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Biography & Memoir audiobooks

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O menino do alpendre - Abridged by Romulo Vaz
O menino do alpendre - Abridged
Romulo Vaz
O menino do alpendre - Abridged by Romulo Vaz

O menino do alpendre - Abridged

By: Romulo Vaz

Narrated by: Livri

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

A história de vida que impacta e inspira, muito mais que uma biografia, mais que superação pessoal. Este livro é uma ferramenta para que você encontre seus caminhos, seu verdadeiro eu, sua identidade. Uma luz para que você consiga uma forma de vencer seus medos e se libertar dos sentimentos ruins que dele se originam como insegurança,... Read more

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The Age of Turbulence - Abridged by Alan Greenspan
The Age of Turbulence - Abridged
Alan Greenspan
The Age of Turbulence - Abridged by Alan Greenspan

The Age of Turbulence - Abridged

By: Alan Greenspan

Narrated by: Robertson Dean

Length: 10 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Age Of Turbulence is Alan Greenspan’s incomparable reckoning with the contemporary financial world, channeled through his own experiences working in the command room of the global economy longer and with greater effect than any other single living figure. Following the arc of his remarkable life’s journey through his more than eighteen-year... Read more

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My Father, My President - Abridged by Doro Bush Koch
My Father, My President - Abridged
Doro Bush Koch
My Father, My President - Abridged by Doro Bush Koch

My Father, My President - Abridged

By: Doro Bush Koch

Narrated by: Doro Bush Koch

Length: 5 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Revised and updated with six new chapters and many new photographs following his death at age 94, this is the definitive account of George H.W. Bush's life and career written by his only daughter with his full cooperation.

Much happened to George H.W. Bush and the country since the initial publication of My Father, My President: His nemesis,... Read more

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No Retreat, No Surrender - Abridged by Tom DeLay & Stephen Mansfield
No Retreat, No Surrender - Abridged
Tom DeLay & Stephen Mansfield
No Retreat, No Surrender - Abridged by Tom DeLay & Stephen Mansfield

No Retreat, No Surrender - Abridged

By: Tom DeLay & Stephen Mansfield

Narrated by: Tom DeLay

Length: 4 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A candid memoir of one of the most effective, controversial figures in modern politics. Read more

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Chutzpah - Abridged by Alan Dershowitz
Chutzpah - Abridged
Alan Dershowitz
Chutzpah - Abridged by Alan Dershowitz

Chutzpah - Abridged

By: Alan Dershowitz

Narrated by: Alan M. Dershowitz

Length: 2 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

According to Alan M. Dershowitz, “ chutzpah” is "boldness, assertiveness, a willingness to demand what is due, to defy tradition, to challenge authority, to raise eyebrows." Assessing his experiences, he brings to bear all the chutzpah for which he is famous in examining such issues as antisemitism, assimilation, the... Read more

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Shoe Dog - Abridged by Phil Knight
Shoe Dog - Abridged
Phil Knight
Shoe Dog - Abridged by Phil Knight

Shoe Dog - Abridged

By: Phil Knight

Narrated by: Stefan Lehnen

Length: 15 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Als junger, abenteuerlustiger Business-School-Absolvent auf der Suche nach einer Herausforderung lieh Phil Knight sich von seinem Vater 50 Dollar und gründete eine Firma mit einer klaren Mission: qualitativ hochwertige, aber preiswerte Laufschuhe aus Japan importieren. In jenem ersten Jahr, 1963, verkaufte Knight Laufschuhe aus dem Kofferraum... Read more

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Beatrix Potter Artist, Storyteller and Countrywoman - Abridged by Judy Taylor
Beatrix Potter Artist, Storyteller and Countrywoman - Abridged
Judy Taylor
Beatrix Potter Artist, Storyteller and Countrywoman - Abridged by Judy Taylor

Beatrix Potter Artist, Storyteller and Countrywoman - Abridged

By: Judy Taylor

Narrated by: Patricia Routledge

Length: 3 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The downloadable audiobook edition of Judy Taylor's classic biography, Beatrix Potter: Artist, Storyteller and Countrywoman, read by the actress Patricia Routledge.

Starting with the publication of The Tale of Peter Rabbit in 1902, Beatrix Potter went on to become one of the world's most successful children's authors. This illustrated... Read more

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Die wahre Geschichte von McDonald's - Abridged by Ray Kroc & Robert Anderson
Die wahre Geschichte von McDonald's - Abridged
Ray Kroc & Robert Anderson
Die wahre Geschichte von McDonald's - Abridged by Ray Kroc & Robert Anderson

Die wahre Geschichte von McDonald's - Abridged

By: Ray Kroc & Robert Anderson

Narrated by: Markus Böker

Length: 8 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Er ist der Mann hinter dem goldenen "M" und einer "Vom Tellerwäscher zum Millionär"-Geschichte, die ihresgleichen sucht: Ray Kroc, der Gründer von McDonald's. Nur wenige Unternehmer können wirklich von sich behaupten, dass sie unsere Art zu leben für immer verändert haben. Ray Kroc ist einer von ihnen. Doch noch viel interessanter als Ray Kroc,... Read more

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Los Misterios del Reino de los Cielos - Abridged by Carlos Avalos Losano
Los Misterios del Reino de los Cielos - Abridged
Carlos Avalos Losano
Los Misterios del Reino de los Cielos - Abridged by Carlos Avalos Losano

Los Misterios del Reino de los Cielos - Abridged

By: Carlos Avalos Losano

Narrated by: Daniel Cubillo

Length: 2 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Investigación Bíblico- Científica por más de 30 años sobre el Cantar de los Cantares a partir de una revelación privada del señor Jesucristo donde le dio a conocer al auto que lo que él estaba leyendo (el Cantar de los Cantares) son escenas diapositivas de la vida de Jesús y de María. Read more

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The Private Diary of My Life with Lana - Abridged by Eric Root
The Private Diary of My Life with Lana - Abridged
Eric Root
The Private Diary of My Life with Lana - Abridged by Eric Root

The Private Diary of My Life with Lana - Abridged

By: Eric Root

Narrated by: Eric Root

Length: 3 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Lana Turner was the last of the great screen goddesses. A legendary blonde bombshell, Turner led a fairy-tale life that turned into a nightmare following the bizarre murder of her gangster lover, Johnny Stompanato, in 1958. Eric Root met Lana Turner in 1971, serving as her makeup artist and hairstylist before becoming her escort, spokesman,... Read more

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Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains - Abridged by Charles Eastman
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains - Abridged
Charles Eastman
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains - Abridged by Charles Eastman

Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains - Abridged

By: Charles Eastman

Narrated by: Lorenzo Baca

Length: 2 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From the pen of a Santee Sioux— Charles Eastman— come these biographical portraits of American Indian leaders Red Cloud, Spotted Tail, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, and Chief Joseph. Eastman was born in Red Falls, Minnesota, and raised by his grandmother and uncle in Manitoba, Canada, where he learned Native American... Read more

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The Late Show - Abridged by Helen Brown
The Late Show - Abridged
Helen Brown
The Late Show - Abridged by Helen Brown

The Late Show - Abridged

By: Helen Brown

Narrated by: Helen Gurley Brown

Length: 5 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Part advice manual and part memoir, The Late Show is truly an insightful guide to growing old, presented in candid, unyielding, and often humorous form by Helen Gurley Brown. Focused on such topics as emotional security, marriage, money, sex, beauty, exercise, health, and work, Brown explains her philosophy and shares personal experiences. She... Read more

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Body Politics (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Melodie Michelberger
Body Politics (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
Melodie Michelberger
Body Politics (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Melodie Michelberger

Body Politics (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged

By: Melodie Michelberger

Narrated by: Melodie Michelberger

Length: 4 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Frauen sollen dem Schönheitsideal entsprechen, aber nicht zu individuell sein. Wer dem Ideal nicht entspricht, soll sich wenigstens selbst lieben. Der Druck auf Frauen ist so hoch wie nie, und wie seit Jahrhunderten bestimmt der männliche Blick, welche Frauenkörper attraktiv sind. Haben wir verlernt, unsere Körper zu akzeptieren und dankbar für... Read more

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Schulz and Peanuts - Abridged by David Michaelis
Schulz and Peanuts - Abridged
David Michaelis
Schulz and Peanuts - Abridged by David Michaelis

Schulz and Peanuts - Abridged

By: David Michaelis

Narrated by: Holter Graham

Length: 12 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Charles M. Schulz, the most widely syndicated and beloved cartoonist of all time, is also one of the least understood figures in American culture. Now acclaimed biographer David Michaelis gives us an in-depth biography of the brilliant, unseen man behind Peanuts.It is the most American of stories: How a barber's son grew up from modest... Read more

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No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged by Hamilton Jordan
No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged
Hamilton Jordan
No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged by Hamilton Jordan

No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged

By: Hamilton Jordan

Narrated by: Hamilton Jordan

Length: 4 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Since serving in the Carter White House in the late 1970s, Hamilton Jordan has survived non-Hodgkins lymphoma, melanoma, and prostate cancer. Read more

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Cartas para Sir Mo Farah e Sir Tom Jones mais jovens - Abridged by Sir Mo Farah & Sir Tom Jones
Cartas para Sir Mo Farah e Sir Tom Jones mais jovens - Abridged
Sir Mo Farah & Sir Tom Jones
Cartas para Sir Mo Farah e Sir Tom Jones mais jovens - Abridged by Sir Mo Farah & Sir Tom Jones

Cartas para Sir Mo Farah e Sir Tom Jones mais jovens - Abridged

By: Sir Mo Farah & Sir Tom Jones

Narrated by: Ana Maria Moraes

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

ESTE É UM EPISÓDIO DA OBRA "CARTA PARA O MEU JOVEM EU", DE JANE GRAHAM, QUE APRESENTAM CARTAS PARA SIR MO FARAH E SIR TOM JONES MAIS JOVENS. SE QUISER LER TODAS AS CARTAS LEIA A OBRA COMPLETA. Se a viagem no tempo fosse uma possibilidade, o que você diria ao seu eu adolescente, caso o encontrasse? Em Carta Para Meu Jovem Eu, personalidades... Read more

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Escape from Appalachia - Abridged by Mary Frances Barron
Escape from Appalachia - Abridged
Mary Frances Barron
Escape from Appalachia - Abridged by Mary Frances Barron

Escape from Appalachia - Abridged

By: Mary Frances Barron

Narrated by: Mary Frances Barron

Length: 12 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Told through the eyes of a witty, outgoing, and curious little girl, Francie beautifully weaves together personal narratives and historical information about the ever-present American tragedy known as Appalachia. She peels back layers of her early life while walking us through the patches where coal miners and their families once lived, the... Read more

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Assassination Vacation - Abridged by Sarah Vowell
Assassination Vacation - Abridged
Sarah Vowell
Assassination Vacation - Abridged by Sarah Vowell

Assassination Vacation - Abridged

By: Sarah Vowell

Narrated by: Jon Stewart, Conan O'Brien, Stephen King & Dave...

Length: 7 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

New York Times bestselling author of The Wordy Shipmates and contributor to NPR’s This American Life Sarah Vowell embarks on a road trip to sites of political violence, from Washington DC to Alaska, to better understand our nation’s ever-evolving political system and history.

Sarah Vowell exposes the glorious conundrums of American history and... Read more

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Ich bin kein Ausländer, ich heiße nur so - Abridged by Amir Shaheen
Ich bin kein Ausländer, ich heiße nur so - Abridged
Amir Shaheen
Ich bin kein Ausländer, ich heiße nur so - Abridged by Amir Shaheen

Ich bin kein Ausländer, ich heiße nur so - Abridged

By: Amir Shaheen

Narrated by: Amir Shaheen

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wenn ein deutscher Muttersprachler einen arabischen Namen trägt, dann wirft das im Alltag berechtigte Fragen auf. Wenn jemand wie Amir Shaheen dann auch noch Schriftsteller ist und Bücher veröffentlicht, na, dann liegt es doch nahe, wissen zu wollen, ob seine Texte übersetzt werden – ins Deutsche! Amir Shaheen schildert pointiert und... Read more

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Audio PRU - Abridged by Facundo conforti
Audio PRU - Abridged
Facundo conforti
Audio PRU - Abridged by Facundo conforti

Audio PRU - Abridged

By: Facundo conforti

Narrated by: Amelia

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A new book from aeronautical library. The history of boeing Read more

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From Dixie To Canada: Romances and Realities of The Underground Railroad - Abridged by H. U. Johnson
From Dixie To Canada: Romances and Realities of The Underground Railroad - Abridged
H. U. Johnson
From Dixie To Canada: Romances and Realities of The Underground Railroad - Abridged by H. U. Johnson

From Dixie To Canada: Romances and Realities of The Underground Railroad - Abridged

By: H. U. Johnson

Narrated by: Cole Bolchoz

Length: 1 hour 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The years intervening since the abolition of American slavery leave a majority of our people ignorant of its workings, and of matters connected with it, except as they are gleaned from the pages of history, or from the lips of those now grown old.
It is not the purpose of this little volume to discuss the history of the “peculiar institution” in... Read more

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Sam Walton - Abridged by Sam Walton & John Huey
Sam Walton - Abridged
Sam Walton & John Huey
Sam Walton - Abridged by Sam Walton & John Huey

Sam Walton - Abridged

By: Sam Walton & John Huey

Narrated by: Peter Wolter

Length: 11 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dies ist die außergewöhnliche Geschichte von Sam Walton, eines mutigen Unternehmers, der Anfang der 1960er durch die Gründung von Walmart die Welt der Supermärkte und Einzelhändler aus den Angeln hob – lange vor Amazon. In Sam Walton verschafft er den Lesern einen einzigartigen Einblick in seine Karriere, die ihresgleichen sucht: seinem... Read more

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Robinson Crusoe – neu erzählt - Abridged by Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe – neu erzählt - Abridged
Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe – neu erzählt - Abridged by Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe – neu erzählt - Abridged

By: Daniel Defoe

Narrated by: Jürgen Thormann

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Es gibt Bücher, die kennt jeder, auch wenn er sie nicht gelesen hat. "Moby Dick" ist so eines, oder "Robinson Crusoe". Der britische Autor Daniel Defoe verdiente mit seinem 1719 verfassten Roman über einen Schiffbrüchigen lediglich fünfzig Pfund, wurde jedoch mit einem Schlag weltberühmt. Und sein Held avancierte zum allgemeinen... Read more

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Odyssee – neu erzählt - Abridged by Homer
Odyssee – neu erzählt - Abridged
Odyssee – neu erzählt - Abridged by Homer

Odyssee – neu erzählt - Abridged

By: Homer

Narrated by: Ernst-August Schepmann

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mit Odysseus schuf Homer – wenn es ihn denn tatsächlich gegeben hat – den wohl ersten Superhelden. Sein Epos gilt heute als eines der ältesten und einflussreichsten Werke der abendländischen Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte. Neben der "Ilias" ist die "Odyssee" das wohl bekannteste Epos der griechischen Mythologie. Und es ist immer wieder ein... Read more

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