Historical Fiction audiobooks
Helle Tage, dunkle Schuld - Kriminalinspektor Carl Bruns, Band 1 (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged
By: Eva Völler
Narrated by: Steffen Groth
Length: 10 hours 49 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Eine Frau, die sich in der Nachkriegszeit einen Platz im Leben erkämpft, ein Mann, der gegen das Unrecht kämpft und ein historischer Kriminalfall, der auf Tatsachen beruht. Der erste große Spannungsroman der SPIEGEL-Bestsellerautorin Eva Völler - authentisch, aufwühlend und packend. Ruhrgebiet, 1948. Der Kriminalbeamte Carl Bruns arbeitet für... Read more
View audiobookThe Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette - Abridged
By: Carolly Erickson
Narrated by: Maggi-Meg Reed
Length: 5 hours 14 minutes
Abridged: Yes
For more than two centuries Marie Antoinette has been vilified as the heartless, frivolous queen who spent lavishly while her people starved. Now, in the tradition of The Birth of Venus and The Other Boleyn Girl, this moving novel tells her side of the story.
Imagine that, on the night before she is to die under the blade of the guillotine, Marie... Read more
A Rogue of My Own - Abridged
By: Johanna Lindsey
Narrated by: Rosalyn Landor
Length: 4 hours 19 minutes
Abridged: Yes
How does an innocent lady find herself forced to wed a royal spy who seduced her—by mistake? For Lady Rebecca Marshall, a whirlwind of passion and excitement begins when, to her mother’s great delight, she becomes a maid of honor at the court of Queen Victoria. Rebecca’s mother sees this appointment as a golden opportunity for Rebecca to make a... Read more
View audiobookMoll Flanders - Abridged
By: Daniel Defoe
Narrated by: Jan Francis
Length: 2 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Defoe's rumbustious story tells the tale of Moll Flanders: her seductions, marriages and liaisons, and the journey to her mother in Virginia where it becomes clear that Moll has, without realising, married her own brother.
Our resourceful heroine goes to and from America meeting (and sometimes marrying) highwaymen, pickpockets and dastardly... Read more
Portrait of a Lady - Abridged
By: Henry James
Narrated by: Gayle Hunnicutt
Length: 2 hours 48 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The classic novel, read by Gayle Hunnicutt and featuring an immersive musical soundtrack to enhance your audiobook listening experience!
Isabel Archer is the 'Lady' in Henry James's masterpiece, an innocent American girl, newly arrived in England, determined to retain her independence and act with grace and courage at all times. Only when she is... Read more
Emma - Abridged
By: Jane Austen
Narrated by: Sophie Thompson
Length: 2 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Jane Austen's enduring tale of romantic entanglement, read by Sophie Thompson and featuring an immersive musical soundtrack to enhance your audiobook listening experience!
Emma is considered by many to be Jane Austen's finest work. Its heroine is fascinating, selfish and manipulative, running riot with other people's emotions and relationships.... Read more
Blut und Silber (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged
By: Sabine Ebert
Narrated by: Dana Geissler
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
Deutschland 1296: König Adolf von Nassau setzt eine gewaltige Streitmacht gegen das sächsische Freiberg in Bewegung, um die reiche Silberstadt in die Knie zu zwingen. Unter den Bürgern entbrennt ein heftiger Streit: Dürfen sie sich ihrem König widersetzen? Mittendrin im Getümmel dieser unruhigen Zeit ist Änne, eine Nachfahrin der Stadtbegründer... Read more
View audiobookThe Thistle and The Rose - Abridged
By: May McGoldrick & Jan Coffey
Narrated by: Virtual Narration
Length: 10 hours 44 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Passion and Peril in the Scottish Highlands: A Love Forged in War!A heroine's quest for survival and a powerful warrior's unexpected love…Celia Muir's life is at stake as she escapes a burning castle, hunted by English soldiers through the wild and rugged Scottish Highlands. With trusted allies at her side and the infant Kit in her care, she... Read more
View audiobookSense and Sensibility - Abridged
By: Jane Austen
Narrated by: Kate Winslet
Length: 3 hours 4 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The reduced circumstances of the Dashwood family cast a shadow over the romantic aspirations of daughters Elinor and Marianne - who must learn to mix sense with sensibility in approaching their problems with both money and men.
(P)1995 Hodder & Stoughton Audiobooks Read more
Das Geheimnis der Alchemistin - Abridged
By: Susann Rosemann
Narrated by: Petra Glunz Grosch
Length: 11 hours 35 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Heidelberg / Pfalz 1399: Matti wächst als Findelkind auf einer Burg im Pfälzer Wald auf. Ihre Ziehmutter, Josefa, ist eine entfernte Verwandte des Burgherrn. Sie hat damals als Hebamme das Mädchen entbunden, ohne genau zu wissen, wer die verzweifelte junge Frau eigentlich war, die Hilfe suchend auf die Burg gekommen war. Für ihre... Read more
View audiobookOur Mutual Friend - Abridged
By: Charles Dickens
Narrated by: Alex Jennings
Length: 5 hours 21 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Charles Dickens' classic novel of mystery, read by Alex Jennings. A body is found in the River Thames and is identified as John Harmon. He was due to inherit a great fortune on the condition that he marry a young woman called Bella Wilfer. And so the story begins and unravels and we are introduced to the mysterious John Rokesmith, Our ... Read more
View audiobookLos Dioses Tienen Sed - Abridged
By: Anatole France
Narrated by: Laura García
Length: 3 hours 2 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Anatole France creo una de las grandes novelas, que sobre el fondo de los anos posteriores a la Revolucion Francesa y el desarrollo del Terror, muestra un punto de vista diferente sobre ese hecho historico. El protagonista de la obra, el pintor Evaristo Gamelin, revolucionario ferviente, se ven envuelto en los torbellinos de los hechos y acaba... Read more
View audiobookDie Verlobung in St. Domingo - Abridged
By: Heinrich von Kleist
Narrated by: Heiner Heusinger
Length: 1 hour 13 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Die schwarze Sucht der Seele" nannte Kleist das Mißtrauen, das sich in der Liebesgeschichte zwischen dem jungen Schweizer Gustav von Ried und der Mestizin Toni als tödliche Leidenschaft erweist. Kleists Erzählung spielt vor dem Hintergrund des blutigen Sklavenaufstandes 1803 in Haiti um den schwarzen General Dessalines. Dessen Motto "Köpfe... Read more
View audiobookFar From the Madding Crowd - Abridged
By: Thomas Hardy
Narrated by: Julie Christie
Length: 2 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: Yes
FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD is perhaps the best-known of Hardy's works. The story centres around the beautiful and wilful Bathsheba Everdene, mistress of Weatherbury Upper Farm, and the three men who love her. Hardy combines outstanding description of West Country rural life with a deep sense of romantic passion.
(P)2003 Hodder & Stoughton... Read more
Die verkaufte Sängerin - Cristina, Band 1 (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged
By: Iny Lorentz
Narrated by: Anne Moll
Length: 12 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Dramatisch, abenteuerlich und hochspannend! Bestseller-Autorin Iny Lorentz entführt mit Die verkaufte Sängerin - dem ersten Band der historischen Trilogie um die Sängerin Cristina - ins Thüringen des 18. Jahrhunderts. Thüringen um 1796: Ihr blondes Haar macht die junge Cristina selbst in ihrer eigenen Gaukler-Familie zur Außenseiterin. Sie... Read more
View audiobookJane Eyre - Abridged
By: Charlotte Bronte
Narrated by: Penelope Wilton
Length: 3 hours 10 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Jane begins life penniless and plain: an unlikely romantic heroine. But she is as indomitable in spirit as she is frail in appearance. Taking a position as a governess at Thornfield Hall, her relationship with her employer, the enigmatic Mr Rochester intensifies, until she is forced to choose between the desires of her heart and the demands of a... Read more
View audiobookDie Farben der Frauen (Gekürzt) - Abridged
By: Natasha Lester
Narrated by: Elke Appelt
Length: 9 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Seit die Frauen Farbe tragen. England, 1918: Obwohl das Tragen roten Lippenstifts noch als skandalös gilt, stellt die junge Leonora in der Apotheke ihres Vaters heimlich Kosmetika her. Als ihr Vater an der Spanischen Grippe stirbt, sucht sie ihr Glück in Amerika und lernt den charmanten Everett kennen - und lieben. Doch um diese Liebe muss sie... Read more
View audiobookDie Frauen von New York - Glanz der Freiheit - Töchter Amerikas, Band 1 (Gekürzt) - Abridged
By: Ella Carey
Narrated by: Sabina Godec
Length: 8 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Die Stunde der Frauen. New York, 1942: Immer mehr Männer werden an die Front gerufen, auch die Köche im Valentino's, wo die junge Lily Rose arbeitet. Mit viel Ehrgeiz und großer Leidenschaft setzt Lily nun alles daran, die erste Küchenchefin der Geschichte zu werden. Bei ihrer Suche nach neuen Rezepten in Zeiten der Rationierung verliebt sie... Read more
View audiobookIm Auge der Sonne (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged
By: Barbara Wood
Narrated by: Tanja Geke
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
Die Heilerin Leah hasst Jotham, den Mann, für den ihr Vater sie bestimmt hat. Und sie liebt David, den jungen Kämpfer und Schriftgelehrten. Leahs Weigerung, Jotham zu heiraten, stürzt ihre Familie ins Unglück. Wie soll sie diese Schuld tilgen? Von David lernt sie das Geheimnis einer neuen Schrift. Vor dem Thron der großen Pharaonenkönigin... Read more
View audiobookLa Madre - Abridged
By: Maxim Gorky
Narrated by: Laura García
Length: 3 hours
Abridged: Yes
Una ventana a ideas revolucionarias. Aunque La Madre de Gorky tiene quiza un exceso de retorica, es sin embargo una ventana a las ideas revolucionarias, en especial en el conmovedor retrato de la madre que decide tomar los rumbos de su hijo, cuando este es encarcelado por sus ideas. Pero mas importante que el argumento, es la excelente serie de... Read more
View audiobookParadise - Abridged
By: Toni Morrison
Narrated by: Toni Morrison
Length: 6 hours 26 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Rumors had been whispered for more than a year. Outrages that had been accumulating all along took shape as evidence. A mother was knocked down the stairs by her cold-eyed daughter. Four damaged infants were born in one family. Daughters refused to get out of bed. Brides disappeared on their honeymoons. Two brothers shot each other on New... Read more
View audiobookTirano Banderas - Abridged
By: Ramon del Valle-Inclán
Narrated by: Daniel Quintero
Length: 3 hours 5 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Valle-Inclan decia en una carta que estaba escribiendo "una novela americana de caudillaje y avaricia gachupinesca...en una prosa expresiva y poco academica". Esa obra fue Tirano Banderas donde con una prosa brillante muestra las pequeneces de los dictadores de nuestra America. El pintoresco pero cruel Santos Banderas es un personaje... Read more
View audiobookO Alienista - Abridged
By: Machado de Assis
Narrated by: Voz Sintética
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
Em "O Alienista" de Machado de Assis, o Dr. Simão Bacamarte inaugura um asilo para estudar a loucura na cidade de Itaguaí. Determinado a compreender a mente humana, ele interna diversos cidadãos, gerando controvérsias e revoltas. A história satiriza a ciência, a sociedade e os limites entre sanidade e loucura, culminando em uma surpreendente... Read more
View audiobookEl Alienista - Abridged
By: Machado de Assis
Narrated by: Voz Sintética
Length: 2 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: Yes
En "El alienista", de Machado de Assis, el doctor Simão Bacamarte abre un manicomio para estudiar la locura en la ciudad de Itaguaí. Decidido a comprender la mente humana, interna a varios ciudadanos, generando polémica y revuelta. La historia satiriza la ciencia, la sociedad y los límites entre la cordura y la locura, culminando con un giro... Read more
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