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Basilikumdrache und Schöpfungskrönchen - Die phantastischen Werke von Regina Schleheck - Abridged by Regina Schleheck
Basilikumdrache und Schöpfungskrönchen - Die phantastischen Werke von Regina Schleheck - Abridged
Regina Schleheck
Basilikumdrache und Schöpfungskrönchen - Die phantastischen Werke von Regina Schleheck - Abridged by Regina Schleheck

Basilikumdrache und Schöpfungskrönchen - Die phantastischen Werke von Regina Schleheck - Abridged

By: Regina Schleheck

Narrated by: Regina Schleheck & Timon Schleheck

Length: 5 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Es soll Zechen geben, in denen sich stählerne Möchtegerndrachen verbissen ihre eigene Legende zu fauchen versuchen. Auch Märchen wie vom schlauen Papierfresserdrachen, der seine Artgenossen befreit, warten nur darauf, erzählt zu werden. Oder wie wäre es mit schaurig-schönem Grusel rund um plappernde unsichtbare Doppelgänger und sich... Read more

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Willy Millowitsch - Hörspiele - Abridged by Various Artists
Willy Millowitsch - Hörspiele - Abridged
Various Artists
Willy Millowitsch - Hörspiele - Abridged by Various Artists

Willy Millowitsch - Hörspiele - Abridged

By: Various Artists

Narrated by: Willy Millowitsch

Length: 4 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

2009 wäre der beliebte Kölner Volksschauspieler 100 Jahre alt geworden. Sein komödiantisches Talent hat Kölner und Herzens-Kölner zeitlebens begeistert. Was wenige wissen: Willy Millowitsch, der "leeve Jung", war nicht nur ein begnadeter Bühnen- und Fernsehschauspieler: seine Stimme und sein Witz konnten auch im Hörspiel Begeisterungsstürme... Read more

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Cuentos de Misterio y Terror - Abridged by Alejandro Dumas y otros
Cuentos de Misterio y Terror - Abridged
Alejandro Dumas y otros
Cuentos de Misterio y Terror - Abridged by Alejandro Dumas y otros

Cuentos de Misterio y Terror - Abridged

By: Alejandro Dumas y otros

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 3 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Magistral recopilación de cinco cuentos de misterio y terror, tan verosímiles que podrían ser reales. Historias de misterio y terror de grandes escritores que han fascinado a niños y a adultos a lo largo de todas las épocas. Cuentos cargados de suspenso que mantendrán al oyente cultivo y expectante minuto a minuo.Incluye: Historia de un muerto... Read more

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Los Diarios de Adán y Eva - Abridged by Mark Twain
Los Diarios de Adán y Eva - Abridged
Mark Twain
Los Diarios de Adán y Eva - Abridged by Mark Twain

Los Diarios de Adán y Eva - Abridged

By: Mark Twain

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Marw Twain nos narra las historias del Jardín de Edén. Los divertidos diarios de Adán, el padre legendario, y Eva, la madre de la raza humana. Las relaciones entre el sexo femenino y el masculino ¿han sido siempre las mimas? Twain nos responde a esta pregunta presentándonos a nuestro padre Adán constantemente importunado por la curiosidad de su... Read more

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First Impressions - Abridged by Jude Deveraux
First Impressions - Abridged
Jude Deveraux
First Impressions - Abridged by Jude Deveraux

First Impressions - Abridged

By: Jude Deveraux

Narrated by: Jennifer Wiltsie

Length: 3 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A contemporary novel of romance and renewal from perennial bestseller Jude Deveraux, First Impressions is an emotionally charged story of one woman's bid to start over.

Eden Palmer knows how to make it on her own. The forty-something single mother has worked hard to raise her beloved daughter—now twenty-seven and recently married. The offspring... Read more

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Night of the Comanche Moon - Abridged by T. T. Flynn
Night of the Comanche Moon - Abridged
T. T. Flynn
Night of the Comanche Moon - Abridged by T. T. Flynn

Night of the Comanche Moon - Abridged

By: T. T. Flynn

Narrated by: Buck Schirner

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Compelling Western adventureFour men’s destinies are chained to the huge water wheels irrigating the great rancho of Don Alfredo Correon de Leon y Delgado, deep in Chihuahua. John Hardisty, a cheated prospector, Geoffrey Carruthers, a rather proper English rancher, the crazed Irishman, O’Meara, and Juanito Tomás, son of a powerful Comanche... Read more

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Sorrowville - Abridged by Scarecrow Neversea & Mike Krzywik-Groß
Sorrowville - Abridged
Scarecrow Neversea & Mike Krzywik-Groß
Sorrowville - Abridged by Scarecrow Neversea & Mike Krzywik-Groß

Sorrowville - Abridged

By: Scarecrow Neversea & Mike Krzywik-Groß

Narrated by: Stefan Wendorf

Length: 2 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Tauchen Sie ein in die schaurige Welt von "Sorrowville" und erleben Sie die unheimlichen Fälle des Zacharias Zorn! Die erste Staffel der Reihe beinhaltet fünf Romane, die auch als edles Print und Ebook erscheinen. Über die Reihe "Sorrowville": Die Goldenen Zwanziger in Amerika – Gesellschaft, Kultur und Wirtschaft erblühen. Doch in... Read more

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Historia de Dos ciudades - Abridged by Charles Dickens
Historia de Dos ciudades - Abridged
Charles Dickens
Historia de Dos ciudades - Abridged by Charles Dickens

Historia de Dos ciudades - Abridged

By: Charles Dickens

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Trata paralelamente las realidades de Inglaterra y de una Francia revolucionaria. Tomando como punto de referencia la revolución francesa, Dickens muestra los problemas sociales y políticos de Inglaterra, temiendo que la historia se repitiera en su país natal cuando el escribía esta novela. Read more

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The Foreign Correspondent - Abridged by Alan Furst
The Foreign Correspondent - Abridged
Alan Furst
The Foreign Correspondent - Abridged by Alan Furst

The Foreign Correspondent - Abridged

By: Alan Furst

Narrated by: Alfred Molina

Length: 5 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

2007 Audie Award Finalist for Thriller/Suspense Read more

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El Valle del Terror - Abridged by Joseph Conrad
El Valle del Terror - Abridged
Joseph Conrad
El Valle del Terror - Abridged by Joseph Conrad

El Valle del Terror - Abridged

By: Joseph Conrad

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 3 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sherlock Holmes viaja al valle de Sussex, donde John Douglas, un caballero americano que reside en Inglaterra, ha sido violentamente asesinado en su mansión, una antigua fortaleza aparentemente inexpugnable. En esta obra de Arthur Conan Doyle, encontramos todas las características del género detectivesco: un muerto que plantea infinidad de... Read more

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Cuentos de Lovecraft - Abridged by Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Cuentos de Lovecraft - Abridged
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Cuentos de Lovecraft - Abridged by Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Cuentos de Lovecraft - Abridged

By: Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 3 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Howard Phillips Lovecraft es considerado considera un gran innovador del cuento de terror. Su obra constituye un clásico del horror cósmico, una corriente que se aparta de la temática tradicional del terror sobrenatural, incorporando elementos de ciencia ficción. Una selección del genial escritor estadounidense que incluye algunos de sus cuentos... Read more

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Mit Verlaub, Herr Präsident - Abridged by Jürgen Roth
Mit Verlaub, Herr Präsident - Abridged
Jürgen Roth
Mit Verlaub, Herr Präsident - Abridged by Jürgen Roth

Mit Verlaub, Herr Präsident - Abridged

By: Jürgen Roth

Narrated by: Gert Heidenreich

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

1949, Bundestag zu Bonn. Kurt Schumacher, Vorsitzender der SPD, wirft Konrad Adenauer vor, ein "Kanzler der Alliierten" zu sein. Der skandalöse Vorwurf ist der erste dokumentierte Zwischenruf der bundesdeutschen Parlamentsgeschichte. Nicht selten schlugen im Plenarsaal in der Folge die Wellen derart hoch, dass sogar dem als besonnen geltenden... Read more

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The Broken Window - Abridged by Jeffery Deaver
The Broken Window - Abridged
Jeffery Deaver
The Broken Window - Abridged by Jeffery Deaver

The Broken Window - Abridged

By: Jeffery Deaver

Narrated by: Dennis Boutsikaris

Length: 6 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes


Lincoln Rhyme faces “an Orwellian nightmare” (The New York Times) as a twisted techno-genius destroys lives with impunity by stealing personal information from behind the impenetrable walls of cyberspace.

Rhyme’s cousin Arthur has been... Read more

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El Corazón de las tinieblas - Abridged by Joseph Conrad
El Corazón de las tinieblas - Abridged
Joseph Conrad
El Corazón de las tinieblas - Abridged by Joseph Conrad

El Corazón de las tinieblas - Abridged

By: Joseph Conrad

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 1 hour 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Marlow, agente comercial británico, se ve obligado a remontar el río Congo en busca de su compañero Kurtz, el jefe de una explotación de marfil que al parecer ha cruzado la línea que separa el bien del mal y se ha entregado con placer a las más terribles atrocidades.A medida que el barco avance por territorios cada vez más inhóspitos, Marlow se... Read more

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Sense and Sensibility - Abridged by Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility - Abridged
Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility - Abridged by Jane Austen

Sense and Sensibility - Abridged

By: Jane Austen

Narrated by: Kate Winslet

Length: 3 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The reduced circumstances of the Dashwood family cast a shadow over the romantic aspirations of daughters Elinor and Marianne - who must learn to mix sense with sensibility in approaching their problems with both money and men.

(P)1995 Hodder & Stoughton Audiobooks Read more

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Our Mutual Friend - Abridged by Charles Dickens
Our Mutual Friend - Abridged
Charles Dickens
Our Mutual Friend - Abridged by Charles Dickens

Our Mutual Friend - Abridged

By: Charles Dickens

Narrated by: Alex Jennings

Length: 5 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Charles Dickens' classic novel of mystery, read by Alex Jennings. A body is found in the River Thames and is identified as John Harmon. He was due to inherit a great fortune on the condition that he marry a young woman called Bella Wilfer. And so the story begins and unravels and we are introduced to the mysterious John Rokesmith, Our ... Read more

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Frankenstein - Abridged by Mary Shelley
Frankenstein - Abridged
Mary Shelley
Frankenstein - Abridged by Mary Shelley

Frankenstein - Abridged

By: Mary Shelley

Narrated by: Kenneth Branagh

Length: 3 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

FRANKENSTEIN, or the Modern Prometheus, is Mary Shelley's passionate and Gothic tale of terror, in which a man's desire to know the unknowable sweeps him into a living nightmare. Victor Frankenstein's experiments with life itself give birth to an extraordinary force with the potential for either good or evil. Read by Kenneth Branagh,... Read more

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Far From the Madding Crowd - Abridged by Thomas Hardy
Far From the Madding Crowd - Abridged
Thomas Hardy
Far From the Madding Crowd - Abridged by Thomas Hardy

Far From the Madding Crowd - Abridged

By: Thomas Hardy

Narrated by: Julie Christie

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD is perhaps the best-known of Hardy's works. The story centres around the beautiful and wilful Bathsheba Everdene, mistress of Weatherbury Upper Farm, and the three men who love her. Hardy combines outstanding description of West Country rural life with a deep sense of romantic passion.

(P)2003 Hodder & Stoughton... Read more

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Fire Dance at Spider Rock - Abridged by Les Savage, Jr.
Fire Dance at Spider Rock - Abridged
Les Savage, Jr.
Fire Dance at Spider Rock - Abridged by Les Savage, Jr.

Fire Dance at Spider Rock - Abridged

By: Les Savage, Jr.

Narrated by: Buck Schirner

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In the sooty blackness of a Tucson alley, Rim Fannin got word that twenty heavily guarded freight wagons were traveling by night toward Tubac. Still bitter over his father’s murder, Rim takes a job as a mule skinner with White Mountain Freight, suspecting its owner, John Romaine, of having a hand in his father’s death. He wasn’t very good with a... Read more

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La Dama del Perrito - Abridged by Antón Chéjov
La Dama del Perrito - Abridged
Antón Chéjov
La Dama del Perrito - Abridged by Antón Chéjov

La Dama del Perrito - Abridged

By: Antón Chéjov

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Uno de los más conocidos e importantes de la literatura universal y una de las manifestaciones más brillantes del espíritu ruso. Esta historia no cuenta un acontecimiento extraordinario; los protagonistas llevan una vida corriente, se podría decir que incluso aburrida. El relato es un pequeño ensayo sobre cómo surge el amor entre dos personas,... Read more

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Tears of the Heart - Abridged by Lauran Paine
Tears of the Heart - Abridged
Lauran Paine
Tears of the Heart - Abridged by Lauran Paine

Tears of the Heart - Abridged

By: Lauran Paine

Narrated by: Bill Weideman

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

NEVER AGAINYoung Toby Lincoln was an orphan and runaway who’d been pushed around a lot by life. He spent two hellish years in a Colorado prison, falsely accused of horse stealing. Once he was released he swore he’d never go back to jail again and set out for the New Mexico Territory to make a new start. Yet it wasn’t long before his dreams of a... Read more

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Fußballgefühle - Abridged by Axel Hacke
Fußballgefühle - Abridged
Axel Hacke
Fußballgefühle - Abridged by Axel Hacke

Fußballgefühle - Abridged

By: Axel Hacke

Narrated by: Axel Hacke

Length: 3 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Als ich elf Jahre alt war, spielten wir Fußball mit allem, was sich treten ließ. An der Bushaltestelle kickten wir mit Quitten aus den Sträuchern neben dem Wartehäuschen. Auf dem Pausenhof kickten wir mit flachgedrückten Kakaotüten. Auf dem Heimweg von der Schule kickten wir mit zusammengedrücktem Butterbrotpapier. Am Nachmittag im Park kickten... Read more

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Jane Eyre - Abridged by Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre - Abridged
Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre - Abridged by Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre - Abridged

By: Charlotte Bronte

Narrated by: Penelope Wilton

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Jane begins life penniless and plain: an unlikely romantic heroine. But she is as indomitable in spirit as she is frail in appearance. Taking a position as a governess at Thornfield Hall, her relationship with her employer, the enigmatic Mr Rochester intensifies, until she is forced to choose between the desires of her heart and the demands of a... Read more

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The Godfather's Revenge - Abridged by Mark Winegardner
The Godfather's Revenge - Abridged
Mark Winegardner
The Godfather's Revenge - Abridged by Mark Winegardner

The Godfather's Revenge - Abridged

By: Mark Winegardner

Narrated by: Joe Mantegna

Length: 6 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The third, and final, installment in Mario Puzo's epic chronicle of the Corleone crime family—one of the most enduring lineages in American literature and cinema—achieves a stunning crescendo with a story that imagines the role of the Mafia in the assassination of a young, charismatic president.

It's impossible to overstate the influence of... Read more

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