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The Beatrix Potter Collection by Beatrix Potter
The Beatrix Potter Collection
Beatrix Potter
The Beatrix Potter Collection by Beatrix Potter

The Beatrix Potter Collection

By: Beatrix Potter

Narrated by: Noelle Dupuis

Length: 1 hour 33 minutes

Abridged: No

This collection of engaging children’s stories by iconic British author Beatrix Potter includes eleven of her most popular tales. Included are “The Tale of Peter Rabbit,” “The Tale of Benjamin Bunny,” “The Tale of Jeremy Fisher,” “The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle,” “The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies,” “The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck,” “The Tale of... Read more

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Marshall Armstrong Is New To Our School by David Mackintosh
Marshall Armstrong Is New To Our School
David Mackintosh
Marshall Armstrong Is New To Our School by David Mackintosh

Marshall Armstrong Is New To Our School

By: David Mackintosh

Narrated by: Stephen Mangan

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Quirky, witty and brilliant, Marshall Armstrong is new to school and he definitely stands out from the crowd; but will he find it easy to make friends? A highly original take on a perennially popular theme, performed by Stephen Mangan. Marshall Armstrong is new to our school.He looks different to me. His laces are... Read more

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Van Dusen, Folge 33: Verzockt by Marc Freund
Van Dusen, Folge 33: Verzockt
Marc Freund
Van Dusen, Folge 33: Verzockt by Marc Freund

Van Dusen, Folge 33: Verzockt

By: Marc Freund

Narrated by: Uve Teschner, Helen Blaschke, Manja Doering, Mi...

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Verschuldet und vom Unglück verfolgt, will sich Ed Plummer eigentlich im Lagerraum der von ihm geleiteten Supermarktfiliale aufhängen, als ihm seine ebenso verschrobene wie kaltblütige Angestellte Vicky Rooster ein Angebot macht: Warum statt sich selbst nicht lieber ihren reichen Bruder umbringen? Der Plan läuft jedoch nicht wie gedacht und bald... Read more

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Robots by Dr. Henny Admoni & Neon Squid
Dr. Henny Admoni & Neon Squid
Robots by Dr. Henny Admoni & Neon Squid


By: Dr. Henny Admoni & Neon Squid

Narrated by: Daniel Henning

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Robots features sound design and special effects to enhance your listening enjoyment. Listen out for the beeps and hums of computers and techno music!

The future is here. Explore the world of robots and artificial intelligence in this kids’ STEM audiobook by robotics professor Dr. Henny Admoni.

Hang out in a factory with a pizza-making robot,... Read more

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Sammy Keyes and the Hollywood Mummy by Wendelin Van Draanen
Sammy Keyes and the Hollywood Mummy
Wendelin Van Draanen
Sammy Keyes and the Hollywood Mummy by Wendelin Van Draanen

Sammy Keyes and the Hollywood Mummy

By: Wendelin Van Draanen

Narrated by: Tara Sands

Length: 6 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Hooray for Hollywood? The saucy sleuth Sammy Keyes discovers otherwise in this spirited mystery. When Sammy’s mother dumped her with Grams to go to Hollywood and become a star, Sammy dealt with it. But when she discovers that Lady Lana has changed her name, dyed her hair, and shaved ten years off her age, Sammy hops a bus to Hollywood and finds... Read more

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Behind the Mountains by Edwidge Danticat
Behind the Mountains
Edwidge Danticat
Behind the Mountains by Edwidge Danticat

Behind the Mountains

By: Edwidge Danticat

Narrated by: Ella Turenne

Length: 3 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

A lyrical and poignant coming-of-age story about one girl's immigration experience, as she moves from Haiti to New York City, byaward-winning author Edwidge Danticat.It is election time in Haiti, and bombs are going off in the capital city of Port-au-Prince. During a visit from her home in rural Haiti,Celiane Esperance and her mother are nearly... Read more

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Das ewige Glas (Glas-Trilogie Band 3) by Heiko  Hentschel
Das ewige Glas (Glas-Trilogie Band 3)
Heiko Hentschel
Das ewige Glas (Glas-Trilogie Band 3) by Heiko  Hentschel

Das ewige Glas (Glas-Trilogie Band 3)

By: Heiko Hentschel

Narrated by: Alex Bolte

Length: 9 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Das spektakuläre Finale der atemberaubenden Glastrilogie Moritz reist mit seiner Schwester Konstanze und ihrer Freundin Helene durch das düstere mittelalterliche Deutschland. Sie sind auf der Flucht vor der Hexe Baba Jaga, die die Seele von Helenes Bruder Edgar fordert, die sich in eine kleine Elster zurückgezogen hat. Um Edgars Seele zu retten,... Read more

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The Adventures of Sir Gawain the True by Gerald Morris
The Adventures of Sir Gawain the True
Gerald Morris
The Adventures of Sir Gawain the True by Gerald Morris

The Adventures of Sir Gawain the True

By: Gerald Morris

Narrated by: Steve West

Length: 1 hour 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Many years ago, the storytellers say, the great King Arthur brought justice to England with the help
of his gallant Knights of the Round Table.

King Arthur’s Knights were brave like Sir Lancelot the Great. They were smart like Sir Givret the Short. But they didn’t always act quite as . . . gallantly as a true knight should. Even King Arthur’s... Read more

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LEGACIES by Laurence Haynes
Laurence Haynes
LEGACIES by Laurence Haynes


By: Laurence Haynes

Narrated by: joseph Mack

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Author L.M. Haynes has created a children's book with a deep moral fabric in his book titled Legacies, which makes readers ponder the topic of what will be left to others after one dies. Just what would be your legacy left to others? He brings out the values needed to prepare for death by living your life in truth, tradition, unconditional love,... Read more

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I am Abraham Lincoln by Brad Meltzer
I am Abraham Lincoln
Brad Meltzer
I am Abraham Lincoln by Brad Meltzer

I am Abraham Lincoln

By: Brad Meltzer

Narrated by: Oliver Wyman & Various

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

We can all be heroes. That’s the inspiring message of this lively biography series from New York Times bestselling author Brad Meltzer.
“Kids always search for heroes, so we might as well have a say in it,” Brad Meltzer realized, and so he envisioned this friendly, fun approach to biography – for his own kids, and for yours. Each audiobook... Read more

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The Adventures of the Bureau of the Missing Socks by Millicent Sutton
The Adventures of the Bureau of the Missing Socks
Millicent Sutton
The Adventures of the Bureau of the Missing Socks by Millicent Sutton

The Adventures of the Bureau of the Missing Socks

By: Millicent Sutton

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Ever wonder where those missing socks go? Are they a gaggle of socks banded together off somewhere on a secret mission? Or a gang of misfits haplessly shoved to the bottom of a bureau, avoiding the fate of becoming a favorite chew toy? Travel along with Ruby, a mate-less soccer sock, and her best friend Tubbey the tube sock, as they take you on... Read more

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George Washington's Engineer by Darcy Pattison & Terry Kole
George Washington's Engineer
Darcy Pattison & Terry Kole
George Washington's Engineer by Darcy Pattison & Terry Kole

George Washington's Engineer

By: Darcy Pattison & Terry Kole

Narrated by: Josiah Bildner

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

In January 1776, George Washington had a problem: the British army controlled the city of Boston. The colonial army needed to force the British to leave. But how? Washington had a solution: ask his engineer Rufus Putnam to solve the problem. They needed to take control of the high ground, Dorchester Heights, just south of Boston. They could... Read more

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L'école des gars tome 3. Ça se complique à l'école des gars by Maryse Peyskens
L'école des gars tome 3. Ça se complique à l'école des gars
Maryse Peyskens
L'école des gars tome 3. Ça se complique à l'école des gars by Maryse Peyskens

L'école des gars tome 3. Ça se complique à l'école des gars

By: Maryse Peyskens

Narrated by: Jacques Lussier

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

L’École des Gars accueille un nouvel élève : Fabien, un jeune hypersensible, renfermé et timide. Afin de l’aider à s’intégrer, Foinfoin propose un programme 100% zen. Au début, les gars, ainsi que Léonie, prennent plaisir à ce changement. Pourtant, au fil des jours, les élèves s’ennuient. Et qui dit ennui, dit conflit. Pour tenter de résoudre ce... Read more

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Making It Big in Chicago! by Bïa Krieger
Making It Big in Chicago!
Bïa Krieger
Making It Big in Chicago! by Bïa Krieger

Making It Big in Chicago!

By: Bïa Krieger

Narrated by: Alexa Devine

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Mama and Papa Poss huddle up by their fireplace as thunder crashes outside when all of a sudden: bam, bam, bam! It’s a poor, soggy, vagabond bullfrog seeking shelter from the storm. Turns out, he’s no ordinary bullfrog. He sings the blues, and he was on his way to Chicago when the squall sent him adrift. Storm or no storm, a chance to play with... Read more

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Coming soon
Mariam's Dream by Leila Boukarim
Mariam's Dream
Leila Boukarim
Mariam's Dream by Leila Boukarim

Mariam's Dream

By: Leila Boukarim

Narrated by: Lameece Issaq

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Mariam's Dream follows real-life freedom dreamer Mariam Al-Shaar, known around the world for building Soufra, a women-run kitchen in the Bourj Al-Barajneh refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon. This is a story about how one woman can make a huge difference. Once Mariam decides to start a food business in the refugee camp where she’s spent her whole... Read more

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Als doden slapen by Mel Hartman
Als doden slapen
Mel Hartman
Als doden slapen by Mel Hartman

Als doden slapen

By: Mel Hartman

Narrated by: Relinde de Graaff

Length: 8 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

April Charles is nog niet bekomen van haar vorige avontuur of er wordt haar weer om hulp gevraagd. Dit keer door niemand minder dan Hecate, een hogere elf. Hecate heeft verontrustend nieuws: van de groep miljardairs die van Terr een pretpark voor volwassenen wilde maken, is er één ontsnapt, die nog duisterdere plannen lijkt te hebben.April heeft... Read more

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Die Schwarzen Musketiere 3 by Oliver Pötzsch
Die Schwarzen Musketiere 3
Oliver Pötzsch
Die Schwarzen Musketiere 3 by Oliver Pötzsch

Die Schwarzen Musketiere 3

By: Oliver Pötzsch

Narrated by: Götz Otto

Length: 11 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

1634 – der Krieg in Europa geht in sein 17. Jahr und der große Feldherr Wallenstein ist tot. Steckt der Inquisitor Waldemar von Schönborn hinter der seiner Ermordung? Will er den Krieg in die Länge ziehen, um seine eigenen Ziele verfolgen? Hofastrologe Senno ist überzeugt, dass es nur einen gibt, der den Inquisitor aufhalten kann: Merlin. Lukas... Read more

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True Blue by Jane Smiley
True Blue
Jane Smiley
True Blue by Jane Smiley

True Blue

By: Jane Smiley

Narrated by: Angela Goethals

Length: 8 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

True Blue is a beauty, a dappled gray, and when Abby gets to take him to her family's ranch, she can hardly believe her luck. The horse needs a home: his owner--a woman brand new to the riding stable--was tragically killed in a car crash and no one has claimed him. Daddy is wary, as always. But Abby is smitten. True Blue is a sweetheart, and... Read more

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Leila & Nugget Mystery by Dustin Brady & Deserae Brady
Leila & Nugget Mystery
Dustin Brady & Deserae Brady
Leila & Nugget Mystery by Dustin Brady & Deserae Brady

Leila & Nugget Mystery

By: Dustin Brady & Deserae Brady

Narrated by: Emily Eiden

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Leila & Nugget Mysteries are cute, funny chapter books that get even reluctant readers to beg for one more chapter. In this outing, Leila Beal and her little dog, Nugget, must crack the case of the neighborhood turtlenapping.

Leila and Nugget have big plans for their snow day—that is, until a neighborhood pet goes missing. Now, they’ve got to... Read more

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Lucas and His Pacifier (Pixi Bedtime Stories 35) by Sabine Choinski & Gabriela Krümmel
Lucas and His Pacifier (Pixi Bedtime Stories 35)
Sabine Choinski & Gabriela Krümmel
Lucas and His Pacifier (Pixi Bedtime Stories 35) by Sabine Choinski & Gabriela Krümmel

Lucas and His Pacifier (Pixi Bedtime Stories 35)

By: Sabine Choinski & Gabriela Krümmel

Narrated by: Mary

Length: 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Lucas no longer needs a pacifier. After all, he's already a big kindergartener! And besides, Lucas has a great idea how he can easily do without his pacifier ... Pixi bedtime stories for children: listen and fall asleep. This is an auto-narrated audiobook. Read more

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Troublemaker by Andrew Clements
Andrew Clements
Troublemaker by Andrew Clements


By: Andrew Clements

Narrated by: Keith Nobbs

Length: 2 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Once a troublemaker, always a troublemaker? A reputation proves challenging to change in this “rock-solid school story” (Publishers Weekly) from Andrew Clements.

Clayton Hensley is accustomed to trouble: There’s a folder of incident reports in Principal Kelling’s office that’s as thick as a phonebook and growing daily. Most recently, Clay’s art... Read more

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What Happened to Max's Hat? by Nancy E. Walker-Guye
What Happened to Max's Hat?
Nancy E. Walker-Guye
What Happened to Max's Hat? by Nancy E. Walker-Guye

What Happened to Max's Hat?

By: Nancy E. Walker-Guye

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 1 minute

Abridged: No

Max loses his hat out by the pond. When he returns he finds that Mrs. Duck has made it into a nest. Read more

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Đưa con mèo ra khỏi túi. by Martin Lundqvist
Đưa con mèo ra khỏi túi.
Martin Lundqvist
Đưa con mèo ra khỏi túi. by Martin Lundqvist

Đưa con mèo ra khỏi túi.

By: Martin Lundqvist

Narrated by: Mat

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Một câu chuyện viễn tưởng chớp nhoáng về một con mèo, người bị mắc kẹt trong một chiếc túi sau một nỗ lực thất bại trong việc kết bạn với một con chuột. Read more

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Safe Sleeping by Jeanne Barrett Hargett
Safe Sleeping
Jeanne Barrett Hargett
Safe Sleeping by Jeanne Barrett Hargett

Safe Sleeping

By: Jeanne Barrett Hargett

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Highlights presents Safe Sleeping written by Jeanne Barrett Hargett. A baby deer curls up for sleep. Read more

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