Historical Fiction audiobooks

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Helle Tage, dunkle Schuld - Kriminalinspektor Carl Bruns, Band 1 (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Eva Völler
Helle Tage, dunkle Schuld - Kriminalinspektor Carl Bruns, Band 1 (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged
Eva Völler
Helle Tage, dunkle Schuld - Kriminalinspektor Carl Bruns, Band 1 (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Eva Völler

Helle Tage, dunkle Schuld - Kriminalinspektor Carl Bruns, Band 1 (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged

By: Eva Völler

Narrated by: Steffen Groth

Length: 10 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Eine Frau, die sich in der Nachkriegszeit einen Platz im Leben erkämpft, ein Mann, der gegen das Unrecht kämpft und ein historischer Kriminalfall, der auf Tatsachen beruht. Der erste große Spannungsroman der SPIEGEL-Bestsellerautorin Eva Völler - authentisch, aufwühlend und packend. Ruhrgebiet, 1948. Der Kriminalbeamte Carl Bruns arbeitet für... Read more

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الغرق - Abridged by حمور زيادة
الغرق - Abridged
حمور زيادة
الغرق - Abridged by حمور زيادة

الغرق - Abridged

By: حمور زيادة

Narrated by: خالد الذهبي

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

تكدس الأهالي أمام العيادة رجالاً ونساءً وأطفالاً. ستعيش هذه الحكاية طويلاً وتمتزج بالونس. "ليلة حنة عبد الحفيظ البدري لُدِغ عبد الرازق". ستتبدل الحكاية وتتغير. تزاوجها تفاصيل متخيلة، وتفارقها حقائق حدثت. في الونس لا يهم ما حدث. إنما يهم أن تكون الحكاية ممتعة حين تُروى Read more

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Imperium - Abridged by Robert Harris
Imperium - Abridged
Robert Harris
Imperium - Abridged by Robert Harris

Imperium - Abridged

By: Robert Harris

Narrated by: Oliver Ford Davies

Length: 6 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From the bestselling author of Fatherland and Pompeii, comes the first novel of a trilogy about the struggle for power in ancient Rome.

In his “most accomplished work to date” (Los Angeles Times), master of historical fiction Robert Harris lures readers back in time to the compelling life of Roman Senator Marcus Cicero. The re-creation of a... Read more

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Coming soon
La novelista de Berlín - Abridged by V. S. Alexander
La novelista de Berlín - Abridged
V. S. Alexander
La novelista de Berlín - Abridged by V. S. Alexander

La novelista de Berlín - Abridged

By: V. S. Alexander

Narrated by: Diana Huicochea

Length: 14 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Los nazis quieren silenciarla, pero ella no se callará 1920. Aunque el mundo ha cambiado tras la Primera Guerra Mundial, sigue dominado por hombres. Incluso alguien tan audaz como Niki Rittenhaus, una joven actriz, necesita crear alianzas para sobresalir. Su matrimonio con Rickard Länger, un productor de cine en Berlín, parece conveniente para... Read more

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The Thirteenth Tale - Abridged by Diane Setterfield
The Thirteenth Tale - Abridged
Diane Setterfield
The Thirteenth Tale - Abridged by Diane Setterfield

The Thirteenth Tale - Abridged

By: Diane Setterfield

Narrated by: Lynn Redgrave & Henshall

Length: 7 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Winner of the 2007 Audie Award for Literary Fiction and Finalist for Multi-Voiced Performance

Instant #1 New York Times bestseller

“Readers will feel the magnetic pull of this paean to words, books and the magical power of story.”—People

“Eerie and fascinating.”—USA TODAY

Sometimes, when you open the door to the past, what you confront is your... Read more

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Mischief - Abridged by Amanda Quick
Mischief - Abridged
Amanda Quick
Mischief - Abridged by Amanda Quick

Mischief - Abridged

By: Amanda Quick

Narrated by: Harriet Walter

Length: 3 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Imogen Waterstone has always prided herself on being a thoroughly independent young woman, but now she needs a man of implacable will and nerves of iron. That's why she invited Matthias Marshall, infamous Earl of Colchester, to her home in Upper Strickland. Who better than the legendary explorer to help her lay the perfect trap?

Her scheme is... Read more

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Treason's Harbour - Abridged by Patrick O'Brian
Treason's Harbour - Abridged
Patrick O'Brian
Treason's Harbour - Abridged by Patrick O'Brian

Treason's Harbour - Abridged

By: Patrick O'Brian

Narrated by: Tim Pigott-Smith

Length: 5 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The 9th installment in the Aubrey/Maturin series

All of Patrick O'Brian's strengths are on parade in this novel of action and intrigue, set partly in Malta, partly in the treacherous, pirate-infested waters of the Red Sea. While Captain Aubrey worries about repairs to his ship, Stephen Maturin assumes the center stage; for the dockyards and... Read more

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The Forest - Abridged by Edward Rutherfurd
The Forest - Abridged
Edward Rutherfurd
The Forest - Abridged by Edward Rutherfurd

The Forest - Abridged

By: Edward Rutherfurd

Narrated by: Lynn Redgrave

Length: 5 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • “Rutherford brings England’s New Forest to life” (The Seattle Times) in this companion to the critically acclaimed Sarum

From the time of the Norman Conquest to the present day, the New Forest, along England’s southern coast, has remained an almost mythical place. It is here that Saxon and Norman kings rode forth with their... Read more

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Sense and Sensibility - Abridged by Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility - Abridged
Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility - Abridged by Jane Austen

Sense and Sensibility - Abridged

By: Jane Austen

Narrated by: Julie Christie

Length: 5 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Listen to audio presented by Literary Affairs: Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility.View our feature on Jane Austen.

Marianne Dashwood wears her heart on her sleeve, and when she falls in love with the dashing but unsuitable John Willoughby she ignores her sister Elinor's warning that her impulsive behaviour leaves her open to gossip and innuendo.... Read more

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Lord of the Silent - Abridged by Elizabeth Peters
Lord of the Silent - Abridged
Elizabeth Peters
Lord of the Silent - Abridged by Elizabeth Peters

Lord of the Silent - Abridged

By: Elizabeth Peters

Narrated by: Barbara Rosenblat

Length: 6 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“Irresistible….Amelia is still a joy.”
 —New York Times Book Review The intrepid archeologist Amelia Peabody and her fearless family, the Emersons, are back in Egypt, and something very nasty is afoot in Lord of the SilentNew York Times bestselling Grandmaster Elizabeth Peters’s sparkling adventure with more riddles than the Sphinx and more... Read more

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Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 1 - Abridged by Bret Harte
Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 1 - Abridged
Bret Harte
Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 1 - Abridged by Bret Harte

Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 1 - Abridged

By: Bret Harte

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Stories von Bret Harte, dem Erfinder der Wildwestgeschichte. Es geht um einsame Reiter, die widerwillig zu Helden werden, um harte Männer, die plötzlich ganz weich werden, um Glücksspiel, die Jagd nach Gold - und natürlich um Frauen und das, was sie aus den harten Jungs machen. Ein Fremder in der Stadt: Als der Revolverheld Luke Clayton in den... Read more

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Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 2 - Abridged by Bret Harte
Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 2 - Abridged
Bret Harte
Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 2 - Abridged by Bret Harte

Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 2 - Abridged

By: Bret Harte

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Stories von Bret Harte, dem Erfinder der Westerngeschichte, von einsamen Reitern, die widerwillig zu Helden werden, von Glücksspielern, Goldsuchern - und Frauen. In der Todeswüste von Arizona: Als ein einsamer Goldsucher in der Wüste sein Pferd erschießen muss, ist er dem Tode geweiht. Doch kurz bevor er ohnmächtig wird, findet ihn ein Fremder... Read more

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Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 3 - Abridged by Bret Harte
Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 3 - Abridged
Bret Harte
Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 3 - Abridged by Bret Harte

Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 3 - Abridged

By: Bret Harte

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Packende Erzählungen von Bret Harte, dem Erfinder der Westerngeschichte. Schnörkellose Geschichten um Glücksspiel, harte Männer - und noch härtere Frauen! Der Revolverheld und der Priester: Als der Fremde im Saloon auftaucht, wird er Zeuge, wie ein betrunkener Priester von zwei Männern misshandelt wird. Zwei gegen einen, das ist unfair, dafür... Read more

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Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 4 - Abridged by Bret Harte
Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 4 - Abridged
Bret Harte
Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 4 - Abridged by Bret Harte

Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen 4 - Abridged

By: Bret Harte

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die Ausgestoßenen von Poker Flat: Die Stadt Poker Flat will sich ungeliebter Einwohner entledigen. Ein Glücksspieler, ein Dieb und zwei Prostituierte werden aus der Stadt gejagt. Der einzige Zufluchtsort ist Sandy Bar - doch der Weg dorthin führt über einen Pass - und der Winter könnte jeden Moment einbrechen... Eine packende Story über wahres... Read more

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Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen - Die Box - Abridged by Bret Harte
Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen - Die Box - Abridged
Bret Harte
Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen - Die Box - Abridged by Bret Harte

Western Stories: Geschichten aus dem Wilden Westen - Die Box - Abridged

By: Bret Harte

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die schönsten und packendsten Wildwest-Stories von Bret Harte. Einsame Reiter, die zu Helden werden. Männer, die den ewigen Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse kämpfen. Frauen, die nur scheinbar das "schwache Geschlecht" sind... Mit dabei: Der Glücksbringer von Roaring Camp, Die Ausgestoßenen von Poker Flat, Miggles, Das Idyll von Red Gulch, Ein Fremder... Read more

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Die Schicksalsgabe (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged by Barbara Wood
Die Schicksalsgabe (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged
Barbara Wood
Die Schicksalsgabe (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged by Barbara Wood

Die Schicksalsgabe (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged

By: Barbara Wood

Narrated by: Tanja Geke

Length: 10 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Fluch oder Segen? Ihre geheimnisvolle Gabe führt die junge Ulrika bis an die Grenzen der Welt. Sie weiß, dass sie anders ist als ihre römischen Freundinnen: seit der Kindheit hat Ulrika Visionen, die sie vor allen verheimlicht. Aber dann erscheint ihr das Bild ihres Vaters, den sie nie gekannt hat. Sie bricht auf, um ihn zu warnen. Allein und... Read more

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Cloud of Sparrows - Abridged by Takashi Matsuoka
Cloud of Sparrows - Abridged
Takashi Matsuoka
Cloud of Sparrows - Abridged by Takashi Matsuoka

Cloud of Sparrows - Abridged

By: Takashi Matsuoka

Narrated by: Ron Rifkin

Length: 6 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“Exotic, entertaining . . . [an] exceptional first novel.”—San Francisco Chronicle

The year is 1861. After two centuries of isolation, Japan has opened its doors to the West. And as foreign ships threaten to rain destruction on the Shogun’s castle in Edo, a small group of American missionaries has arrived to spread the word of their God. They... Read more

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Rebecca - Abridged by author
Rebecca - Abridged
Rebecca - Abridged by author

Rebecca - Abridged

By: author

Narrated by: Sean Pratt & Various

Length: 2 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

An Unforgettable Masterpiece That Will Enrich Your Life

The 1940 film Rebecca is acclaimed as one of the greatest achievements of the legendary director Alfred Hitchcock. This audio recording is an adaptation of the screenplay of this Academy Award winning motion picture featuring the original cast, including Sir Laurence Olivier and Joan... Read more

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The Golden One - Abridged by Elizabeth Peters
The Golden One - Abridged
Elizabeth Peters
The Golden One - Abridged by Elizabeth Peters

The Golden One - Abridged

By: Elizabeth Peters

Narrated by: Barbara Rosenblat

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A new year, 1917, is dawning, and the Great War that ravages the world shows no sign of abating. Answering the siren call of Egypt once more, Amelia Peabody and her husband and son, Ramses, arrive at their home in Luxor to learn of a new royal tomb ransacked by thieves. Soon, a more disturbing outrage concerns the archaeologists: the freshly and... Read more

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Prentice Alvin - Abridged by Orson Card
Prentice Alvin - Abridged
Orson Card
Prentice Alvin - Abridged by Orson Card

Prentice Alvin - Abridged

By: Orson Card

Narrated by: Nana Visitor

Length: 5 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Book 3 of The Tales of Alvin Maker.From the 18th century into the early years of the 19th, Americans— traveling to find new homes and new lands— crossed the Appalachian Mountains and moved across the Northwest Territory, spreading west to the banks of the great river. But in this alternate frontier America, the men and... Read more

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Seventh Son - Abridged by Orson Card
Seventh Son - Abridged
Orson Card
Seventh Son - Abridged by Orson Card

Seventh Son - Abridged

By: Orson Card

Narrated by: Nana Visitor

Length: 5 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Book 1 of The Tales of Alvin Maker.Young Alvin was born the seventh son of a seventh son. By his birthright, he possesses magical powers and is destined to become something great, perhaps even a Maker. Indeed, Alvin is special. But the boy remains vulnerable to dark forces who reach out to destroy him and are willing to do anything to keep him... Read more

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Alvin Journeyman - Abridged by Orson Card
Alvin Journeyman - Abridged
Orson Card
Alvin Journeyman - Abridged by Orson Card

Alvin Journeyman - Abridged

By: Orson Card

Narrated by: Nana Visitor

Length: 5 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Book 4 of The Tales of Alvin Maker.In an alternate frontier where America is ruled by folk magic and mysterious charms, hexes, and potions, a man like Alvin Miller is an extraordinary person. The seventh son of a seventh son, Miller is a "Maker," with the power to create a new future for America. But first, he must defeat his ancient enemy, the... Read more

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Il richiamo del corvo - Abridged by Wilbur Smith & Corban Addison
Il richiamo del corvo - Abridged
Wilbur Smith & Corban Addison
Il richiamo del corvo - Abridged by Wilbur Smith & Corban Addison

Il richiamo del corvo - Abridged

By: Wilbur Smith & Corban Addison

Narrated by: Massimo Bitossi

Length: 14 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dal maestro della narrativa d'avventura, un romanzo appassionante sul destino e la brutalità della natura umana. Un'eredità rubata. Un amore proibito. Una sete di vendetta così bruciante che potrebbe distruggere ogni cosa. Figlio di un influente proprietario terriero della Virginia, Mungo St John ha sempre dato per scontati la ricchezza e... Read more

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El último Van Gogh - Abridged by Alyson Richman
El último Van Gogh - Abridged
Alyson Richman
El último Van Gogh - Abridged by Alyson Richman

El último Van Gogh - Abridged

By: Alyson Richman

Narrated by: Karina Castillo

Length: 8 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Por la autora de Los amantes de Praga y Las horas de terciopelo Verano de 1890. Van Gogh llega a Auvers-sur-Oise, un bucólico pueblo francés que atrae a los pintores de París y otras ciudades por sus maravillosos colores y paisajes. Ahí ha crecido Marguerite Gachet, una chica de veinte años que, desde la muerte de su madre, se ha dedicado a... Read more

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