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Folgen 21-24: Die Kondor-Rettung by author
Folgen 21-24: Die Kondor-Rettung
Folgen 21-24: Die Kondor-Rettung by author

Folgen 21-24: Die Kondor-Rettung

By: author

Narrated by: Victoria Frenz

Length: 1 hour 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Die vier Freunde Matt, Jia, Emma und Tim mögen zwar wie gewöhnliche Grundschüler*innen aussehen, aber sie sind alles andere als das. Denn wenn wilde Tiere auf der ganzen Welt in Schwierigkeiten geraten passiert etwas Unglaubliches: Das Team der heldenhaften 7-Jährigen enthält ein spezielles Signal und gemeinsam mit ihren Roboter-Haustieren... Read more

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Dogs at Work by Sherry Shahan
Dogs at Work
Sherry Shahan
Dogs at Work by Sherry Shahan

Dogs at Work

By: Sherry Shahan

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Dogs have many ways to show that they are "man's best friend." Read more

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The Black Tower by Betsy Byars
The Black Tower
Betsy Byars
The Black Tower by Betsy Byars

The Black Tower

By: Betsy Byars

Narrated by: Lauren Davis

Length: 3 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

At the eerie Hunt mansion, Herculeah Jones has been reading aloud to Lionus Hunt, an elderly stroke victim who can only communicate by blinking his eyes (once for yes, twice for no). Mr. Hunt seems to be trying to tell Herculeah something, but his gruff nurse won't allow her to ask any questions. What is Mr. Hunt trying to say? Is it related to... Read more

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Охотники за мифами. Тайна призрачного поезда by Евгений Гаглоев
Охотники за мифами. Тайна призрачного поезда
Евгений Гаглоев
Охотники за мифами. Тайна призрачного поезда by Евгений Гаглоев

Охотники за мифами. Тайна призрачного поезда

By: Евгений Гаглоев

Narrated by: Алексей Багдасаров

Length: 2 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Одним ранним утром к Князевым наведывается давний приятель их семьи — профессор истории Юлиан Семёнович. У него интригующая и загадочная история для Игоря, Максима и Киры: много лет назад один из потомков богатого, но разорившегося рода промышленников Урала в попытках сбежать от кредиторов погрузил остатки фамильного золота на поезд, чтобы... Read more

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Fish Book for Kids by Jeff Child
Fish Book for Kids
Jeff Child
Fish Book for Kids by Jeff Child

Fish Book for Kids

By: Jeff Child

Narrated by: John H. Fehskens

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

A crawling fish who found his ability to look through walls.Shaw the crawling fish cannot look through walls, but he desperately wants to. His friend tells him to be in a life-or-death situation so that his innate instincts will kick in. At first, all Shaw’s futile attempts lead him nowhere, but when a cougar appears at the docks, Shaw becomes... Read more

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Class Act by Jerry Craft
Class Act
Jerry Craft
Class Act by Jerry Craft

Class Act

By: Jerry Craft

Narrated by: Nile Bullock, Jesus Del Orden, Guy Lockard, Mar...

Length: 2 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

New York Times bestselling author Jerry Craft returns with a companion book to New Kid, winner of the 2020 Newbery Medal, the Coretta Scott King Author Award, and the Kirkus Prize. The audiobook was a 2020 Audie Awards Finalist for Middle Grade and named an Audible Best Audiobook of the Year. This time, it’s Jordan’s friend Drew who takes center... Read more

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Sleepover Scientist by Kelly Starling Lyons
Sleepover Scientist
Kelly Starling Lyons
Sleepover Scientist by Kelly Starling Lyons

Sleepover Scientist

By: Kelly Starling Lyons

Narrated by: Channie Waites

Length: 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Jada Jones is back for the third book of this popular, celebrated series perfect for STEM fans! Jada is hosting her first sleepover, and she has lots of cool scientific activities planned: kitchen chemistry, creating invisible ink, and even making slime! But when her friends get tired of the lessons and just want to hang out, can Jada figure out... Read more

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The Gorgon Slayer by Gary Paulsen
The Gorgon Slayer
Gary Paulsen
The Gorgon Slayer by Gary Paulsen

The Gorgon Slayer

By: Gary Paulsen

Narrated by: Jeff Woodman

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

A horrid shriek erupted from behind the stairs, and clammy, leathery wings exploded into Warren’s face. He slammed his eyes shut and beat the Gorgon off, hearing Rick’s sword swish through empty air. Warren dove back, rolled on his shoulder, and came up clear, his sword slicing in every direction …

With his turned-up nose and pointy ears, Warren... Read more

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Die kluge Bauerntochter by Brüder Grimm
Die kluge Bauerntochter
Brüder Grimm
Die kluge Bauerntochter by Brüder Grimm

Die kluge Bauerntochter

By: Brüder Grimm

Narrated by: Claudia Gräf

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm sind weltweit die größte und berühmteste Märchensammlung und das meistübersetzte deutschsprachige Werk. Hören Sie hier alle 273 Märchen aus der ungekürzten Hörbuchausgabe. Neben den 200 Märchen und 15 Kinderlegenden der Ausgabe letzter Hand werden sämtliche nur in früheren Auflagen veröffentlichte... Read more

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Doc Caro - Einsatz im Blut - Ein Hörspiel über Blut, Wunden und wie sie heilen by Dr. med. Carola Holzner
Doc Caro - Einsatz im Blut - Ein Hörspiel über Blut, Wunden und wie sie heilen
Dr. med. Carola Holzner
Doc Caro - Einsatz im Blut - Ein Hörspiel über Blut, Wunden und wie sie heilen by Dr. med. Carola Holzner

Doc Caro - Einsatz im Blut - Ein Hörspiel über Blut, Wunden und wie sie heilen

By: Dr. med. Carola Holzner

Narrated by: Dr. med. Carola Holzner

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Doc Caros große Mission: Wissen vermitteln und Leben retten! Doc Caro wird zu einem Unfall gerufen - ein Mädchen hat sich im Skate-Park verletzt. Doc Caro kann die Platzwunde versorgen und begibt sich gemeinsam mit dem jungen Momo und den Hörer*innen auf eine faszinierende Reise in den Körper der Verletzten ... Was passiert, wenn wir bluten,... Read more

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The Life of A Penny by Cee Jay Spring
The Life of A Penny
Cee Jay Spring
The Life of A Penny by Cee Jay Spring

The Life of A Penny

By: Cee Jay Spring

Narrated by: Joshua L.

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Kids book story about a magical penny that can talk and a boy who can hear him! Read more

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The Voyage of the Frog by Gary Paulsen
The Voyage of the Frog
Gary Paulsen
The Voyage of the Frog by Gary Paulsen

The Voyage of the Frog

By: Gary Paulsen

Narrated by: Kerin McCue

Length: 3 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

"I am going to be cremated. I want you to take my ashes out alone on the Frog, out to sea alone, and leave me there. Take me to where you can't see land and scatter my ashes there on the water ." 14-year-old David Alspeth is the owner of a 22-foot sailboat, an inheritance from his uncle Owen, who recently died of cancer. Uncle Owen's last... Read more

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If You're Reading This, It's Too Late by Pseudonymous Bosch
If You're Reading This, It's Too Late
Pseudonymous Bosch
If You're Reading This, It's Too Late by Pseudonymous Bosch

If You're Reading This, It's Too Late

By: Pseudonymous Bosch

Narrated by: Joshua Swanson

Length: 6 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No


Dangerous secrets lie between the pages of this book.

OK, I warned you. But if you think I'll give anything away, or tell you that this is the sequel to my first literary endeavor, The Name of This Book is Secret, you're wrong.

I'm not going to remind you of how we last left our heroes, Cass and Max-Ernest, as they awaited intiation into... Read more

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Andrew and the Midnight Ape by David Horan
Andrew and the Midnight Ape
David Horan
Andrew and the Midnight Ape by David Horan

Andrew and the Midnight Ape

By: David Horan

Narrated by: Chris Knight

Length: 2 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Most children in the world like to play and have fun. Many children have pets that they like to play with, usually a dog, a cat, a hamster, or a guinea pig.Some lucky children even have a horse or a pony to play with.But what if you were a nine-year-old boy or an eight-year-old girl, and you had a big, male silverback gorilla to play with? What... Read more

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Magic Tree House: Books 29 & 30 by Mary Pope Osborne
Magic Tree House: Books 29 & 30
Mary Pope Osborne
Magic Tree House: Books 29 & 30 by Mary Pope Osborne

Magic Tree House: Books 29 & 30

By: Mary Pope Osborne

Narrated by: Mary Pope Osborne

Length: 2 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Two exciting Magic Tree House adventures, narrated by author Mary Pope Osborne.

A BIG DAY FOR BASEBALL: Batter up! The magic tree house has whisked Jack and Annie back in time to the 1940's. They're in Brooklyn, New York for a very special baseball game.
HURRICANE HEROES IN TEXAS: Jack and Annie are on a mission! When the magic tree house... Read more

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The Gift of Guide Dogs by Kippy Dalton
The Gift of Guide Dogs
Kippy Dalton
The Gift of Guide Dogs by Kippy Dalton

The Gift of Guide Dogs

By: Kippy Dalton

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 1 minute

Abridged: No

Readers will learn about what it would be like to be blind and how guide dogs assist blind people with their daily activities. Read more

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Jori, der kleine Troll by Marita Sydow Hamann
Jori, der kleine Troll
Marita Sydow Hamann
Jori, der kleine Troll by Marita Sydow Hamann

Jori, der kleine Troll

By: Marita Sydow Hamann

Narrated by: Marita Sydow Hamann

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Der kleine Troll Jori lebt in Trollhausen, einem Trolldorf mitten im Wald. Auch Trolle müssen zur Schule gehen, doch dort lernen sie nicht lesen, schreiben und rechen sondern solch seltsame Dinge wie auf Mäusen zu reiten, leise zu gehen und Bienen zu betören, um an ihren Honig zu gelangen. Mitten im Unterricht über Bienen geschieht es: Die... Read more

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Mizzi Mozzi And The Twisted, Tangled Tallasantra Talisman by Alannah Zim
Mizzi Mozzi And The Twisted, Tangled Tallasantra Talisman
Alannah Zim
Mizzi Mozzi And The Twisted, Tangled Tallasantra Talisman by Alannah Zim

Mizzi Mozzi And The Twisted, Tangled Tallasantra Talisman

By: Alannah Zim

Narrated by: Alannah Zim

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

In the land of Mizzipotazia, Mizzi Mozzi and her friends, Lekko and Flip-Flop, face an unusual storm. To restore the sunny weather, they seek the help of Sliam-Sang, the Shamanic Sheeva who controls weather with the Tallasantra Talisman. However, Sliam-Sang's apprentice, Sliam-Tootee, has tangled the talisman, and only Squeegee Squargan Oil can... Read more

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20 тысяч лье под водой by Жюль Верн & Игнатий Петров
20 тысяч лье под водой
Жюль Верн & Игнатий Петров
20 тысяч лье под водой by Жюль Верн & Игнатий Петров

20 тысяч лье под водой

By: Жюль Верн & Игнатий Петров

Narrated by: Сергей Кирсанов

Length: 16 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

"ДВАДЦАТЬ ТЫСЯЧ ЛЬЕ ПОД ВОДОЙ" [1869] – один из самых известных романов популярного французского писателя Жюля Верна – рассказывает о невероятном кругосветном путешествии в морских глубинах на фантастической подводной лодке "Наутилус". Захватывающий сюжет, атмосфера таинственности, неожиданные и опасные приключения соседствуют с реалистически... Read more

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Duimelijntje by H.C. Andersen
H.C. Andersen
Duimelijntje by H.C. Andersen


By: H.C. Andersen

Narrated by: Karin Douma

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Een vrouw wilde een kind, maar wist niet hoe ze dat aan moest pakken, dus vroeg ze een heks om hulp. De heks gaf haar een gerstzaadje en vertelde haar om dit te planten. Nauwelijks had ze dit gedaan of er groeide een grote tulp uit. Toen deze openklapte ontdekte de vrouw een piepklein meisje, niet groter dan haar duim. Ze noemde haar Duimelijntje. Read more

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MirrorMask by Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman
MirrorMask by Neil Gaiman


By: Neil Gaiman

Narrated by: Stephanie Leonidas

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Helena is about to embark on a most amazing journey.Raised in a family of circus performers, she’s always dreamed of leading a more ordinary life. But when haunting music draws her into a strange and magical realm, one where anything can happen, her real life is stolen by a runaway from the other side. Helena must rescue the realm from chaos in... Read more

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35+ Anthology of Christmas stories. Classic collection by Charles Dickens, L.M. Montgomery, L. Frank Baum, Mark Twain, Louisa May Alcott, Leo Tolstoy, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Nikolai Gogol, William Dean Howells, Joseph Rudyard Kipling, Elizabeth Harrison, John Milton, Hans Christian Andersen, Selma Lagerlof, Clement Moore, Henry van Dyke, Beatrix Potter, Anton Chekhov & G. K. Chesterton
35+ Anthology of Christmas stories. Classic collection
Charles Dickens, L.M. Montgomery, L. Frank Baum...
35+ Anthology of Christmas stories. Classic collection by Charles Dickens, L.M. Montgomery, L. Frank Baum, Mark Twain, Louisa May Alcott, Leo Tolstoy, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Nikolai Gogol, William Dean Howells, Joseph Rudyard Kipling, Elizabeth Harrison, John Milton, Hans Christian Andersen, Selma Lagerlof, Clement Moore, Henry van Dyke, Beatrix Potter, Anton Chekhov & G. K. Chesterton

35+ Anthology of Christmas stories. Classic collection

By: Charles Dickens, L.M. Montgomery, L. Frank Baum...

Narrated by: Peter Coates & Trevor O'Hare

Length: 14 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Enchanting, tragic, and hilarious fairy tales for adults and children grace these pages. An initial glance might lead you to assume that these are satirical versions of classic Christmas ghost stories. However, beneath the humorous stories involving ghosts, repentant sinners, miracles, and good peasants who find well-deserved happiness, lies a... Read more

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Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps
Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat

Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps

By: Marjorie Weinman Sharmat

Narrated by: John Lavelle

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Join the world’s greatest detective, Nate the Great, as he solves the mystery of the missing money box! Perfect for beginning readers and the Common Core, this long-running chapter book series will encourage children to problem-solve with Nate, using logical thinking to solve mysteries!  

Nate the Great’s friend... Read more

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Llama or Alpaca? by Christina Leaf
Llama or Alpaca?
Christina Leaf
Llama or Alpaca? by Christina Leaf

Llama or Alpaca?

By: Christina Leaf

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Llamas and alpacas can be hard to tell apart. But between face shape and hair length, these human helpers have subtle traits that make them unique! Side-by-side comparisons support simple text and stunning photos to help readers identify these Andean animals. Read more

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