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Steve Jobs: A Revolução da Apple - Abridged by Max Editorial
Steve Jobs: A Revolução da Apple - Abridged
Max Editorial
Steve Jobs: A Revolução da Apple - Abridged by Max Editorial

Steve Jobs: A Revolução da Apple - Abridged

By: Max Editorial

Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 2 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Steve Jobs, um nome que ecoa no panteão dos gênios inovadores, um visionário que moldou a era digital e revolucionou a forma como interagimos com a tecnologia. Cofundador da Apple Inc., Jobs não apenas criou produtos icônicos, mas também definiu uma filosofia de design e experiência do usuário que continua a inspirar o mundo até... Read more

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Kubrick's Mindscapes: An Exploration Of Psychological, Philosophical, And Symbolic Themes In His Films - Abridged by Eternia Publishing
Kubrick's Mindscapes: An Exploration Of Psychological, Philosophical, And Symbolic Themes In His Films - Abridged
Eternia Publishing
Kubrick's Mindscapes: An Exploration Of Psychological, Philosophical, And Symbolic Themes In His Films - Abridged by Eternia Publishing

Kubrick's Mindscapes: An Exploration Of Psychological, Philosophical, And Symbolic Themes In His Films - Abridged

By: Eternia Publishing

Narrated by: John Austin

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

KUBRICK'S MINDSCAPES:  AN EXPLORATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, AND SYMBOLIC THEMES IN HIS FILMS Discover the captivating world of Stanley Kubrick and his groundbreaking films with "KUBRICK'S MINDSCAPES". With chapters exploring the psychological depths of his characters, the philosophical aspects of his film techniques, the significance... Read more

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7 Marketing Plays - Abridged by Steve Murray Sesay & Stella Roache
7 Marketing Plays - Abridged
Steve Murray Sesay & Stella Roache
7 Marketing Plays - Abridged by Steve Murray Sesay & Stella Roache

7 Marketing Plays - Abridged

By: Steve Murray Sesay & Stella Roache

Narrated by: Steve Murray Sesay & Quaz Thompson

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

7 Marketing Plays is your guide to mastering the art of marketing in the digital age. Social media, Email, and Text marketing have become an essential tools for businesses aiming to reach new audiences, boost brand recognition, and gain sales. Whether you are a seasoned marketer looking to add new strategies to your playbook or a newcomer that... Read more

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Building Your Dream Life - Abridged by Bronwen Vearncombe
Building Your Dream Life - Abridged
Bronwen Vearncombe
Building Your Dream Life - Abridged by Bronwen Vearncombe

Building Your Dream Life - Abridged

By: Bronwen Vearncombe

Narrated by: Bronwen Vearncombe

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Forget waiting until retirement to start living your life. Start now!Bronwen Vearncombe spent 21 years as a banker in one of the top five UK banks, but when she was told she wouldn’t be able to draw her pension until she was 67, she became determined to escape the rat race. An impulse purchase of a rental flat led her to becoming a landlord and... Read more

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Rent to Rent - Abridged by Jacquie Edwards
Rent to Rent - Abridged
Jacquie Edwards
Rent to Rent - Abridged by Jacquie Edwards

Rent to Rent - Abridged

By: Jacquie Edwards

Narrated by: Jacquie Edwards

Length: 2 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Create £100,000 of income in 12 months using other people's property! Jacquie Edwards spent 12 months creating a property portfolio that pays her over £100,000 NET PROFIT per annum and she doesn't even own the houses! This book will help you to create the same success by answering all your questions about Rent to Rent, such as: What contract... Read more

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The Secret Door to Success - Abridged by Mitch Horowitz & Florence Scovel Shinn
The Secret Door to Success - Abridged
Mitch Horowitz & Florence Scovel Shinn
The Secret Door to Success - Abridged by Mitch Horowitz & Florence Scovel Shinn

The Secret Door to Success - Abridged

By: Mitch Horowitz & Florence Scovel Shinn

Narrated by: Mitch Horowitz

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A Door Separates You from Success—
Here Is the Key That Opens It.

Florence Scovel Shinn, the beloved author of The Game of Life and How to Play It, left the world one final, brilliant book written in 1940: The Secret Door to Success. In simple, practical terms, Shinn shows you exactly how to remove the barriers that keep you from love, money,... Read more

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She Said! - Abridged by Patricia Seabright
She Said! - Abridged
Patricia Seabright
She Said! - Abridged by Patricia Seabright

She Said! - Abridged

By: Patricia Seabright

Narrated by: Patricia Seabright

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes


The ability to speak and be heard matters. It matters for your credibility and your career. Yet, the reality is that many women find it challenging to speak and be fully heard.

Have you been ignored or interrupted in meetings?

Have you avoided giving a speech or presentation?

Have you spoken out and felt that people... Read more

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New Rules of Money - Abridged by Ric Edelman
New Rules of Money - Abridged
Ric Edelman
New Rules of Money - Abridged by Ric Edelman

New Rules of Money - Abridged

By: Ric Edelman

Narrated by: Ric Edelman

Length: 2 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

It's time to learn the new rules.You can't afford to manage your finances the way your parents did.While your parents and grandparents paid relatively little in taxes, you lose more than a third of your income to the tax collector. Prices for goods and services were stable for the first 60 years of this century, but you must buy today to avoid... Read more

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So, You’re New to Sales - Abridged by Bryan Flanagan
So, You’re New to Sales - Abridged
Bryan Flanagan
So, You’re New to Sales - Abridged by Bryan Flanagan

So, You’re New to Sales - Abridged

By: Bryan Flanagan

Narrated by: Bryan Flanagan

Length: 4 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bryan Flanagan wastes no time in instructing those new to the world of sales. He is direct and succinct, using as few words as possible to make it absolutely clear that selling is a learned skill and that professional salespeople are the ones who understand that selling is not about being a certain personality type; it is about being the go-to... Read more

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The Origin of The Spies - Abridged by Ben Amemador
The Origin of The Spies - Abridged
Ben Amemador
The Origin of The Spies - Abridged by Ben Amemador

The Origin of The Spies - Abridged

By: Ben Amemador

Narrated by: Larry Austin & Sarah Marvin

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

'The Origin of the Spies' is an expository narrative. It tells the origin of myriad forms of spies; piecing together circumstantial evidence in the Bible with basic Business models. Its content stresses business formation modalities quite needful but most times not privy to budding entrepreneurs. IP Commercialization, Due Diligence and Pretense... Read more

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Susan Wojcicki: A Mente por Trás do Sucesso do YouTube - Abridged by Max Editorial
Susan Wojcicki: A Mente por Trás do Sucesso do YouTube - Abridged
Max Editorial
Susan Wojcicki: A Mente por Trás do Sucesso do YouTube - Abridged by Max Editorial

Susan Wojcicki: A Mente por Trás do Sucesso do YouTube - Abridged

By: Max Editorial

Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 2 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Susan Wojcicki: um nome que se tornou sinônimo da plataforma de vídeo online mais popular do mundo, o YouTube. Sua jornada até o cargo de CEO da empresa é uma história inspiradora de visão, trabalho árduo e perserverança. Este livro mergulha na vida e carreira de Wojcicki, explorando seu papel fundamental no crescimento do YouTube e os desafios... Read more

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Tim Cook: O Visionário que Guiou a Apple após a Morte de Steve Jobs - Abridged by Max Editorial
Tim Cook: O Visionário que Guiou a Apple após a Morte de Steve Jobs - Abridged
Max Editorial
Tim Cook: O Visionário que Guiou a Apple após a Morte de Steve Jobs - Abridged by Max Editorial

Tim Cook: O Visionário que Guiou a Apple após a Morte de Steve Jobs - Abridged

By: Max Editorial

Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 2 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Em 2011, o mundo da tecnologia presenciou uma mudança marcante: a morte de Steve Jobs, o cofundador e CEO visionário da Apple. Diante de um futuro incerto, a empresa se viu em uma encruzilhada. Foi nesse momento que Tim Cook, até então vice-presidente sênior de operações, assumiu o comando da gigante de Cupertino. Este livro é um tributo à... Read more

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¡Rico el que lo lea! - Abridged by Luis Mi Negocios
¡Rico el que lo lea! - Abridged
Luis Mi Negocios
¡Rico el que lo lea! - Abridged by Luis Mi Negocios

¡Rico el que lo lea! - Abridged

By: Luis Mi Negocios

Narrated by: Germán Torre

Length: 3 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Finanzas personales para centennials, millenials y uno que otro rezagado Si te cayó la quincena y te la gastaste toda al tercer día; si no has podido ahorrar para ese viaje con el que has soñado durante años; si no tienes mucha idea de qué onda con los fondos de ahorro o las tarjetas de crédito, este audiolibro es para ti. Aquí tienes una guía... Read more

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The Profit Secret - Abridged by Bob Hayward & Nick Baldock
The Profit Secret - Abridged
Bob Hayward & Nick Baldock
The Profit Secret - Abridged by Bob Hayward & Nick Baldock

The Profit Secret - Abridged

By: Bob Hayward & Nick Baldock

Narrated by: Bob Hayward

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Want to know the secret of selling at a higher margin?

This book will explain how

Whether you are completely new to sales or have many years’ experience as a business owner, The Profit Secret reveals something that has been hiding in full view for years, something that frequently means we lose out on profit, even though we win the sale. This... Read more

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The Everything Improve Your Credit Book - Abridged by Justin Pritchard
The Everything Improve Your Credit Book - Abridged
Justin Pritchard
The Everything Improve Your Credit Book - Abridged by Justin Pritchard

The Everything Improve Your Credit Book - Abridged

By: Justin Pritchard

Narrated by: Rick Plastina

Length: 5 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Everything Improve Your Credit Book teaches you about the importance of good credit and how it affects your life. Author Justin Pritchard, M.B.A., the Guide to Banking and Loans, demystifies the often intimidating world of credit, with practical guidance on how to improve credit history and increase your credit score. With tips on... Read more

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The No Asshole Rule - Abridged by Robert I. Sutton
The No Asshole Rule - Abridged
Robert I. Sutton
The No Asshole Rule - Abridged by Robert I. Sutton

The No Asshole Rule - Abridged

By: Robert I. Sutton

Narrated by: Robert I. Sutton

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The definitive guide to working with -- and surviving -- bullies, creeps, jerks, tyrants, tormentors, despots, backstabbers, egomaniacs, and all the other assholes who do their best to destroy you at work.

"What an asshole!"

How many times have you said that about someone at work? You're not alone! In this groundbreaking book, Stanford... Read more

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The Truth About Money - Abridged by Ric Edelman
The Truth About Money - Abridged
Ric Edelman
The Truth About Money - Abridged by Ric Edelman

The Truth About Money - Abridged

By: Ric Edelman

Narrated by: Ric Edelman

Length: 2 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“A single source for what you need to know to put your financial house in order, an impressive piece of work, and very useful.”
—Bob Clark, Editor-in-Chief, Dow Jones Investment Advisor Ric Edelman, America’s most successful financial advisor, has revised and updated his classic personal finance bestseller to reflect the new global economic... Read more

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La Vaca - Versión con 6 capítulos nuevos - Abridged by Dr. Camilo Cruz
La Vaca - Versión con 6 capítulos nuevos - Abridged
Dr. Camilo Cruz
La Vaca - Versión con 6 capítulos nuevos - Abridged by Dr. Camilo Cruz

La Vaca - Versión con 6 capítulos nuevos - Abridged

By: Dr. Camilo Cruz

Narrated by: Carlos Hernandez

Length: 5 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El verdadero enemigo del éxito y la felicidad no es el fracaso, como muchos piensan, sino el conformismo y las excusas que limitan nuestro éxito. En esta extraordinaria metáfora, la vaca representa toda excusa, pretexto o justificación que nos mantiene atados a una vida conformista que nos impide utilizar nuestro potencial al máximo. Todos... Read more

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Ich bin WERT-VOLL! Die Geldmagnet-Hypnose (Update 2023) - Abridged by Tanja Kohl
Ich bin WERT-VOLL! Die Geldmagnet-Hypnose (Update 2023) - Abridged
Tanja Kohl
Ich bin WERT-VOLL! Die Geldmagnet-Hypnose (Update 2023) - Abridged by Tanja Kohl

Ich bin WERT-VOLL! Die Geldmagnet-Hypnose (Update 2023) - Abridged

By: Tanja Kohl

Narrated by: Tanja Kohl

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Geh aus dem Gefühl des Mangels in die Energie von Reichtum und Fülle! Mit dieser Selbsthypnose gelingt es dir, vom universellen Reichtum zu profitieren und Fülle in deinem Leben zu erschaffen, so dass du nicht im Außen danach zu suchen musst. Du lernst, wie du DIE FÜLLE IN DEIN LEBEN ZIEHEN KANNST, ohne etwas erzwingen zu... Read more

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Los genios no nacen... ¡se hacen! - Abridged by Dr. Camilo Cruz
Los genios no nacen... ¡se hacen! - Abridged
Dr. Camilo Cruz
Los genios no nacen... ¡se hacen! - Abridged by Dr. Camilo Cruz

Los genios no nacen... ¡se hacen! - Abridged

By: Dr. Camilo Cruz

Narrated by: Carlos Hernandez

Length: 5 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A través de los siglos, el ser humano ha buscado responder una de las mayores incógnitas acerca de sí mismo: el verdadero poder que reside en su mente, y el papel que ella juega en el logro de su éxito y felicidad personal. Lo cierto es que todos somos genios en potencia y podemos alcanzar mucho más de lo que hasta ahora hemos logrado. Sin... Read more

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Economic, Business and Artificial Intelligence Common Knowledge Terms And Definitions - Abridged by Steve Dafoe
Economic, Business and Artificial Intelligence Common Knowledge Terms And Definitions - Abridged
Steve Dafoe
Economic, Business and Artificial Intelligence Common Knowledge Terms And Definitions - Abridged by Steve Dafoe

Economic, Business and Artificial Intelligence Common Knowledge Terms And Definitions - Abridged

By: Steve Dafoe

Narrated by: Cory Stoutner

Length: 2 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Recently, I learned about General Artificial Intelligence and the implications it will have in our lives. The array of opinions crosses the full spectrum from the wonderful ways it will improve our lives to the fear it could unleash a ‘Self-Controlled Superintelligence’ that may not align itself with human social and ethical constructs. This... Read more

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Manual da influência - Abridged by Alex Monteiro
Manual da influência - Abridged
Alex Monteiro
Manual da influência - Abridged by Alex Monteiro

Manual da influência - Abridged

By: Alex Monteiro

Narrated by: Daniel Bertolucci

Length: 4 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

SABER AONDE SE QUER CHEGAR É TÃO IMPORTANTE QUANTO SABER COMO CHEGAR. Influenciar tem a ver com fazer as pessoas mudarem de direção. Para isso, é preciso possibilitar que criem as melhores versões de si mesmas durante suas trajetórias, para que sejam autênticas, responsáveis, verdadeiras e estejam alinhadas com os seus propósitos. Em Manual... Read more

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El Santo Grial de la inversión - Abridged by Tony Robbins & Christopher Zook
El Santo Grial de la inversión - Abridged
Tony Robbins & Christopher Zook
El Santo Grial de la inversión - Abridged by Tony Robbins & Christopher Zook

El Santo Grial de la inversión - Abridged

By: Tony Robbins & Christopher Zook

Narrated by: Miguel Coll

Length: 12 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Descubre cómo piensan las mejores inversores del mundo El autor bestseller número uno del New York Times,Tony Robbins, pone fin con este libro a su trilogía sobre la libertad financiera, y lo hace con una guía práctica para desvelar el poder de las inversiones alternativas. Junto al renombrado inversor Christopher Zook, Robbins ha entrevistado a... Read more

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New release
Mentalidad Inversionista - Abridged by Jorge I. Casares Zambrano
Mentalidad Inversionista - Abridged
Jorge I. Casares Zambrano
Mentalidad Inversionista - Abridged by Jorge I. Casares Zambrano

Mentalidad Inversionista - Abridged

By: Jorge I. Casares Zambrano

Narrated by: Jorge I. Casares Zambrano

Length: 4 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Saber invertir es una necesidad en un entorno. Con el audiolibro "Mentalidad Inversionista", aprende cuánto, cuándo y cómo invertir en empresas, desde la búsqueda hasta el monitoreo de tu portafolio. "¿Cómo se puede invertir de manera no sólo prudente sino también exitosa? Esta pregunta se la hacen todos aquellos que están dispuestos a... Read more

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