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Dein Gehirn bist Du! - Abridged by Manfred Spitzer
Dein Gehirn bist Du! - Abridged
Manfred Spitzer
Dein Gehirn bist Du! - Abridged by Manfred Spitzer

Dein Gehirn bist Du! - Abridged

By: Manfred Spitzer

Narrated by: Manfred Spitzer

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Das Universum unseres Gehirns mit seinen Abermilliarden Nervenzellen, Synapsen und Verbindungen entdeckt sich selbst Schritt für Schritt. Waren früher die Sinneseindrücke wie Sehen und Hören Ziel der Forschung, sind es heute die komplexen Emotionen wie Vertrauen, Angst, Liebe oder Schadenfreude. Was unterscheidet das Gehirn von einem... Read more

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Du bist Wundervoll - Abridged by Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg
Du bist Wundervoll - Abridged
Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg
Du bist Wundervoll - Abridged by Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg

Du bist Wundervoll - Abridged

By: Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg

Narrated by: Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Du bist wundervoll: Du bist wundervoll, genauso wie Du bist! Jeder Mensch ist wundervoll und einzigartig– Auch Du! Die neue ThetaMeditations-Methode unterstützt Dich innerhalb weniger Minuten - Zu erkennen, wie einzigartig Du bist - Zu fühlen, wie wundervoll Du bist – denn dadurch wirst Du wirklich stark und selbstbewusst - Dich... Read more

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Glücklich Sein in 10 Minuten - Abridged by Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg
Glücklich Sein in 10 Minuten - Abridged
Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg
Glücklich Sein in 10 Minuten - Abridged by Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg

Glücklich Sein in 10 Minuten - Abridged

By: Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg

Narrated by: Birgit Hasselbusch

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Jeder kann Meditieren! Die neue ThetaMeditation unterstützt Sie, sich innerhalb weniger Minuten tief zu entspannen und Ihre Kreativität zu erhöhen. ThetaMeditation verbindet modernste wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der Gehirnforschung mit der Technologie der Binaural Beats. So können Sie ohne großen Zeitaufwand die positiven Effekte... Read more

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Acessibilidade nas edificações do Setor de Oftalmologia da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC - Abridged by Rosemary Fernandes Fraga
Acessibilidade nas edificações do Setor de Oftalmologia da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC - Abridged
Rosemary Fernandes Fraga
Acessibilidade nas edificações do Setor de Oftalmologia da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC - Abridged by Rosemary Fernandes Fraga

Acessibilidade nas edificações do Setor de Oftalmologia da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC - Abridged

By: Rosemary Fernandes Fraga

Narrated by: Equipe Multicast

Length: 1 hour 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Esta obra nasceu dos questionamentos e da preocupação de uma sociedade mais igualitária, com um olhar mais equitativo ao acesso com segurança e autonomia aos espaços, edificações, equipamentos urbanos, transportes, informação, entre outros, permite que as pessoas com deficiência e/ou mobilidade reduzida participem plenamente da sociedade com... Read more

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Planejamento de Carreira Médica - Abridged by Victor Hugo Lara Cardoso de Sá
Planejamento de Carreira Médica - Abridged
Victor Hugo Lara Cardoso de Sá
Planejamento de Carreira Médica - Abridged by Victor Hugo Lara Cardoso de Sá

Planejamento de Carreira Médica - Abridged

By: Victor Hugo Lara Cardoso de Sá

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Todo médico deveria conhecer conceitos de planejamento, networking, gestão e marketing pessoal. Aproveite os conceitos adquiridos pelo autor ao longo de seu MBA e seus mais de 15 anos de experiência na prática médica na busca constante pelo aperfeiçoamento profissional. Este livro vai te ajudar a entender os diferentes caminhos e variações de... Read more

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An Unquiet Mind - Abridged by Kay Redfield Jamison
An Unquiet Mind - Abridged
Kay Redfield Jamison
An Unquiet Mind - Abridged by Kay Redfield Jamison

An Unquiet Mind - Abridged

By: Kay Redfield Jamison

Narrated by: Kay Redfield Jamison

Length: 2 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • A deeply powerful memoir about bipolar illness that has both transformed and saved lives—with a new preface by the author. 

Dr. Jamison is one of the foremost authorities on manic-depressive (bipolar) illness; she has also experienced it firsthand. For even while she was pursuing her career in academic medicine, Jamison... Read more

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Coming to Our Senses - Abridged by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Coming to Our Senses - Abridged
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Coming to Our Senses - Abridged by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Coming to Our Senses - Abridged

By: Jon Kabat-Zinn

Narrated by: Jon Kabat-Zinn

Length: 3 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Come to your senses with the definitive guide to living a meaningful life from a world expert in the connection between mindfulness and physical and spiritual wellbeing.

"[The] journey toward health and sanity is nothing less than an invitation to wake up to the fullness of our lives as if they actually mattered . . ." --Jon Kabat-Zinn, from the... Read more

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Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life  - Abridged by Dr. Robert Fulford
Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life - Abridged
Dr. Robert Fulford
Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life  - Abridged by Dr. Robert Fulford

Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life - Abridged

By: Dr. Robert Fulford

Narrated by: Mason Adams

Length: 1 hour 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From Simon & Schuster, Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life: The Healing Power of the Natural Life Force is an information-packed volume in which he delineates the healing principles of osteopathy, shares compelling case histories, and offers advice on integrating natural healing methods with modern healthcare.

The ninety-one-year-old doctor known for... Read more

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Dentes saudáveis sorriso aberto - Abridged by Bianca Paracampos Barros Mendonça
Dentes saudáveis sorriso aberto - Abridged
Bianca Paracampos Barros Mendonça
Dentes saudáveis sorriso aberto - Abridged by Bianca Paracampos Barros Mendonça

Dentes saudáveis sorriso aberto - Abridged

By: Bianca Paracampos Barros Mendonça

Narrated by: Equipe Multicast

Length: 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Nesta cartilha, somos apresentados a Guinho, um garoto muito inteligente, mas que ainda tem preconceitos com a ideia de fazer uma visita ao dentista. Assim como ele, aprenderemos a importância de ter dentes saudáveis, a maneira correta da higienização bucal de uma forma leve e acessível a crianças, com um diferencial de alcançar aquelas com... Read more

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On sale
Colin Powell - Abridged by Colin Powell
Colin Powell - Abridged
Colin Powell
Colin Powell - Abridged by Colin Powell

Colin Powell - Abridged

By: Colin Powell

Narrated by: Colin Powell

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The son of Jamaican immigrants, Colin Powell became one of the most influential Americans of the last century. In this dramatic series of interviews, General Powell describes his ascent from the ROTC to four-star general and eventually to chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and mastermind of Desert Storm. He discusses his assignments in... Read more

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Beyond Love - Abridged by Dominique Lapierre
Beyond Love - Abridged
Dominique Lapierre
Beyond Love - Abridged by Dominique Lapierre

Beyond Love - Abridged

By: Dominique Lapierre

Narrated by: Michael York

Length: 3 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From its first appearance in the late 1970s to the remarkable treatment methods that are now keeping millions alive, AIDS has been a headlining topic for decades. Master storyteller Dominique Lapierre— renowned for his best sellers Is Paris Burning? and The City of Joy— has created his most extraordinary epic of human... Read more

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Glücklich und Frei in 12 Minuten - Abridged by Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg
Glücklich und Frei in 12 Minuten - Abridged
Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg
Glücklich und Frei in 12 Minuten - Abridged by Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg

Glücklich und Frei in 12 Minuten - Abridged

By: Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg

Narrated by: Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg

Length: 1 hour 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Jeder kann seine Ängste überwinden und gelassener durchs Leben gehen – Auch Du! Die neue ThetaMeditations-Methode unterstützt Dich innerhalb weniger Minuten - Deine Ängste zu überwinden - Gelassener durchs Leben zu gehen - Optimistischer zu werden - Achtsamer und Bewusster im Alltag zu sein - Zugang zu deiner Inneren Kraft und Stärke... Read more

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Kaplan MCAT Biochemistry Audio Review - Abridged by author
Kaplan MCAT Biochemistry Audio Review - Abridged
Kaplan MCAT Biochemistry Audio Review - Abridged by author

Kaplan MCAT Biochemistry Audio Review - Abridged

By: author

Narrated by: Owen Farcy, Elizabeth Flagge, Tamara Miller, Am...

Length: 26 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Get 27 hours of lessons and conversations on MCAT biochemistry from a full panel of Kaplan's MCAT experts, with a 150-page downloadable workbook to follow along as you listen.

From the makers of the #1 MCAT course, Kaplan's MCAT Biochemistry Audio Review is designed to fit into times when you couldn't otherwise study—whether you're on the road,... Read more

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Under the Collar: Frank Conversations about Healing that Harms - Abridged by Ade Adewusi & Lee Hernandez
Under the Collar: Frank Conversations about Healing that Harms - Abridged
Ade Adewusi & Lee Hernandez
Under the Collar: Frank Conversations about Healing that Harms - Abridged by Ade Adewusi & Lee Hernandez

Under the Collar: Frank Conversations about Healing that Harms - Abridged

By: Ade Adewusi & Lee Hernandez

Narrated by: Ade Adewusi & Lee Hernandez

Length: 3 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Diving straight to the core of the analytical memoir, Under the Collar: Frank Conversations about Healing that Harms, Simply Speaking is an audiobook abridgement.The narrated articles turn those problematic interactions, goofs and outright carelessness worsening healthcare into blunt snippets of cause-and-effect.Simply Speaking still follows the... Read more

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YOU: On A Diet Revised Edition - Abridged by Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz
YOU: On A Diet Revised Edition - Abridged
Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz
YOU: On A Diet Revised Edition - Abridged by Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz

YOU: On A Diet Revised Edition - Abridged

By: Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz

Narrated by: Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

As they did with the revised edition of YOU: The Owner’s Manual, Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz have updated their classic, international bestseller on diet. This nearly three million copy seller is filled with new information on emotional eating, the latest fad diets, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and over a hundred recipes.

For the first time in our... Read more

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Tief schlafen mit Deltawellen - Abridged by Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg
Tief schlafen mit Deltawellen - Abridged
Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg
Tief schlafen mit Deltawellen - Abridged by Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg

Tief schlafen mit Deltawellen - Abridged

By: Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg

Narrated by: Sarah Jasmin Cartsburg

Length: 1 hour 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Jeder kann tief schlafen! Die tiefe erholsame Schlaf-Phase, der sogenannte Tiefschlaf, in dem das Gehirn im Delta-Wellen Rhythmus schwingt, ist besonders wichtig für die Regeneration von Körper und Geist. Erlebe mit ThetaMeditation die positiven Effekte von tiefem regenerierendem Delta- Schlaf. MyMind Meditation verbindet modernste... Read more

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Physiologische Psychologie: Neuropsychologie des Gedächtnisses - Abridged by Hans Joachim Markowitsch
Physiologische Psychologie: Neuropsychologie des Gedächtnisses - Abridged
Hans Joachim Markowitsch
Physiologische Psychologie: Neuropsychologie des Gedächtnisses - Abridged by Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Physiologische Psychologie: Neuropsychologie des Gedächtnisses - Abridged

By: Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Narrated by: Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Length: 1 hour 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Das Gedächtnis wird definiert und seine Bedeutung evolutionsgeschichtlich begründet: Es existieren mehrere Gedächtnissysteme, die weitgehend unabhängig voneinander arbeiten und deswegen auch selektiv gestört sein können. Zustandsabhängigkeit und Dynamik von Informationsaufnahme und -abruf werden erläutert. Inwieweit menschliches Gedächtnis sich... Read more

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Physiologische Psychologie: Wie viel Gedächtnisverlust verträgt das Alter? - Abridged by Hans Joachim Markowitsch
Physiologische Psychologie: Wie viel Gedächtnisverlust verträgt das Alter? - Abridged
Hans Joachim Markowitsch
Physiologische Psychologie: Wie viel Gedächtnisverlust verträgt das Alter? - Abridged by Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Physiologische Psychologie: Wie viel Gedächtnisverlust verträgt das Alter? - Abridged

By: Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Narrated by: Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gedächtnis und andere kognitive Funktionen nehmen mit zunehmendem Lebensalter ab. Erklärt wird, welche Gedächtnisbereiche hiervon besonders betroffen sind, warum Erinnerungen nur selten verloren gehen, man aber trotzdem Probleme hat, an sie heranzukommen und was "altersübliches" Vergessen von "leichten kognitiven Störungen" unterscheidet, die in... Read more

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Happiness for Dummies - Abridged by W. Doyle Gentry
Happiness for Dummies - Abridged
W. Doyle Gentry
Happiness for Dummies - Abridged by W. Doyle Gentry

Happiness for Dummies - Abridged

By: W. Doyle Gentry

Narrated by: Brett Barry

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Now, you can find the happiness you want and live ""the good life"" you deserve by applying the helpful information in Happiness For Dummies, the ultimate guide to achieving bliss! You'll discover proven techniques for living a meaningful, healthy, and productive life no matter what your life circumstances happen to be. Positive concepts and... Read more

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Kosmos Gehirn - Abridged by Michael Madeja
Kosmos Gehirn - Abridged
Michael Madeja
Kosmos Gehirn - Abridged by Michael Madeja

Kosmos Gehirn - Abridged

By: Michael Madeja

Narrated by: Michael Madeja

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die Hirnforschung hat in den vergangenen Jahren einen großen Aufschwung erfahren und wird von vielen als die wichtigste Forschungsdisziplin der Zukunft angesehen. Entsprechend hoch sind die Fördermittel für die Forschung und das Interesse der Öffentlichkeit. Zunächst wird in den Aufbau des Gehirns und seine Funktionsprinzipien eingeführt. Davon... Read more

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Birth Day - Abridged by Mark Sloan
Birth Day - Abridged
Mark Sloan
Birth Day - Abridged by Mark Sloan

Birth Day - Abridged

By: Mark Sloan

Narrated by: Mark Sloan

Length: 9 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“I delivered twenty babies in the summer of 1977. I was hardly more than a baby myself, just turned twenty-four and starting my third year of medical school.” So began Mark Sloan’s three-decades-long exploration of the wonders and oddities of human childbirth. Pediatrician, husband, and father, the author has attended nearly three thousand... Read more

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Medicinal Mushrooms - Abridged by Elia Friedenthal
Medicinal Mushrooms - Abridged
Elia Friedenthal
Medicinal Mushrooms - Abridged by Elia Friedenthal

Medicinal Mushrooms - Abridged

By: Elia Friedenthal

Narrated by: Elizabeth Moore

Length: 5 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

What is the best medicinal mushroom? What is the best mushroom to fight cancer? MUSHROOMS THAT ACT AS TURBO-SHOTS FOR YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEMTHE MAGIC OF MEDICINAL MUSHROOMSDoes the thought of medicinal mushrooms scare you off? Take a deep breath and stay with us. Yes, we’re going to tell you to put mushrooms in your coffee (among other things). But... Read more

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Molecules of Emotion - Abridged by Candace B. Pert
Molecules of Emotion - Abridged
Candace B. Pert
Molecules of Emotion - Abridged by Candace B. Pert

Molecules of Emotion - Abridged

By: Candace B. Pert

Narrated by: Candace B. Pert

Length: 3 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The bestselling and revolutionary book that serves as a “landmark in our understanding of the mind-body connection” (Deepak Chopra, MD).

Why do we feel the way we feel? How do our thoughts and emotions affect our health?

In her groundbreaking book Molecules of Emotion, Candace Pert—an extraordinary neuroscientist who played a pivotal role in the... Read more

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Diagnose Krebs - Abridged by Herbert Kappauf
Diagnose Krebs - Abridged
Herbert Kappauf
Diagnose Krebs - Abridged by Herbert Kappauf

Diagnose Krebs - Abridged

By: Herbert Kappauf

Narrated by: Herbert Kappauf

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Krebs ist nicht pauschal EINE Erkrankung. DEN Krebs oder DIE Krebstherapie gibt es nicht. Vielmehr bezeichnet diese Diagnose rund 200 VERSCHIEDENE Krankheiten. Dementsprechend sind die Therapieansätze und Behandlungserfolge bei den einzelnen Krebserkrankungen sehr unterschiedlich. Zweifellos kann die moderne Krebsmedizin insgesamt auf... Read more

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