Education audiobooks

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Mini-Handbuch Profitables Coaching Business - Abridged by Sonja Kreye
Mini-Handbuch Profitables Coaching Business - Abridged
Sonja Kreye
Mini-Handbuch Profitables Coaching Business - Abridged by Sonja Kreye

Mini-Handbuch Profitables Coaching Business - Abridged

By: Sonja Kreye

Narrated by: Sonja Kreye

Length: 6 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Viele Coaches stellen sich die selben Fragen: Wie kann man mit Coaching ein profitables Business aufbauen? Wie kann man aus der Masse der Coaching-Anbieter hervorstechen? Wo finde und wie erreiche ich meine Zielkunden? Wie verkaufe ich mein Coaching auf angenehme Art und Weise? Ein profitables Coaching-Business aufzubauen und die Vorteile zu... Read more

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The Educated Child - Abridged by William J. Bennett
The Educated Child - Abridged
William J. Bennett
The Educated Child - Abridged by William J. Bennett

The Educated Child - Abridged

By: William J. Bennett

Narrated by: William J. Bennett

Length: 6 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Educated Child defines a good education and offers parents a plan of action for ensuring that their children achieve it.

The Educated Child defines a good education and offers parents a plan of action for ensuring that their children achieve it. Combining the goals that William Bennett enumerated as Secretary of Education, key excerpts from... Read more

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Mini-Handbuch Führungspraxis - Abridged by Carsten Schermuly
Mini-Handbuch Führungspraxis - Abridged
Carsten Schermuly
Mini-Handbuch Führungspraxis - Abridged by Carsten Schermuly

Mini-Handbuch Führungspraxis - Abridged

By: Carsten Schermuly

Narrated by: Stoll Hans-Peter

Length: 5 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Führungskompetenz besitzt man oder nicht? Falsch! Wirtschaftspsychologe Carsten C. Schermuly stellt typische Herausforderungen der Mitarbeiterführung vor, kompakt und anhand konkreter Fälle. Von Führungsgrundlagen über Fragen, wie Mitarbeiter und Teams zu führen oder Konflikte zu lösen sind, bis zu den Themen Kommunikation, Selbstführung,... Read more

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Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Educação Socioemocional - Abridged by Rayka Hinschinck de Paula & Pura Lúcia Oliver Martins
Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Educação Socioemocional - Abridged
Rayka Hinschinck de Paula & Pura Lúcia Oliver M...
Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Educação Socioemocional - Abridged by Rayka Hinschinck de Paula & Pura Lúcia Oliver Martins

Coleção Caminhos do Saber - Educação Socioemocional - Abridged

By: Rayka Hinschinck de Paula & Pura Lúcia Oliver M...

Narrated by: Carolina Manica

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este volume convida os educadores a conhecerem a importância da educação socioemocional para o desenvolvimento cognitivo, físico e social dos estudantes. Trata-se de um estudo voltado para identificar as contribuições socioemocionais no processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos discentes e de como a compreensão e aquisição dessa habilidade... Read more

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Writing Unbound - Abridged by Thomas Newkirk
Writing Unbound - Abridged
Thomas Newkirk
Writing Unbound - Abridged by Thomas Newkirk

Writing Unbound - Abridged

By: Thomas Newkirk

Narrated by: Thomas Newkirk

Length: 6 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In Writing Unbound, Tom Newkirk argues that as a teaching profession, we shoot ourselves in the foot when it comes to writing. We fail to take advantage of a huge opportunity that is before us. That opportunity is fiction writing.

Consider this: Our deepest wish is for students to develop a love of books— particularly a love of fiction.  To... Read more

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The Civically Engaged Classroom - Abridged by Mary Ehrenworth, Pablo Wolfe & Marc Todd
The Civically Engaged Classroom - Abridged
Mary Ehrenworth, Pablo Wolfe & Marc Todd
The Civically Engaged Classroom - Abridged by Mary Ehrenworth, Pablo Wolfe & Marc Todd

The Civically Engaged Classroom - Abridged

By: Mary Ehrenworth, Pablo Wolfe & Marc Todd

Narrated by: Mary Ehrenworth, Pablo Wolfe & Marc Todd

Length: 7 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Are your students ready to become the engaged and informed citizens our democracy needs right now? Your classroom can be a place for them to experience what it means to live in community with others, to balance their own interests with those of the group, to challenge themselves to overcome differences, and to ask the questions that help them... Read more

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We Got This. - Abridged by Cornelius Minor
We Got This. - Abridged
Cornelius Minor
We Got This. - Abridged by Cornelius Minor

We Got This. - Abridged

By: Cornelius Minor

Narrated by: Cornelius Minor

Length: 6 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In We Got This Cornelius Minor describes how this conversation moved him toward realizing that listening to children is one of the most powerful things a teacher can do. By listening carefully, Cornelius discovered something that kids find themselves having to communicate far too often. That “my lessons were not, at all, linked to that student’s... Read more

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نظرية أوس عن الحياة - Abridged by حميد منصور علي شاجري
نظرية أوس عن الحياة - Abridged
حميد منصور علي شاجري
نظرية أوس عن الحياة - Abridged by حميد منصور علي شاجري

نظرية أوس عن الحياة - Abridged

By: حميد منصور علي شاجري

Narrated by: قصي حمود

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

لقد كتب أوس نظرياته عن الحياة بعدما خسر في آخر معركةٍ لم يفز فيها، وتخلى عن كونه طبيباً، وقائداً عسكرياً، وملكاً متوجاً في النظام الإقطاعي. وقد كتب 110 نظريات، ذكر في هذا الكتاب آخر عشرة منها. Read more

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Absolutely American - Abridged by David Lipsky
Absolutely American - Abridged
David Lipsky
Absolutely American - Abridged by David Lipsky

Absolutely American - Abridged

By: David Lipsky

Narrated by: David Lipsky

Length: 7 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"A superb description of modern military culture, and one of the most gripping accounts of university life.... Powerful.... Wonderfully told." --The New York Times Book Review

As David Lipsky follows a future generation of army officers from their proving grounds to their barracks, he reveals the range of emotions and desires that propels these... Read more

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In the Moment - Abridged by Jen Munson
In the Moment - Abridged
Jen Munson
In the Moment - Abridged by Jen Munson

In the Moment - Abridged

By: Jen Munson

Narrated by: Jen Munson

Length: 5 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Conferring in math supports students' learning.
How do we support all students’ mathematical sense-making and move their thinking forward in the midst of problem solving?
Talking to students about their work, while they work, is a powerful way of supporting learning. We often engage in these conversations with our readers and writers, and these... Read more

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Carcara, the wise eye - Abridged by Dorinha Aguiar
Carcara, the wise eye - Abridged
Dorinha Aguiar
Carcara, the wise eye - Abridged by Dorinha Aguiar

Carcara, the wise eye - Abridged

By: Dorinha Aguiar

Narrated by: Bebel Rosa

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Carcara, the wise eye is a story of self-reliance and determination. We all are singular individuals, independent and unique, but, contradictorily, dependent and inserted in a society in which we can stand out for our own effort and dedication. By themselves or with someone else, each child will always be unique, and we would like them to have... Read more

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Caramel, the wild puma - Abridged by Dorinha Aguiar
Caramel, the wild puma - Abridged
Dorinha Aguiar
Caramel, the wild puma - Abridged by Dorinha Aguiar

Caramel, the wild puma - Abridged

By: Dorinha Aguiar

Narrated by: Bebel Rosa

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Caramel, the wild puma shows that prudence is an important virtue for everyone. To know how to weigh risks and to seek for solutions of our needs is a constant task: we must learn from early childhood to contain our impulses, to reason, to decide how to pursue our goals, keeping in mind that we must protect ourselves. The collection "The 7... Read more

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Conversas com um jovem professor - Abridged by Leandro Karnal
Conversas com um jovem professor - Abridged
Leandro Karnal
Conversas com um jovem professor - Abridged by Leandro Karnal

Conversas com um jovem professor - Abridged

By: Leandro Karnal

Narrated by: Leandro Karnal

Length: 4 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O professor entra na escola e parece que nasceu para dar aula: sabe como lidar com os alunos, faz camaradagem com os colegas, dialoga com os pais. Nunca comete um deslize, passa muito bem o seu recado e todos o adoram. Será que nasceu sabendo ou foi aprendendo ao longo de alguns sucessos e outros tantos fracassos?Muitos são os livros que trazem... Read more

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Future Work Skills - Abridged by Dennis Fischer
Future Work Skills - Abridged
Dennis Fischer
Future Work Skills - Abridged by Dennis Fischer

Future Work Skills - Abridged

By: Dennis Fischer

Narrated by: Dennis Fischer

Length: 6 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ob Remote Work, hybride Führung oder Agilität – die Arbeitswelt verändert sich in immer schnelleren Schritten. Automatisierung und Digitalisierung haben einen hohen Einfluss darauf, welche Berufe in Zukunft überhaupt noch bestehen werden. Umgekehrt werden wir schon in wenigen Jahren in Jobs arbeiten, die wir heute noch nicht einmal kennen.... Read more

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Die Kunst des Miteinander-Redens - Abridged by Bernhard Pörksen & Friedemann Schulz von Thun
Die Kunst des Miteinander-Redens - Abridged
Bernhard Pörksen & Friedemann Schulz von Thun
Die Kunst des Miteinander-Redens - Abridged by Bernhard Pörksen & Friedemann Schulz von Thun

Die Kunst des Miteinander-Redens - Abridged

By: Bernhard Pörksen & Friedemann Schulz von Thun

Narrated by: Volker Hanisch & Bernd Stephan

Length: 5 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hass und Hetze, Gerüchte und Falschmeldungen verbreiten sich rasend schnell. Öffentliche Debatten eskalieren zum giftigen Streit. Und in der Breite der Gesellschaft regiert die Angst vor dem Schwinden des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts und dem Ende von Respekt und Vernunft. Der Medienwissenschaftler Bernhard Pörksen und der... Read more

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