوب - Abridged

By: طاهر المعتز بالله

Narrated by: أحمد الغندور

Length: 1 hour 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

لماذا يحبك الناس؟ - لأنك تحبهم. كان حلمه من صغره إنه يبقى لاعب ومدير كرة قدم كبير وناجح. بدأت حكايته مع الكورة بسبب أبوه اللي كان بيعشق كرة القدم وكان قدامه فرصة للعب في نادي كبير في ألمانيا في الخمسينيات، لكن أبوه رفض فمعرفش يحقق حلمه، وكان كل هدفه لما كبر إنه يخلف ولد عشان يحقق اللي هو ماعرفش يحققه. درَّب كلوب الأب ابنه من سن صغير جدًا، لإنه... Read more

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The Black List - Abridged by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders & Elvis Mitchell
The Black List - Abridged
Timothy Greenfield-Sanders & Elvis Mitchell
The Black List - Abridged by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders & Elvis Mitchell

The Black List - Abridged

By: Timothy Greenfield-Sanders & Elvis Mitchell

Narrated by: Elvis Mitchell & with Contributers

Length: 1 hour 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In The Black List, twenty-five prominent African-Americans of various professions, disciplines, and backgrounds offer their own

stories and insights on the struggles, triumphs, and joys of black life in America and, in the process, redefine "black list" for a new century.

As seen in original portraits by renowned photographer Timothy... Read more

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