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Dunbar Out Loud - Abridged by Bobby Norfolk
Dunbar Out Loud - Abridged
Bobby Norfolk
Dunbar Out Loud - Abridged by Bobby Norfolk

Dunbar Out Loud - Abridged

By: Bobby Norfolk

Narrated by: Bobby Norfolk

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Here are a baker's dozen of Paul Laurence Dunbar's poems brought to life in the medium he always wrote for - the spoken word. As narrated by Bobby Norfolk, these poems evoke the range of moods - from elegy to wonder to celebration - that the poet is remembered for. Dunbar was born in Dayton, Ohio, in 1872, to parents who were both former slaves.... Read more

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A Rare Recording of Allen Ginsburg Reading His Poem "America" - Abridged by author
A Rare Recording of Allen Ginsburg Reading His Poem "America" - Abridged
A Rare Recording of Allen Ginsburg Reading His Poem "America" - Abridged by author

A Rare Recording of Allen Ginsburg Reading His Poem "America" - Abridged

By: author

Narrated by: Allen Ginsburg

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Irwin Allen Ginsberg (June 3, 1926 - April 5, 1997), born in Newark NJ, was an American poet and writer. As a student at Columbia University in the 1940s, he began friendships with Lucien Carr, William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac, forming the core of the Beat Generation. He vigorously opposed militarism, economic materialism, and sexual... Read more

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A Night Without Armor - Abridged by Jewel
A Night Without Armor - Abridged
A Night Without Armor - Abridged by Jewel

A Night Without Armor - Abridged

By: Jewel

Narrated by: Jewel

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

New York Times best sellerAs seen on The Oprah Winfrey ShowWriting poems and keeping journals since childhood, Jewel has been searching for truth and meaning, turning to her words to record, to discover and to reflect.In A Night Without Armor, her first collection of poetry, Jewel explores the fire of first love, the fading of passion, the... Read more

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Faust I+II - Abridged by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust I+II - Abridged
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Faust I+II - Abridged by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Faust I+II - Abridged

By: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Narrated by: Fred Düren, Jörg Gudzuhn & Dieter Mann

Length: 2 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mephisto und Faust - Goethes Faust I und II als Zweierbeziehung Eine der bedeutendsten, in jeder Hinsicht spektakulären Rollen Fred Dürens war der Faust in der legendären Inszenierung von Adolf Dresen und Wolfgang Heinz im Jahr 1968. Aus der Frage, wie Düren den Faust wohl heute spielen würde, entstand der Plan, der Auffassung von einem jungen... Read more

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Chapters - Abridged by Ryan Manire
Chapters - Abridged
Ryan Manire
Chapters - Abridged by Ryan Manire

Chapters - Abridged

By: Ryan Manire

Narrated by: Ryan Manire

Length: 2 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Within the pages of this poetry book, I invite you to embark on a journey through the highs and lows of my life, exposing all the raw emotions of human nature, the nooks and crannies of humanity. These verses are the stories and experiences that have shaped me, a chronicle of finding strength in both the shadows and the light – in the vile... Read more

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Der Bär auf dem Försterball - Abridged by Peter Hacks
Der Bär auf dem Försterball - Abridged
Peter Hacks
Der Bär auf dem Försterball - Abridged by Peter Hacks

Der Bär auf dem Försterball - Abridged

By: Peter Hacks

Narrated by: F. W. Bernstein, Wiglaf Droste & Rayk Wieland

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die hier Gedichte und Prosa von Peter Hacks zu Gehör bringen, haben ganz nach ihrem Gusto ein Programm zusammengestellt, das nicht nur mit "politischen und ästhetischen Urteilen von der Schärfe eines Standgerichts" provoziert, sondern mit Spaß und Hintersinn unterhält. "Ein aristokratisch-preziöser, zuweilen hochfahrend-terroristisch... Read more

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Was träumt der Teufel - Abridged by Peter Hacks
Was träumt der Teufel - Abridged
Peter Hacks
Was träumt der Teufel - Abridged by Peter Hacks

Was träumt der Teufel - Abridged

By: Peter Hacks

Narrated by: Gina Pietsch & Hannes Zerbe

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die bekannte Diseuse hat ein originelles Programm zusammengestellt, das den Hacks der kraftvoll-sinnlichen Liebeslyrik und der politischen Lieder und Gedichte in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Pietsch/Zerbe verwenden altbekannte Kompositionen von Asriel, Bredemeyer, Eisler, Krtschil; aber Zerbe selbst hat eine ganze Reihe von Gedichten und Liedern neu... Read more

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The Sweet Surprise - Abridged by Aisha Baye
The Sweet Surprise - Abridged
Aisha Baye
The Sweet Surprise - Abridged by Aisha Baye

The Sweet Surprise - Abridged

By: Aisha Baye

Narrated by: Dahlia Ambrosia

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

When Tabitha walks into a bakery to order some add-ons for a cake, her world changes when Harlan, a baker, locks eyes with her. As he tries to help Tabitha prepare a cake for her sister-in-law’s niece’s first birthday, she finds the handsome baker to be more helpful than she expected. Their thoughts continue to wander towards each other even... Read more

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Das musikalische Nashorn und andere Tiergeschichten - Abridged by Peter Hacks
Das musikalische Nashorn und andere Tiergeschichten - Abridged
Peter Hacks
Das musikalische Nashorn und andere Tiergeschichten - Abridged by Peter Hacks

Das musikalische Nashorn und andere Tiergeschichten - Abridged

By: Peter Hacks

Narrated by: Christian Steyer

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ein Hörbuch mit den schönsten Tiergeschichten von Peter Hacks, gelesen von Christian Steyer, der Stimme von "Elefant, Tiger & Co." Ein Bär geht verkleidet als Förster zum Maskenball, die Katze Isabo raucht wie ein Mynheer und denkt nicht mehr ans Mäusefangen, der Käfer, der sich auf der Wiese sonnt, wird zum Philosophen, und Frau... Read more

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birthmarks - Abridged by Precious Chiebonam Nnebedum
birthmarks - Abridged
Precious Chiebonam Nnebedum
birthmarks - Abridged by Precious Chiebonam Nnebedum

birthmarks - Abridged

By: Precious Chiebonam Nnebedum

Narrated by: Precious Chiebonam Nnebedum

Length: 3 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Für jedes geschriebene Wort ein Stück Ermächtigung, ein Stück Selbst. Precious Chiebonam Nnebedum beweist: Sie ist die Kraft, mit der zu rechnen ist. Wer sind wir, wenn uns die Worte fehlen? Wer, wenn wir sie kaum aufhalten können? Wenn wir in verschiedenen Sprachen leben, uns nicht nur aus ihnen bedienen wollen, sondern sie für uns selbst... Read more

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Melhores Poemas Cora Coralina - Abridged by Cora Coralina
Melhores Poemas Cora Coralina - Abridged
Cora Coralina
Melhores Poemas Cora Coralina - Abridged by Cora Coralina

Melhores Poemas Cora Coralina - Abridged

By: Cora Coralina

Narrated by: Beth Goulart

Length: 5 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este Melhores Poemas Cora Coralina traz a seleção especial dos mais célebres poemas da poeta. Organizado por Darcy França Denófrio, mestre em Teoria Literária, a obra apresenta-se em formato pocket. Simples, muito próxima do gosto do povo, fluindo com naturalidade, a poesia de Cora Coralina encontrou uma imensa receptividade popular. O... Read more

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يوجد الكثير مثلك حول العالم - Abridged by مجد البصيلي
يوجد الكثير مثلك حول العالم - Abridged
مجد البصيلي
يوجد الكثير مثلك حول العالم - Abridged by مجد البصيلي

يوجد الكثير مثلك حول العالم - Abridged

By: مجد البصيلي

Narrated by: منار مراد

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

يوجد الكثير مثلك حول العالم تأليف: مجد البصيلي دليل المرشد السياحي كتاب تخصصي موجه لمرشدي المتاحف والمراكز العلمية ليساهم في تثقيف المجتمع و التواصل معه ، و ليسد النقص في المكتبة العربية في هذا المجال، حيث قسمت المؤلفة الكتاب الى اربعة اقسام تناولت فيها تجربتها الشخصية في هذا المجال، ووضعت ارشادات و نصائح لمن يريد العمل في هذا المجال، و طرحت... Read more

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Henry the Fourth - Abridged by William Shakespeare
Henry the Fourth - Abridged
William Shakespeare
Henry the Fourth - Abridged by William Shakespeare

Henry the Fourth - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Harry Andrews & Pamela Brown

Length: 2 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This updated edition offers a strongly theatrical perspective on the origins of Shakespeare's The First Part of King Henry IV and the history of its interpretation. The introduction clarifies the play's surprising, de-centred dramatic structure, questioning the dominant assumption that the drama focuses on the education of Prince Hal. It calls... Read more

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Estações da Existência - Abridged by Gabriel Mageski
Estações da Existência - Abridged
Gabriel Mageski
Estações da Existência - Abridged by Gabriel Mageski

Estações da Existência - Abridged

By: Gabriel Mageski

Narrated by: Vinicíus Léscio & Public Play Editora

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Estações da Existência" é uma coletânea poética que entrelaça as nuances do amor, da perda e do renovo, transformando cada página em uma jornada emocional através das estações da vida. Com maestria, os versos de Gabriel Mageski tecem histórias entre rimas e reflexões, criando um mosaico de sentimentos que ressoam nos corações dos leitores. Os... Read more

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Ages of Man - Abridged by William Shakespeare
Ages of Man - Abridged
William Shakespeare
Ages of Man - Abridged by William Shakespeare

Ages of Man - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Sir John Gielgud

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Here are some of Shakespeare's finest speeches performed by one of the greatest Shakespearean actors of this century. It ranges from the youth of Jaques' introduction to life, 'All the world's a stage!' in ""As You Like It"" to the aged Prospero's goodbye to Ariel and Shakespeare's own farewell to his muse in ""The Tempest"": 'Now my charms are... Read more

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Where We Find Ourselves - Abridged by Laila Sumpton & Sandra A. Agard
Where We Find Ourselves - Abridged
Laila Sumpton & Sandra A. Agard
Where We Find Ourselves - Abridged by Laila Sumpton & Sandra A. Agard

Where We Find Ourselves - Abridged

By: Laila Sumpton & Sandra A. Agard

Narrated by: Cornelia Colman, Cal-I Jonel, Emily Abdani-Holm...

Length: 2 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Stories and poems from thirty-nine UK based writers of the Global Majority from African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Carribean, South American, Chinese and Malay communities write about maps and mapping. Stories and poems of finding oneself and getting lost, colonialism and diaspora, childhood exploration and adult homecoming. Authors: Alexander... Read more

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From Despair to Hop - Abridged by Barbara Mezera
From Despair to Hop - Abridged
Barbara Mezera
From Despair to Hop - Abridged by Barbara Mezera

From Despair to Hop - Abridged

By: Barbara Mezera

Narrated by: Robin Rowan

Length: 3 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Life is a journey, different for everyone. Yet we all deal with problems and joys on this journey. I reflected on my journey in poetry. As I slowly shared my poetry with others, they insisted that I share it with a wider audience. I never felt my poetry was that good or that important, but every time I shared it, it seemed to touch the people... Read more

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Pasar inadvertido - Abridged by Benito Taibo
Pasar inadvertido - Abridged
Benito Taibo
Pasar inadvertido - Abridged by Benito Taibo

Pasar inadvertido - Abridged

By: Benito Taibo

Narrated by: Benito Taibo

Length: 1 hour 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Antídoto para el olvido, la poesía es un faro que alumbra lo que corre el peligro de perderse en la cotidianidad, en las horas que nos arrastran sin clemencia. De ahí que la búsqueda de la felicidad sea una hazaña, y la poesía el medio para que tal empeño no se pierda en el caudal de los días que se suceden sin remedio. Benito Taibo nos invita... Read more

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The Mountains Within - Abridged by Allen Gilchrist
The Mountains Within - Abridged
Allen Gilchrist
The Mountains Within - Abridged by Allen Gilchrist

The Mountains Within - Abridged

By: Allen Gilchrist

Narrated by: Allen Gilchrist

Length: 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"As you open this book innumerable joys overflow its confines, cascading in through your eyes and your ears and the pores of your skin. Allen Gilchrist writes under the influence of the more-than-human earth, and he has crafted a cadence all his own for singing the exuberance of mountains, spiders, sequoias, and swooping wings -- a verbal music... Read more

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السهرة لم تشرب قهوتها - Abridged by طلال الطويرقي
السهرة لم تشرب قهوتها - Abridged
طلال الطويرقي
السهرة لم تشرب قهوتها - Abridged by طلال الطويرقي

السهرة لم تشرب قهوتها - Abridged

By: طلال الطويرقي

Narrated by: محمد نصر الله

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

السهرة لم تشرب قهوتها شعر – طلال الطويرقي يجول الشاعر عبر ابياته بين تشكيل : كنا نصدق شكل ضحكتنا على الابواب كنا نشكل نبضها الآني في حقل الشفاه و سؤال: سأسأل قلبي و ليرتجل لغة البوح وحده سأسأله حالما تطفر الروح رغبتها في بهجة من فضاء التجلي و ليمرعلى الطفولة ليصف براءته و حرير نعومته حيث يقول في قصيدة " موعدنا الطفل" : وحدي .. و الغيم يمد كفوف... Read more

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New release
Desfibrilador - Abridged by Gilraen Eärfalas
Desfibrilador - Abridged
Gilraen Eärfalas
Desfibrilador - Abridged by Gilraen Eärfalas

Desfibrilador - Abridged

By: Gilraen Eärfalas

Narrated by: Gilraen Eärfalas

Length: 1 hour 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Siente cada palabra como un latido Hay dolores que se llevan en el corazón, aunque los demás no puedan verlos; heridas que permanecen abiertas en el alma porque el recuerdo no las deja cicatrizar. Para Gilraen Eärfalas, la mejor manera de sanarlas es a través de la poesía. Esta nueva edición de su aclamado poemario Desfibrilador incluye más de... Read more

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The Noel Coward Audio Collection - Abridged by Noel Coward
The Noel Coward Audio Collection - Abridged
Noel Coward
The Noel Coward Audio Collection - Abridged by Noel Coward

The Noel Coward Audio Collection - Abridged

By: Noel Coward

Narrated by: Simon Jones

Length: 5 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Throughout his life, Noel Coward the master songwriter, 'derived a considerable amount of private pleasure from writing verse.' Much of it is gathered in this first ever CD collection. From moving war-time encounters to satirical barbs at familiar Coward targets and personal reminiscences, this delightful collection is a perfect blend of vintage... Read more

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Du und ich und ich und du. Liebesgedichte - Abridged by Ulrich Maske, Mascha Kaléko, Johann von Goethe & Rainer Maria Rilke
Du und ich und ich und du. Liebesgedichte - Abridged
Ulrich Maske, Mascha Kaléko, Johann von Goethe ...
Du und ich und ich und du. Liebesgedichte - Abridged by Ulrich Maske, Mascha Kaléko, Johann von Goethe & Rainer Maria Rilke

Du und ich und ich und du. Liebesgedichte - Abridged

By: Ulrich Maske, Mascha Kaléko, Johann von Goethe ...

Narrated by: Rosa Thormeyer

Length: 2 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Eine ganz besondere Sammlung an Gedichten aus mehreren Jahrhunderten bis zur Gegenwart, bei denen das schönste der Gefühle im Mittelpunkt steht. Romantische, fantastische, klassische und moderne Verse treffen auf eine einzigartig eindrückliche Umsetzung. Unverwechselbare Stimmen, so vielfältig und kontrastreich wie die Gedichte selbst, erwecken... Read more

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El Jardinero - Abridged by Rabindranath Tagore
El Jardinero - Abridged
Rabindranath Tagore
El Jardinero - Abridged by Rabindranath Tagore

El Jardinero - Abridged

By: Rabindranath Tagore

Narrated by: Leonel Arial

Length: 1 hour 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Los poemas de "el jardinero" tocan temas utilizadas en la poesía sánscrita más antigua: la juventud y la vejez, la riqueza y el despojo, el amor, la muerte y el sexo. la sugerencia es una de las mayores cualidades de esta poesía. No redunda en imágenes eróticas, pero recrea de aquella gran tradición poética la capacidad de decir veladamente... Read more

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