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El Gran Gatsby - Abridged by F. Scott Fitzgerald
El Gran Gatsby - Abridged
F. Scott Fitzgerald
El Gran Gatsby - Abridged by F. Scott Fitzgerald

El Gran Gatsby - Abridged

By: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 2 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Nueva York, años 20. En la alta sociedad norteamericana, llama la atención la presencia de Jay Gatsby, un hombre misterioso e inmensamente rico, al que todos consideran un advenedizo, lo que no impide que acudan a sus fastuosas fiestas en su gran mansión de Long Island. Gatsby vive obsesionado con la idea de recuperar al amor que dejó escapar... Read more

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The Second Time Around - Abridged by Mary Higgins Clark
The Second Time Around - Abridged
Mary Higgins Clark
The Second Time Around - Abridged by Mary Higgins Clark

The Second Time Around - Abridged

By: Mary Higgins Clark

Narrated by: Jan Maxwell

Length: 4 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The "Queen of Suspense," Mary Higgins Clark, delivers a gripping tale of deception and tantalizing twists that could have been ripped from today's headlines.

When Nicholas Spencer, the charismatic head of a company that has developed an anticancer vaccine, disappears without a trace, reporter Marcia "Carley" DeCarlo is assigned the story. Word... Read more

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Super Pal - Abridged by Jerry Stearns & Brian Price
Super Pal - Abridged
Jerry Stearns & Brian Price
Super Pal - Abridged by Jerry Stearns & Brian Price

Super Pal - Abridged

By: Jerry Stearns & Brian Price

Narrated by: a full cast

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A full-cast comedy production recorded live at Convergence in Bloomington, MinnesotaThe rogue comet Skippy is headed right for Big City. The mayor is looking for a superhero to save everyone, but most of them are busy at the moment. Super Pal is discussed, but he isn’t their first choice. In this superhero mockumentary, we hear about Super Pal... Read more

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Doctor Who: Ghosts Of India - Abridged by Mark Morris
Doctor Who: Ghosts Of India - Abridged
Mark Morris
Doctor Who: Ghosts Of India - Abridged by Mark Morris

Doctor Who: Ghosts Of India - Abridged

By: Mark Morris

Narrated by: David Troughton

Length: 2 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

India in 1947 is a country in the grip of chaos, a country torn apart by internal strife. When the Doctor and Donna arrive in Calcutta, they are instantly swept up in violent events. Barely escaping with their lives, they discover that the city is rife with tales of 'half-made men', who roam the streets at night and steal people away. These... Read more

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3 Wizard Tales - Abridged by Jerry Stearns & Brian Price
3 Wizard Tales - Abridged
Jerry Stearns & Brian Price
3 Wizard Tales - Abridged by Jerry Stearns & Brian Price

3 Wizard Tales - Abridged

By: Jerry Stearns & Brian Price

Narrated by: Jerry Stearns, David Ossman & a full cast

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“High Moon”David Ossman, Kevin Swan, Jane Yolen, Richard Fish, Steve Perry, Kara Dalkey. Sound effects by Brian Westley. Music by David Emerson. Cover by Ken Fletcher. Recorded live at Minicon 32, March 1997, Bloomington, MN.“Tell Them NAPA Sent You”David Ossman, Michael Sheard, Windy Bowlsby, Tim Wick, Irene Ruderman, Preston Ossman, Richard... Read more

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The Velveteen Submission - Abridged by Brian Price & Jerry Stearns
The Velveteen Submission - Abridged
Brian Price & Jerry Stearns
The Velveteen Submission - Abridged by Brian Price & Jerry Stearns

The Velveteen Submission - Abridged

By: Brian Price & Jerry Stearns

Narrated by: David Ossman, Irene Ruderman & a full cast

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A full-cast comedy production recorded live at Convergence in Bloomington, MinnesotaPangborn arrives unexpectedly on a lighthouse in space, startling the caretaker and his wife. Then Ripley shows up, looking for Pangborn. Then Ripley’s father, space pirate Captain Squid, arrives looking for his daughter, and he doesn’t like finding Pangborn... Read more

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Bodas de Sangre - Abridged by Federico García Lorca
Bodas de Sangre - Abridged
Federico García Lorca
Bodas de Sangre - Abridged by Federico García Lorca

Bodas de Sangre - Abridged

By: Federico García Lorca

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Esta obra de García Lorca narra la historia de una boda entre dos familias llenas de desdichas. Todo transcurría según lo planificado hasta que el día de la boda reaparece Leonardo Félix, un joven que nunca pudo olvidar el amor a la novia.Luego de casarse, la novia y Leonardo escapan juntos al bosque siendo perseguidos por el novio y desatando... Read more

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Filosofía en el tocador - Abridged by Marqués de Sade
Filosofía en el tocador - Abridged
Marqués de Sade
Filosofía en el tocador - Abridged by Marqués de Sade

Filosofía en el tocador - Abridged

By: Marqués de Sade

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 2 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Escrita en 1795, La filosofía en el tocador relata las peripecias de Eugenia, una adolescente de iniciada en los rituales del sexo por tres preceptores que desconocen los límites entre el bien y el mal.Sade transgrede por completo el género ligero y alegre de la “la novela libertina”, penetrando en las profundidades del deseo sexual, dejándolo... Read more

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McQueen of the Tumbling K - Abridged by Louis L'Amour
McQueen of the Tumbling K - Abridged
Louis L'Amour
McQueen of the Tumbling K - Abridged by Louis L'Amour

McQueen of the Tumbling K - Abridged

By: Louis L'Amour

Narrated by: Dramatization

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

McQueen of the Tumbling K
Ranch foreman Ward McQueen recognizes trouble when he sees it-and trouble is what the Texan sees when he spies the tracks of a wounded man in the middle of the big Tumbling K spread. In town, he learns that a tinhorn gambler has just won the ranch next to the Tumbling K in a dirty card game--and is turning his oily gaze... Read more

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Dick Barton The Mystery Of The Missing Formula - Abridged by Edward J. Mason
Dick Barton The Mystery Of The Missing Formula - Abridged
Edward J. Mason
Dick Barton The Mystery Of The Missing Formula - Abridged by Edward J. Mason

Dick Barton The Mystery Of The Missing Formula - Abridged

By: Edward J. Mason

Narrated by: Toby Stephens

Length: 2 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Where has George Cameron disappeared to? What deadly formula has he discovered? Why is his daughter Lucy in such terrible danger? And why was the meek chemist Tibbs so ruthlessly killed? The fate of the country lies in the hands of one man... Dick Barton – Special Agent! Captain Richard Barton, late of the Commandos, made his radio debut on... Read more

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Mit Verlaub, Herr Präsident - Abridged by Jürgen Roth
Mit Verlaub, Herr Präsident - Abridged
Jürgen Roth
Mit Verlaub, Herr Präsident - Abridged by Jürgen Roth

Mit Verlaub, Herr Präsident - Abridged

By: Jürgen Roth

Narrated by: Gert Heidenreich

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

1949, Bundestag zu Bonn. Kurt Schumacher, Vorsitzender der SPD, wirft Konrad Adenauer vor, ein "Kanzler der Alliierten" zu sein. Der skandalöse Vorwurf ist der erste dokumentierte Zwischenruf der bundesdeutschen Parlamentsgeschichte. Nicht selten schlugen im Plenarsaal in der Folge die Wellen derart hoch, dass sogar dem als besonnen geltenden... Read more

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La máquina del tiempo - Abridged by H. G. Wells
La máquina del tiempo - Abridged
H. G. Wells
La máquina del tiempo - Abridged by H. G. Wells

La máquina del tiempo - Abridged

By: H. G. Wells

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 2 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

En La Máquina del tiempo el autor narra la historia de cómo un científico de finales del siglo XIX viajó a través del tiempo con la intención de conocer el futuro de la humanidad, se desplazó hasta el año 802.701, pero lejos de encontrar una sociedad en la plenitud de su desarrollo, ve un mundo en decadencia habitado en su superficie por unos... Read more

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La guerra de los Mundos - Abridged by H. G. Wells
La guerra de los Mundos - Abridged
H. G. Wells
La guerra de los Mundos - Abridged by H. G. Wells

La guerra de los Mundos - Abridged

By: H. G. Wells

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 3 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La invasión hostil de la tierra por los marcianos supuso un duro golpe para el hombre, que nunca imaginó tener que vérselas con seres extraterrestres, y menos aún que pudieran ser más inteligentes. Los marcianos miran a los seres humanos como a hormigas, con una mezcla de indiferencia y desprecio. El mundo deberá organizarse para impedir una... Read more

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Doctor Who: Snowglobe 7 - Abridged by Mike Tucker
Doctor Who: Snowglobe 7 - Abridged
Mike Tucker
Doctor Who: Snowglobe 7 - Abridged by Mike Tucker

Doctor Who: Snowglobe 7 - Abridged

By: Mike Tucker

Narrated by: Georgia Moffett

Length: 2 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Earth, 2099, and global warming is devastating the planet. In a desperate attempt at preservation, the governments of the world have removed vast sections of the Arctic and Antarctic and set them inside huge domes. When the TARDIS arrives, the Doctor and Martha soon discover that it's not only ice and snow that has been preserved beneath... Read more

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El hombre invisible - Abridged by H. G. Wells
El hombre invisible - Abridged
H. G. Wells
El hombre invisible - Abridged by H. G. Wells

El hombre invisible - Abridged

By: H. G. Wells

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 2 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Griffin es un joven científico con aspiraciones de lograr algo revolucionario en el campo de la ciencia. Tras largos y penosos experimentos, consigue obtener un producto capaz de hacer invisibles a objetos, animales y, por fin, también a personas. Él mismo realiza el experimento de hacerse invisible y da resultado. Pero es precisamente entonces... Read more

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Doctor Who: The Many Hands - Abridged by Dale Smith
Doctor Who: The Many Hands - Abridged
Dale Smith
Doctor Who: The Many Hands - Abridged by Dale Smith

Doctor Who: The Many Hands - Abridged

By: Dale Smith

Narrated by: David Troughton

Length: 2 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Edinburgh, 1759. The Nor’ Loch is being filled in. If you ask the soldiers there, they’ll tell you it’s a stinking cesspool that the city can do without. But that doesn’t explain why the workers won’t go near the place without an armed guard. That doesn’t explain why they whisper stories about the loch giving up its dead, about the minister who... Read more

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Moll Flanders - Abridged by Daniel Defoe
Moll Flanders - Abridged
Daniel Defoe
Moll Flanders - Abridged by Daniel Defoe

Moll Flanders - Abridged

By: Daniel Defoe

Narrated by: Jan Francis

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Defoe's rumbustious story tells the tale of Moll Flanders: her seductions, marriages and liaisons, and the journey to her mother in Virginia where it becomes clear that Moll has, without realising, married her own brother.

Our resourceful heroine goes to and from America meeting (and sometimes marrying) highwaymen, pickpockets and dastardly... Read more

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Portrait of a Lady - Abridged by Henry James
Portrait of a Lady - Abridged
Henry James
Portrait of a Lady - Abridged by Henry James

Portrait of a Lady - Abridged

By: Henry James

Narrated by: Gayle Hunnicutt

Length: 2 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The classic novel, read by Gayle Hunnicutt and featuring an immersive musical soundtrack to enhance your audiobook listening experience!

Isabel Archer is the 'Lady' in Henry James's masterpiece, an innocent American girl, newly arrived in England, determined to retain her independence and act with grace and courage at all times. Only when she is... Read more

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Emma - Abridged by Jane Austen
Emma - Abridged
Jane Austen
Emma - Abridged by Jane Austen

Emma - Abridged

By: Jane Austen

Narrated by: Sophie Thompson

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Jane Austen's enduring tale of romantic entanglement, read by Sophie Thompson and featuring an immersive musical soundtrack to enhance your audiobook listening experience!

Emma is considered by many to be Jane Austen's finest work. Its heroine is fascinating, selfish and manipulative, running riot with other people's emotions and relationships.... Read more

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Fußballgefühle - Abridged by Axel Hacke
Fußballgefühle - Abridged
Axel Hacke
Fußballgefühle - Abridged by Axel Hacke

Fußballgefühle - Abridged

By: Axel Hacke

Narrated by: Axel Hacke

Length: 3 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Als ich elf Jahre alt war, spielten wir Fußball mit allem, was sich treten ließ. An der Bushaltestelle kickten wir mit Quitten aus den Sträuchern neben dem Wartehäuschen. Auf dem Pausenhof kickten wir mit flachgedrückten Kakaotüten. Auf dem Heimweg von der Schule kickten wir mit zusammengedrücktem Butterbrotpapier. Am Nachmittag im Park kickten... Read more

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Dracula - Abridged by Bram Stoker & Thomas Tippner
Dracula - Abridged
Bram Stoker & Thomas Tippner
Dracula - Abridged by Bram Stoker & Thomas Tippner

Dracula - Abridged

By: Bram Stoker & Thomas Tippner

Narrated by: Matthias Ernst Holzmann

Length: 3 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Als Graf Dracula eine angesehene Anwaltskanzlei beauftragt, ein passendes Objekt für ihn in London zu kaufen, ahnt niemand, in was für ein Chaos London gestürzt werden soll. Vor allen Jonathan Harker begreift die Auswirkungen seines Aufenthalts in Transsilvanien nicht. Er macht doch nur seine Arbeit und bringt dem Grafen die Gepflogenheiten des... Read more

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Das Ende Der Welt - Abridged by Arthur Conan Doyle & Thomas Tippner
Das Ende Der Welt - Abridged
Arthur Conan Doyle & Thomas Tippner
Das Ende Der Welt - Abridged by Arthur Conan Doyle & Thomas Tippner

Das Ende Der Welt - Abridged

By: Arthur Conan Doyle & Thomas Tippner

Narrated by: Matthias Ernst Holzmann

Length: 3 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die Menschen verändern sich. Sie werden aggressiver, streitsüchtiger. Keiner merkt, was der Erde katastrophales bevorsteht. Niemand? Nur Professor Challanger hat eine vage Ahnung. Und als er seine Freunde zu sich ruft, um sie noch einmal wiederzusehen, ahnt keiner, dass es das letzte Mal sein wird, dass sie sich lebend begegnen... Read more

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Die Berge des Wahnsinns - Abridged by Thomas Tippner & Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Die Berge des Wahnsinns - Abridged
Thomas Tippner & Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Die Berge des Wahnsinns - Abridged by Thomas Tippner & Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Die Berge des Wahnsinns - Abridged

By: Thomas Tippner & Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Narrated by: Omid-Paul Eftekhari

Length: 2 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Einst bevölkerten unvorstellbare Geschöpfe die Erde. Sie errichteten Zivilisationen, erschufen Städte und Kultstätten. Sie waren mächtig und unvorstellbar gelehrig und intelligent. Bis sie etwas zurückdrängte. Etwas Grausames – etwas unvorstellbar Böses. Das Erbe jener Geschöpfe blieb bis heute im ewigen Eis verschlossen. Bis die... Read more

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Titan’s Judgement [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by David Beers & Michael Anderle
Titan’s Judgement [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
David Beers & Michael Anderle
Titan’s Judgement [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by David Beers & Michael Anderle

Titan’s Judgement [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: David Beers & Michael Anderle

Narrated by: Terence Aselford, Bradley Foster Smith, Danny G...

Length: 8 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Everything has led to this…
…But only one warrior will win.
The three forces converge on Earth: de Finita, The AllSeer, and Prometheus.
Behind them lay the wreckage of millions of lives and planets burned to ashes.
In front of each?
The greatest empire known to mankind. Destiny.
In the final book of this epic saga, who will achieve victory? Can... Read more

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