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The American Story - Abridged by David M. Rubenstein
The American Story - Abridged
David M. Rubenstein
The American Story - Abridged by David M. Rubenstein

The American Story - Abridged

By: David M. Rubenstein

Narrated by: David M. Rubenstein, David McCullough, Walter I...

Length: 9 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In revealing conversations with our greatest historians, cofounder of The Carlyle Group and patriotic philanthropist David M. Rubenstein takes listeners on a sweeping journey across the grand arc of the American story.

These lively dialogues present some of the biggest names in American history exploring the subjects they intimately know and... Read more

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Fixing Hell - Abridged by Colonel Larry C. James
Fixing Hell - Abridged
Colonel Larry C. James
Fixing Hell - Abridged by Colonel Larry C. James

Fixing Hell - Abridged

By: Colonel Larry C. James

Narrated by: Eric Kramer

Length: 6 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This is the story of Abu Ghraib that you haven't heard, told by the soldier sent by the Army to restore order and ensure that the abuses that took place there never happen again.

In April 2004, the world was shocked by the brutal pictures of beatings, dog attacks, sex acts, and the torture of prisoners held at Abu Ghraib in Iraq. As the story... Read more

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The Road Ahead - Abridged by Bill Gates
The Road Ahead - Abridged
Bill Gates
The Road Ahead - Abridged by Bill Gates

The Road Ahead - Abridged

By: Bill Gates

Narrated by: Rick Adamson & Bill Gates

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The founder of Microsoft presents his vision for the future, in which he sees the digital technologies of the coming years changing the way we buy, work, learn, and communicate. Read more

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Tagebuch Luftschlacht um England - Rüdiger von Kirchmayr - Abridged by Rüdiger von Kirchmayr
Tagebuch Luftschlacht um England - Rüdiger von Kirchmayr - Abridged
Rüdiger von Kirchmayr
Tagebuch Luftschlacht um England - Rüdiger von Kirchmayr - Abridged by Rüdiger von Kirchmayr

Tagebuch Luftschlacht um England - Rüdiger von Kirchmayr - Abridged

By: Rüdiger von Kirchmayr

Narrated by: Sascha Ulderup

Length: 7 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In diesem detailliert beschriebenen Tagebuch des Jagdfliegers Rüdiger von Kirchmayr wird der Luftkrieg über Europa in eine neue Dimension gehoben. Wir begleiten den Soldaten durch seine Ausbildung hin zum Jagdflieger, seine ersten Einsätze an der Front und auch die ersten Verluste unter den Kameraden. Die Ritterlichkeit im Luftkampf unter... Read more

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Taking Heat - Abridged by Ari Fleischer
Taking Heat - Abridged
Ari Fleischer
Taking Heat - Abridged by Ari Fleischer

Taking Heat - Abridged

By: Ari Fleischer

Narrated by: Ari Fleischer

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

For two and a half years, Ari Fleischer served as the official liaison between the White House and members of the press, acting as the voice of President George W. Bush.In Taking Heat, Fleischer goes behind-the-scenes in the West Wing, giving his perspectives on:• September 11, 2001, its aftermath, and the anthrax scare • The pressure-filled... Read more

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Biografía del poder - Abridged by Enrique Krauze
Biografía del poder - Abridged
Enrique Krauze
Biografía del poder - Abridged by Enrique Krauze

Biografía del poder - Abridged

By: Enrique Krauze

Narrated by: Marco Lubián

Length: 20 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Biografía del poder, centrada en la historia mexicana de la primera mitad del siglo XX, constituye el segundo tomo de una trilogía que empezó con Siglo de caudillos (Andanzas 207), que ganó en 1993 el VI Premio Comillas y que culminará con un tercer volumen dedicado a la historia más reciente del poder en México, desde 1940 hasta nuestros días.... Read more

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في تلك السنة - Abridged by أنيس منصور
في تلك السنة - Abridged
أنيس منصور
في تلك السنة - Abridged by أنيس منصور

في تلك السنة - Abridged

By: أنيس منصور

Narrated by: رضوان صوان

Length: 9 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

كتابٌ فريد من نوعه، يتناول ظاهرة غريبة، تتمثل في أن الكثير من الشخصيات العظيمة حول العالم ولدت في نفس العام ، وهو عام 1889، مثل:العقاد وهتلر وطه حسين ومارتن هيدجر وإليا أبو ماضي وغيرهم. فقد كان عامًا استثنائيًّا في التاريخ بشكل عام، ونجح أنيس منصور في رصد هذه الظاهرة بأسلوبه البسيط والمتميز. تعرّف إلى حياتهم وأفكارهم واستمع الآن. Read more

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Tenente-General Marquês de Caxias - Abridged by Sébastien Auguste Sisson
Tenente-General Marquês de Caxias - Abridged
Sébastien Auguste Sisson
Tenente-General Marquês de Caxias - Abridged by Sébastien Auguste Sisson

Tenente-General Marquês de Caxias - Abridged

By: Sébastien Auguste Sisson

Narrated by: Hellen Vasconcelos

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Esta biografia do Duque de Caxias – então ainda Marquês de Caixas! – tem a peculiaridade de ter sido escrita por um quase contemporâneo seu, Sébastien Auguste Sisson, francês radicado no Rio de Janeiro. Nela, Sisson destaca a influência da educação familiar na formação do jovem militar, bem como parcela de suas façanhas no exército brasileiro,... Read more

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Papa Bravo Romeo - Abridged by Wynn Goldsmith
Papa Bravo Romeo - Abridged
Wynn Goldsmith
Papa Bravo Romeo - Abridged by Wynn Goldsmith

Papa Bravo Romeo - Abridged

By: Wynn Goldsmith

Narrated by: Eric Conger

Length: 1 hour 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Our mission was independent, no-holds-barred combat against a stubborn enemy in the enemy's backyard."                

In Vietnam, river warfare was often conducted in the dark. It was always dangerous, sometimes fatal--especially in the eastern end of the Cong-plagued Mekong Delta. In 1967, U.S. Navy Lt. Wynn Goldsmith was the "river rat" who... Read more

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José de Alencar - Abridged by Sébastien Auguste Sisson
José de Alencar - Abridged
Sébastien Auguste Sisson
José de Alencar - Abridged by Sébastien Auguste Sisson

José de Alencar - Abridged

By: Sébastien Auguste Sisson

Narrated by: Lu Affonso

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Esta biografia de José de Alencar tem a peculiaridade de ter sido escrita por um quase contemporâneo seu, Sébastien Auguste Sisson, francês radicado no Rio de Janeiro. "Trinta e seis anos são passados..." escreve o autor... 36 anos desde 1822, ano da Independência do Brasil! Eis o frescor do texto. Nesta biografia, é privilegiada sua atuação... Read more

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O Senhor D. Pedro II - Abridged by Sébastien Auguste Sisson
O Senhor D. Pedro II - Abridged
Sébastien Auguste Sisson
O Senhor D. Pedro II - Abridged by Sébastien Auguste Sisson

O Senhor D. Pedro II - Abridged

By: Sébastien Auguste Sisson

Narrated by: Lu Affonso

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Esta biografia de D. Pedro II tem a peculiaridade de ter sido escrita por um quase contemporâneo seu, Sébastien Auguste Sisson, francês radicado no Rio de Janeiro. O leitor fica assim conhecendo os passos que antecederam a subida ao trono do imperador, no chamado "decênio das regências", quando muitas calamidades pesaram sobre o país. A imagem... Read more

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Death in the Jungle - Abridged by Gary R. Smith & Alan Maki
Death in the Jungle - Abridged
Gary R. Smith & Alan Maki
Death in the Jungle - Abridged by Gary R. Smith & Alan Maki

Death in the Jungle - Abridged

By: Gary R. Smith & Alan Maki

Narrated by: Eric Conger

Length: 1 hour 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Read by Eric Conger
2 Cassettes/ 2 hrs.

With 257 combat missions in Vietnam under his belt, Gary Smith is a living witness to the realities of Naval Special Warfare. He worked with some of the toughest and most highly motivated men in the world, executing missions in the murderous terrain of the Rung Sat Special Zone and Dung Island. The key to... Read more

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A deliciosa história da França (resumo) - Abridged by Stéphane Hénaut & Jeni Mitchell
A deliciosa história da França (resumo) - Abridged
Stéphane Hénaut & Jeni Mitchell
A deliciosa história da França (resumo) - Abridged by Stéphane Hénaut & Jeni Mitchell

A deliciosa história da França (resumo) - Abridged

By: Stéphane Hénaut & Jeni Mitchell

Narrated by: Rodrygo Gomes

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este livro é um resumo produzido a partir da obra original. Da receita do cassoulet, que venceu uma guerra, até o crepe, que derrotou Napoleão; das revoltas provocadas por pão e sal até as novas culinárias forjadas pelo Império, a história da França está estreitamente ligada a aventuras gastronômicas. Por meio de uma investigação espirituosa dos... Read more

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An Army at Dawn - Abridged by Rick Atkinson
An Army at Dawn - Abridged
Rick Atkinson
An Army at Dawn - Abridged by Rick Atkinson

An Army at Dawn - Abridged

By: Rick Atkinson

Narrated by: Rick Atkinson

Length: 7 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In the first volume of a remarkable trilogy, Pulitzer Prize winner Rick Atkinson provides the definitive history of the war in North Africa.
The liberation of Europe and the destruction of the Third Reich is an epic story of courage and calamity, of miscalculation and enduring triumph. An Army at Dawn begins on the eve of Operation TORCH, the... Read more

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Carl von Clausewitz: Vom Kriege - Abridged by Carl von Clausewitz
Carl von Clausewitz: Vom Kriege - Abridged
Carl von Clausewitz
Carl von Clausewitz: Vom Kriege - Abridged by Carl von Clausewitz

Carl von Clausewitz: Vom Kriege - Abridged

By: Carl von Clausewitz

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Noch immer von allen Studenten des wirtschaftlichen Managements zu lesen: Clausewitzens Klassiker über die Kriegsführung. Insbesondere das erste Kapitel beinhaltet die zentralen Thesen, nach denen beispielsweise der Krieg lediglich die "Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln" sei. Read more

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La presidencia imperial - Abridged by Enrique Krauze
La presidencia imperial - Abridged
Enrique Krauze
La presidencia imperial - Abridged by Enrique Krauze

La presidencia imperial - Abridged

By: Enrique Krauze

Narrated by: Marco Lubián

Length: 23 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Según Enrique Krauze, la historia política de México ha sido siempre, en gran medida, una proyección de la biografía de sus gobernantes. Siguiendo el hilo de sus anteriores audiolibros, con La presidencia imperial traza, mediante el penetrante retrato psicológico de nueve presidentes mexicanos (desde Manuel Ávila Camacho hasta Carlos Salinas de... Read more

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Abridged by Roy Jenkins
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Abridged
Roy Jenkins
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Abridged by Roy Jenkins

Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Abridged

By: Roy Jenkins

Narrated by: Richard Rohan

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A masterly, posthumous work by the New York Times bestselling author of Churchill and Gladstone

A protean figure and a man of massive achievement, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only man to be elected to the presidency more than twice. In a ranking of chief executives, no more than three of his predecessors could truly be placed in contention... Read more

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Hard Choices - Abridged by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hard Choices - Abridged
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hard Choices - Abridged by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hard Choices - Abridged

By: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Narrated by: Kathleen Chalfant & Hillary Rodham Clinton

Length: 11 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

2016 Democratic Nominee for President of the United States

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s inside look at the choices and challenges she has faced is “a subtle, finely calibrated work…with succinct and often shrewd appraisals of the complex web of political, economic, and historical forces in play around the world” (The New York Times).

In the... Read more

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Titanic's Last Secrets - Abridged by Brad Matsen
Titanic's Last Secrets - Abridged
Brad Matsen
Titanic's Last Secrets - Abridged by Brad Matsen

Titanic's Last Secrets - Abridged

By: Brad Matsen

Narrated by: Henry Leyva

Length: 6 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

After rewriting history with their discovery of a Nazi U-boat off the coast of New Jersey, legendary divers John Chatterton and Richie Kohler decided to investigate the great enduring mystery of history's most notorious shipwreck: Why did Titanic sink as quickly as it did?

To answer the question, Chatterton and Kohler assemble a team of experts... Read more

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The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments - Abridged by George Johnson
The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments - Abridged
George Johnson
The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments - Abridged by George Johnson

The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments - Abridged

By: George Johnson

Narrated by: Dion Graham

Length: 3 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From the acclaimed New York Times science writer George Johnson, an irresistible book on the ten most fascinating experiments in the history of science—moments when a curious soul posed a particularly eloquent question to nature and received a crisp, unambiguous reply.

Johnson takes us to those times when the world seemed filled with mysterious... Read more

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Sea of Glory - Abridged by Nathaniel Philbrick
Sea of Glory - Abridged
Nathaniel Philbrick
Sea of Glory - Abridged by Nathaniel Philbrick

Sea of Glory - Abridged

By: Nathaniel Philbrick

Narrated by: Dennis Boutsikaris

Length: 5 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"A treasure of a book."—David McCullough

The harrowing story of a pathbreaking naval expedition that set out to map the entire Pacific Ocean, dwarfing Lewis and Clark with its discoveries, from the New York Times bestselling author of Valiant Ambition and In the Hurricane's Eye.

A New York Times Notable Book

America's first frontier was not the... Read more

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The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged by Rifleman Harris
The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged
Rifleman Harris
The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged by Rifleman Harris

The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged

By: Rifleman Harris

Narrated by: Jason Salkey

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This audiobook is read by Jason Salkey, who played Harris in the SHARPE films, with sound effects provided by the 95th Rifles Re-enactment Society. A musical score by Adam Wakeman adds to this lavish production. A great deal of time and care has been spent creating an audiobook which truly honours the rifleman of the Peninsula. Read more

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They Made America - Abridged by Harold Evans, Gail Buckland & David Lefer
They Made America - Abridged
Harold Evans, Gail Buckland & David Lefer
They Made America - Abridged by Harold Evans, Gail Buckland & David Lefer

They Made America - Abridged

By: Harold Evans, Gail Buckland & David Lefer

Narrated by: Harold Evans

Length: 6 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

An illustrated history of American innovators -- some well known, some unknown, and all fascinating -- by the author of the bestselling The American Century. Read more

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Sigmund Freud: Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse – Gesamtbox - Abridged by Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud: Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse – Gesamtbox - Abridged
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud: Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse – Gesamtbox - Abridged by Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud: Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse – Gesamtbox - Abridged

By: Sigmund Freud

Narrated by: Sven Görtz

Length: 17 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In den Jahren 1915 - 1917 hielt Sigmund Freud eine Vorlesungsreihe mit dem Namen "Einführung in die Psychoanalyse" - der Grundstein dieser Disziplin schlechthin. In dieser Gesamtbox sind alle drei Zyklen enthalten: 1. Die Fehlleistungen (Vorlesungen 1 - 4), 2. Der Traum (Vorlesungen 5 - 15), Allgemeine Neurosenlehre (Vorlesungen 16 - 28). Read more

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