Biography & Memoir audiobooks

God's Choice - Abridged
By: George Weigel
Narrated by: George Weigel
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
George Weigel's New York Times bestselling biography of Pope John Paul II, Witness to Hope, set the standard by which all portraits of the modern papacy are now measured. With God's Choice, he gives us an extraordinary chronicle of the rise of Pope Benedict XVI as well as an unflinching view of the Catholic Church at the dawn of a new era.
When... Read more

Sommersprossen - Abridged
By: Sigi Sommer
Narrated by: Rüdiger Hacker
Length: 3 hours 27 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Ich hatte, seit ich etwa mit 10 Jahren eine 'Eins' im Aufsatz bekam, den festen Entschluss gefasst, Schriftsteller zu werden und nie mehr im Leben mit dem Schreiben aufzuhören." Und so hat er es dann im Großen und Ganzen auch gehalten. Wer den Namen Sigi Sommer hört, denkt zunächst einmal an die legendären Kolumnen, die ab den späten 1940er... Read more
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By: Alberto Bargos Cucó
Narrated by: Gontzal Mendibil
Length: 49 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Dolores Ibarruri Gómez, "Pasionaria", Gallarta herrian jaio zen 1895ean. Bere familia meatzaria izan zen. Gaztetan irakasle-ikasketak egin nahi izan zituen baina etxean ez zeukaten behar beste diru. Meatzari eta sozialista amorratu batekin ezkondu zen. Pobrezia gorrian bizi ziren baina mundua alda zitekeela uste zuen. Xede hau lortzeko... Read more
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The Mysterious Montague - Abridged
By: Leigh Montville
Narrated by: Scott Brick
Length: 6 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: Yes
He was a 1930s golf legend and Hollywood trickster who adamantly refused to be photographed. He never played professionally, yet sports-writing legend Grantland Rice still heralded him as “the greatest golfer in the world.” Then, in 1937, the secrets of John Montague’s past were exposed—leading to a sensational trial that captivated the... Read more
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Marley & Me - Abridged
By: John Grogan
Narrated by: John Grogan
Length: 6 hours 6 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Is it possible for humans to discover the key to happiness through a bigger-than-life, bad-boy dog? Just ask the Grogans.John and Jenny were just beginning their life together. They were young and in love, with not a care in the world. Then they brought home Marley, a wiggly yellow furball of a puppy. Life would never be the same.Marley grew... Read more
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Schulz and Peanuts - Abridged
By: David Michaelis
Narrated by: Holter Graham
Length: 12 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Charles M. Schulz, the most widely syndicated and beloved cartoonist of all time, is also one of the least understood figures in American culture. Now acclaimed biographer David Michaelis gives us an in-depth biography of the brilliant, unseen man behind Peanuts.It is the most American of stories: How a barber's son grew up from modest... Read more
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A Writer's Life - Abridged
By: Gay Talese
Narrated by: Gay Talese
Length: 5 hours 22 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The inner workings of a writer’s life, the interplay between experience and writing, are brilliantly recounted by a master of the art. Gay Talese now focuses on his own life—the zeal for the truth, the narrative edge, the sometimes startling precision, that won accolades for his journalism and best-sellerdom and acclaim for his revelatory books... Read more
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An Imperfect God - Abridged
By: Henry Wiencek
Narrated by: Rick Adamson
Length: 7 hours 30 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A major new biography of Washington, and the first to explore his engagement with American slavery
When George Washington wrote his will, he made the startling decision to set his slaves free; earlier he had said that holding slaves was his "only unavoidable subject of regret." In this groundbreaking work, Henry Wiencek explores the founding... Read more

Napoleon - Abridged
By: Elke Bader
Narrated by: Gert Heidenreich
Length: 2 hours 35 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Er war einer der größten Feldherrn der Geschichte, der ganz Europa seinen politischen Willen aufzwang. Aus einer verarmten korsischen Adelsfamilie stammend, nahm Napoleon Bonaparte im nachrevolutionären, krisengeschüttelten Frankreich einen kometenhaften Aufstieg. Mit 24 Jahren war er bereits General, wurde wenig später Oberkommandierender der... Read more
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A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare - Abridged
By: James Shapiro
Narrated by: James Shapiro
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
What accounts for Shakespeare’s transformation from talented poet and playwright to one of the greatest writers who ever lived? In this gripping account, James Shapiro sets out to answer this question, ""succeed[ing] where others have fallen short."" (Boston Globe)1599 was an epochal year for Shakespeare and England. During that year,... Read more
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الدحيحة - رولينج - Abridged
By: طاهر المعتز بالله
Narrated by: طاهر المعتز بالله
Length: 1 hour 35 minutes
Abridged: Yes
بعد كل هذا الوقت؟ إلى الأبد. كانت فقيرة وتكاد تكون بلا مأوى وعايشة على إعانات الدولة، وكتبت كتابتها من مقهى بيسمح لها تقعد طالما إنها بتطلب مشروب. كان عندها طفل صغير ومطلقة ووالدتها مُشخصة بمرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد. وفوق كل دا، كانت بتعاني من الاكتئاب وبتفكر في الانتحار. لكن كل دا مخلهاش تبطل تحلم تحقق طموحها في إنها تبقى كاتبة. في سنة 1990،... Read more
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Antonio Vivaldi und der Fluch des Phoenix - Abridged
By: Michael Vonau
Narrated by: Heiner Heusinger & Thomas Rübenacker
Length: 2 hours 10 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Antonio Vivaldi und der Fluch des Phoenix Dreimal wird Venedigs berühmtes Opernhaus - das Theater des Phoenix - Opfer von verheerenden Brandkatastrophen. Genug Arbeit für Fred, die Feuermaus, auf ihrem Zeitsprung durch die Musikgeschichte. Doch diesmal gibt es technische Probleme. Es verschlägt unsere Löschhelfer ins Venedig des Jahres 1726.... Read more
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The Cowboy Detective - Abridged
By: Charles Siringo
Narrated by: Michael Martin Murphey
Length: 2 hours 47 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A fascinating, true-life memoir of an undercover agent in the wild, wild west of the late 1800s!After years of cowboying, Charles A. Siringo settled down in Caldwell, Kansas to run a store— until an acquaintance told him that he was "cut out" for detective work. Thereupon, Siringo joined the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, where... Read more
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The Tempting of America - Abridged
By: Robert H. Bork
Narrated by: Robert H. Bork
Length: 3 hours 6 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A rare, insider' s look into the Supreme Court nomination process.In July of 1987, Judge Robert H. Bork was nominated to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan, but by late October that year, his confirmation was denied. In this candid account of his experiences, Bork describes the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearing from his point of... Read more
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Ein Gespräch über Dante Alighieri: Die Göttliche Komödie - Klassiker der Literaturgeschichte 2 (Gekürzt) - Abridged
By: Ulrike Draesner, John von Düffel, Timo Brunke &...
Narrated by: Ulrike Draesner, John von Düffel, Timo Brunke &...
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
In diesem Jahr jährt sich der 700. Todestag von Dante Alighieri: Die Göttliche Komödie, bedeutendes Werk der Weltliteratur, begründete die "Volks- sprache" Italienisch als Literatur- und Schriftsprache. Über den Autor, der 1265 in Flo- renz geboren wurde und im Alter von 62 in Ravenna verstarb, wissen wir indes wenig. Die Göttliche Komödie... Read more
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The Daws Butler Collection - Abridged
By: various authors, Charles Dawson Butler, Stan Fr...
Narrated by: Charles Dawson Butler, Stan Freberg, Joe Bevila...
Length: 17 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: Yes
From master voice actor Daws Butler, the voice of Yogi Bear, comes a rare collection of radio plays, cartoon scripts, and acting tutorials.Daws Butler's Halloween Happening by Daws ButlerA new production of the classic radio play, this ghostly story was originally written and performed by Daws Butler. Veteran voice actor Joe Bevilacqua teams up... Read more
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Steel Victories - Abridged
By: Monica C. Smith
Narrated by: Monica C. Smith & Marla Smith-McCoy
Length: 4 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: Yes
This father-daughter tale reveals how the author’s father taught her how to fight and survive in an unfiltered America. Born in the early 1940s, her father was thrown into a world where he had no choice but to fight in many different arenas, including the boxing ring and the courtroom. He instilled in her his unrelenting drive and will to win.... Read more
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Lincoln - Abridged
By: Philip B. Kunhardt, Jr., Philip B. Kunhardt, II...
Narrated by: Frank Langella
Length: 3 hours 16 minutes
Abridged: Yes
An audiobook to be treasured by all history buffs: the companion volume to the ABC TV documentary.
This remarkable biography presents Abraham Lincoln as we have never before seen him. The insightful and vibrant narrative draws extensively on diaries, letters, and other primary sources to provide a remarkably close-up view of Lincoln: the boy,... Read more

Ein Gespräch über Astrid Lindgren - Pippi Langstrumpf und Die Brüder Löwenherz - Klassiker der Literaturgeschichte 9 (Gekürzt) - Abridged
By: Ulrike Draesner, John von Düffel, Timo Brunke &...
Narrated by: Ulrike Draesner, John von Düffel, Timo Brunke &...
Length: 1 hour 18 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Astrid Lindgrens Figuren haben Generationen von Kindern geprägt und begeistern auch Erwachsene bis heute. "Pippi Langstrumpf" ist zwar nicht ihr Erstlingswerk, aber das wohl Bekannteste. Da es als Kinder- buch zu anspruchsvoll erschien, wurde es vom Verlag zunächst abgelehnt. Mit überarbeitetem Text und der erfolgreichen Teilnahme an einem... Read more
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Ein Gespräch über Otfried Preußler: Krabat und Die kleine Hexe - Klassiker der Literaturgeschichte 1 (Gekürzt) - Abridged
By: Ulrike Draesner, John von Düffel, Timo Brunke &...
Narrated by: Ulrike Draesner, John von Düffel, Timo Brunke &...
Length: 1 hour 31 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Otfried Preußlers Geschichten haben Generationen von Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen begeistert. Genannt seien nur die bekanntesten Figuren: Die kleine Hexe, Der Räuber Hotzenplotz und Das kleine Gespenst. Sein erstes Buch, Der kleine Was- sermann, erschien 1956 und erhielt ein Jahr später den Deutschen Jugendbuchpreis. Zunächst war... Read more
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My Life Among the Serial Killers - Abridged
By: Helen Morrison
Narrated by: Helen Morrison
Length: 5 hours 54 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Dr. Helen Morrison has profiled more than eighty serial killers around the world. What she has learned about them will shatter every assumption you've ever had about the most notorious killers known to man.Dr. Helen Morrison, a leading expert on serial killers, has spent as many as four hundred hours alone with depraved murderers. In My Life... Read more
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La audacia de la esperanza (abreviado) - Abridged
By: Barack Obama
Narrated by: Erwin Dorado
Length: 7 hours 44 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Reflexiones sobre como Restaurar el sueño Americano FonoLibro se complace en presentar el audiolibro en español "La audacia de la esperanza" del recién electo a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos de América, Barack Obama. En Julio de 2004, Barack Obama electrificó a la Convención Nacional Demócrata con un discurso que llegó a los Americanos de... Read more
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Bill Clinton - Abridged
By: Nigel Hamilton
Narrated by: James Adams
Length: 12 hours 21 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A decade and a half after William Jefferson Clinton first took the oath of office, biographer Nigel Hamilton tells the riveting story of what was possibly the greatest self-reinvention of a president in office in modern times. The Clinton presidency began disastrously and deteriorated in a series of fiascoes. How Bill Clinton faced up to his... Read more
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Stranger Than Fiction - Abridged
By: Chuck Palahniuk
Narrated by: Dennis Boutsikaris & Chuck Palahniuk
Length: 4 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Chuck Palahniuk's world has always been, well, different from yours and mine. The pieces that comprise Stranger than Fiction, his first nonfiction collection, prove just how different, in ways both highly entertaining and deeply unsettling. Included are encounters with alternative culture heroes Marilyn Manson and Juliette Lewis; the peculiar... Read more
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