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I Congresso Nacional de Reabilitação Multidisciplinar e Inclusão Escolar - Abridged by Ana Paula Gonçalves Tranche, Amanda Nunes de Souza & Larisse Junqueira Mendes de Carvalho
I Congresso Nacional de Reabilitação Multidisciplinar e Inclusão Escolar - Abridged
Ana Paula Gonçalves Tranche, Amanda Nunes de So...
I Congresso Nacional de Reabilitação Multidisciplinar e Inclusão Escolar - Abridged by Ana Paula Gonçalves Tranche, Amanda Nunes de Souza & Larisse Junqueira Mendes de Carvalho

I Congresso Nacional de Reabilitação Multidisciplinar e Inclusão Escolar - Abridged

By: Ana Paula Gonçalves Tranche, Amanda Nunes de So...

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 7 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Esta obra trata-se de um compilado de artigos que elucidam pesquisas nas áreas da saúde e educação, apresentadas no I Congresso Nacional de Reabilitação Multidisciplinar e Inclusão Escolar, promovido pela Associação dos Deficientes Físicos de Poços de Caldas – ADEFIP. Todos os artigos são apresentados como um convite ao leitor para ressignificar... Read more

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Poems to Enjoy Book 1 - Abridged by Verner Bickley
Poems to Enjoy Book 1 - Abridged
Verner Bickley
Poems to Enjoy Book 1 - Abridged by Verner Bickley

Poems to Enjoy Book 1 - Abridged

By: Verner Bickley

Narrated by: Verner Bickley, Gillian Bickley, Janine Cheung ...

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: Yes

The main readers of Poems to Enjoy Book 1 are a husband and wife couple, experienced educationists & readers with a life-long love for literature and performance. In tandem with his professional international career as educationist and cultural diplomat, Dr Verner Bickley, MBE, PhD, MA(London), BA(Hons), DipEd (Cardiff), LRAM, LGSM, FIL,... Read more

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Professors' Guide (TM) to Getting Good Grades in College - Abridged by Lynn F. Jacobs & Jeremy S. Hyman
Professors' Guide (TM) to Getting Good Grades in College - Abridged
Lynn F. Jacobs & Jeremy S. Hyman
Professors' Guide (TM) to Getting Good Grades in College - Abridged by Lynn F. Jacobs & Jeremy S. Hyman

Professors' Guide (TM) to Getting Good Grades in College - Abridged

By: Lynn F. Jacobs & Jeremy S. Hyman

Narrated by: Lynn F. Jacobs & Jeremy S. Hyman

Length: 8 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Professors' Guide to Getting Good Grades in College is the first book to reveal the insider secrets about how professors really grade. The book offers high-value, practical tips about how to succeed at each of the five ""grade-bearing"" moments of the semester: (1) The Start (2) The Class (3) The Exam (4) The Paper and (5) The Last Month of... Read more

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Luzifer junior (Band 11) - Campingtrip nach Hölland - Abridged by Jochen Till
Luzifer junior (Band 11) - Campingtrip nach Hölland - Abridged
Jochen Till
Luzifer junior (Band 11) - Campingtrip nach Hölland - Abridged by Jochen Till

Luzifer junior (Band 11) - Campingtrip nach Hölland - Abridged

By: Jochen Till

Narrated by: Jochen Till & Linus Koenig

Length: 3 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Luzifer junior lebt als Sohn des Teufels in der Hölle und soll den "Laden" einmal übernehmen. Da sein Vater der Meinung ist, dass Junior für den Job noch viel zu lieb ist, schickt er ihn auf die Erde. Denn wo kann man das Bösesein besser lernen als bei den Menschen? Geschafft! Ein anstrengendes Schuljahr ist zu Ende und Luzie und seine Freunde... Read more

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Die Kunst des Miteinander-Redens - Abridged by Bernhard Pörksen & Friedemann Schulz von Thun
Die Kunst des Miteinander-Redens - Abridged
Bernhard Pörksen & Friedemann Schulz von Thun
Die Kunst des Miteinander-Redens - Abridged by Bernhard Pörksen & Friedemann Schulz von Thun

Die Kunst des Miteinander-Redens - Abridged

By: Bernhard Pörksen & Friedemann Schulz von Thun

Narrated by: Volker Hanisch & Bernd Stephan

Length: 5 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hass und Hetze, Gerüchte und Falschmeldungen verbreiten sich rasend schnell. Öffentliche Debatten eskalieren zum giftigen Streit. Und in der Breite der Gesellschaft regiert die Angst vor dem Schwinden des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts und dem Ende von Respekt und Vernunft. Der Medienwissenschaftler Bernhard Pörksen und der... Read more

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The Educated Child - Abridged by William J. Bennett
The Educated Child - Abridged
William J. Bennett
The Educated Child - Abridged by William J. Bennett

The Educated Child - Abridged

By: William J. Bennett

Narrated by: William J. Bennett

Length: 6 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Educated Child defines a good education and offers parents a plan of action for ensuring that their children achieve it.

The Educated Child defines a good education and offers parents a plan of action for ensuring that their children achieve it. Combining the goals that William Bennett enumerated as Secretary of Education, key excerpts from... Read more

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Meyra und das geheime Lichtlein - Abridged by Franziska Haudenschild
Meyra und das geheime Lichtlein - Abridged
Franziska Haudenschild
Meyra und das geheime Lichtlein - Abridged by Franziska Haudenschild

Meyra und das geheime Lichtlein - Abridged

By: Franziska Haudenschild

Narrated by: Stephan Anon & Vreny Kölbener

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Meyra ist wieder mit ihren Freunden, den Waldtieren, unterwegs. Diesmal haben sie eine grosse Mission vor sich. Sie möchten herausfinden, wer oder was das geheime Lichtlein ist, das in Teil 1 Meyra's Mutter zu ihr geführt hat. Eine berührende Geschichte von einem tapferen Mädchen, das im Wald einige Rätsel zu lösen hat, bevor sie das Geheimnis... Read more

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ملخص كتاب الأخطاء اللغوية الشائعة - Abridged by محمود جمعة
ملخص كتاب الأخطاء اللغوية الشائعة - Abridged
محمود جمعة
ملخص كتاب الأخطاء اللغوية الشائعة - Abridged by محمود جمعة

ملخص كتاب الأخطاء اللغوية الشائعة - Abridged

By: محمود جمعة

Narrated by: Sahla Books

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

حاول الشاعر محمود جمعة في هذا الكتاب أن يجمع أشهر الأخطاء اللغوية، التي قد نقابلها في الصحف والمجلات والكتب الأدبية، التي من المفترض أنها روجعت ودققت لغويًّا قبل أن تخرج من المطبعة وتستقر بين يدي القارئ. لننصت لأهم ما جاء في هذا الكتاب من أخطاء وتصحيحات، ولنتذوق جمال اللغة حرفًا حرفًا. Read more

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Between the Commas - Abridged by Martin Brandt
Between the Commas - Abridged
Martin Brandt
Between the Commas - Abridged by Martin Brandt

Between the Commas - Abridged

By: Martin Brandt

Narrated by: Martin Brandt

Length: 5 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

For too long, sentence instruction has been heavy on correctness and terminology (as in “mind your grammar”) and light on play and experimentation. Or it has been abandoned altogether. In this lively book, Marty Brandt sets out to change all that.
It is partly the story of a teacher hitting a plateau in mid-career, deeply frustrated by the... Read more

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Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Educação em Tempo Integral - Abridged by Thalita Vianna de Lima & Pura Lucia Oliver Martins
Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Educação em Tempo Integral - Abridged
Thalita Vianna de Lima & Pura Lucia Oliver Martins
Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Educação em Tempo Integral - Abridged by Thalita Vianna de Lima & Pura Lucia Oliver Martins

Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Educação em Tempo Integral - Abridged

By: Thalita Vianna de Lima & Pura Lucia Oliver Martins

Narrated by: Carolina Manica

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este volume convida os educadores a conhecerem um pouco mais sobre a Educação Integral e suas potencialidades. Trata-se de um estudo voltado para identificar as diferentes possibilidades da Educação Integral como proposta educativa que visa a formação e o desenvolvimento de todas as dimensões dos sujeitos. A Educação Integral pode ser... Read more

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Kinder der Koppenstrasse - Abridged by Brust Waldemar
Kinder der Koppenstrasse - Abridged
Brust Waldemar
Kinder der Koppenstrasse - Abridged by Brust Waldemar

Kinder der Koppenstrasse - Abridged

By: Brust Waldemar

Narrated by: Hans Werner Bussinger

Length: 1 hour 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der Hörfilm zum Buch. Die Koppenstrasse, Mitte der 20er Jahre war sie eine von vielen im Herzen vom roten Osten, wie der Statdbezirk Friedrichshain genannt wurde. Arbeiter und Kleinbürger bewohnten die unzähligen Mietskasernen.Berühmte Persönlichkeiten waren in ihr nie beheimatet. Ihren Namen verdankt sie dem Stadthauptmann Christian Koppe, der... Read more

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Nature and Virtue Themed Exercises for Relaxation and Concentration: Guided Imagery, Visualisations and Drawing Tasks - Abridged by Maria Murto, Päivi Halmekoski & Musigfi Studio
Nature and Virtue Themed Exercises for Relaxation and Concentration: Guided Imagery, Visualisations and Drawing Tasks - Abridged
Maria Murto, Päivi Halmekoski & Musigfi Studio
Nature and Virtue Themed Exercises for Relaxation and Concentration: Guided Imagery, Visualisations and Drawing Tasks - Abridged by Maria Murto, Päivi Halmekoski & Musigfi Studio

Nature and Virtue Themed Exercises for Relaxation and Concentration: Guided Imagery, Visualisations and Drawing Tasks - Abridged

By: Maria Murto, Päivi Halmekoski & Musigfi Studio

Narrated by: Rebecca Clamp

Length: 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This book includes nature and virtue themed guided imagery and visualisations. The exercises involve sitting, lying down, standing, or walking. There are also coloured pencil drawing tasks, which include nature observation and colouring virtues. The audiobook has the same exercises as the 2nd edition of the printed book. The instructions in the... Read more

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Soul Survivor - Abridged by Philip Yancey
Soul Survivor - Abridged
Philip Yancey
Soul Survivor - Abridged by Philip Yancey

Soul Survivor - Abridged

By: Philip Yancey

Narrated by: Philip Yancey

Length: 5 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Philip Yancey, whose explorations of faith have made him a guide for millions of readers, feels no need to defend the church. "When someone tells me yet another horror story about the church, I respond, 'Oh, it's even worse than that. Let me tell you my story.'I have spent most of my life in recovery from the church."

Yancey acknowledges... Read more

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Poems to Enjoy Book 3 - Abridged by Verner Bickley & Verner Bickley, editor
Poems to Enjoy Book 3 - Abridged
Verner Bickley & Verner Bickley, editor
Poems to Enjoy Book 3 - Abridged by Verner Bickley & Verner Bickley, editor

Poems to Enjoy Book 3 - Abridged

By: Verner Bickley & Verner Bickley, editor

Narrated by: Verner Bickley & Gillian Bickley

Length: 2 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Poems to Enjoy Book 3 is read by a husband and wife couple, experienced educationists & readers with a life-long love for literature and performance. In tandem with his professional career in different countries as educationist and cultural diplomat, Dr Verner Bickley, MBE, PhD, MA (London), BA(Hons), DipEd (Cardiff), LRAM, LGSM, FIL, FRSA,... Read more

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4 Essential Studies - Abridged by Penny Kittle & Kelly Gallagher
4 Essential Studies - Abridged
Penny Kittle & Kelly Gallagher
4 Essential Studies - Abridged by Penny Kittle & Kelly Gallagher

4 Essential Studies - Abridged

By: Penny Kittle & Kelly Gallagher

Narrated by: Penny Kittle & Kelly Gallagher

Length: 7 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Essay. Poetry. Book Clubs. Digital Composition. Penny Kittle and Kelly Gallagher extend their work in 180 Days: Two Teachers and the Quest to Engage and Empower Adolescents by taking a deep dive into four essential studies. Their aim is to move beyond compliance and formula, and to develop students’ agency, independence, and decision-making... Read more

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Risk. Fail. Rise. - Abridged by M. Colleen Cruz
Risk. Fail. Rise. - Abridged
M. Colleen Cruz
Risk. Fail. Rise. - Abridged by M. Colleen Cruz

Risk. Fail. Rise. - Abridged

By: M. Colleen Cruz

Narrated by: M. Colleen Cruz

Length: 5 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mistakes are not the problem. The problem is the shame we attach to mistakes and inability to grow from them.

You have likely heard the adage, ‘Everyone makes mistakes.’ But what you might not have heard is that there are some predictable reasons why we make these mistakes. Knowing why we make mistakes can help us make fewer mistakes and ensure... Read more

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Road to the Dales - Abridged by Gervase Phinn
Road to the Dales - Abridged
Gervase Phinn
Road to the Dales - Abridged by Gervase Phinn

Road to the Dales - Abridged

By: Gervase Phinn

Narrated by: Gervase Phinn

Length: 6 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In this abridged, downloadable audiobook edition of Road to the Dales: The Story of a Yorkshire Lad,
Gervase tells of a life full of happiness, conversation, music and books shared with his three siblings, mother and father. This audiobook is a snapshot of growing up in Yorkshire in the 1950s - reminisce with Gervase, and share in his personal... Read more

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EL MANUAL DEL HOMBRE HOMBRE, Desglosando el comportamiento de un hombre hombre de verdad - Abridged by Víctor montás
EL MANUAL DEL HOMBRE HOMBRE, Desglosando el comportamiento de un hombre hombre de verdad - Abridged
Víctor montás
EL MANUAL DEL HOMBRE HOMBRE, Desglosando el comportamiento de un hombre hombre de verdad - Abridged by Víctor montás

EL MANUAL DEL HOMBRE HOMBRE, Desglosando el comportamiento de un hombre hombre de verdad - Abridged

By: Víctor montás

Narrated by: Víctor montás

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El Manual del Hombre Hombre busca empoderar a los hombres para que abracen su autenticidad y forjen relaciones positivas con los demás, sin temor a expresar sus emociones y ser ellos mismos. Esperamos que esta guía haya sido útil para comprender el comportamiento de un hombre de verdad y fomentar una masculinidad responsable y respetuosa.... Read more

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En Comunidad - Abridged by Carla España & Luz Yadira Herrera
En Comunidad - Abridged
Carla España & Luz Yadira Herrera
En Comunidad - Abridged by Carla España & Luz Yadira Herrera

En Comunidad - Abridged

By: Carla España & Luz Yadira Herrera

Narrated by: Carla España & Luz Yadira Herrera

Length: 6 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Drs. Carla España and Luz Yadira Herrera’s schooling and teaching journey reveal the power of educators to create either liberating or dehumanizing spaces and experiences for bilingual Latinx students.

En Comunidad brings bilingual Latinx students’ perspectives to the center of our classrooms. Its culturally and linguistically sustaining... Read more

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Selbstfürsorge und Schutz vor eigenen Belastungen für Soziale Berufe - Abridged by Dima Zito & Ernest Martin
Selbstfürsorge und Schutz vor eigenen Belastungen für Soziale Berufe - Abridged
Dima Zito & Ernest Martin
Selbstfürsorge und Schutz vor eigenen Belastungen für Soziale Berufe - Abridged by Dima Zito & Ernest Martin

Selbstfürsorge und Schutz vor eigenen Belastungen für Soziale Berufe - Abridged

By: Dima Zito & Ernest Martin

Narrated by: Dima Zito & Ernest Martin

Length: 4 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die Arbeit mit belasteten Menschen in prekären Lebenssituationen ist meist intensiv, manchmal existentiell anstrengend und zuweilen tief befriedigend. Dies kann Fachkräfte vor große professionelle und persönliche Herausforderungen stellen. Die Lebensgeschichten und Notlagen unserer Klient*innen rühren uns und die Balance zwischen Gewahrsein des... Read more

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The Joy of Reading - Abridged by Donalyn Miller & Teri Lesesne
The Joy of Reading - Abridged
Donalyn Miller & Teri Lesesne
The Joy of Reading - Abridged by Donalyn Miller & Teri Lesesne

The Joy of Reading - Abridged

By: Donalyn Miller & Teri Lesesne

Narrated by: Donalyn Miller

Length: 7 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

What reading experiences have entertained you, provoked you, taught you, inspired you, helped you to see your own life more clearly, or connected you with others?  As teachers, librarians, school administrators, and caregivers who love reading, we know what it feels like to fall into a book and let the world fall away. We have joyous reading... Read more

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Das soziale Gehirn - Abridged by Thomas Schmitt
Das soziale Gehirn - Abridged
Thomas Schmitt
Das soziale Gehirn - Abridged by Thomas Schmitt

Das soziale Gehirn - Abridged

By: Thomas Schmitt

Narrated by: Thomas Schmitt

Length: 10 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Heute gehen wir selbstverständlich davon aus, dass seelische Prozesse mit der Funktion des Gehirns zusammenhängen. Jedoch entzieht sich die Komplexität des Dargestellten oft unserem Verständnishorizont. Nichtmediziner_innen fehlen die notwendigen Grundinformationen, um die Befunde und ihre Bedeutung auch für die Behandlung seelischer Krankheiten... Read more

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Como ser um educador antirracista - Abridged by Bárbara Carine Soares Pinheiro
Como ser um educador antirracista - Abridged
Bárbara Carine Soares Pinheiro
Como ser um educador antirracista - Abridged by Bárbara Carine Soares Pinheiro

Como ser um educador antirracista - Abridged

By: Bárbara Carine Soares Pinheiro

Narrated by: Ines Reis

Length: 3 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Como ser um educador antirracista é um convite e uma inspiração para criarmos uma sociedade verdadeiramente antirracista. Embarque nesta jornada!Em Como ser um educador antirracista, Bárbara Carine, conhecida nas redes como "uma intelectual diferentona", discute sobre como a educação e a escola podem ser pensadas a partir de perspectivas não... Read more

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Die Wokeness-Illusion - Abridged by Alexander Marguier, Ben Krischke, Ralf Hanselle, Mathias Brodkorb, Bern Stegemann, Philipp Fess, Ingo Way & Stefan Laurin
Die Wokeness-Illusion - Abridged
Alexander Marguier, Ben Krischke, Ralf Hanselle...
Die Wokeness-Illusion - Abridged by Alexander Marguier, Ben Krischke, Ralf Hanselle, Mathias Brodkorb, Bern Stegemann, Philipp Fess, Ingo Way & Stefan Laurin

Die Wokeness-Illusion - Abridged

By: Alexander Marguier, Ben Krischke, Ralf Hanselle...

Narrated by: Sebastian Dunkelberg

Length: 3 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wokeness ist ein Kampfbegriff geworden. Das gilt sowohl für die Befürworter wie die Gegner einer Einstellung, die sich selbst als »wach« oder »aufmerksam« bezeichnet. Es gibt wenig sachlich begründete Auseinandersetzungen, dafür umso mehr Empörung. In diesem Buch werden zentrale Elemente von Wokeness kritisch geprüft: der Vorwurf der kulturellen... Read more

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