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Parting the Waters - Abridged by Taylor Branch
Parting the Waters - Abridged
Taylor Branch
Parting the Waters - Abridged by Taylor Branch

Parting the Waters - Abridged

By: Taylor Branch

Narrated by: CCH Pounder & Joe Morton

Length: 6 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In Parting the Waters, the first volume of his essential America in the King Years series, Pulitzer Prize winner Taylor Branch gives a “compelling…masterfully told” (The Wall Street Journal) account of Martin Luther King’s early years and rise to greatness.

Hailed as the most masterful story ever told of the American civil rights movement,... Read more

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American Heritage's Great Minds of American History - Abridged by American Heritage
American Heritage's Great Minds of American History - Abridged
American Heritage
American Heritage's Great Minds of American History - Abridged by American Heritage

American Heritage's Great Minds of American History - Abridged

By: American Heritage

Narrated by: David McCullough & Stephen E. Ambrose

Length: 3 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In a series of fascinating interviews, today's best and brightest historians weigh in on the crucial moments in American history.

American Heritage's Great Minds of American History takes you to critical moments in American history, imbuing the past with an immediacy that goes well beyond the scope of formal histories. Roger Mudd's highly... Read more

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Pigs at the Trough - Abridged by Arianna Huffington
Pigs at the Trough - Abridged
Arianna Huffington
Pigs at the Trough - Abridged by Arianna Huffington

Pigs at the Trough - Abridged

By: Arianna Huffington

Narrated by: Alison Fraser

Length: 6 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Arianna Huffington turns the spotlight on the tough reforms we must demand from Washington that go beyond the Corporate Responsibility Act. Read more

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The Conquerors - Abridged by Michael R. Beschloss
The Conquerors - Abridged
Michael R. Beschloss
The Conquerors - Abridged by Michael R. Beschloss

The Conquerors - Abridged

By: Michael R. Beschloss

Narrated by: Michael R. Beschloss

Length: 6 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A New York Times bestseller, The Conquerors reveals how Franklin Roosevelt's and Harry Truman's private struggles with their aides and Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin affected the unfolding of the Holocaust and the fate of vanquished Nazi Germany.

With monumental fairness and balance, The Conquerors shows how Roosevelt privately refused... Read more

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The Fall of the House of Bush - Abridged by Craig Unger
The Fall of the House of Bush - Abridged
Craig Unger
The Fall of the House of Bush - Abridged by Craig Unger

The Fall of the House of Bush - Abridged

By: Craig Unger

Narrated by: James Naughton

Length: 6 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

How Did This Happen?

The presidency of George W. Bush has led to the worst foreign policy fiasco in the history of the United States -- the bloody, unwinnable war in Iraq. Bush's fateful decision was rooted in events that began decades ago, and this story has never been fully told, until now.

From Craig Unger, the author of the bestseller... Read more

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Der Thule-Orden - Abridged by Karl Höffkes
Der Thule-Orden - Abridged
Karl Höffkes
Der Thule-Orden - Abridged by Karl Höffkes

Der Thule-Orden - Abridged

By: Karl Höffkes

Narrated by: Matthias Ponnier, Volker Risch & Marietta Bürger

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der Thule-Orden Die schwarze Macht des Dritten Reiches Der nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg ins Leben gerufene "Thule-Orden" gilt als organisatorisches Fundament der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung. Zu seinen Gründungsmitgliedern zählten Himmler, Streicher, Rosenberg und Hess. Doch so eindeutig, wie manche Historiker es darstellen, scheinen die... Read more

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Die Todesfahrt der "Wilhelm Gustloff" - Abridged by Karl Höffkes
Die Todesfahrt der "Wilhelm Gustloff" - Abridged
Karl Höffkes
Die Todesfahrt der "Wilhelm Gustloff" - Abridged by Karl Höffkes

Die Todesfahrt der "Wilhelm Gustloff" - Abridged

By: Karl Höffkes

Narrated by: Matthias Ponnier, Eva Garg & Hans-Peter Goldbeck

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die Todesfahrt der "Wilhelm Gustloff" Der Untergang der "Wilhelm Gustloff" war die größte Schiffskatastrophe aller Zeiten: Über 9.300 Menschen, darunter 5.000 Kinder, verloren am 30. Januar 1945 im eisigen Wasser der Ostsee ihr Leben. Zeitzeugen lassen die Geschichte des seinerzeit größten Dampfers der Erde noch einmal lebendig werden:... Read more

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Der Totenwald von Bialowieza - Abridged by Karl Höffkes
Der Totenwald von Bialowieza - Abridged
Karl Höffkes
Der Totenwald von Bialowieza - Abridged by Karl Höffkes

Der Totenwald von Bialowieza - Abridged

By: Karl Höffkes

Narrated by: Hendrik Stickan

Length: 2 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der Totenwald von Bialowieza Vormarschkämpfe der Heeresgruppe Mitte im Sommer 1941 Am 22. Juni 1941 trat die deutsche Heeresgruppe Mitte unter Feldmarschall von Bock zum Angriff auf die Sowjetunion an. Die Heeresgruppe sollte auf ihren Flügeln starke Kräfte vorantreiben, die russischen Verbände in Weißrussland zersprengen und... Read more

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Wer regiert die Welt? - Abridged by Karl Höffkes
Wer regiert die Welt? - Abridged
Karl Höffkes
Wer regiert die Welt? - Abridged by Karl Höffkes

Wer regiert die Welt? - Abridged

By: Karl Höffkes

Narrated by: Matthias Ponnier & Hans-Peter Goldbeck

Length: 1 hour 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wer regiert die Welt? Illuminaten, Neuptempler und Bilderberger Alles, was uns als "Wirklichkeit" verkauft wird, ist nur eine hübsch bemalte Fassade aus Pappmaschee. Politik ist eine Art Puppentheater, die Figuren auf der öffentlichen Bühne sind lediglich gut bezahlte Marionetten. Die Fäden, an denen sie zappeln, ziehen mächtige... Read more

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Classic Letters BOX SET - Abridged by Mr Punch
Classic Letters BOX SET - Abridged
Mr Punch
Classic Letters BOX SET - Abridged by Mr Punch

Classic Letters BOX SET - Abridged

By: Mr Punch

Narrated by: Fiona Shaw CBE, Imogen Stubbs & Robert Powell

Length: 7 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A three-volume collection of moving letters from the private writings of three of the most popular writers of the 19th century, presented in a dramatised setting. “Frequently indiscreet and occasionally acerbic or heartless, Jane Austen’s letters are always engaging. Fiona Shaw gives a sensitive reading” (Daily Telegraph) “If you want to see... Read more

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This Is Your Moment - Abridged by Barack Obama
This Is Your Moment - Abridged
Barack Obama
This Is Your Moment - Abridged by Barack Obama

This Is Your Moment - Abridged

By: Barack Obama

Narrated by: Barack Obama

Length: 2 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

After years of courses, research papers, lectures, midterms, and finals, it's time for students to graduate. One of the last rites of passage for students before pursuing their careers is the graduation ceremony. But before receiving their diplomas, students have one last opportunity to bask in the wisdom and experience conveyed by those who... Read more

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Der Zweite Dreißigjährige Krieg - Abridged by Gerd Schulze-Rohnhof
Der Zweite Dreißigjährige Krieg - Abridged
Gerd Schulze-Rohnhof
Der Zweite Dreißigjährige Krieg - Abridged by Gerd Schulze-Rohnhof

Der Zweite Dreißigjährige Krieg - Abridged

By: Gerd Schulze-Rohnhof

Narrated by: Matthias Ponnier & Eva Garg

Length: 2 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Der zweite Dreißigjährige Krieg" 1914 - 1945 Der für uns Deutsche ungewohnte Begriff des "Zweiten Dreißigjährigen Kriegs" stammt aus England. Die Briten umschreiben damit – in Anlehnung an die Geschehnisse der Jahre 1618 bis 1648, die in die Geschichtsschreibung als "Dreißigjähriger Krieg" eingegangen sind – den Zeitraum vom Beginn des... Read more

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Треска - Abridged by Марк Курлански
Треска - Abridged
Марк Курлански
Треска - Abridged by Марк Курлански

Треска - Abridged

By: Марк Курлански

Narrated by: Алексей Макрецкий

Length: 8 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

В книге Марка Курлански скромная треска становится главным персонажем мировой истории. Ради трески европейцы начали пересекать Атлантику — и именно благодаря треске столь дальние плавания стали возможны. Из-за трески велись войны и начинались революции, она служила основой рациона целых народов, от нее зависели экономики разных стран, и... Read more

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The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments - Abridged by George Johnson
The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments - Abridged
George Johnson
The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments - Abridged by George Johnson

The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments - Abridged

By: George Johnson

Narrated by: Dion Graham

Length: 3 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From the acclaimed New York Times science writer George Johnson, an irresistible book on the ten most fascinating experiments in the history of science—moments when a curious soul posed a particularly eloquent question to nature and received a crisp, unambiguous reply.

Johnson takes us to those times when the world seemed filled with mysterious... Read more

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Otto von Bismarck - Abridged by Karl Höffkes & Eva Garg
Otto von Bismarck - Abridged
Karl Höffkes & Eva Garg
Otto von Bismarck - Abridged by Karl Höffkes & Eva Garg

Otto von Bismarck - Abridged

By: Karl Höffkes & Eva Garg

Narrated by: Matthias Ponnier

Length: 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Otto von Bismarck – Diplomat im Schatten der Macht Wir schreiben das Jahr 1847: Ein gerade mal 34-jähriger Gutsbesitzersohn zieht als Nachrücker in den Preußischen Landtag ein. Nichts Außergewöhnliches; wir könnten leicht darüber hinwegsehen, wenn er Müller, Meier oder Schulze geheißen hätte. Aber er hieß Otto von Bismarck, und damit... Read more

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Hajo Herrmann - Abridged by Karl Höffkes
Hajo Herrmann - Abridged
Karl Höffkes
Hajo Herrmann - Abridged by Karl Höffkes

Hajo Herrmann - Abridged

By: Karl Höffkes

Narrated by: Eva Garg

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Oberst a.D. Hajo Herrmann Erinnerungen eines deutschen Luftwaffenoffiziers Oberst a. D. Hajo Herrmann gilt heute als einer der herausragenden Zeitzeugen in Fragen des Luftkrieges. Denn der Jagd- und Kampfflieger berichtet über die Ereignisse vor und während des Zweiten Weltkrieges aus eigenem unmittelbaren Erleben in exponierten... Read more

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Grass Crown - Abridged by Colleen McCullough
Grass Crown - Abridged
Colleen McCullough
Grass Crown - Abridged by Colleen McCullough

Grass Crown - Abridged

By: Colleen McCullough

Narrated by: F. Murray Abraham

Length: 5 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From the author of the captivating bestseller
the timeless saga of power, passion
and conflict of Ancient Rome continues...

The magnificent glory of Republican Rome is threatened when a struggle for power erupts among the men who shaped its hard-won peace. At its center are two extraordinary leaders: Gaius Marius,... Read more

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Fliegst Du schon oder überlegst du noch - Abridged by Claudia Lanfranconi
Fliegst Du schon oder überlegst du noch - Abridged
Claudia Lanfranconi
Fliegst Du schon oder überlegst du noch - Abridged by Claudia Lanfranconi

Fliegst Du schon oder überlegst du noch - Abridged

By: Claudia Lanfranconi

Narrated by: Antonia Feuerstein, Dagmar Maya Hahn, Kornelia ...

Length: 5 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Frauen, die ihre Träume wahr machten, wollten meist hoch hinaus und bei ihren Bemühungen konnte sie niemand aufhalten. Sie haben sich gegen Väter, Mütter, Brüder, Lehrer und gesellschaftliche Konventionen gestellt, um abzuheben und die gläserne Decke zu durchbrechen. Kurzweilige Lebensgeschichten von spannenden Frauen, die den großen Sprung... Read more

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The Great Upheaval - Abridged by Jay Winik
The Great Upheaval - Abridged
Jay Winik
The Great Upheaval - Abridged by Jay Winik

The Great Upheaval - Abridged

By: Jay Winik

Narrated by: Sam Tsoutsouvas

Length: 12 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

It is an era that redefined history. As the 1790s began, a fragile America teetered on the brink of oblivion, Russia towered as a vast imperial power, and France plunged into monumental revolution. But none of these remarkable events occurred in isolation. In The Great Upheaval, acclaimed historian Jay Winik masterfully illuminates how their... Read more

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State of Denial - Abridged by Bob Woodward
State of Denial - Abridged
Bob Woodward
State of Denial - Abridged by Bob Woodward

State of Denial - Abridged

By: Bob Woodward

Narrated by: Boyd Gaines

Length: 7 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes


Bob Woodward examines how the Bush administration avoided telling the truth about Iraq to the public, to the Congress, and often to themselves in State of Denial. Woodward's third book on President Bush is a sweeping narrative from the first days George W. Bush thought seriously about... Read more

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O diário de Anne Frank (Resumo) - Abridged by Anne Frank
O diário de Anne Frank (Resumo) - Abridged
Anne Frank
O diário de Anne Frank (Resumo) - Abridged by Anne Frank

O diário de Anne Frank (Resumo) - Abridged

By: Anne Frank

Narrated by: Ana Maria Morais

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este livro é um resumo produzido a partir da obra original. Publicado pela primeira vez em 1947, "O diário de Anne Frank" é um best-seller mundial. Um relato emocionante e de extrema relevância até hoje, o livro já foi publicado em mais de 60 idiomas e nos conduz pelas experiências da jovem Anne Frank, que, junto com a sua família, vai morar num... Read more

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Jane Boleyn - Abridged by Julia Fox
Jane Boleyn - Abridged
Julia Fox
Jane Boleyn - Abridged by Julia Fox

Jane Boleyn - Abridged

By: Julia Fox

Narrated by: Jenny Sterlin

Length: 6 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In a life of extraordinary drama, Jane Boleyn was catapulted from relative obscurity to the inner circle of King Henry VIII. As powerful men and women around her became victims of Henry’s ruthless and absolute power, including her own husband and sister-in-law, Queen Anne Boleyn, Jane’s allegiance to the volatile monarchy was sustained and... Read more

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12 Strong - Abridged by Doug Stanton
12 Strong - Abridged
Doug Stanton
12 Strong - Abridged by Doug Stanton

12 Strong - Abridged

By: Doug Stanton

Narrated by: Dennis Boutsikaris

Length: 6 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Now a major motion picture from Jerry Bruckheimer starring Chris Hemsworth and Michael Shannon!

“A thrilling action ride of a book” (The New York Times Book Review)—the New York Times bestselling, true-life account of a US Special Forces team deployed to dangerous, war-ridden Afghanistan in the weeks following 9/11.

In the weeks following the... Read more

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A obra de Anchieta no Brasil - Abridged by Capistrano de Abreu
A obra de Anchieta no Brasil - Abridged
Capistrano de Abreu
A obra de Anchieta no Brasil - Abridged by Capistrano de Abreu

A obra de Anchieta no Brasil - Abridged

By: Capistrano de Abreu

Narrated by: Cido Tavares

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O historiador Capistrano de Abreu faz neste texto sucinto uma biografia bem completa daquele que é um ícone na formação do Brasil. Do nascimento nas Ilhas Canárias à morte na cidade que hoje leva seu nome, no Espírito Santos, são apresentados todos os fatos relevantes de sua vida, bem como de sua obra – missionária, literária, humana. Read more

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