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Langenscheidt Business English Verhandlungen - Abridged by Langenscheidt-Redaktion & Georgina Hodge
Langenscheidt Business English Verhandlungen - Abridged
Langenscheidt-Redaktion & Georgina Hodge
Langenscheidt Business English Verhandlungen - Abridged by Langenscheidt-Redaktion & Georgina Hodge

Langenscheidt Business English Verhandlungen - Abridged

By: Langenscheidt-Redaktion & Georgina Hodge

Narrated by: Denica Fairman, Jane Whittenshaw, Tyler Butterw...

Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Business English – schnell fit für den Job - Über 70 Minuten Hör- und Sprechtraining, um berufliche Präsentationen und Moderationen zu meistern - Zehn hörspielartige Dialogszenen mit den wichtigsten Gesprächssituationen in Präsentationen und Moderationen - Abwechslungsreiche Übungen zum Vertiefen der gebräuchlichen Wendungen und Ausdrücke -... Read more

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Langenscheidt Business English Meetings - Abridged by Langenscheidt-Redaktion, Eleanor Halsall & Lynn Weston
Langenscheidt Business English Meetings - Abridged
Langenscheidt-Redaktion, Eleanor Halsall & Lynn...
Langenscheidt Business English Meetings - Abridged by Langenscheidt-Redaktion, Eleanor Halsall & Lynn Weston

Langenscheidt Business English Meetings - Abridged

By: Langenscheidt-Redaktion, Eleanor Halsall & Lynn...

Narrated by: Jenny Funnell, Liza Ross, James Goode, Nigel Gr...

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Business English – schnell fit für den Job - Über 60 Minuten Hör- und Sprechtraining, um jedes berufliche Meeting zu meistern - Zehn hörspielartige Dialogszenen mit den wichtigsten Gesprächssituationen in Meetings - Abwechslungsreiche Übungen zum Vertiefen der gebräuchlichen Wendungen und Ausdrücke - Alle Hörtexte mit deutscher Übersetzung und... Read more

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Italienische Grammatik für die Mittelstufe B1 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek
Italienische Grammatik für die Mittelstufe B1 - Abridged
Tomas Dvoracek
Italienische Grammatik für die Mittelstufe B1 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek

Italienische Grammatik für die Mittelstufe B1 - Abridged

By: Tomas Dvoracek

Narrated by: Elisa Ciravegna, Isabella Capalbo & Jörg Hochfeld

Length: 11 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an dem Audiokurs Italienische Grammatik B1. In diesem Kurs für leicht Fortgeschrittene und Mittelstufe können Sie die Grundlagen der italienischen Sprache wiederholen, aber auch komplexere Themen wie die Vergangenheitsform, den Konditional, den Konjunktiv, die Zukunftsform und die Pronomen vertiefen. Der Kurs... Read more

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Wordbuilders: Volume 6 - Abridged by Audio University
Wordbuilders: Volume 6 - Abridged
Audio University
Wordbuilders: Volume 6 - Abridged by Audio University

Wordbuilders: Volume 6 - Abridged

By: Audio University

Narrated by: Audio University

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Wordbuilders: The convenient and entertaining way to build a more powerful vocabulary. Each 60-minute entry in the series features 40 words used in everyday conversation, or in the media and books, but which many people skip, finding them difficult or even impossible to define or pronounce accurately. 
Using highly effective mnemonic devices... Read more

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New release
Italština na dovolenou A1-B1 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek
Italština na dovolenou A1-B1 - Abridged
Tomas Dvoracek
Italština na dovolenou A1-B1 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek

Italština na dovolenou A1-B1 - Abridged

By: Tomas Dvoracek

Narrated by: Alena Sasínová

Length: 9 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Děkujeme za zájem o poslechový kurz Italština na dovolenou A1 – B1. Kurz je určen pro začátečníky až středně pokročilé a zaměřuje se na slovní zásobu a fráze, které můžete využít při cestování, a hlavně na dovolené. Kurz je založen na kontextovém učení, to znamená, že se nebudete učit jen slovíčka, ale i věty, ve kterých můžete daná slovíčka... Read more

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Wordbuilders Volume 5 - Abridged by Audio University
Wordbuilders Volume 5 - Abridged
Audio University
Wordbuilders Volume 5 - Abridged by Audio University

Wordbuilders Volume 5 - Abridged

By: Audio University

Narrated by: Audio University

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Wordbuilders: The convenient and entertaining way to build a more powerful vocabulary. Each 60-minute entry in the series features 40 words used in everyday conversation, or in the media and books, but which many people skip, finding them difficult or even impossible to define or pronounce accurately. 
Using highly effective mnemonic devices... Read more

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New release
Italština - gramatika pro začátečníky A1-A2 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek
Italština - gramatika pro začátečníky A1-A2 - Abridged
Tomas Dvoracek
Italština - gramatika pro začátečníky A1-A2 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek

Italština - gramatika pro začátečníky A1-A2 - Abridged

By: Tomas Dvoracek

Narrated by: Alena Sasínová

Length: 8 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Děkujeme za zájem o poslechový kurz Italská gramatika A1, A2 V tomto kurzu pro začátečníky a mírně pokročilé se naučíte základy italštiny od výslovnosti, přes členy, nejčastěji užívaná slovesa, a předložkové vazby až po základní konverzační obraty a fráze. Součástí kurzu jsou rovněž konverzační témata, kde najdete nejpoužívanější fráze a... Read more

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Já pensou em escrever um livro? - Abridged by Karoline Melo
Já pensou em escrever um livro? - Abridged
Karoline Melo
Já pensou em escrever um livro? - Abridged by Karoline Melo

Já pensou em escrever um livro? - Abridged

By: Karoline Melo

Narrated by: Fernanda Gabriela

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Já pensou em escrever um livro? é uma continuação de Como escrever melhor com dicas aprofundadas de escrita criativa e reflexões importantes sobre o ofício literário para autores de ficção. Read more

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Profissão tradutor - Abridged by Carolina Candido & Karoline Melo
Profissão tradutor - Abridged
Carolina Candido & Karoline Melo
Profissão tradutor - Abridged by Carolina Candido & Karoline Melo

Profissão tradutor - Abridged

By: Carolina Candido & Karoline Melo

Narrated by: Adriana Souza

Length: 5 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Quando lemos um livro traduzido, nem sempre pensamos na pessoa responsável por fazer com que aquela tradução chegasse em nossas mãos. E se o fazemos, não temos clareza dos limites e obrigações deste ofício. Neste livro, vamos abordar os diversos aspectos da tradução literária, entendendo-a como arte, mas também como profissão. Desvendaremos... Read more

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New release
Francouzština pro začátečníky A1_A2 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek
Francouzština pro začátečníky A1_A2 - Abridged
Tomas Dvoracek
Francouzština pro začátečníky A1_A2 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek

Francouzština pro začátečníky A1_A2 - Abridged

By: Tomas Dvoracek

Narrated by: David Girten & Benjamin Jaquet

Length: 18 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Děkujeme za zájem o kurz Francouzština pro začátečníky A1_A2. Kurz je určen pro úplné i falešné začátečníky, takže pokud jste se francouzsky učili před nějakou dobou a chcete si základy důkladně zopakovat, je určen právě pro vás. Kurz je založen na kontextovém učení, to znamená, že se nebudete učit jen slovíčka, ale i věty, ve kterých můžete... Read more

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Russian for Intermediate - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek
Russian for Intermediate - Abridged
Tomas Dvoracek
Russian for Intermediate - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek

Russian for Intermediate - Abridged

By: Tomas Dvoracek

Narrated by: Alexander Podolkhov & Jeff Short

Length: 14 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Thank you for your interest in the Russian for the intermediate level – an audioacourse by Audioacademyeu. The course is aimed at advanced learners who have already learned English for three or four years h and who should have almost fluent communication skills. The course is based on contextual learning, which means that you will not only... Read more

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Making Your Point - Abridged by David Bartlett
Making Your Point - Abridged
David Bartlett
Making Your Point - Abridged by David Bartlett

Making Your Point - Abridged

By: David Bartlett

Narrated by: Jonathan Coleman

Length: 5 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Making Your Point provides the secrets of sharper, better, and more influential speaking and writing tips from leading strategic communications expert David Bartlett.

We all need to speak, write and communicate more effectively. Dave Bartlett shares his decades of experience as a strategic communications consultant in an accessible, easy to apply... Read more

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Słownictwo niemieckie dla początkujących A1_A2 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek
Słownictwo niemieckie dla początkujących A1_A2 - Abridged
Tomas Dvoracek
Słownictwo niemieckie dla początkujących A1_A2 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek

Słownictwo niemieckie dla początkujących A1_A2 - Abridged

By: Tomas Dvoracek

Narrated by: Jorg Hochfeld

Length: 22 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dziękujemy za zainteresowanie kursem audio Niemiecki dla początkujących A1-A2. Kurs przeznaczony jest dla osób całkowicie i fałszywie początkujących, więc jeśli uczysz się niemieckiego od jakiegoś czasu i chcesz podszlifować podstawy, to jest to kurs dla Ciebie. Kurs oparty jest na nauce kontekstowej, co oznacza, że poznasz nie tylko słówka,... Read more

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Słownictwo niemieckie dla średniozaawansowanych B1_01 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek
Słownictwo niemieckie dla średniozaawansowanych B1_01 - Abridged
Tomas Dvoracek
Słownictwo niemieckie dla średniozaawansowanych B1_01 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek

Słownictwo niemieckie dla średniozaawansowanych B1_01 - Abridged

By: Tomas Dvoracek

Narrated by: Jorg Hochfeld & Krystyna Berki

Length: 16 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dziękujemy za zainteresowanie kursem Niemiecki dla średnio zaawansowanych B1_część 01. Kurs przeznaczony jest dla osób średnio zaawansowanych i zaawansowanych, więc aby w pełni wykorzystać jego możliwości powinieneś mieć za sobą rok lub dwa lata nauki języka niemieckiego i opanowane podstawy. Kurs oparty jest na nauce kontekstowej, co oznacza,... Read more

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Słownictwo niemieckie dla średniozaawansowanych B1_02 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek
Słownictwo niemieckie dla średniozaawansowanych B1_02 - Abridged
Tomas Dvoracek
Słownictwo niemieckie dla średniozaawansowanych B1_02 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek

Słownictwo niemieckie dla średniozaawansowanych B1_02 - Abridged

By: Tomas Dvoracek

Narrated by: Jorg Hochfeld & Krystyna Berki

Length: 14 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dziękujemy za zainteresowanie kursem audio Niemiecki dla średnio zaawansowanych B1_część 02. Kurs przeznaczony jest dla osób średnio zaawansowanych i zaawansowanych, więc aby w pełni wykorzystać jego możliwości powinieneś mieć za sobą rok lub dwa lata nauki języka niemieckiego i opanowane podstawy. Kurs oparty jest na nauce kontekstowej, co... Read more

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Słownictwo niemieckie dla zaawansowanych B2 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek
Słownictwo niemieckie dla zaawansowanych B2 - Abridged
Tomas Dvoracek
Słownictwo niemieckie dla zaawansowanych B2 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek

Słownictwo niemieckie dla zaawansowanych B2 - Abridged

By: Tomas Dvoracek

Narrated by: Jorg Hochfeld & Krystyna Berki

Length: 12 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dziękujemy za zainteresowanie kursem audio Niemiecki dla zaawansowanych B2. Kurs przeznaczony jest dla osób zaawansowanych, więc aby w pełni wykorzystać jego możliwości powinieneś mieć za sobą dwa lub trzy lata nauki języka niemieckiego i opanowane podstawy. Kurs oparty jest na nauce kontekstowej, co oznacza, że poznasz nie tylko słówka, ale... Read more

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Niemiecki na urlopie A1-B1 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek
Niemiecki na urlopie A1-B1 - Abridged
Tomas Dvoracek
Niemiecki na urlopie A1-B1 - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek

Niemiecki na urlopie A1-B1 - Abridged

By: Tomas Dvoracek

Narrated by: Jorg Hochfeld & Krystyna Berki

Length: 10 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dziękujemy za zainteresowanie kursem audio Niemiecki na urlopie A1-B1. Kurs przeznaczony jest dla osób początkujących i średnio zaawansowanych i skupia się na słownictwie i zwrotach, które możesz wykorzystać w podróży, a zwłaszcza na wakacjach. Kurs oparty jest na nauce kontekstowej, co oznacza, że poznasz nie tylko słówka, ale także zdania, w... Read more

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A murder is announced - Abridged by Agatha Christie
A murder is announced - Abridged
Agatha Christie
A murder is announced - Abridged by Agatha Christie

A murder is announced - Abridged

By: Agatha Christie

Narrated by: Gabrielle Glaister

Length: 3 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners. Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners.Agatha Christie is the most widely published author of all time and in any language. Now Collins hasadapted her famous detective novels for English language... Read more

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And then there were none - Abridged by Agatha Christie
And then there were none - Abridged
Agatha Christie
And then there were none - Abridged by Agatha Christie

And then there were none - Abridged

By: Agatha Christie

Narrated by: Roger May

Length: 3 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners. Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners.Agatha Christie is the most widely published author of all time and in any language. Now Collins hasadapted her famous detective novels for English language... Read more

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Wordbuilders: Volumes 1-4 - Abridged by Audio University
Wordbuilders: Volumes 1-4 - Abridged
Audio University
Wordbuilders: Volumes 1-4 - Abridged by Audio University

Wordbuilders: Volumes 1-4 - Abridged

By: Audio University

Narrated by: Audio University

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Wordbuilders: the convenient and entertaining way to build a more powerful vocabulary. Each sixty-minute audiobook volume within this series features forty words used in everyday conversation, or in the media and books, but which many people skip, finding these words difficult or even impossible to define or pronounce accurately. Using highly... Read more

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Evil under the sun - Abridged by Agatha Christie
Evil under the sun - Abridged
Agatha Christie
Evil under the sun - Abridged by Agatha Christie

Evil under the sun - Abridged

By: Agatha Christie

Narrated by: Roger May

Length: 3 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners. Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners.Agatha Christie is the most widely published author of all time and in any language. Now Collins hasadapted her famous detective novels for English language... Read more

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The ABC murders - Abridged by Agatha Christie
The ABC murders - Abridged
Agatha Christie
The ABC murders - Abridged by Agatha Christie

The ABC murders - Abridged

By: Agatha Christie

Narrated by: Roger May

Length: 4 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners. Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners.Agatha Christie is the most widely published author of all time and in any language. Now Collins hasadapted her famous detective novels for English language... Read more

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The mirror crack’d from side to side - Abridged by Agatha Christie
The mirror crack’d from side to side - Abridged
Agatha Christie
The mirror crack’d from side to side - Abridged by Agatha Christie

The mirror crack’d from side to side - Abridged

By: Agatha Christie

Narrated by: Gabrielle Glaister

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners. Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners.Agatha Christie is the most widely published author of all time and in any language. Now Collins hasadapted her famous detective novels for English language... Read more

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Business Italian - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek
Business Italian - Abridged
Tomas Dvoracek
Business Italian - Abridged by Tomas Dvoracek

Business Italian - Abridged

By: Tomas Dvoracek

Narrated by: Elisa Ciravegna & Jeff Short

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Thank you for your interest in the Business Italian audiocourse by Audioacademyeu. The course is designed for beginners to slightly advanced learners and focuses on vocabulary you can use at work and in business contacts with Italian-speaking business partners. The course is based on contextual learning, which means that you will not only learn... Read more

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