Politics & Economy audiobooks
Carl von Clausewitz: Vom Kriege - Abridged
By: Carl von Clausewitz
Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
Noch immer von allen Studenten des wirtschaftlichen Managements zu lesen: Clausewitzens Klassiker über die Kriegsführung. Insbesondere das erste Kapitel beinhaltet die zentralen Thesen, nach denen beispielsweise der Krieg lediglich die "Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln" sei. Read more
View audiobookThe Preacher and the Presidents - Abridged
By: Nancy Gibbs & Michael Duffy
Narrated by: L. J. Ganser
Length: 10 hours 51 minutes
Abridged: Yes
No one man or woman has ever been in a position to see the presidents, and the presidency, so intimately, over so many years. They called him in for photo opportunities. They called for comfort. They asked about death and salvation; about sin and forgiveness.
At a time when the nation is increasingly split over the place of religion in public... Read more
El espía que robó la bomba atómica - Abridged
By: Ann Hagedorn
Narrated by: Carlos Garza
Length: 8 hours 29 minutes
Abridged: Yes
. Aunque nació en Iowa en 1913, George Koval vivió por ocho años en la URSS, lugar en el que se crio bajo el yugo de la ideología soviética. Sus cualidades lo convertían en el candidato ideal para el Ejército Rojo: una afición al beisbol, una doble nacionalidad y una mente brillante. Con el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la inteligencia... Read more
View audiobookArchitects of Extraordinary Team Culture - Abridged
By: Arthur Carmazzi
Narrated by: Sara Gardner
Length: 2 hours 22 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Apply the Psychology of Team Motivation Clusters to "Predict" Team Performance in this fun Team Leadership and Culture Change fable of ancient Egypt pyramid building - including real historical findings, interesting and relevant facts and myths centered around the time just before the construction of the Great Pyramids at Giza.
This team... Read more
Gestão do Estresse e Inteligência Emocional - Abridged
Narrated by: Thalita
Length: 51 minutes
Abridged: Yes
No mundo moderno, repleto de desafios constantes, demandas exaustivas e ritmo acelerado, a gestão do estresse e o desenvolvimento da inteligência emocional emergem como habilidades essenciais para uma vida equilibrada e saudável. Nunca antes foi tão crucial entender e dominar as estratégias para lidar com o estresse e cultivar a inteligência... Read more
View audiobookInteligência Emocional na Tomada de Decisões Financeiras - Abridged
Narrated by: Thalita
Length: 48 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A interseção entre inteligência emocional e finanças Nossa relação com o dinheiro é uma parte intrínseca de nossas vidas. A forma como gerenciamos nossas finanças não se limita apenas a números e cálculos; está profundamente enraizada em nossas emoções, valores e experiências. A inteligência emocional, um conceito que ganhou destaque nas... Read more
View audiobookSpecial Agent - Abridged
By: Candice DeLong
Narrated by: Candice DeLong
Length: 6 hours 6 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A twenty-year veteran of the FBI, Candice DeLong worked on some of the toughest hig-stakes criminal investigations of our time. As a field profiler, DeLong collected evidence at the scene of the crime to creat a specific portrait of criminals via behavioral patterns, character traits, background, etc. Special Agent is her remarkable personal... Read more
View audiobookAmerica's Real War - Abridged
By: Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Length: 3 hours 39 minutes
Abridged: Yes
There is a tug of war going on for the future of America. At one end of the rope are those who think America is a secular nation; at the other end are those who believe religion is at the root of our country's foundation. In this paperback release of the thought-provoking America's Real War, renowned leader and speaker Rabbi Daniel Lapin... Read more
View audiobookCyberselfish - Abridged
By: Pauline Borsook
Narrated by: Paula Parker
Length: 10 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: Yes
From one of the most controversial personalities in the high-tech world comes this rare critique of the narcissism, ignorance and anti-communitarianism of the digital elite and their culture. Until now, the lofty pronouncements of the high-tech gurus and society's obsession with them have seldom been questioned. Sub-titled 'A Critical Romp... Read more
View audiobookLidando com a Solidão através da Inteligência Emocional - Abridged
Narrated by: Thalita
Length: 41 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Em um mundo cada vez mais conectado por avanços tecnológicos, paradoxalmente, a solidão emergiu como uma questão premente na sociedade contemporânea. A solidão não é apenas a sensação de estar sozinho; é uma lacuna emocional que pode afetar profundamente nosso bem-estar, saúde mental e qualidade de vida. Nossas vidas agitadas muitas vezes nos... Read more
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