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Folgen 37-38: Schlammschlacht by Su Turhan
Folgen 37-38: Schlammschlacht
Su Turhan
Folgen 37-38: Schlammschlacht by Su Turhan

Folgen 37-38: Schlammschlacht

By: Su Turhan

Narrated by: Robin Brosch

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Folge 37: Schlammschlacht - Auf dem FC Bayern Campus bereiten sich Lucki, Can und Co. auf ihr nächstes Spiel gegen den Tabellenführer RSV Jahn vor. Da der Rasenplatz des Gegners in schlechtem Zustand ist, findet ein Testspiel gegen eine U17-Mannschaft bei ähnlich schlechten Verhältnissen statt. Beim eigentlichen Spiel sorgt Dauerregen... Read more

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Beethoven Lives Upstairs by Classical Kids
Beethoven Lives Upstairs
Classical Kids
Beethoven Lives Upstairs by Classical Kids

Beethoven Lives Upstairs

By: Classical Kids

Narrated by: Stephen Ouimette & Nathaniel Moreau

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: No

An eccentric new boarder turns a young boy’s life upside-down. Ludwig van Beethoven has moved in upstairs! Young Christoph exchanges letters about the chaotic arrival of Mr. Beethoven and learns to appreciate and understand the great composer and his music. Over two dozen excerpts including Moonlight Sonata, Symphonies #5-9, Für Elise,... Read more

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The Stone Warriors (TombQuest, Book 4) by Michael Northrop
The Stone Warriors (TombQuest, Book 4)
Michael Northrop
The Stone Warriors (TombQuest, Book 4) by Michael Northrop

The Stone Warriors (TombQuest, Book 4)

By: Michael Northrop

Narrated by: Ramón de Ocampo

Length: 4 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

From the New York Times bestselling author of TombQuest: Book of the Dead, comes book 4 in an epic adventure filled with the magic of ancient Egypt!It's a race for the Spells!Alex and Ren are on a desperate hunt, and time's running out. They've discovered that The Order is on the brink of creating an army of indestructible stone warriors with a... Read more

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Det som känns: mindfulness för barn by Anna Bjärkvik
Det som känns: mindfulness för barn
Anna Bjärkvik
Det som känns: mindfulness för barn by Anna Bjärkvik

Det som känns: mindfulness för barn

By: Anna Bjärkvik

Narrated by: Astrid Drettner

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Hur känns det egentligen i kroppen när det pirrar? När det kittlas? Eller när hjärtan bultar extra snabbt? Eller när du släpper ut känslorna genom att skratta eller gråta? I "Det som känns: mindfulness för barn", en del i Anna Bjärkviks reflektiva bokserie för barn, ställs konkreta frågor som får barnet att fundera över sitt känsloliv. Boken är... Read more

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Lulu Throws a Party by Eileen Spinelli
Lulu Throws a Party
Eileen Spinelli
Lulu Throws a Party by Eileen Spinelli

Lulu Throws a Party

By: Eileen Spinelli

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Lulu and her Mom and Dad decide to have a party to celebrate Dr. Suess's birthday. There's green eggs and ham, and hat-shaped cookies, green grape cake and toast and berry jam. Before the party ends, Mom reads Thidwick, the Big-hearted Moose. Read more

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Spot Loses a Tooth by Highlights for Children
Spot Loses a Tooth
Highlights for Children
Spot Loses a Tooth by Highlights for Children

Spot Loses a Tooth

By: Highlights for Children

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Tommy explains to Spot that it's okay to lose your baby teeth. Read more

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A Bulldozer's Day by Harriet Loy
A Bulldozer's Day
Harriet Loy
A Bulldozer's Day by Harriet Loy

A Bulldozer's Day

By: Harriet Loy

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

It is a busy day at the construction site! There are rocks to move, fields to rip up, and surfaces to level. The bulldozer can do it all! This narrative title provides information about the jobs and parts of bulldozers by following a bulldozer through a day on the job. Vibrant, playful illustrations accompany the text while fun facts add bonus... Read more

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Falcons by Nathan Sommer
Nathan Sommer
Falcons by Nathan Sommer


By: Nathan Sommer

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Using their long, pointed wings and tails, falcons dive toward prey at over 200 miles per hour! These high flyers are designed to be master predators. In combination with their speed, their sharp beaks make hunting a simple task. This title is a jammed-pack look at falcons as birds of prey. Read more

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Mumfie - 6 histoires pour s'endormir vol.1 by Mumfie
Mumfie - 6 histoires pour s'endormir vol.1
Mumfie - 6 histoires pour s'endormir vol.1 by Mumfie

Mumfie - 6 histoires pour s'endormir vol.1

By: Mumfie

Narrated by: Nathalie Homs, Kaycie Chase, Cerise Calixte, To...

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Plongez dans l'univers apaisant de Mumfie et l'île aux rêves, une série d'histoires audio spécialement conçue pour aider les plus petits à s'endormir en douceur. Chaque récit est accompagné d'une séance de méditation pour apprendre aux enfants à se détendre. Ces 6 histoires bienveillantes mettent en scène Mumfie, un petit éléphant qui, avec ses... Read more

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Scatter Brain Stewart the Fire Captain's Son by Steve Sahlein
Scatter Brain Stewart the Fire Captain's Son
Steve Sahlein
Scatter Brain Stewart the Fire Captain's Son by Steve Sahlein

Scatter Brain Stewart the Fire Captain's Son

By: Steve Sahlein

Narrated by: The Peter Pan Players

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Stewart was the Fire Captain's son and Stewart wanted nothing more than to become a junior fireman, a "fire boy." Finally the Captain agreed and Stewart had a bed right along with the regular firemen.When the first alarm sounded Steward was so excited he forgot to put on his boots and all the firemen waited while Steward went back for his boots.... Read more

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Una cesta de cerezas by Alba Castellví
Una cesta de cerezas
Alba Castellví
Una cesta de cerezas by Alba Castellví

Una cesta de cerezas

By: Alba Castellví

Narrated by: María Pérez Moreno

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Los mayores hacemos cuanto podemos pero los pequeños, a veces... a veces lo quieren todo, no les apetece esforzarse demasiado, hacen lo que no deberían, pasarían mucho tiempo ante las pantallas, tenemos que repetirles varias veces lo mismo... Son lo mejor que tenemos, pero educarles puede ser un gran reto. Estos cuentos, que a través de sus... Read more

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Verhaaltjes uit Griekenland by Pim Coffeng
Verhaaltjes uit Griekenland
Pim Coffeng
Verhaaltjes uit Griekenland by Pim Coffeng

Verhaaltjes uit Griekenland

By: Pim Coffeng

Narrated by: Saskia Barink

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Verhaaltjes uit Griekenland voor kinderen zijn sommige van de oudste en meest bekende in de wereld. Vele van deze verhalen zijn eerst verteld door de oude Grieken zelf, en daarna doorgegeven van generatie op generatie. Vandaag de dag zijn ze nog steeds populair bij zowel kinderen als volwassenen.Deze collectie bevat de volgende verhalen: De... Read more

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De twee broeders by De gebroeders Grimm
De twee broeders
De gebroeders Grimm
De twee broeders by De gebroeders Grimm

De twee broeders

By: De gebroeders Grimm

Narrated by: Maeve van der Steen

Length: 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Ken jij het verhaal van de twee broers? Tijdens hun jeugd groeien de jonge jongens op met een jager. Maar naarmate ze ouder worden, nemen hun levens verschillende wendingen. Zo trouwt de jongste broer met de dochter van de koning! Wanneer hij betoverd wordt door een gemene heks, besluit zijn broer hem te helpen. Maar hij lijkt zoveel op zijn... Read more

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Laal Khuni Kamaan-लाल खुनी कमान by Pravin Shantaram
Laal Khuni Kamaan-लाल खुनी कमान
Pravin Shantaram
Laal Khuni Kamaan-लाल खुनी कमान by Pravin Shantaram

Laal Khuni Kamaan-लाल खुनी कमान

By: Pravin Shantaram

Narrated by: Priyanaka Joshi

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

अजिंक्य गाव में हुए खून और प्रेतात्मा की गुत्थी सुलझाता हैं| Read more

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Enthusiasm by Polly Shulman
Polly Shulman
Enthusiasm by Polly Shulman


By: Polly Shulman

Narrated by: Jennifer Ikeda

Length: 6 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Julie is a quiet bookworm. Her best friend Ashleigh, on the other hand, is an "Enthusiast." As long as they have known each other, Ash has been obsessed with one thing or another. Now it is Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, which just happens to be Julie's favorite book. Before Julie knows what hit her, she and Ash are decked-out in... Read more

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The Night the Moon Went Missing by Sunaina Coelho & Shreya Yadav
The Night the Moon Went Missing
Sunaina Coelho & Shreya Yadav
The Night the Moon Went Missing by Sunaina Coelho & Shreya Yadav

The Night the Moon Went Missing

By: Sunaina Coelho & Shreya Yadav

Narrated by: Shaheen Khan

Length: 7 minutes

Abridged: No

When the moon doesn't rise from the sea one night, it is up to Maisha and her friend Uchli the flying fish to find her. But how can they look for the moon without any light?'The Night the Moon Went Missing' is written by Shreya Yadav. © Pratham Books , 2018. Some rights reserved. Released under CC BY 4.0 license.This book was first published on... Read more

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Tchaikovsky Discovers America by Classical Kids
Tchaikovsky Discovers America
Classical Kids
Tchaikovsky Discovers America by Classical Kids

Tchaikovsky Discovers America

By: Classical Kids

Narrated by: Colin Fox, Barbara Budd & Gerald Issac

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Tchaikovsky arrives in New York for the grand opening of Carnegie Hall in 1891. It’s all aboard for a fun-filled musical adventure to Niagara Falls. During his trip, the great composer shares stories with a young family about his music, his life and his fear of conducting. In the end, both the composer and the family discover something about... Read more

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Ravenfall by Kalyn Josephson
Kalyn Josephson
Ravenfall by Kalyn Josephson


By: Kalyn Josephson

Narrated by: Michael Crouch & Keylor Leigh

Length: 7 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • One magical inn, two kids with supernatural powers, and an ancient Celtic creature trying to destroy their world... Wednesday meets Supernatural in this bewitching middle-grade series!

Thirteen-year-old Anna Ballinkay has never been normal. Her family uses their psychic abilities to help run the Ravenfall Inn, a... Read more

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Lost Sci-Fi Books 166 thru 170 by Leigh Brackett, Mary Shelley, Robert Zacks, Ross Rocklynne & Fritz Leiber
Lost Sci-Fi Books 166 thru 170
Leigh Brackett, Mary Shelley, Robert Zacks, Ros...
Lost Sci-Fi Books 166 thru 170 by Leigh Brackett, Mary Shelley, Robert Zacks, Ross Rocklynne & Fritz Leiber

Lost Sci-Fi Books 166 thru 170

By: Leigh Brackett, Mary Shelley, Robert Zacks, Ros...

Narrated by: Scott Miller

Length: 4 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Lost Sci-Fi Books 166 thru 170 - Five Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from 1833 and the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s The Mortal Immortal by Mary Shelley - July 16, 1833.This is a memorable anniversary for me; on it I complete my three hundred and twenty-third year! The Moon That Vanished by Leigh Brackett - A fallen satellite of the Planet Venus is the... Read more

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Herederos (del Universo Amanda Black) 1 - El legado de los héroes by Juan Gómez-Jurado & Bárbara Montes
Herederos (del Universo Amanda Black) 1 - El legado de los héroes
Juan Gómez-Jurado & Bárbara Montes
Herederos (del Universo Amanda Black) 1 - El legado de los héroes by Juan Gómez-Jurado & Bárbara Montes

Herederos (del Universo Amanda Black) 1 - El legado de los héroes

By: Juan Gómez-Jurado & Bárbara Montes

Narrated by: Javier Portugués (Portu)

Length: 3 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

¡La nueva serie de los autores de Amanda Black! Conoce a los Herederos, la última defensa contra las fuerzas del mal. Hace cien años, la poderosa Organización ayudó a proteger el mundo y erradicar el mal. O eso creían… cuando Mordred, el malvado hijo del Rey Arturo, vuelve de entre las sombras para intentar controlar el mundo, el Director... Read more

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A Mother's Day Surprise by Lissa Rovetch
A Mother's Day Surprise
Lissa Rovetch
A Mother's Day Surprise by Lissa Rovetch

A Mother's Day Surprise

By: Lissa Rovetch

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 1 minute

Abridged: No

The twins sprout bean seeds in their kindergarten classroom. After planting their seeds in pots, seedlings appeared, just in time to take them home for a special Mother's Day gift. Read more

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Mats und Mathilde 2. Eine abenteuerliche Reise by Christian Wunderlich
Mats und Mathilde 2. Eine abenteuerliche Reise
Christian Wunderlich
Mats und Mathilde 2. Eine abenteuerliche Reise by Christian Wunderlich

Mats und Mathilde 2. Eine abenteuerliche Reise

By: Christian Wunderlich

Narrated by: Christian Wunderlich

Length: 5 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Mats und Mathilde setzen ihre abenteuerliche Reise fort. Auf der Suche nach dem Ort, wo die Sonne untergeht, entdecken sie neue Freundschaften und meistern gemeinsam unglaubliche Abenteuer: Ob die Fahrt auf einem Geschichtenschiff, dessen Segel sich aufblähen, sobald der verrückte Kapitän seinen Seemannsgarn erzählt. Die wilde Jagd nach Sternen... Read more

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Отважная охотница by Майн Рид
Отважная охотница
Майн Рид
Отважная охотница by Майн Рид

Отважная охотница

By: Майн Рид

Narrated by: Станислав Федосов

Length: 3 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Английский беллетрист Майн Рид (1818-1883) прославился как автор увлекательных приключенческих романов «Белый вождь», «Оцеола, вождь семиолов», «Всадник без головы». Лучшие его книги, выходя за рамки приключенческой литературы, рисуют правдивую картину жизни, затрагивают актуальные для своего времени вопросы: торговля людьми, истребление... Read more

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The Fly and The Truck Driver by Mark E Ridley
The Fly and The Truck Driver
Mark E Ridley
The Fly and The Truck Driver by Mark E Ridley

The Fly and The Truck Driver

By: Mark E Ridley

Narrated by: Amanda Collier, Carolyn & Anthony Paul

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: No

"The Fly and the Truck Driver" is a heart warming and imaginative children's book co-authored by Mark E. Ridley and his six-year-old son, Malcolm. The story is a delightful blend of spontaneous creativity and real-life experiences between the father and son. As Malcolm sat on his father's lap, the duo embarked on a whimsical storytelling... Read more

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