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The Golden Needle - Abridged by Gillian Bickley
The Golden Needle - Abridged
Gillian Bickley
The Golden Needle - Abridged by Gillian Bickley

The Golden Needle - Abridged

By: Gillian Bickley

Narrated by: Verner Bickley

Length: 13 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Frederick Stewart, born in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, was the first headmaster of the HK Govt Central School for Boys (now Queen's College) and second Inspector of Schools. He was considered by contemporaries as the Founder of Hong Kong Government Education. At the Central School, his consistent policy was to educate pupils in Western... Read more

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na pamet - Abridged by petra kohlenprath
na pamet - Abridged
petra kohlenprath
na pamet - Abridged by petra kohlenprath

na pamet - Abridged

By: petra kohlenprath

Narrated by: petra kohlenprath

Length: 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

na pamet: aus dem gedächtnis einer slowenisch-deutsch schweigenden familie. ein hörbuch gelesen von petra kohlenprath, bassklarinette: gerald preinfalk Read more

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Elon Musk - Abridged by Ashley Vance & Elon Musk
Elon Musk - Abridged
Ashley Vance & Elon Musk
Elon Musk - Abridged by Ashley Vance & Elon Musk

Elon Musk - Abridged

By: Ashley Vance & Elon Musk

Narrated by: Michael J. Diekmann

Length: 13 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Elon Musk ist der da Vinci des 21. Jahrhunderts. Seine Firmengründungen lesen sich wie das Who's who der zukunftsträchtigsten Unternehmen der Welt. Alles, was dieser Mann anfasst, scheint zu Gold zu werden. Mit PayPal revolutionierte er das Zahlen im Internet, mit Tesla schreckte er die Autoindustrie auf und sein Raumfahrtunternehmen SpaceX ist... Read more

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Der Klang meines Lebens - Abridged by Patricia Kelly
Der Klang meines Lebens - Abridged
Patricia Kelly
Der Klang meines Lebens - Abridged by Patricia Kelly

Der Klang meines Lebens - Abridged

By: Patricia Kelly

Narrated by: Patricia Kelly

Length: 5 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Patricia Kelly, Mitglied der legendären Kelly Family, erzählt aus ihrem aufregenden Leben. Schon als 5-Jährige stand sie auf der Bühne. Rund 20 Jahre reiste die Kelly Family als Straßenmusiker durch die USA und Europa, bevor sie 1994 ihren großen kommerziellen Durchbruch erzielte. In großer Offenheit und mit viel Empathie teilt Patricia Kelly... Read more

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Rolle vorwärts - Abridged by Samuel Koch
Rolle vorwärts - Abridged
Samuel Koch
Rolle vorwärts - Abridged by Samuel Koch

Rolle vorwärts - Abridged

By: Samuel Koch

Narrated by: Samuel Koch

Length: 4 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Hätte ich von Anfang an gewusst, dass ich so lange Zeit fast vollständig gelähmt verbringen muss, ich wäre davongelaufen. Aber ich habe auch viele Stunden erlebt, die schön und glücklich waren und die mir gezeigt haben, dass das Leben manchmal weiter geht, als man denkt." Zwischen diesen beiden Polen bewegt sich Samuel Koch mit scheinbar... Read more

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Cartas para E.L. James e Neil Gaiman mais jovens - Abridged by E.L. James & Neil Gaiman
Cartas para E.L. James e Neil Gaiman mais jovens - Abridged
E.L. James & Neil Gaiman
Cartas para E.L. James e Neil Gaiman mais jovens - Abridged by E.L. James & Neil Gaiman

Cartas para E.L. James e Neil Gaiman mais jovens - Abridged

By: E.L. James & Neil Gaiman

Narrated by: Ana Maria Moraes

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

ESTE É UM EPISÓDIO DA OBRA "CARTA PARA O MEU JOVEM EU", DE JANE GRAHAM, QUE APRESENTAM CARTAS PARA E. L. JAMES E NEIL GAIMAN MAIS JOVENS. SE QUISER LER TODAS AS CARTAS LEIA A OBRA COMPLETA. Se a viagem no tempo fosse uma possibilidade, o que você diria ao seu eu adolescente, caso o encontrasse? Em Carta Para Meu Jovem Eu, personalidades das mais... Read more

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Searching for the Sound - Abridged by Phil Lesh
Searching for the Sound - Abridged
Phil Lesh
Searching for the Sound - Abridged by Phil Lesh

Searching for the Sound - Abridged

By: Phil Lesh

Narrated by: Phil Lesh

Length: 5 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Phil Lesh first met Jerry Garcia in 1959 in the clubs of Palo Alto, California. At Garcia's suggestion, Lesh learned to play the electric bass and joined him in a new group that blended R & B, country, and rock 'n' roll with an experimental fervor never before heard.
In time for the Grateful Dead's fortieth anniversary, Phil Lesh offers the... Read more

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God's Choice - Abridged by George Weigel
God's Choice - Abridged
George Weigel
God's Choice - Abridged by George Weigel

God's Choice - Abridged

By: George Weigel

Narrated by: George Weigel

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

George Weigel's New York Times bestselling biography of Pope John Paul II, Witness to Hope, set the standard by which all portraits of the modern papacy are now measured. With God's Choice, he gives us an extraordinary chronicle of the rise of Pope Benedict XVI as well as an unflinching view of the Catholic Church at the dawn of a new era.
When... Read more

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Cartas para Arianna Huffington e John Cleese mais jovens - Abridged by Arianna Huffington & John Cleese
Cartas para Arianna Huffington e John Cleese mais jovens - Abridged
Arianna Huffington & John Cleese
Cartas para Arianna Huffington e John Cleese mais jovens - Abridged by Arianna Huffington & John Cleese

Cartas para Arianna Huffington e John Cleese mais jovens - Abridged

By: Arianna Huffington & John Cleese

Narrated by: Ana Maria Moraes

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

ESTE É UM EPISÓDIO DA OBRA "CARTA PARA O MEU JOVEM EU", DE JANE GRAHAM, QUE APRESENTAM CARTAS PARA ARIANNA HUFFINGTON E JOHN CLEESE MAIS JOVENS. SE QUISER LER TODAS AS CARTAS LEIA A OBRA COMPLETA. Se a viagem no tempo fosse uma possibilidade, o que você diria ao seu eu adolescente, caso o encontrasse? Em Carta Para Meu Jovem Eu, personalidades... Read more

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Life Beyond Measure - Abridged by Sidney Poitier
Life Beyond Measure - Abridged
Sidney Poitier
Life Beyond Measure - Abridged by Sidney Poitier

Life Beyond Measure - Abridged

By: Sidney Poitier

Narrated by: Sidney Poitier

Length: 10 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sidney Poitier was one of the most revered actors in the history of Hollywood. He overcame enormous obstacles in extraordinary times and is a role model for many Americans because of his convictions, bravery, and grace. Poitier reflects on his amazing life in Life Beyond Measure, offering inspirational advice and personal stories in the form of... Read more

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Marley & Me - Abridged by John Grogan
Marley & Me - Abridged
John Grogan
Marley & Me - Abridged by John Grogan

Marley & Me - Abridged

By: John Grogan

Narrated by: John Grogan

Length: 6 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Is it possible for humans to discover the key to happiness through a bigger-than-life, bad-boy dog? Just ask the Grogans.John and Jenny were just beginning their life together. They were young and in love, with not a care in the world. Then they brought home Marley, a wiggly yellow furball of a puppy. Life would never be the same.Marley grew... Read more

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Ghost Hunting with Derek Acorah - Abridged by Derek Acorah
Ghost Hunting with Derek Acorah - Abridged
Derek Acorah
Ghost Hunting with Derek Acorah - Abridged by Derek Acorah

Ghost Hunting with Derek Acorah - Abridged

By: Derek Acorah

Narrated by: Derek Acorah

Length: 2 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The UK's number one TV psychic provides this fascinating and compelling guide to ghost hunting. With tips and hints on tools, locations, and types of spirit activity a budding ghost hunter might encounter, Acorah provides a remarkable guide with plenty of brilliant and absorbing stories of his own encounters. Derek Acorah,... Read more

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The Psychic Adventures of Derek Acorah - Abridged by Derek Acorah
The Psychic Adventures of Derek Acorah - Abridged
Derek Acorah
The Psychic Adventures of Derek Acorah - Abridged by Derek Acorah

The Psychic Adventures of Derek Acorah - Abridged

By: Derek Acorah

Narrated by: Derek Acorah

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

The UK’s number one TV psychic Derek Acorah tells of his experiences with the spirit world, from his one-to-one readings and consultations to international performances and renowned investigations for Living TV’s Most Haunted. The Psychic Adventures of Derek Acorah paperback went straight into the Sunday Times... Read more

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Canapa. Una storia incredibile - Abridged by Matteo Gracis
Canapa. Una storia incredibile - Abridged
Matteo Gracis
Canapa. Una storia incredibile - Abridged by Matteo Gracis

Canapa. Una storia incredibile - Abridged

By: Matteo Gracis

Narrated by: Omar Maestroni

Length: 6 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Una pianta che da migliaia di anni fa parte della vita degli umani, ma che da circa novant'anni è diventata oggetto delle attenzioni di quasi tutte le forze di polizia del mondo, un'icona del male nell'immaginario collettivo. Un ragazzo che incontra quella pianta, e suoi prodotti, quando sono avvolti di quell'aura illecita che attrae e... Read more

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A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare - Abridged by James Shapiro
A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare - Abridged
James Shapiro
A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare - Abridged by James Shapiro

A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare - Abridged

By: James Shapiro

Narrated by: James Shapiro

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

What accounts for Shakespeare’s transformation from talented poet and playwright to one of the greatest writers who ever lived? In this gripping account, James Shapiro sets out to answer this question, ""succeed[ing] where others have fallen short."" (Boston Globe)1599 was an epochal year for Shakespeare and England. During that year,... Read more

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A Migrant From The Expelled Generation - Abridged by Firas EL ECHI
A Migrant From The Expelled Generation - Abridged
A Migrant From The Expelled Generation - Abridged by Firas EL ECHI

A Migrant From The Expelled Generation - Abridged

By: Firas EL ECHI

Narrated by: Firas EL Echi

Length: 4 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"A Migrant from the Expelled Generation"What happens to a generation when their dreams of a decent, dignified life in their own home are shattered? Firas El Echi shares his story and theirs, recounting the journey of those who left everything behind in search of hope and opportunity. From his school days in Tunisia to starting over in Cairo,... Read more

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Die verbotene Reise - Abridged by Peter Wensierski
Die verbotene Reise - Abridged
Peter Wensierski
Die verbotene Reise - Abridged by Peter Wensierski

Die verbotene Reise - Abridged

By: Peter Wensierski

Narrated by: Jutta Seifert

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Im Sommer 1987 wagen zwei junge Ostberliner aus dem Prenzlauer Berg das große Abenteuer: Bedrängt von den politischen Verhältnissen, fälschen sie eine Einladung und erhalten daraufhin ein Visum für Russland und die Mongolei, Sehnsuchtsorte der beiden Wildnisliebhaber. Aber ihr geheimes Ziel ist das für DDR-Bürger eigentlich unerreichbare China.... Read more

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The Case for Hillary Clinton - Abridged by Susan Estrich
The Case for Hillary Clinton - Abridged
Susan Estrich
The Case for Hillary Clinton - Abridged by Susan Estrich

The Case for Hillary Clinton - Abridged

By: Susan Estrich

Narrated by: Susan Estrich

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

With the Bush era now in its final years, all eyes are turning to the 2008 political season -- especially those of Democratic voters, who are casting about for a galvanizing leader to help them win back the White House. Longtime political analyst Susan Estrich argues that no candidate even approaches the power and promise of Hillary Rodham... Read more

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Sage-ing While Age-ing - Abridged by Shirley MacLaine
Sage-ing While Age-ing - Abridged
Shirley MacLaine
Sage-ing While Age-ing - Abridged by Shirley MacLaine

Sage-ing While Age-ing - Abridged

By: Shirley MacLaine

Narrated by: Shirley MacLaine

Length: 6 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bestselling author and award-winning actress Shirley MacLaine invites readers to share in her decades-long quest for spiritual, physical, and personal harmony and truth. A New York Times bestseller in hardcover now in paperback, this book offers a provocative and enlightening synthesis of what Shirley has discovered in her years of searching for... Read more

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أنا السلام المستدام لنفسي - Abridged by دلال محمد الجريذي
أنا السلام المستدام لنفسي - Abridged
دلال محمد الجريذي
أنا السلام المستدام لنفسي - Abridged by دلال محمد الجريذي

أنا السلام المستدام لنفسي - Abridged

By: دلال محمد الجريذي

Narrated by: ورد اسماعيل

Length: 1 hour 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

عبارة عن خواطر فتاة في عمر الزهور كانت تعاني منها في وحدتها أمورًا قررت أن تواجهها بنفسها ولوحدها، ودروس أخرى تعلمتها من الحياة في ألمها وفرحها وحتى في سقوطها وخذلانها. وفي ظل بشاعة العالم قررت أن تبحث عن السلام من حولها ومن أقرب الناس أولًا حتى توسعت دائرة البحث شيئا فشيئًا لنطاق أبعد. لكنها لم تجد ما تبحث عنه، بل وجدت النقيض له تمامًا. وفي... Read more

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Kardashian Konfidential - Abridged by Kim, Khloe, Kourtney Kardashian
Kardashian Konfidential - Abridged
Kim, Khloe, Kourtney Kardashian
Kardashian Konfidential - Abridged by Kim, Khloe, Kourtney Kardashian

Kardashian Konfidential - Abridged

By: Kim, Khloe, Kourtney Kardashian

Narrated by: Kim, Kourtney, Khloe Kardashian

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Confessions of life as a Kardashian sister—stuffed with family stories, advice, beauty tips and exclusive gorgeous full color photos, personal snapshots and the inside scoop on their life growing up into the gorgeous Dash Dolls The stars of not one but two #1 reality television shows, and frequent cover girls on all the weekly celebrity... Read more

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PASIONARIA - Abridged by Alberto Bargos Cucó
Alberto Bargos Cucó
PASIONARIA - Abridged by Alberto Bargos Cucó


By: Alberto Bargos Cucó

Narrated by: Gontzal Mendibil

Length: 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dolores Ibarruri Gómez, "Pasionaria", Gallarta herrian jaio zen 1895ean. Bere familia meatzaria izan zen. Gaztetan irakasle-ikasketak egin nahi izan zituen baina etxean ez zeukaten behar beste diru. Meatzari eta sozialista amorratu batekin ezkondu zen. Pobrezia gorrian bizi ziren baina mundua alda zitekeela uste zuen. Xede hau lortzeko... Read more

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Strange Son - Abridged by Portia Iversen
Strange Son - Abridged
Portia Iversen
Strange Son - Abridged by Portia Iversen

Strange Son - Abridged

By: Portia Iversen

Narrated by: Jane Kaczmarek

Length: 5 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The uplifting true story of two mothers from opposite sides of the world united to help their sons.

Portia Iversen's life was turned upside down when her two-year-old son Dov was diagnosed with autism. Desperate to find a treatment, Portia was shocked to learn that almost nothing was known about the disorder, which only a handful of... Read more

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A Ranger Born - Abridged by Robert W. Black
A Ranger Born - Abridged
Robert W. Black
A Ranger Born - Abridged by Robert W. Black

A Ranger Born - Abridged

By: Robert W. Black

Narrated by: Charles Stransky

Length: 1 hour 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Even as a boy growing up amid the green hills of rural Pennsylvania, Robert W. Black knew he was destined to become a Ranger. With their three-hundred-year history of peerless courage and independence of spirit, Rangers are a uniquely American brand of soldier, one foot in the military, one in the wilderness—and that is what fired Black’s... Read more

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