Mystery & Thriller audiobooks

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Argus (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged by Jilliane Hoffman
Argus (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged
Jilliane Hoffman
Argus (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged by Jilliane Hoffman

Argus (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged

By: Jilliane Hoffman

Narrated by: Andrea Sawatzki

Length: 7 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"No risk, no fun", denkt Gabby und ignoriert die innere Stimme, die sie davor warnt, den gutaussehenden Reid in seine Kellerwohnung zu begleiten. Sie kennt ihn erst seit ein paar Stunden. Zu spät sieht sie die Kamera, zu spät bemerkt sie, dass sie nicht allein sind: Augen beobachten sie. Viele Augen. Böse Augen ... Einige Jahre später: Eine... Read more

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Critical Judgment - Abridged by Michael Palmer
Critical Judgment - Abridged
Michael Palmer
Critical Judgment - Abridged by Michael Palmer

Critical Judgment - Abridged

By: Michael Palmer

Narrated by: Megan Gallagher

Length: 6 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In the tiny town of Patience, California, newcomer Dr. Abby Dolan has noticed a frightening syndrome among her emergency room patients.  It begins with a baffling, seemingly minor set of symptoms, but builds relentlessly until it plunges its victims into insane, murderous rages.  As she searches for clues to this deadly mystery, Abby's superiors... Read more

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The Lazarus Child - Abridged by Robert Mawson
The Lazarus Child - Abridged
Robert Mawson
The Lazarus Child - Abridged by Robert Mawson

The Lazarus Child - Abridged

By: Robert Mawson

Narrated by: Allison Janney

Length: 6 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

It takes just a moment for a family's life to be changed forever. For a twelve-year-old boy to dash across the street for a pack of peppermints. For his seven-year-old sister to follow him into traffic. For a bus to swerve out of control. And with that terrible moment, a family's search begins for the unlikely miracle that will put together... Read more

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One Last Kill - Abridged by Finn Bell
One Last Kill - Abridged
Finn Bell
One Last Kill - Abridged by Finn Bell

One Last Kill - Abridged

By: Finn Bell

Narrated by: Joshua Macrae

Length: 7 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

IF YOU HURT SOMEONE BAD ENOUGH THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN'T MAKE THEM DO.Bobby Ress is a cop with a simple life. He believes in making a difference. He loves his wife and his daughter. He has a place in the world. Then people start dying, a lot of them, in horrible ways.It's a case like no other. And step by gruesome step the simple, true things... Read more

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Vom Lieben und Sterben - Zorn, Band 2 (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Stephan Ludwig
Vom Lieben und Sterben - Zorn, Band 2 (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged
Stephan Ludwig
Vom Lieben und Sterben - Zorn, Band 2 (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Stephan Ludwig

Vom Lieben und Sterben - Zorn, Band 2 (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged

By: Stephan Ludwig

Narrated by: David Nathan

Length: 7 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hauptkommissar Claudius Zorn ist frustriert - es ist Sommer, es ist heiß und er bekommt zwei Mordfälle in einer Woche auf den Tisch. Da war ihm die Einbruchserie in der Kleingartenanlage wesentlich lieber. Die war schnell geklärt: Eine Clique Jugendlicher wollte sich die Zeit vertreiben. Merkwürdig nur, dass beide Mordopfer genau dieser Clique... Read more

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01: Das dritte Auge - Abridged by Jason Dark
01: Das dritte Auge - Abridged
Jason Dark
01: Das dritte Auge - Abridged by Jason Dark

01: Das dritte Auge - Abridged

By: Jason Dark

Narrated by: Frank Glaubrecht, Roswitha Rellergerd, Eberhard...

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Don Harris, der über seherische Fähigkeiten verfügt, ist Agent des europäischen Geheimdienstes ESI mit Sitz in London. Der plötzliche Tod seines Vater und der Mord an Nancy Goldman, einer Bekannten Don Harris', bringen ihn auf die Spur der mysteriösen Organisation "Club der Höllensöhne", und damit in große Gefahr… Read more

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Sudden Exposure - Abridged by Susan Dunlap
Sudden Exposure - Abridged
Susan Dunlap
Sudden Exposure - Abridged by Susan Dunlap

Sudden Exposure - Abridged

By: Susan Dunlap

Narrated by: Margot Kidder

Length: 2 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This is a wry, indecently entertaining mystery involving politics, murder - and nudity. Where else but in Berkeley, California would naked protesters, competing health clubs, and ex-sixties radicals add up to murder? And who else would find herself smack in the middle of this crisis than back-on-the-beat detective Jill Smith, the beloved... Read more

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Muerto al llegar y otros relatos - Abridged by Javier Aparicio
Muerto al llegar y otros relatos - Abridged
Javier Aparicio
Muerto al llegar y otros relatos - Abridged by Javier Aparicio

Muerto al llegar y otros relatos - Abridged

By: Javier Aparicio

Narrated by: Martín Quirós

Length: 5 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Tras sus cinco primeras novelas, el autor reúne en su sexto libro once historias asombrosas, hábilmente construidas, que se desenvuelven entre el cuento y la novela corta, y que inducen a transitar por ellas sin darnos cuenta de que bajo la realidad que vemos en primer plano se ocultan situaciones insospechadas, que solo verán la luz al final de... Read more

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The Testament - Abridged by Eric Van Lustbader
The Testament - Abridged
Eric Van Lustbader
The Testament - Abridged by Eric Van Lustbader

The Testament - Abridged

By: Eric Van Lustbader

Narrated by: Eric Conger

Length: 7 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Braverman Shaw—"Bravo" to his friends—always knew his father had secrets. But not until Dexter Shaw dies does Bravo discover that his father belonged to the Order of Gnostic Observatines, a hidden sect long believed to be extinct. For centuries, the Order has guarded a lost Testament that could shake Christianity to its foundations. Dexter Shaw... Read more

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Sleeping Beauty - Abridged by Phillip Margolin
Sleeping Beauty - Abridged
Phillip Margolin
Sleeping Beauty - Abridged by Phillip Margolin

Sleeping Beauty - Abridged

By: Phillip Margolin

Narrated by: Margaret Whitton

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Author Miles Van Meter is on a book tour to promote his sensational bestseller Sleeping Beauty, a true-crime account of a deeply personal subject: the attack by a serial killer that left his twin sister, Casey, in a coma. Tonight the audience waits to hear Miles discuss recent developments in his sister's case -- unaware that pieces of this... Read more

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Keller mit Leiche - Abridged by Ima Ahorn
Keller mit Leiche - Abridged
Ima Ahorn
Keller mit Leiche - Abridged by Ima Ahorn

Keller mit Leiche - Abridged

By: Ima Ahorn

Narrated by: Daniel Bierich

Length: 7 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Was ist zu tun, wenn sich ein Hausgast plötzlich in einen Hausgeist verwandelt? Mit dieser Frage sieht sich der junge Darren in seinem neuen Job im Taigh Dubh Guesthouse konfrontiert. Und als wäre ein toter Gast nicht schlimm genug, handelt es sich auch noch um Blake Cadger, den arroganten und egozentrischen Chefgeisterjäger der Argyll Ghost... Read more

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Motor Mouth - Abridged by Janet Evanovich
Motor Mouth - Abridged
Janet Evanovich
Motor Mouth - Abridged by Janet Evanovich

Motor Mouth - Abridged

By: Janet Evanovich

Narrated by: C. J. Critt

Length: 6 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

It's the last race of the season, and the wheels are smoking and the temperature is rising at Homestead-Miami Speedway. Alexandra Barnaby is NASCAR driver Sam Hooker's raceday spotter, his eye-in-the-sky, telling Hooker when to pass and when to get off the gas. From her vantage point high above the grandstand she's also seeing things going on in... Read more

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The Bancroft Strategy - Abridged by Robert Ludlum
The Bancroft Strategy - Abridged
Robert Ludlum
The Bancroft Strategy - Abridged by Robert Ludlum

The Bancroft Strategy - Abridged

By: Robert Ludlum

Narrated by: Scott Sowers

Length: 7 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

When Todd Belknap—a legendary field agent for Consular Operations with a reputation as something of a cowboy— is cut loose from the agency after an operation goes wrong, his best friend and fellow agent is abducted in Lebanon by a militia group with a vicious reputation. When the government refuses to either rescue him or negotiate for his... Read more

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Herrschaftszeiten! - Abridged by Martina Schmid
Herrschaftszeiten! - Abridged
Martina Schmid
Herrschaftszeiten! - Abridged by Martina Schmid

Herrschaftszeiten! - Abridged

By: Martina Schmid

Narrated by: Sonja Ströl

Length: 5 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sofie kehrt nach langer Zeit in ihren Heimatort zurück, um ihre frühere Freundin Maria zu besuchen. Per Zufall stoßen die beiden auf ein seit zwei Jahrzehnten in der Erde vergrabenes Skelett. Weil die Polizei sich merkwürdig zurückhält, ermitteln die zwei Freundinnen auf eigene Faust. Eine Spur führt sie zu einer Wahrsagerin. Doch dann bekommt... Read more

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The Kill Artist - Abridged by Daniel Silva
The Kill Artist - Abridged
Daniel Silva
The Kill Artist - Abridged by Daniel Silva

The Kill Artist - Abridged

By: Daniel Silva

Narrated by: Jason Culp

Length: 6 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Once a key operative in secret Israeli-intelligence missions, Gabriel Allon is on the run from his past, assuming a quiet life as a meticulous restorer of priceless works of art. But now he is being called back into the game. The agent with whom he is teamed hides behind her own beautiful mask–as a French fashion model. Their target: a cunning... Read more

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A inquilina silenciosa - Abridged by Clémence Michallon
A inquilina silenciosa - Abridged
Clémence Michallon
A inquilina silenciosa - Abridged by Clémence Michallon

A inquilina silenciosa - Abridged

By: Clémence Michallon

Narrated by: Andressa Mello

Length: 11 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Um dos romances mais esperados do ano – um thriller psicológico narrado pelas pessoas mais próximas de um serial killer: sua filha de 13 anos, sua namorada e a única vítima a escapar de suas garras."Ousado, satisfação completa; um romance único, triunfo da arte de contar histórias." – James PattersonAidan Thomas é considerado um homem de família... Read more

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We’re Alive - Abridged by Kc Wayland
We’re Alive - Abridged
Kc Wayland
We’re Alive - Abridged by Kc Wayland

We’re Alive - Abridged

By: Kc Wayland

Narrated by: a full cast

Length: 14 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The story of survival continues; the fight is not over.It’s been eighteen years since the outbreak of “Infected” and the events from We’re Alive: A Story of Survival. Once an embattled “Colony” of survivors, the thriving stronghold of Westport celebrates the graduation of its latest class of Guardians, including Nicholas Tink. The son of the... Read more

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Tödliche Wut - Kate Burkholder ermittelt, Band 4 (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged by Linda Castillo
Tödliche Wut - Kate Burkholder ermittelt, Band 4 (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged
Linda Castillo
Tödliche Wut - Kate Burkholder ermittelt, Band 4 (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged by Linda Castillo

Tödliche Wut - Kate Burkholder ermittelt, Band 4 (Gekürzte Fassung) - Abridged

By: Linda Castillo

Narrated by: Tanja Geke

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Sadie Miller wird vermisst, ein aufmüpfiger Amisch-Teenager aus Painters Mill. Ihre Familie ist verzweifelt, verbittet sich aber jede Einmischung von außen. Als Kate Burkholder, die Spezialistin für Amisch-Delikte, gerufen wird, ahnt sie Schlimmes. Denn das Szenario ist nicht neu, mehrere Mädchen der Glaubensgemeinschaft sind in der... Read more

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Swimming to Catalina - Abridged by Stuart Woods
Swimming to Catalina - Abridged
Stuart Woods
Swimming to Catalina - Abridged by Stuart Woods

Swimming to Catalina - Abridged

By: Stuart Woods

Narrated by: Tony Roberts

Length: 5 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In Swimming to Catalina, ex-cop-turned-Manhattan-attorney and investigator Stone Barrington is back, still smarting from his sudden breakup with brilliant, beautiful magazine writer Arrington Carrington, who has left him to marry Hollywood's hottest male star, Vance Calder. Then Calder calls Stone for help: Arrington has vanished without a... Read more

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Imperfect Strangers - Abridged by Stuart Woods
Imperfect Strangers - Abridged
Stuart Woods
Imperfect Strangers - Abridged by Stuart Woods

Imperfect Strangers - Abridged

By: Stuart Woods

Narrated by: Anthony Heald

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sandy Kinsolving's once-glittering life hangs by a threat; his future depends on his wife's inheritance and whether or not she's about to throw him out on his ear. What he wouldn't give for a solution to his money and marriage problems. If this were an Alfred Hitchcock movie, the solution would be obvious. Enter a stranger with wife problems of... Read more

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Escape, Vol. 3 - Abridged by Hollywood 360
Escape, Vol. 3 - Abridged
Hollywood 360
Escape, Vol. 3 - Abridged by Hollywood 360

Escape, Vol. 3 - Abridged

By: Hollywood 360

Narrated by: a full cast

Length: 5 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Escape was radio’s leading anthology series of high-adventure, airing on CBS radio from 1947 to 1954.The series’ well-remembered opening combined Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain with an introduction spoken by Paul Frees and William Conrad: “Tired of the everyday grind? Ever dream of a life of romantic adventure? Want to get away from it all?... Read more

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L.A. Times - Abridged by Stuart Woods
L.A. Times - Abridged
Stuart Woods
L.A. Times - Abridged by Stuart Woods

L.A. Times - Abridged

By: Stuart Woods

Narrated by: Tony Roberts

Length: 3 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Vinnie Callabrese toils in the mean world of a Mafia hood, violently enforcing his loan-shark boss's debt collections, but he lives in the world of the movies, one where he can tie a bow tie like Cary Grant and speak with the voice of Tyrone Power.Vinnie is smart, too, and he finds a way to turn his dream world into reality. Arriving on the West... Read more

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The Whistler, Vol. 3 - Abridged by Hollywood 360
The Whistler, Vol. 3 - Abridged
Hollywood 360
The Whistler, Vol. 3 - Abridged by Hollywood 360

The Whistler, Vol. 3 - Abridged

By: Hollywood 360

Narrated by: Bill Forman & various performers

Length: 5 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Whistler was one of radio’s top mystery programs airing from May 16, 1942 until September 22, 1955, sponsored by the Signal Oil Company.The Whistler was an ominous narrator who opened each episode with: “I am the Whistler, and I know many things, for I walk by night. I know many strange tales, many secrets hidden in the hearts of men and... Read more

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Dominion - Abridged by Randy Alcorn
Dominion - Abridged
Randy Alcorn
Dominion - Abridged by Randy Alcorn

Dominion - Abridged

By: Randy Alcorn

Narrated by: Frank Muller

Length: 6 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Can one man’s search for justice stand up to the forces of evil threatening to destroy him? A shocking murder drags black newspaper columnist Clarence Abernathy into the disorienting world of inner-city gangs and racial conflict. In a desperate hunt for answers to the violence (and to his own struggles with race and faith), Clarence forges an... Read more

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