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Mistrial of the Century - Abridged by Tracey Kennedy, Judith Kennedy & Alan Abrahamson
Mistrial of the Century - Abridged
Tracey Kennedy, Judith Kennedy & Alan Abrahamson
Mistrial of the Century - Abridged by Tracey Kennedy, Judith Kennedy & Alan Abrahamson

Mistrial of the Century - Abridged

By: Tracey Kennedy, Judith Kennedy & Alan Abrahamson

Narrated by: Judith Kennedy & Tracey Kennedy

Length: 3 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A behind-the-scenes look at the O.J. Simpson murder trial.In this insider' s look at one of the 20th century' s most infamous trials, ex-juror Tracy Kennedy discloses what life was like for himself and his wife in the days leading up to the O.J. Simpson trial, and how it subsequently differed so much from their... Read more

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Fight Back and Win - Abridged by Gloria Allred
Fight Back and Win - Abridged
Gloria Allred
Fight Back and Win - Abridged by Gloria Allred

Fight Back and Win - Abridged

By: Gloria Allred

Narrated by: Gloria Allred

Length: 6 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

World-renowned women's rights attorney and civil rights advocate Gloria Allred sharesempowering life lessons learned while fighting on the front lines for victims' rightsVoted by her peers as one of the best lawyers in America, and described by Time as ""one of the nation's most effective advocates of family rights and feminist causes,"" Allred... Read more

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Manual of Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property - Abridged by Alice Kelly
Manual of Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property - Abridged
Alice Kelly
Manual of Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property - Abridged by Alice Kelly

Manual of Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property - Abridged

By: Alice Kelly

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Manual of Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property: Model for Developing Countries, written by Alice Kelly, this book is for students, professionals, and researchers who perform their services in the Intellectual Property field. The book offers a practical and innovative approach for Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR), with solid... Read more

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Nova Apostila - Abridged by Teixeira de Freitas
Nova Apostila - Abridged
Teixeira de Freitas
Nova Apostila - Abridged by Teixeira de Freitas

Nova Apostila - Abridged

By: Teixeira de Freitas

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 5 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Não há dúvida: trata-se de verdadeira aula de teoria geral do Direito Civil, mas não de uma qualquer. É aula de mestre, de gênio. Se Augusto Teixeira de Freitas, nascido em 1816 e falecido em 1883, é quase unanimemente considerado o maior dos juristas brasileiros, a Nova Apostila, que o leitor tem em mãos, é seguramente um de seus textos mais... Read more

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Electronic commerce and digital services - Abridged by Júlio César Parente Patrocínio
Electronic commerce and digital services - Abridged
Júlio César Parente Patrocínio
Electronic commerce and digital services - Abridged by Júlio César Parente Patrocínio

Electronic commerce and digital services - Abridged

By: Júlio César Parente Patrocínio

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 7 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT HAS NO BOUNDARIES. A new business model, product or technological service emerges all the time. Along with the facilitation and solutions brought by technological development, new problems, conflicts and litigation in social and economic relations also arise. Laws of several countries are not often able to keep up with... Read more

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Propósito negocial no planejamento tributário - Abridged by Danilo Lopes Baliza
Propósito negocial no planejamento tributário - Abridged
Danilo Lopes Baliza
Propósito negocial no planejamento tributário - Abridged by Danilo Lopes Baliza

Propósito negocial no planejamento tributário - Abridged

By: Danilo Lopes Baliza

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 7 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este trabalho pretende analisar o cenário constitucional no qual se encontra o agente empresarial contribuinte e seu papel no Estado Fiscal. Busca compreender o planejamento tributário como forma de exercício da autonomia privada, mas também apurar os seus limites, que decorrem do dever constitucional de pagar tributos. Analisa, ainda, os... Read more

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Reasonable Doubts - Abridged by Alan M. Dershowitz
Reasonable Doubts - Abridged
Alan M. Dershowitz
Reasonable Doubts - Abridged by Alan M. Dershowitz

Reasonable Doubts - Abridged

By: Alan M. Dershowitz

Narrated by: Alan M. Dershowitz

Length: 3 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

One of America's leading appeal lawyers, Alan Dershowitz, examines the American criminal justice system, critically analyzing its strengths and weaknesses. Using the O.J. Simpson murder case as the backdrop, Reasonable Doubts explores the larger issues that shape our country's legal system.

Chosen to prepare the appeal should O.J. Simpson be... Read more

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Empath - Abridged by Simon Michael
Empath - Abridged
Simon Michael
Empath - Abridged by Simon Michael

Empath - Abridged

By: Simon Michael

Narrated by: Dr. Michelle Carabache

Length: 3 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Do you want to develop your psychic abilities? Do you desire to recognize any empath? Keep reading to find out more!If your answer is yes, then you might be an empath. Allow this bundle Empath to help you determine what are you feeling and learn why it’s happening. Keep in mind that life as an empath could come with numerous benefits. However,... Read more

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I Like the Rain - Abridged by Mike Blake
I Like the Rain - Abridged
Mike Blake
I Like the Rain - Abridged by Mike Blake

I Like the Rain - Abridged

By: Mike Blake

Narrated by: Mike Blake

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

I Like the Rain. A poem about, guess what !

Yes the glories of nature when it rains. The smell, the steamy feel, the composite squeal of natures flora & fauna.

The rain, has a tendency to make people run for their houses, or any other

nearby available shelter.

Sometimes, you should consider staying out in one of Natures best refreshments! Read more

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Win Your Case - Abridged by Gerry Spence
Win Your Case - Abridged
Gerry Spence
Win Your Case - Abridged by Gerry Spence

Win Your Case - Abridged

By: Gerry Spence

Narrated by: Gerry Spence

Length: 4 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From renowned trial attorney and New York Times bestselling author Gerry Spence: a must own book for every lawyer and business professional seeking to make cutting-edge winning presentations--in court, at work, everywhere, any time.

Gerry Spence is perhaps America's most renowned and successful trial lawyer, a man known for his deep convictions... Read more

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Abolition for the People - Abridged by Colin Kaepernick
Abolition for the People - Abridged
Colin Kaepernick
Abolition for the People - Abridged by Colin Kaepernick

Abolition for the People - Abridged

By: Colin Kaepernick

Narrated by: Arami Malaise, Sterling Sulieman, Kyle Chapple,...

Length: 8 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Edited by activist and former San Francisco 49ers Super Bowl quarterback Colin Kaepernick, Abolition for the People is a manifesto calling for a world beyond prisons and policing. Abolition for the People brings together thirty essays representing a diversity of voices—political prisoners, grassroots organizers, scholars, and relatives of those... Read more

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Familie und Recht - Abridged by Gabriele Kokott-Weidenfeld
Familie und Recht - Abridged
Gabriele Kokott-Weidenfeld
Familie und Recht - Abridged by Gabriele Kokott-Weidenfeld

Familie und Recht - Abridged

By: Gabriele Kokott-Weidenfeld

Narrated by: Gabriele Kokott-Weidenfeld

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Das Grundgesetz geht von der Ehe und der Familie als Keimzelle der Gesellschaft aus. Sie geben die bestmögliche Garantie für das Wohl der Kinder und bieten das ideale Umfeld für ihr Heranwachsen. Die sich daraus ergebenden Fragestellungen werden verständlich und alltagsnah erläutert: - Was hat Staat mit Familie zu tun? - Warum mischt sich... Read more

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Wirtschaftsstrafrecht - Abridged by Klaus Volk
Wirtschaftsstrafrecht - Abridged
Klaus Volk
Wirtschaftsstrafrecht - Abridged by Klaus Volk

Wirtschaftsstrafrecht - Abridged

By: Klaus Volk

Narrated by: Klaus Volk

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: Yes

Skandale ohne Ende: Korruption, verbotene Absprachen, dubiose Bankgeschäfte, Betrug und Untreue, Lug und Trug überall? Wirtschaftskriminalität: Was kennzeichnet sie und was macht sie so gefährlich? Der Staat bekämpft sie energisch und wartet nicht mehr, bis ein Schaden eingetreten ist. Neue Gesetze: Sie haben die Strafbarkeit weit in das... Read more

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A Man's Guide To Child Custody - Abridged by David Pisarra, Esq.
A Man's Guide To Child Custody - Abridged
David Pisarra, Esq.
A Man's Guide To Child Custody - Abridged by David Pisarra, Esq.

A Man's Guide To Child Custody - Abridged

By: David Pisarra, Esq.

Narrated by: David Pisarra, Esq.

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

For the dad facing a child custody battle, this book gives you the immediate and actionable information you need to protect yourself, your children, and your parental rights.  Read more

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Preventing Nuclear Annihilation - Abridged by Ronald Reagan
Preventing Nuclear Annihilation - Abridged
Ronald Reagan
Preventing Nuclear Annihilation - Abridged by Ronald Reagan

Preventing Nuclear Annihilation - Abridged

By: Ronald Reagan

Narrated by: Ronald Reagan

Length: 1 hour 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

On March 23, 1983, President Ronald Reagan gave an address to the nation from the Oval Office challenging “the scientific community … to turn their great talents … to the cause of mankind and world peace, [and] to give us the means of rendering … nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete.” Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative to protect America... Read more

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The Trial of Oscar Wilde (Dramatic Reading) - Abridged by Anonymous
The Trial of Oscar Wilde (Dramatic Reading) - Abridged
The Trial of Oscar Wilde (Dramatic Reading) - Abridged by Anonymous

The Trial of Oscar Wilde (Dramatic Reading) - Abridged

By: Anonymous

Narrated by: Various

Length: 3 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Trial of Oscar Wilde (Dramatic Reading)
Discover a Landmark Legal Drama Like Never BeforeStep into the courtroom of history with the Digital Audiobook of "The Trial of Oscar Wilde (Dramatic Reading)" by Anonymous. This powerful and gripping audiobook transports you to the sensational trials that captivated the world and ultimately led to the... Read more

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Gangland  - Abridged by Howard Blum
Gangland - Abridged
Howard Blum
Gangland  - Abridged by Howard Blum

Gangland - Abridged

By: Howard Blum

Narrated by: Jerry Orbach

Length: 2 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In the bestselling tradition of Wiseguy and Boss of Bosses -- the inside story of the fall of the "Teflon Don"

The team: A handpicked squad of FBI agents -- led by a war hero determined to get the job done. The target: John Gotti, the seemingly invincible head of the richest and most powerful crime of modern-day Untouchables, the FBI's C-16... Read more

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Educação Jurídica e Acesso à Justiça - Abridged by Solange Pissolato
Educação Jurídica e Acesso à Justiça - Abridged
Solange Pissolato
Educação Jurídica e Acesso à Justiça - Abridged by Solange Pissolato

Educação Jurídica e Acesso à Justiça - Abridged

By: Solange Pissolato

Narrated by: Equipe Multicast

Length: 7 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este livro apresenta reflexões sobre a educação jurídica e o acesso à justiça, enfatizando a necessária superação de paradigmas para consolidação do modelo de justiça multiportas. A relevância do estudo proposto evidencia-se pela demanda na mudança de paradigmas no ensino jurídico, marcado pela excessiva litigância, em que se faz presente a... Read more

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Manifesto for the Revitalisation of Cities - Abridged by Miguel Rebelo
Manifesto for the Revitalisation of Cities - Abridged
Miguel Rebelo
Manifesto for the Revitalisation of Cities - Abridged by Miguel Rebelo

Manifesto for the Revitalisation of Cities - Abridged

By: Miguel Rebelo

Narrated by: Miguel Rebelo

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The housing crisis in Portugal serves to illustrate a problem that has implications beyond the borders of the country, shedding light on challenges that are faced by major European and global cities. The rise in housing prices, driven by real estate speculation, the growth of tourism and the influx of foreign investment, has made it increasingly... Read more

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Lei de Parcelamento do Solo Comentada : aprovação de loteamentos convencionais ou de acesso controlado e condomínios de casas ou lotes - Abridged by Jamilson Lisboa Sabino
Lei de Parcelamento do Solo Comentada : aprovação de loteamentos convencionais ou de acesso controlado e condomínios de casas ou lotes - Abridged
Jamilson Lisboa Sabino
Lei de Parcelamento do Solo Comentada : aprovação de loteamentos convencionais ou de acesso controlado e condomínios de casas ou lotes - Abridged by Jamilson Lisboa Sabino

Lei de Parcelamento do Solo Comentada : aprovação de loteamentos convencionais ou de acesso controlado e condomínios de casas ou lotes - Abridged

By: Jamilson Lisboa Sabino

Narrated by: Equipe Multicast

Length: 14 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Comentamos a Lei de Parcelamento do Solo Urbano, Lei nº 6.766/79, artigo por artigo, conforme a interpretação doutrinária e jurisprudencial. Conceituamos parcelamento do solo, loteamento, desmembramento, desdobro, condomínio de casas e condomínio de lotes. A definição de perímetro urbano, zona urbana, zona de expansão urbana, zona de urbanização... Read more

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Mediação e conciliação digital como ferramentas de soluções para o retorno do crédito concedido no âmbito do Sistema Financeiro - Abridged by Wanderson Moraes da Silva Tavares
Mediação e conciliação digital como ferramentas de soluções para o retorno do crédito concedido no âmbito do Sistema Financeiro - Abridged
Wanderson Moraes da Silva Tavares
Mediação e conciliação digital como ferramentas de soluções para o retorno do crédito concedido no âmbito do Sistema Financeiro - Abridged by Wanderson Moraes da Silva Tavares

Mediação e conciliação digital como ferramentas de soluções para o retorno do crédito concedido no âmbito do Sistema Financeiro - Abridged

By: Wanderson Moraes da Silva Tavares

Narrated by: Equipe Multicast

Length: 5 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Por meio da conciliação e da mediação digital, é possível recuperar valores e formalizar acordos com maior celeridade e economia. Dessa feita, sem limitar o exercício do direito creditório das Instituições Financeiras em juízo e os outros meios de se recuperar crédito, a análise acerca da viabilidade da utilização de plataformas digitais para o... Read more

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Direito Processual Constitucional - Abridged by Neuza Silva Ribeiro
Direito Processual Constitucional - Abridged
Neuza Silva Ribeiro
Direito Processual Constitucional - Abridged by Neuza Silva Ribeiro

Direito Processual Constitucional - Abridged

By: Neuza Silva Ribeiro

Narrated by: Alex Silva

Length: 4 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Trata-se de um estudo voltado ao reconhecimento do Direito Processual Constitucional brasileiro. Apesar da sua aura científica ser plena, seu corpo formal carece de reconhecimento. Mostrou-se aqui a autonomia científica do novel ramo de Direito Público, imbricado numa necessidade não só acadêmica, mas profissional. O processo constitucional... Read more

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Acesso à Justiça - Abridged by Lídia Ribas
Acesso à Justiça - Abridged
Lídia Ribas
Acesso à Justiça - Abridged by Lídia Ribas

Acesso à Justiça - Abridged

By: Lídia Ribas

Narrated by: Equipe Multcast

Length: 8 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O contencioso no Brasil afigura-se cada vez como um gigante que é retroalimentado pelas novas demandas que surgem em virtude de uma cultura de litigiosidade arraigada na sociedade como um todo. O conflito é parte do cotidiano e deve ser considerado não como algo negativo, mas como instrumento para aperfeiçoar as relações interpessoais. É com... Read more

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Comércio Eletrônico e Serviços Digitais - Abridged by Júlio César Parente Patrocínio
Comércio Eletrônico e Serviços Digitais - Abridged
Júlio César Parente Patrocínio
Comércio Eletrônico e Serviços Digitais - Abridged by Júlio César Parente Patrocínio

Comércio Eletrônico e Serviços Digitais - Abridged

By: Júlio César Parente Patrocínio

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 8 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O ambiente digital não tem fronteiras. A todo instante surge um novo modelo de negócio, produto ou serviço tecnológico. Junto com as facilidades e soluções que o desenvolvimento tecnológico traz, surgem também novos problemas, conflitos e litígios nas relações sociais e econômicas. As leis de diversos países muitas das vezes não conseguem... Read more

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