Biography & Memoir audiobooks

Born Free Trilogy - Abridged
By: Joy Adamson
Narrated by: Joanna David
Length: 5 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Joy Adamson is world-famous as the woman who walked with lions. These are the books that brought the story of her work to a public whose imagination was captured by the discovery of this remarkable interaction between man and beast.
Born Free was first published in 1960, and tells the story of her relationship with Elsa, raising her from a young... Read more

Lebenslauf eines Optimisten - Abridged
By: Ludwig Ganghofer
Narrated by: Bernd Ungerer
Length: 12 hours 39 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Im 'Buch der Jugend' beschreibt Ludwig Ganghofer seine Ausbildungs- und Studienzeit. Am Ende des Buches beschreibt er auch seine Vorstellung eines idealen Staatswesens in allen Einzelheiten. Einzelne Ideen könnt man auch heute noch herausgreifen und weiter verfolgen, doch im großen und ganzen spiegeln seine Vorstellungen den Zeitgeist jener Zeit... Read more
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Upfront and Personal - Abridged
By: Coleen Nolan
Narrated by: Coleen Nolan
Length: 2 hours 45 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Writing with the warmth and humour that have made her so popular, Coleen describes her eventful life, from joining her sisters' band The Nolans when she was only nine to growing up in the spotlight as they went on to chart-topping success around the world.
Coleen also reveals how she coped with her tumultuous marriage to television star Shane... Read more

خامس الخلفاء عمر بن عبد العزيز - Abridged
By: عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي
Narrated by: حسام حجازي
Length: 9 hours 54 minutes
Abridged: Yes
لعمر بن عبد العزيز شهرة ومكانة عند عامة المسلمين وباحثيهم، ومرجع ذلك لأعماله المثيرة والتوجهات التي عمل على تثبيتها في الدولة الإسلامية الواسعة التي قامت على المبادئ التي وضعها الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم، وعمل الحلفاء الأولون على تطبيقها في تنظيم الدولة وتوجهات الأمة. يستعرض هذا الكتاب سيرة خامس الخلفاء بقلم الأديب الكبير عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي من... Read more
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Heat - Abridged
By: Bill Buford
Narrated by: Bill Buford
Length: 5 hours 39 minutes
Abridged: Yes
From one of our most interesting literary figures – former editor of Granta, former fiction editor at The New Yorker, acclaimed author of Among the Thugs – a sharp, funny, exuberant, close-up account of his headlong plunge into the life of a professional cook.
Expanding on his James Beard Award-winning New Yorker article, Bill Buford gives us a... Read more

Kabarettistisches um, über und mit Joachim Ringelnatz - Abridged
By: Peter Eckhart Reichel & Joachim Ringelnatz
Narrated by: Michael Quast & Moritz Stoepel
Length: 25 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Joachim Ringelnatz zählt heute zu den wenigen Dichtern, die das deutschsprachige Kabarett seinerzeit überhaupt hervorgebracht hat. Aber nicht nur auf den Brettl-Bühnen, auch im alltäglichen Leben war er ein Original, ohne dies überhaupt sein zu wollen. Mit seinen Streichen lieferte er jedoch ausreichend Stoff für unzählige Anekdoten, die... Read more
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Mirror to America - Abridged
By: John Hope Franklin
Narrated by: John Hope Franklin
Length: 6 hours 59 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Ninety years of American history as lived by the nation's preeminent African American historian and winner of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
John Hope Franklin lived through America's most defining twentieth-century transformation, the dismantling of legally-protected racial segregation. A renowned scholar, he has explored that transformation... Read more

Eleventh Month, Eleventh Day, Eleventh Hour - Abridged
By: Joseph E. Persico
Narrated by: Harry Chase
Length: 6 hours 12 minutes
Abridged: Yes
November 11, 1918. The final hours pulsate with tension as every man in the trenches hopes to escape the melancholy distinction of being the last to die in World War I. The Allied generals knew the fighting would end precisely at 11:00 A.M, yet in the final hours they flung men against an already beaten Germany. The result? Eleven thousand... Read more
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Saving Graces - Abridged
By: Elizabeth Edwards
Narrated by: Elizabeth Edwards
Length: 4 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: Yes
She charmed America with her smart, likable, down-to-earth personality as she campaigned for her husband, then vice-presidential candidate John Edwards. She inspired millions as she valiantly fought advanced breast cancer after being diagnosed only days before the 2004 election. She touched hundreds of similarly grieving families when her own... Read more
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Bootlegger's Boy - Abridged
By: Barry Switzer
Narrated by: Barry Switzer
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
A riveting memoir by one of the most successful football coaches in America!As head coach of the Oklahoma Sooners, Barry Switzer was the fourth most successful coach in NCAA history. Both praised and reviled by the media as the "outlaw" of college football, Switzer was characterized as the "greatest rogue, pirate, hustler, and con man" ever to... Read more
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خلف خطوط العدو - Abridged
By: أسامة المندوه
Narrated by: قصي حمود
Length: 6 hours 49 minutes
Abridged: Yes
يروي هذا الكتاب قصّة بطولة لمجموعة استطلاع مصرية بقيادة النقيب أسامة المندوه، وقد دفعت القيادة المصرية مجموعته منذ بداية الحرب للتمركز خلف خطوط العدو وفى قلب تجمعاته، وبالقرب من طرق اقترابه الرئيسية، ومراكز قيادته. يسرد الكتاب بأسلوب سلس جذاب ومشوق كيف نجحت مجموعة الاستطلاع المصرية فى أن تعد على العدو حركاته وسكناته وآلياته فى عمق سيناء، وتسهم... Read more
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Jetzt sag ich's - Abridged
By: Marina C. Watteck
Narrated by: Waltraut Haas
Length: 3 hours 54 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Mariandl" erinnert sich Waltraut Haas ist seit über 70 Jahren eine Ikone des deutschsprachigen Films und der Bühne. An der Seite von Stars wie Peter Alexander, Johannes Heesters, Conny Froboess, Heinz Rühmann, Curd Jürgens oder Hans Moser spielte sie in zahlreichen Musik- und Unterhaltungs-filmen, darunter "Der Hofrat Geiger", "Im weißen... Read more
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My Kind of Place - Abridged
By: Susan Orlean
Narrated by: Susan Orlean
Length: 4 hours 49 minutes
Abridged: Yes
New Yorker writer and author of The Library Book takes readers on a series of remarkable journeys in this uniquely witty, sophisticated, and far-flung travel book.
In this irresistible collection of adventures far and near, Orlean conducts a tour of the world via its subcultures, from the heart of the African music scene in Paris to the... Read more

The Family - Abridged
By: Kitty Kelley
Narrated by: Kitty Kelley
Length: 10 hours 2 minutes
Abridged: Yes
They have wielded enormous financial power and dominated world politics for more than half a century. They have been appointed to positions of great power and have been elected as governors, congressmen, senators and presidents. They have shaped our past and, with our country at war under the leadership of their number one son, they are, more... Read more
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لكل المقهورين أجنحه - Abridged
By: Radwa Ashour
Narrated by: منار مراد
Length: 16 hours
Abridged: Yes
إن كل من يقرأ لرضوى عاشور لا يمكنه أن يبتعد عن كتبها، فيجد نفسه يبحث عن مؤلفاتها ورواياتها دوماً، وهي صاحبة الجملة السلسة والعبارة البليغة، فكتابتها مميزة وذات عذوبة خاصة. هذا الكتاب هو مجموعة من المقالات المتنوعة وبعض منها ينشر لأول مرة وهي تتناول عدة مواضيع في الأدب والتجربة الشخصية والنقد والسياسة والتعليم، وقد قام زوجها الشاعر والأديب... Read more
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Worth the Fighting For - Abridged
By: John McCain & Mark Salter
Narrated by: John McCain
Length: 5 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: Yes
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • Senator John McCain tells the story of his great American journey, from the U.S. Navy to his electrifying campaign for the presidency in 2000, interwoven with heartfelt portraits of the mavericks who have inspired him through the years.
After five and a half years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, naval aviator John McCain... Read more

الدحيحة - غزو أمريكا - Abridged
By: طاهر المعتز بالله
Narrated by: أحمد الغندور
Length: 48 minutes
Abridged: Yes
أكبر إبادة عرقية في التاريخ! في القرن الخمستاشر، بينما الصراعات الدينية والعسكرية مشتعلة في أوروبا والحروب الأهلية في إنجلترا أو ما يسمى بحرب الورود، ملهمة الروائي جورج رر مارتن بكتابة سلسلة صراع العروش، كان المستكشف الإيطالي كريستوفر كولومبوس على ميعاد مع اكتشاف هيغير مجرى التاريخ! أقنع كولمبوس ملك إسبانيا بتمويل رحلاته لأمريكا بعد اكتشافها... Read more
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A Ranger Born - Abridged
By: Robert W. Black
Narrated by: Charles Stransky
Length: 1 hour 57 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Even as a boy growing up amid the green hills of rural Pennsylvania, Robert W. Black knew he was destined to become a Ranger. With their three-hundred-year history of peerless courage and independence of spirit, Rangers are a uniquely American brand of soldier, one foot in the military, one in the wilderness—and that is what fired Black’s... Read more
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Over the Edge - Abridged
By: Greg Child
Narrated by: Aramand Schultz
Length: 4 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: Yes
“The climbers swept up in the events of August 2000 are people little different from the rest of us. Though their climbing skills taught them a thing or two about survival, it was their individual characters and their compassion for one another that kept them alive. Like anyone who has witnessed warfare and death, they feel pain over the... Read more
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الدحيحة - محمد صلاح - Abridged
By: طاهر المعتز بالله
Narrated by: أحمد الغندور
Length: 49 minutes
Abridged: Yes
زي ما عندهم كريستيانو عندنا صلاحيانو! في الوقت بدل الضايع من ماتش المنتخب المصري مع الكونغو في تصفيات كاس العالم، كان صلاح على ميعاد مع تسجيل أهم ضربة جزاء في تاريخ كرة القدم المصرية، أمام 80 ألف متفرج في استاد القاهرة، وكانت سبب في تأهل مصر لكاس العالم بعد غياب 28 سنة.ملايين المصريين شافوه واقف يسدد بهدوء وثبات وتركيز، لكن اللي محدش يعرفه إنه... Read more
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Blood on the Risers - Abridged
By: John Leppelman
Narrated by: Scott Sowers
Length: 2 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
In three straight years he was a paratropper, and army seaman, and a LRRP—and he lived to tell about it.
As an FNG paratrooper in the 173d Airborne, John Leppelman made that unit's only combat jump in Vietnam. Then he spent months in fruitless search of the enemy, watching as his buddies died because of poor leadership and lousy weapons. Often... Read more

The Audacity of Hope - Abridged
By: Barack Obama
Narrated by: Barack Obama
Length: 6 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In July 2004, Barack Obama electrified the Democratic National Convention with an address that spoke to Americans across the political spectrum. Now, in The Audacity of Hope, Senator Obama calls for a different brand of politics–a politics for those weary of bitter partisanship and alienated by the “endless clash of armies” we see in Congress... Read more
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Donnie Brasco - Abridged
By: Joseph D. Pistone
Narrated by: Joseph D. Pistone
Length: 3 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
Posing as a jewel thief Donnie Brasco, FBI agent Joseph D. Pistone worked undercover for six years to infiltrate the flamboyant and deadly community of Mafia wise guys, captains and bosses. Now his eyewitness account brings to pulsing life the code of honor, loyalties and treacheries, and dirty dealings of unforgettable characters. Read more
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Washington - Abridged
By: Ron Chernow
Narrated by: Edward Herrmann
Length: 14 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and a New York Times Bestseller, a landmark biography of George Washington.
In Washington: A Life celebrated biographer Ron Chernow provides a richly nuanced portrait of the father of our nation. With a breadth and depth matched by no other one-volume life of Washington, this crisply paced narrative carries the... Read more