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Politics & Economy audiobooks

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Living Well in a Down Economy for Dummies - Abridged by Tracy Barr
Living Well in a Down Economy for Dummies - Abridged
Tracy Barr
Living Well in a Down Economy for Dummies - Abridged by Tracy Barr

Living Well in a Down Economy for Dummies - Abridged

By: Tracy Barr

Narrated by: Brett Barry

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Get smart about spending and saving—and ride out a recession!Looking for practical ways to make every dollar count? This savvy guide gives you expert tips for tightening your belt and saving cash in every area of your life—from your house and car to dining and entertaining to banking and managing debt. You get realistic solutions for making... Read more

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Les Dictateurs - Partie I - Abridged by Jacques Bainville
Les Dictateurs - Partie I - Abridged
Jacques Bainville
Les Dictateurs - Partie I - Abridged by Jacques Bainville

Les Dictateurs - Partie I - Abridged

By: Jacques Bainville

Narrated by: Daniel Franck

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Qu'elles soient anciennes ou plus récentes, les dictatures, comme le note Jacques Bainville, sont le plus souvent imposées par les circonstances. L'académicien s'intéresse ainsi dans ce volume aux causes qui, à travers l'Histoire, ont permis l'essor des dictatures les plus remarquables, diverses dans leurs formes mais possédant toutes des points... Read more

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Surrender is Not an Option - Abridged by John Bolton
Surrender is Not an Option - Abridged
John Bolton
Surrender is Not an Option - Abridged by John Bolton

Surrender is Not an Option - Abridged

By: John Bolton

Narrated by: John Bolton

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

With no-holds-barred candor, Donald Trump's new National Security Adviser and former ambassador to the United Nations takes us behind the scenes at the UN and the US State Department and reveals why his efforts to defend American interests and reform the UN resulted in controversy. He also shows how the US can lead the way to a more realistic... Read more

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The Next Great Bubble Boom - Abridged by Harry S. Dent
The Next Great Bubble Boom - Abridged
Harry S. Dent
The Next Great Bubble Boom - Abridged by Harry S. Dent

The Next Great Bubble Boom - Abridged

By: Harry S. Dent

Narrated by: Harry S. Dent

Length: 5 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

For over 15 years, New York Times bestselling author Harry S. Dent, Jr. has been uncannily accurate in predicting the financial future. In his three previous works, Dent predicted the financial recession of the early 90s, the economic expansion of the mid-90s, and the financial free-for-all of 1998-2000.
The Next Great Bubble Boom offers a... Read more

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Quem tem medo dos evangélicos? - Abridged by Gutierres Fernandes Siqueira
Quem tem medo dos evangélicos? - Abridged
Gutierres Fernandes Siqueira
Quem tem medo dos evangélicos? - Abridged by Gutierres Fernandes Siqueira

Quem tem medo dos evangélicos? - Abridged

By: Gutierres Fernandes Siqueira

Narrated by: Rodrigo Dorado

Length: 3 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O crescimento exponencial do movimento evangélico no Brasil tem chamado atenção da grande imprensa e da academia. Por anos, as menções aos evangélicos seguiram estereótipos que nitidamente não davam conta de retratar com fidelidade um segmento tão diverso.O alinhamento político de pastores midiáticos e episódios controversos envolvendo políticos... Read more

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My Experiments with Truth - Abridged by Mohandas Gandhi
My Experiments with Truth - Abridged
Mohandas Gandhi
My Experiments with Truth - Abridged by Mohandas Gandhi

My Experiments with Truth - Abridged

By: Mohandas Gandhi

Narrated by: Frederick Davidson

Length: 2 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This work is Gandhi’s autobiography, documenting his spiritual journey amidst the political strife of his times. Read more

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Reaching for Glory - Abridged by Michael R. Beschloss
Reaching for Glory - Abridged
Michael R. Beschloss
Reaching for Glory - Abridged by Michael R. Beschloss

Reaching for Glory - Abridged

By: Michael R. Beschloss

Narrated by: Michael R. Beschloss

Length: 6 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Reaching for Glory lets us eavesdrop on LBJ's private, often tortured thoughts during the most crucial year of his presidency -- when his dreams of being hailed as the equal of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt were destroyed by the war in Vietnam.
As Reaching for Glory opens, LBJ is campaigning for the greatest presidential landslide in... Read more

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The Law - Abridged by Frederic Bastiat
The Law - Abridged
Frederic Bastiat
The Law - Abridged by Frederic Bastiat

The Law - Abridged

By: Frederic Bastiat

Narrated by: Christopher Crennen

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bastiat (bawst ya) (1801-1850) was an economist, a member of the French assembly, and an influential libertarian speaker and writer. "The Law", Bastiat's most famous work, argues that the purpose of the law is the protection of individual rights, and that when governments adopt policies favoring particular industries or groups, the law becomes... Read more

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The Last Tycoons - Abridged by William Cohan
The Last Tycoons - Abridged
William Cohan
The Last Tycoons - Abridged by William Cohan

The Last Tycoons - Abridged

By: William Cohan

Narrated by: David Aaron Baker

Length: 9 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A grand and revelatory portrait of Wall Street’s most storied investment bank

Wall Street investment banks move trillions of dollars a year, make billions in fees, pay their executives in the tens of millions of dollars. But even among the most powerful firms, Lazard Frères & Co. stood apart. Discretion, secrecy, and subtle strategy were its... Read more

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An Imperfect God - Abridged by Henry Wiencek
An Imperfect God - Abridged
Henry Wiencek
An Imperfect God - Abridged by Henry Wiencek

An Imperfect God - Abridged

By: Henry Wiencek

Narrated by: Rick Adamson

Length: 7 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A major new biography of Washington, and the first to explore his engagement with American slavery

When George Washington wrote his will, he made the startling decision to set his slaves free; earlier he had said that holding slaves was his "only unavoidable subject of regret." In this groundbreaking work, Henry Wiencek explores the founding... Read more

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Bill Bryson Collector's Edition - Abridged by Bill Bryson
Bill Bryson Collector's Edition - Abridged
Bill Bryson
Bill Bryson Collector's Edition - Abridged by Bill Bryson

Bill Bryson Collector's Edition - Abridged

By: Bill Bryson

Narrated by: Bill Bryson

Length: 17 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Notes from a Small Island
After nearly two decades in Britain, Bill Bryson decided to move his wife and kids back to his homeland of the United States. But not before taking one last trip around Britain, a sort of valedictory tour of the green and kindly island that had so long been his home. The result is a hilarious social commentary that... Read more

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13 Cent Killers - Abridged by John Culbertson
13 Cent Killers - Abridged
John Culbertson
13 Cent Killers - Abridged by John Culbertson

13 Cent Killers - Abridged

By: John Culbertson

Narrated by: L.J. Ganser

Length: 2 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“It’s not easy to stay alive with a $1,000 bounty on your head.”

In 1967, a bullet cost thirteen cents, and no one gave Uncle Sam a bigger bang for his buck than the 5th Marine Regiment Sniper Platoon. So feared were these lethal marksmen that the Viet Cong offered huge rewards for killing them. Now noted Vietnam author John J. Culbertson, a... Read more

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Right Turns - Abridged by Michael Medved
Right Turns - Abridged
Michael Medved
Right Turns - Abridged by Michael Medved

Right Turns - Abridged

By: Michael Medved

Narrated by: Michael Medved

Length: 4 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Nationally syndicated talk-radio host and noted film critic Michael Medved has taken an extraordinary journey from liberal activist to outspoken conservative. Along the way he has earned millions of admirers—and more than his share of enemies—by advancing controversial, often counterintuitive arguments, including:

• Liberals love losing because... Read more

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Deutschland in Gefahr - Abridged by Rainer Wendt
Deutschland in Gefahr - Abridged
Rainer Wendt
Deutschland in Gefahr - Abridged by Rainer Wendt

Deutschland in Gefahr - Abridged

By: Rainer Wendt

Narrated by: Rainer Wendt

Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ein schwacher Staat kann die Menschen nicht schützen, die in seinen Grenzen leben. Und deshalb muss Schluss sein damit, Deutschland weiter zu schwächen. Denn unser Land ist längst nicht mehr sicher, deshalb brauchen wir den starken Staat. Denn nur der hat die Macht, die Bürger zu schützen und gegen diejenigen anzutreten, die unsere Demokratie,... Read more

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Laura Bush - Abridged by Ronald Kessler
Laura Bush - Abridged
Ronald Kessler
Laura Bush - Abridged by Ronald Kessler

Laura Bush - Abridged

By: Ronald Kessler

Narrated by: Laura Turner

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

When Laura Bush moved into the White House on January 20, 2001, everyone wanted to know what kind of first lady she would be. Would she be like Mamie Eisenhower? Would she follow in Barbara Bush’s footsteps? Would she be another Hillary Clinton?

“I think I’ll just be Laura Bush,” she would say.

On Saturday, April 30, 2005, the world got a glimpse... Read more

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My Trade - Abridged by Andrew Marr
My Trade - Abridged
Andrew Marr
My Trade - Abridged by Andrew Marr

My Trade - Abridged

By: Andrew Marr

Narrated by: Andrew Marr

Length: 3 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

How do you decide what is a 'story' and what isn't? What does a newspaper editor actually do all day? How do hacks get their scoops? How do the TV stations choose their news bulletins? How do you persuade people to say those awful, embarrassing things? Who earns what? How do journalists manage to look in the mirror after the way they sometimes... Read more

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The O'Reilly Factor - Abridged by Bill O'Reilly
The O'Reilly Factor - Abridged
Bill O'Reilly
The O'Reilly Factor - Abridged by Bill O'Reilly

The O'Reilly Factor - Abridged

By: Bill O'Reilly

Narrated by: Bill O'Reilly

Length: 5 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The million-copy New York Times bestseller from the Fox News anchor who’s brought new excitement–and massive amounts of populist common sense and rock-solid honesty–to television news.

Now four seasons strong, Bill O’Reilly’s nightly cable news program, “The O’Reilly Factor,” is one of the hottest shows on the air. In book form, The O’Reilly... Read more

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The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. - Abridged by Clayborne Carson
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. - Abridged
Clayborne Carson
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. - Abridged by Clayborne Carson

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. - Abridged

By: Clayborne Carson

Narrated by: LeVar Burton

Length: 9 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Written by Martin Luther King, Jr. himself, this astounding autobiography brings to life a remarkable man changed the world —and still inspires the desires, hopes, and dreams of us all.

Martin Luther King: the child and student who rebelled against segregation. The dedicated minister who questioned the depths of his faith and the limits of his... Read more

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O Príncipe (resumo) - Abridged by Nicolau Maquiavel
O Príncipe (resumo) - Abridged
Nicolau Maquiavel
O Príncipe (resumo) - Abridged by Nicolau Maquiavel

O Príncipe (resumo) - Abridged

By: Nicolau Maquiavel

Narrated by: Sidney Ferreira

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Tendo o príncipe necessidade de saber usar bem a natureza do animal, deve escolher a raposa e o leão, pois o leão não sabe se defender dos laços (das armadilhas) e a raposa não sabe se defender da força bruta dos lobos. Portanto, é preciso ser raposa, para conhecer as armadilhas, e leão, para aterrorizar os lobos.""Um príncipe não deve ter... Read more

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The Gold of Exodus - Abridged by Howard Blum
The Gold of Exodus - Abridged
Howard Blum
The Gold of Exodus - Abridged by Howard Blum

The Gold of Exodus - Abridged

By: Howard Blum

Narrated by: Boyd Gaines

Length: 4 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mount Sinai, for many, it is the most sacred place on Earth - the
site where God descended to give Moses the Ten Commandments.
Yet for centuries, mankind has not known its exact location.

In this heart-pounding adventure, award-winning journalist and bestselling author Howard Blum tells the enthralling story of two modern-day adventurers -... Read more

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Die Rückkehr des Terrors - Wie uns der Dschihadismus herausfordert (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Peter R. Neumann
Die Rückkehr des Terrors - Wie uns der Dschihadismus herausfordert (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged
Peter R. Neumann
Die Rückkehr des Terrors - Wie uns der Dschihadismus herausfordert (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Peter R. Neumann

Die Rückkehr des Terrors - Wie uns der Dschihadismus herausfordert (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged

By: Peter R. Neumann

Narrated by: Martin Valdeig

Length: 4 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der dschihadistische Terror ist zurück. Seit dem Angriff der Hamas auf Israel am 7. Oktober 2023 mobilisiert sich weltweit eine neue Gewaltbewegung, die sich in westlichen Gesellschaften schnell auszubreiten droht - nach dem Angriff gab es in Europa bereits mehr versuchte Anschläge als im gesamten Jahr zuvor. Peter R. Neumann, einer der... Read more

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