Politics & Economy audiobooks

The Kissinger Transcripts - Abridged
By: William Burr & Richard Gilliland
Narrated by: Theodore Bikel
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
Henry Kissinger is one of the most controversial Secretaries of State in U.S. history— serving under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, never-before-seen transcripts of Kissinger's conversations, including top-secret talks with Beijing and Moscow, provide an unvarnished record of his... Read more
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Franklin and Lucy - Abridged
By: Joseph E. Persico
Narrated by: Len Cariou
Length: 6 hours 22 minutes
Abridged: Yes
“Just when you thought you knew everything about Franklin D. Roosevelt, think again. Joseph E. Persico [is] one of America’s finest historians. . . . You can’t properly understand FDR the man without reading this landmark study.”—Douglas Brinkley, professor of history at Rice University
“Persico’s exploration of FDR’s emotional life is... Read more

Blood Done Sign My Name - Abridged
By: Timothy B. Tyson
Narrated by: Timothy B. Tyson
Length: 5 hours 53 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The “riveting”* true story of the fiery summer of 1970, which would forever transform the town of Oxford, North Carolina—a classic portrait of the fight for civil rights in the tradition of To Kill a Mockingbird
*Chicago Tribune
On May 11, 1970, Henry Marrow, a twenty-three-year-old black veteran, walked into a crossroads store owned by Robert... Read more

Terrible Terry Allen - Abridged
By: Gerald Astor
Narrated by: Reathel Bean
Length: 1 hour 43 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Terry de la Mesa Allen’s mother was the daughter of a Spanish officer, and his father was a career U.S. Army officer. Despite this impressive martial heritage, success in the military seemed unlikely for Allen as he failed out of West Point—twice—ultimately gaining his commission through Catholic University’s R.O.T.C. program. In World War I,... Read more
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ليلة في بطن الحوت - Abridged
By: أنيس منصور
Narrated by: رضوان صوان
Length: 6 hours 55 minutes
Abridged: Yes
مقالات للكاتب الكبير أنيس منصور يحكي فيها عن مواقفه مع الرئيس الراحل جمال عبد الناصر وبعض الطرائف له مع السادات، وكيف اكتشف حياة موسيقار الأجيال محمد عبد الوهاب عندا اقترب منه والكثير من الحكايات تجدها داخل هذا الكتاب. استمع الآن إلى كتاب "ليلة في بطن الحوت" فقط وحصريًا على تطبيق كتاب صوتي Read more
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Die weissen Tage von Minsk - Abridged
By: Vitali Alekseenok
Narrated by: Vitali Alekseenok
Length: 6 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
Der belarusische Dirigent Vitali Alekseenok, der mittlerweile in Deutschland lebt, schreibt auf berührende wie erhellende Weise über den Freiheitskampf in seiner alten Heimat. Nicht zuletzt aus Frust über die politischen Verhältnisse hatte er diese vor mehreren Jahren verlassen. Als Musiker hat er ein neues Zuhause in Deutschland gefunden, doch... Read more
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The Bin Ladens - Abridged
By: Steve Coll
Narrated by: Erik Singer
Length: 10 hours 35 minutes
Abridged: Yes
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning and bestselling author of Ghost Wars and The Achilles Trap
"Riveting . . . The most psychologically detailed portrait of the brutal 9/11 mastermind yet." - Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times
In The Bin Ladens, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner Steve Coll continues where Ghost Wars left off, shedding new light on one... Read more

Speech-less - Abridged
By: Matthew Latimer
Narrated by: Lincoln Hoppe
Length: 7 hours 19 minutes
Abridged: Yes
From a top speechwriter to President George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld, this may be the most candid memoir ever written about official Washington–a laugh-out-loud cri de coeur that shows what can happen to idealism in a town driven by self-interest.
Matt chronicles his descent into Washington, D.C., hell, as he snares a series of unsatisfying... Read more

Inteligência Emocional na Tomada de Decisões Financeiras - Abridged
Narrated by: Thalita
Length: 48 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A interseção entre inteligência emocional e finanças Nossa relação com o dinheiro é uma parte intrínseca de nossas vidas. A forma como gerenciamos nossas finanças não se limita apenas a números e cálculos; está profundamente enraizada em nossas emoções, valores e experiências. A inteligência emocional, um conceito que ganhou destaque nas... Read more
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Architects of Extraordinary Team Culture - Abridged
By: Arthur Carmazzi
Narrated by: Sara Gardner
Length: 2 hours 22 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Apply the Psychology of Team Motivation Clusters to "Predict" Team Performance in this fun Team Leadership and Culture Change fable of ancient Egypt pyramid building - including real historical findings, interesting and relevant facts and myths centered around the time just before the construction of the Great Pyramids at Giza.
This team... Read more

Politics Lost - Abridged
By: Joe Klein
Narrated by: Joe Klein
Length: 5 hours
Abridged: Yes
People on the right are furious. People on the left are livid. And the center isn’t holding. There is only one thing on which almost everyone agrees: there is something very wrong in Washington. The country is being run by pollsters. Few politicians are able to win the voters’ trust. Blame abounds and personal responsibility is nowhere to be... Read more
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Benjamin Franklin - Abridged
By: Walter Isaacson
Narrated by: Boyd Gaines
Length: 7 hours 15 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In this authoritative and engrossing full-scale biography, Walter Isaacson, bestselling author of Einstein and Steve Jobs, shows how the most fascinating of America's founders helped define our national character.
Benjamin Franklin is the founding father who winks at us, the one who seems made of flesh rather than marble. In a sweeping narrative... Read more