Fiction - Literary audiobooks

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The King Must Die - Abridged by Mary Renault
The King Must Die - Abridged
Mary Renault
The King Must Die - Abridged by Mary Renault

The King Must Die - Abridged

By: Mary Renault

Narrated by: Michael York

Length: 2 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Set in ancient Greece, a powerful novel about Theseus by Mary Renault.This is the story of the young Theseus: Prince of Troizen, King of Eleusis and Athens, and slayer of the Minotaur. Acclaimed novelist Mary Renault weaves myth, legend, history, and fiction into the story of a young hero's search for his destiny and the countless challenges he... Read more

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The Wedding - Abridged by Dorothy West
The Wedding - Abridged
Dorothy West
The Wedding - Abridged by Dorothy West

The Wedding - Abridged

By: Dorothy West

Narrated by: Regina Taylor

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

From Dorothy West, the last surviving member of the Harlem Renaissance, The Wedding is an intimate glimpse into African American middle class. Set on bucolic Martha's Vineyard in the 1950s, this is the story of life in the Oval, a proud, insular community made up of the best and brightest of the East Coast's black bourgeoisie. Within this inner... Read more

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Vanity Fair: August 2015 Issue - Abridged by Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair: August 2015 Issue - Abridged
Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair: August 2015 Issue - Abridged by Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair: August 2015 Issue - Abridged

By: Vanity Fair

Narrated by: various narrators

Length: 4 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Listen to Vanity Fair on the goGet the latest issue as it hits newsstandsBuy a single issue or subscribeVanity Fair is a cultural filter, sparking the global conversation about the people and ideas that matter most. With a dedication to journalistic excellence and powerful storytelling, Vanity Fair is the first choice—often the only choice—for... Read more

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Appel à l'amour - Abridged by Anthony De Mello
Appel à l'amour - Abridged
Anthony De Mello
Appel à l'amour - Abridged by Anthony De Mello

Appel à l'amour - Abridged

By: Anthony De Mello

Narrated by: Gérard Poirier

Length: 1 hour 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Les dix méditations originales contenues dans ce titre audio sont aussi les mémoires d'un mystique qui a osé voir la réalité. Avec les années, leur auteur est devenu homme de compassion et d'amour, et ces réflexions jalonnent le chemin difficile qu'il a dû parcourir à la fin de sa vie pour se dépouiller de tout système de croyances, de toute... Read more

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Cent éléphants sur un brin d'herbe - Abridged by Le Dalaï Lama
Cent éléphants sur un brin d'herbe - Abridged
Le Dalaï Lama
Cent éléphants sur un brin d'herbe - Abridged by Le Dalaï Lama

Cent éléphants sur un brin d'herbe - Abridged

By: Le Dalaï Lama

Narrated by: Jean Leclerc

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sur le ton chaleureux et confidentiel qui lui est naturel même en présence de nombreux interlocuteurs, le Dalaï-lama livre le fruit de ses réflexions sur l'homme, l'environnement, sur la société, les institutions, la politique, les religions. Que propose-t-il ? "Quel est votre secret ?", lui demande-t-on partout où il est invité. "Sagesse,... Read more

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Vanity Fair: September 2015 Issue - Abridged by Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair: September 2015 Issue - Abridged
Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair: September 2015 Issue - Abridged by Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair: September 2015 Issue - Abridged

By: Vanity Fair

Narrated by: various narrators

Length: 4 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

FREE EXTRA: Download the audio version of our cover story on Taylor Swift, featuring an exclusive interview with staff writer Josh Duboff. Download the story here: Which TV drama is Swift obsessing over?Who does she look to for guidance?What’s next for the star?In this issue: Editor’s Letter: Graydon Carter’s... Read more

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Vanity Fair: January 2015 Issue - Abridged by Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair: January 2015 Issue - Abridged
Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair: January 2015 Issue - Abridged by Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair: January 2015 Issue - Abridged

By: Vanity Fair

Narrated by: Graydon Carter & various narrators

Length: 5 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Vanity Fair is a cultural filter, sparking the global conversation about the people and ideas that matter most. With a dedication to journalistic excellence and powerful storytelling, Vanity Fair is the first choice—often the only choice—for the world's most influential and important audience. From print to social media, the big screen to the... Read more

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Vanity Fair: May–August 2015 Issue - Abridged by Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair: May–August 2015 Issue - Abridged
Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair: May–August 2015 Issue - Abridged by Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair: May–August 2015 Issue - Abridged

By: Vanity Fair

Narrated by: Graydon Carter & various narrators

Length: 19 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Vanity Fair is a cultural filter, sparking the global conversation about the people and ideas that matter most. With a dedication to journalistic excellence and powerful storytelling, Vanity Fair is the first choice—often the only choice—for the world’s most influential and important audience. From print to social media, the big screen to the... Read more

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Le prophète - Abridged by Khalil Gibran
Le prophète - Abridged
Khalil Gibran
Le prophète - Abridged by Khalil Gibran

Le prophète - Abridged

By: Khalil Gibran

Narrated by: Patrice Laffont, Yann le Gac, Patrick Bouchitey...

Length: 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Best-seller des années 60 traduit dans plus de 35 langues et vendu à plusieurs millions d'exemplaires. Le Prophète demeure l'un des ouvrages philosophiques parmi les plus populaires au monde. Avec Le Prophète, Khalil Gibran nous livre, dans une poésie éclatante, un message à la fois simple et profond. L'amour, le mariage, l'amitié et l'argent... Read more

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Lettres à un jeune poète - Abridged by Rainer Maria Rilke
Lettres à un jeune poète - Abridged
Rainer Maria Rilke
Lettres à un jeune poète - Abridged by Rainer Maria Rilke

Lettres à un jeune poète - Abridged

By: Rainer Maria Rilke

Narrated by: François Garagnon

Length: 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

En 1903, un poète de vingt ans, Franz Xaver Kappus, alors étudiant à l'Académie militaire de Wiener-Neustadt, décide d'envoyer à Rainer-Maria Rilke, ses premiers essais poétiques accompagnés d'une lettre dans laquelle il lui avoue douter de sa vocation. Il ne pouvait espérer plus belle écoute et plus juste accueil à ses incertitudes. Pendant 5... Read more

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Strong for Potatoes - Abridged by Cynthia Thayer
Strong for Potatoes - Abridged
Cynthia Thayer
Strong for Potatoes - Abridged by Cynthia Thayer

Strong for Potatoes - Abridged

By: Cynthia Thayer

Narrated by: Amanda Karr

Length: 3 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A striking literary debut reminiscent of Barbara Kingsolver and Dorothy Allison.Blue, a lonely adolescent, overcomes a disfiguring accident and misguided parents to create a rich life on her own terms. Aided by her Native American grandfather— a Passamaquoddy basket-maker— and the memory of a twin who died at birth, Blue... Read more

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Ellen Foster - Abridged by Kaye Gibbons
Ellen Foster - Abridged
Kaye Gibbons
Ellen Foster - Abridged by Kaye Gibbons

Ellen Foster - Abridged

By: Kaye Gibbons

Narrated by: Kaye Gibbons

Length: 2 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"When I was little I would think of ways to kill my daddy. I would figure out this or that way and run it down through my head until it got easy."

So begins the tale of Ellen Foster, the brave and engaging heroine of Kaye Gibbons's first novel, which won the Sue Kaufman Prize from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. Wise,... Read more

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Tiere für Fortgeschrittene (gekürzt) - Abridged by Eva Menasse
Tiere für Fortgeschrittene (gekürzt) - Abridged
Eva Menasse
Tiere für Fortgeschrittene (gekürzt) - Abridged by Eva Menasse

Tiere für Fortgeschrittene (gekürzt) - Abridged

By: Eva Menasse

Narrated by: Eva Menasse

Length: 8 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Raupen, die sich ihr eigenes Grab schaufeln, Haie, die künstlich beatmet werden, Enten, die noch im Schlaf nach Fressfeinden Ausschau halten, Schafe, die ihre Wolle von selbst abwerfen. Jede von Eva Menasses Erzählungen geht von einer kuriosen Tiermeldung aus und widmet sich doch ganz der Gattung Mensch. Die Autorin studiert ihre Objekte mit... Read more

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Au nom du père, du fils et de la crème glacée - Abridged by Pierre Morency
Au nom du père, du fils et de la crème glacée - Abridged
Pierre Morency
Au nom du père, du fils et de la crème glacée - Abridged by Pierre Morency

Au nom du père, du fils et de la crème glacée - Abridged

By: Pierre Morency

Narrated by: Pierre Morency

Length: 1 hour 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Après avoir secoué un certain nombre de nos croyances depuis la parution de son best-seller Demandez et vous recevrez, Pierre Morency s'attaque ici de plein fouet aux fondements des écrits religieux et à la relation des humains avec le Père. Son postulat ? Dieu est content lorsque nous sommes gros, pauvres, malades et misérables. Il ne veut pas... Read more

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La Cartomante - Abridged by Machado de Assis
La Cartomante - Abridged
Machado de Assis
La Cartomante - Abridged by Machado de Assis

La Cartomante - Abridged

By: Machado de Assis

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"La Cartomante" de Machado de Assis, cuenta la historia de Rita, una mujer casada que, en medio de un romance secreto, consulta a una adivina en busca de respuestas sobre su futuro. La trama explora temas como la superstición, el destino y la traición, revelando las complejidades e ironías de las relaciones humanas de forma intrigante y atractiva. Read more

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Cimarron Rose - Abridged by James Lee Burke
Cimarron Rose - Abridged
James Lee Burke
Cimarron Rose - Abridged by James Lee Burke

Cimarron Rose - Abridged

By: James Lee Burke

Narrated by: Will Patton

Length: 5 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Texas attorney Billy Bob Holland must confront the past in order to save his illegitimate son from a murder conviction in this brilliant, fast-paced thriller from beloved New York Times bestselling author James Lee Burke.

Lucas Smothers, nineteen and from the wrong end of town, has been arrested for the rape and murder of a local girl. His... Read more

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Perles de sagesse amérindienne - Abridged by Claire Payment
Perles de sagesse amérindienne - Abridged
Claire Payment
Perles de sagesse amérindienne - Abridged by Claire Payment

Perles de sagesse amérindienne - Abridged

By: Claire Payment

Narrated by: Albert Millaire, Claudie Stanké & Sophie Stanké

Length: 1 hour 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Durant notre vie, il nous arrive à tous de subir un outrage, un affront, de nous sentir trahis ou rejetés. Point n'est besoin de nous empresser d'avoir recours à la vengeance pour étouffer notre tristesse. La sagesse amérindienne nous invite à analyser notre chagrin, à le vivre pleinement dans le moment présent et à croire en la bonté innée de... Read more

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A Cartomante - Abridged by Machado de Assis
A Cartomante - Abridged
Machado de Assis
A Cartomante - Abridged by Machado de Assis

A Cartomante - Abridged

By: Machado de Assis

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"A Cartomante" de Machado de Assis conta a história de Rita, uma mulher casada que, em meio a um romance secreto, consulta uma cartomante em busca de respostas sobre seu futuro. A trama explora temas como superstição, destino e traição, revelando as complexidades e ironias das relações humanas de forma intrigante e envolvente. Read more

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Моби Дик, или Белый кит - Abridged by Герман Мелвилл
Моби Дик, или Белый кит - Abridged
Герман Мелвилл
Моби Дик, или Белый кит - Abridged by Герман Мелвилл

Моби Дик, или Белый кит - Abridged

By: Герман Мелвилл

Narrated by: Станислав Федосов

Length: 9 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

В 1851 году, когда американский писатель, моряк и путешественник Герман Мелвилл впервые опубликовал свой роман, современники не поняли и не оценили его. Лишь в 20-е годы ХХ века историки литературы, критики, а затем и читатели открыли Мелвилла заново, а книга о белом ките была признана "величайшим американским романом" и "шедевром мировой... Read more

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The Fortune Teller - Abridged by Machado de Assis
The Fortune Teller - Abridged
Machado de Assis
The Fortune Teller - Abridged by Machado de Assis

The Fortune Teller - Abridged

By: Machado de Assis

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"The Fortune Teller" by Machado de Assis tells the story of Rita, a married woman who, in the midst of a secret romance, consults a fortune teller in search of answers about her future. The plot explores themes such as superstition, fate, and betrayal, revealing the complexities and ironies of human relationships in an intriguing and engaging way. Read more

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ذات الشعر الأحمر - Abridged by Orhan Pamuk
ذات الشعر الأحمر - Abridged
Orhan Pamuk
ذات الشعر الأحمر - Abridged by Orhan Pamuk

ذات الشعر الأحمر - Abridged

By: Orhan Pamuk

Narrated by: علي سطوف

Length: 10 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

يأخذنا الروائي التركي الكبير الحاصل على جائزة نوبل في الآداب، أورهان باموق في روايته "ذات الشعر الأحمر" إلى بلدة صغيرة على بعد ٣٠ ميلاً من إسطنبول، والمطّلع على أعمال هذا الكاتب يلاحظ ولعه الشديد بمدينة إسطنبول. يستخدم باموق في هذا العمل أسلوب استرجاع الماضي القريب من ثمانينات القرن العشرين، وما شكلته هذه الفترة المشتعلة بالأحداث السياسية من... Read more

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متحف البراءة - Abridged by Orhan Pamuk
متحف البراءة - Abridged
Orhan Pamuk
متحف البراءة - Abridged by Orhan Pamuk

متحف البراءة - Abridged

By: Orhan Pamuk

Narrated by: علي سطوف

Length: 24 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

الأديب التركي أورهان باموق، الحائز على جائزة نوبل للآداب عام ٢٠٠٦، له العديد من الروايات والكتابات الصحفية. تدور أحداث الرواية حول قصة حب مستحيلة تجمع بين "كمال" المنحدر من الطبقة الأرستقراطية لإسطنبول في سبعينيات القرن العشرين، و"فوسون" الفتاة الفقيرة التي تربطه بها صلة قرابة بعيدة. تتجاوز التفاصيل حدود الغرام التقليدي، لتكشف حيرة الإنسان بين... Read more

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Geschichten von Henriette und Onkel Titus - Abridged by Peter Hacks
Geschichten von Henriette und Onkel Titus - Abridged
Peter Hacks
Geschichten von Henriette und Onkel Titus - Abridged by Peter Hacks

Geschichten von Henriette und Onkel Titus - Abridged

By: Peter Hacks

Narrated by: Carmen-Maja Antoni & Jennipher Antoni

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Henriette und Onkel Titus sind ein tolles Team; sie hat mehr Phantasie, er mehr Verstand, "aber jeder hat genug von beidem". Gemeinsam erleben sie die abenteuerlichsten Dinge. So befreien sie einen weinenden Stein von seinem Liebeskummer, erfinden eine Denkmaschine und fangen im Stadtpark einen Affen, der natürlich sprechen kann. Denn, wie Onkel... Read more

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Нормальные люди - Abridged by Салли Руни
Нормальные люди - Abridged
Салли Руни
Нормальные люди - Abridged by Салли Руни

Нормальные люди - Abridged

By: Салли Руни

Narrated by: Полина Войченко

Length: 7 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Коннелл Уолдрон и Марианна Шеридан учатся в одной школе и даже в одном классе, но почти не общаются — трудно представить себе двух более разных людей. В школе Коннелл душа любой компании, один из самых популярных парней, звезда футбольной команды, а Марианна — замкнутая одиночка, поддерживающая отношения по большей части с книгами. В реальной... Read more

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