Politics & Economy audiobooks
If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans - Abridged
By: Ann Coulter
Narrated by: Ann Coulter
Length: 3 hours 27 minutes
Abridged: Yes
“Uttering lines that send liberals into paroxysms of rage, otherwise known as ‘citing facts,’ is the spice of life. When I see the hot spittle flying from their mouths and the veins bulging and pulsing above their eyes, well, that’s when I feel truly alive.”
So begins If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans, Ann Coulter’s funniest,... Read more
State of War - Abridged
By: James Risen
Narrated by: Boyd Gaines
Length: 6 hours 6 minutes
Abridged: Yes
James Risen has broken story after story on the abuses of power of the Bush administration.
From warrantless wiretapping to secret financial data mining to the CIA's rogue operations, he has shown again and again that the executive branch has dangerously overreached, repudiated checks and balances on its power, and maintained secrecy even with... Read more
Die Menschenrechte sind universell - Abridged
By: Julian Nida-Rümelin
Narrated by: Julian Nida-Rümelin
Length: 48 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Am 10. Dezember 1948 verabschiedeten die noch jungen Vereinten Nationen die "Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte", die zur Grundlage völkerrechtlich verbindlicher Verträge in Gestalt des sogenannten Zivil- und des Sozialpaktes und weiterer völkerrechtlicher Vereinbarungen wurde. Julian Nida-Rümelin erläutert in diesem Vortrag anlässlich des... Read more
View audiobookHazardous Duty - Abridged
By: Colonel David H. Hackworth
Narrated by: Colonel David H. Hackworth
Length: 2 hours 55 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Colonel David H. Hackworth— one of America's most decorated soldiers— served in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. After retiring from the military in 1971, he completed a second tour of battlefield duty as a war correspondent. Accompanying our nation's fighting men and women to the Persian Gulf, Bosnia, Somalia, Korea,... Read more
View audiobookBushwhacked - Abridged
By: Molly Ivins & Lou Dubose
Narrated by: Molly Ivins
Length: 6 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
From Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose, authors of Shrub, Bushwhacked is a hilarious, no-holds-barred look at George W. Bush and his administration, and an essential book for understanding the full, destructive impact of his presidency.
For years, bestselling political commentator Molly Ivins has been sounding the alarm about George W. Bush. In Shrub,... Read more
The Law - Abridged
By: Frederic Bastiat
Narrated by: Christopher Crennen
Length: 1 hour 20 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Bastiat (bawst ya) (1801-1850) was an economist, a member of the French assembly, and an influential libertarian speaker and writer. "The Law", Bastiat's most famous work, argues that the purpose of the law is the protection of individual rights, and that when governments adopt policies favoring particular industries or groups, the law becomes... Read more
View audiobookI May Be Wrong But I Doubt It - Abridged
By: Charles Barkley
Narrated by: Charles Barkley
Length: 2 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: Yes
If there’s one thing Charles Barkley knows, it’s the crying need for honest, open discussion in this country—the more uncomfortable the subject, the more necessary the dialogue. And if the discussion leader can be as wise, irreverent, (occasionally) profane and (consistently) funny as Charles Barkley, so much the better. Many people are going to... Read more
View audiobookSee I Told You So - Abridged
By: Rush Limbaugh
Narrated by: Rush Limbaugh
Length: 3 hours 16 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Rush Limbaugh, America's #1 radio talk-show host, bounded to the top of the bestseller lists with The Way Things Ought to Be, the #1 New York Times bestseller and the fastest-selling audio in history. Now, this consummate entertainer and provocative political commentator, whom conservatives love and liberals love to hate—this “harmless little... Read more
View audiobookIch weiß nicht, warum ich noch lebe - Abridged
By: Friedrich Orter
Narrated by: Friedrich Orter, Christina Trefny & Florentin G...
Length: 1 hour 2 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Fritz Orter hat weit mehr gesehen, als seinem Publikum zugemutet werden konnte. Viele Jahrzehnte lang berichtete er als Reporter von den gefährlichsten Orten der Welt. In einem bewegenden Rückblick skizziert er seine Erlebnisse, erzählt von seinen Grenzerfahrungen und von ergreifenden Schicksalen. Und von einer großen Hoffnung, die seine Arbeit... Read more
View audiobookDarby's Rangers - Abridged
By: William O. Darby
Narrated by: Don Leslie
Length: 2 hours
Abridged: Yes
The exciting true story of a legendary leader and the men who fought by his side in World War II, told in his own words
From the moment they hit the beaches in North Africa to their last desperate struggle at Anzio, Darby’s Rangers asked for only one thing in World War II—the chance to fight. Experts at amphibious landings, night attacks, and... Read more
Kapitalismus ist nicht das Problem, sondern die Lösung - Abridged
By: Rainer Zitelmann
Narrated by: Josef Vossenkuhl
Length: 9 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Der Markt hat versagt, wir brauchen mehr Staat!" – das behaupten seit dem Ausbruch der Finanzkrise vor zehn Jahren Politik, Medien und Intellektuelle. Rainer Zitelmann, mehrfacher Bestsellerautor, vertritt die Gegenthese: Mehr Kapitalismus tut den Menschen gut. Der Autor begibt sich mit dem Leser auf eine Reise durch die Kontinente und... Read more
View audiobookA Short History of the United States - Abridged
By: Robert V. Remini
Narrated by: Oliver Wyman
Length: 10 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In A Short History of the United States, National Book Award winner Robert V. Remini offers a much-needed, concise history of our country. This accessible and lively volume contains the essential facts about the discovery, settlement, growth, and development of the American nation and its institutions, including the arrival and migration of... Read more
View audiobookHouse of Bush, House of Saud - Abridged
By: Craig Unger
Narrated by: James Naughton
Length: 6 hours 16 minutes
Abridged: Yes
How did the Bushes, America's most powerful political family, become gradually seduced by and entangled with their Saudi counterparts?
Why did the Bush administration approve the secret airlift of 140 Saudis, including two dozen relatives of Osama bin Laden, just after September 11? Did one of the Saudi royals on the planes have any advance... Read more
The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy - Abridged
By: Byron York
Narrated by: Byron York
Length: 4 hours 32 minutes
Abridged: Yes
“We have to fight back.” —Al Franken
The Left is angry—angry at President George W. Bush, the war in Iraq, the “right-wing media,” and more. And as National Review investigative writer Byron York reveals in this stunning, meticulously reported book, liberal activists have harnessed that anger to build the biggest, richest, and best organized... Read more
Nossa democracia - Abridged
By: Ruy Barbosa
Narrated by: Guga Almeida
Length: 18 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Que é um republicano? Qual a característica que distingue uma da outra a república e a monarquia?" Neste artigo intitulado "Nossa democracia", escrita em abril de 1889 – pouco antes, portanto, da Proclamação da República –, Ruy Barbosa promove uma reflexão sobre essa forma de governo, analisando a postura da imprensa da época. Notável, além do... Read more
View audiobookAbraham Lincoln - Abridged
By: George S. McGovern
Narrated by: William Dufris
Length: 5 hours 28 minutes
Abridged: Yes
America's greatest president, who rose to power in the country's greatest hour of need and whose vision saw the United States through the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln towers above the others who have held the office of president—the icon of greatness, the pillar of strength whose words bound up the nation's wounds. His presidency is the hinge on... Read more
Fast Food Nation - Abridged
By: Eric Schlosser
Narrated by: Rick Adamson
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
Fast Food Nation - the groundbreaking work of investigation and cultural history that has changed the way America thinks about the way it eats - and spent nearly four months on the New York Times bestseller list - now available on cassette!
Are we what we eat? To a degree both engrossing and alarming, the story of fast food is the story of... Read more
Lidando com a Solidão através da Inteligência Emocional - Abridged
Narrated by: Thalita
Length: 41 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Em um mundo cada vez mais conectado por avanços tecnológicos, paradoxalmente, a solidão emergiu como uma questão premente na sociedade contemporânea. A solidão não é apenas a sensação de estar sozinho; é uma lacuna emocional que pode afetar profundamente nosso bem-estar, saúde mental e qualidade de vida. Nossas vidas agitadas muitas vezes nos... Read more
View audiobookA Time to Fight - Abridged
By: Jim Webb
Narrated by: Jim Webb
Length: 4 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: Yes
“I’m the only person in the history of Virginia elected to statewide office with a Union card, two Purple Hearts, and three tattoos."
Jim Webb—the bestselling author and now the celebrated, outspoken U.S. Senator from Virginia—presents a clear-eyed, hard-hitting plan of attack for putting government to work for the people, rather than special... Read more
The Bolivian Diary - Abridged
By: Che Guevara
Narrated by: Bruno Gerardo
Length: 5 hours 26 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Home will be the open sky... each guerrilla fighter is ready to die not just to defend an idea, but to make that idea a reality."Che Guevara remains one of the world's most iconic political and revolutionary figures. Fascinating to admirers and adversaries alike, he captured the minds of millions with his leadership and his belief in guerrilla... Read more
View audiobookEin Leben ist zu wenig - Die Autobiographie (Gekürzt) - Abridged
By: Gregor Gysi
Narrated by: Gregor Gysi
Length: 7 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
So offen und persönlich wie noch nie: die Autobiographie Gregor Gysi hat linkes Denken geprägt und wurde zu einem seiner wichtigsten Protagonisten. Hier erzählt er von seinen zahlreichen Leben: als Anwalt, Politiker, Autor, Moderator und Familienvater. Seine Autobiographie ist ein Geschichts-Buch, das die Erschütterungen und Extreme, die... Read more
View audiobookAt Canaan's Edge - Abridged
By: Taylor Branch
Narrated by: Joe Morton
Length: 9 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: Yes
At Canaan’s Edge: America in the King Years, 1965-68 is the final volume in Taylor Branch's magnificent history of America in the years of the Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam War, recognized universally as the definitive account and ultimate recognition of Martin Luther King's heroic place in the nation's history.
The final volume of Taylor... Read more
A Soldier's Promise - Abridged
By: First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex
Narrated by: Lee Sellars
Length: 5 hours 11 minutes
Abridged: Yes
An uplifting story of unlikely friendship and hope during the Iraq War.
After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, First Sergeant Daniel Hendrex was dispatched along with his unit, Dragon Company, to Husaybah, a small town bordering Syria in the Sunni-dominated Al Anbar Province in Iraq. Their mission was to plug the bottleneck at the border... Read more
50+ - Abridged
By: Bill Novelli & Boe Workman
Narrated by: Eric Conger
Length: 5 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Bill Novelli doesn't believe that retirement has to mean rocking one's way into the sunset. As the head of the strongest organization of retired people in the world, the AARP, Novelli believes that retirement can be a time of action and influence rather than one of illness and decline.
In this inspiring book, Bill Novelli will speak to... Read more