Self-Improvement audiobooks

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The No Asshole Rule - Abridged by Robert I. Sutton
The No Asshole Rule - Abridged
Robert I. Sutton
The No Asshole Rule - Abridged by Robert I. Sutton

The No Asshole Rule - Abridged

By: Robert I. Sutton

Narrated by: Robert I. Sutton

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The definitive guide to working with -- and surviving -- bullies, creeps, jerks, tyrants, tormentors, despots, backstabbers, egomaniacs, and all the other assholes who do their best to destroy you at work.

"What an asshole!"

How many times have you said that about someone at work? You're not alone! In this groundbreaking book, Stanford... Read more

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DÉTRÔNER LA JALOUSIE - Abridged by Julien Duvauth
Julien Duvauth
DÉTRÔNER LA JALOUSIE - Abridged by Julien Duvauth


By: Julien Duvauth

Narrated by: Matilda De Castil

Length: 2 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ce livre propose une exploration profonde et nuancée pour vous donner les clés d'une relation épanouie, libérée de la jalousie. Avec une approche à la fois empathique et pragmatique, il offre des stratégies essentielles pour comprendre, apprivoiser et dépasser l’un des sentiments les plus complexes et universels des couples : la jalousie. Ne... Read more

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Cómo Detectar Mentiras, Engaños y la Infidelidad (Audiolibro) - Abridged by Juan David Arbeláez
Cómo Detectar Mentiras, Engaños y la Infidelidad (Audiolibro) - Abridged
Juan David Arbeláez
Cómo Detectar Mentiras, Engaños y la Infidelidad (Audiolibro) - Abridged by Juan David Arbeláez

Cómo Detectar Mentiras, Engaños y la Infidelidad (Audiolibro) - Abridged

By: Juan David Arbeláez

Narrated by: Juan David Arbeláez

Length: 1 hour 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Cómo Detectar Mentiras, Engaños y la Infidelidad: Técnicas De Lenguaje Corporal Para Convertirte En Un Detector De Mentiras Humano.
Descubra las técnicas de Lenguaje Corporal aplicadas para detectar mentiras, detectar engaños y saber si alguien le es infiel.
En este Libro, un verdadero Mentalista y reconocido conferencista en el arte del lenguaje... Read more

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Lucys Rausch Nr. 18 - Abridged by Nachtschatten Verlag
Lucys Rausch Nr. 18 - Abridged
Nachtschatten Verlag
Lucys Rausch Nr. 18 - Abridged by Nachtschatten Verlag

Lucys Rausch Nr. 18 - Abridged

By: Nachtschatten Verlag

Narrated by: Chris Heidrich

Length: 1 hour 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Lucys beleuchtet die interdisziplinäre Thematik rund um sämtliche psychoaktiven Drogen aus verschiedensten Blickwinkeln in Form von Reportagen, Interviews, Berichten, Features und Bildern. Neue Entwicklungen, Kunst, Musik und Literatur gehören ebenso zum Spektrum, wie Drogenpolitik und Konsumgewohnheiten von damals bis heute. Lucys Rausch... Read more

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الاستثنائيون - Abridged by محمد ابراهيم حمدي
الاستثنائيون - Abridged
محمد ابراهيم حمدي
الاستثنائيون - Abridged by محمد ابراهيم حمدي

الاستثنائيون - Abridged

By: محمد ابراهيم حمدي

Narrated by: عبد الرحمن زغلول

Length: 2 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

هذا الكتاب مُوجّه إلى أولئك الاستثنائيين الذين علموا أن الحياة قصيرة فقرروا أن يصنعوا فيها إنجازاً عظيماً ، وعلموا أن عدد سكان الكرة الأرضية تجاوز السبعة مليارات شخص فقرروا أن لا يكونوا مثلهم ، وعلموا أن طريق النجاح مليء بالصعاب فقرروا أن يسلكوه ، لأنهم يُؤمنون بأنه لو كان طريقاً سهلاً لسلكه الجميع و ما كان هناك استثناء Read more

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The Path to Life - Abridged by Kaya Slater
The Path to Life - Abridged
Kaya Slater
The Path to Life - Abridged by Kaya Slater

The Path to Life - Abridged

By: Kaya Slater

Narrated by: Allison Hart

Length: 4 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"The Path to Life" - Your Essential Guide to Holistic Health & WellnessEmbarking on a holistic health journey? Looking to transform from within? Dive deep with "The Path to Life" - a beacon for those eager to embrace their complete well-being.When optimal health is your mission, you must venture beyond the physical. It's about cultivating a... Read more

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Actitud Mental Positiva - Abridged by Dr. Camilo Cruz
Actitud Mental Positiva - Abridged
Dr. Camilo Cruz
Actitud Mental Positiva - Abridged by Dr. Camilo Cruz

Actitud Mental Positiva - Abridged

By: Dr. Camilo Cruz

Narrated by: Dr. Camilo Cruz

Length: 1 hour 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El desarrollo de una actitud mental positiva es fundamental para alcanzar el éxito. La diferencia entre el éxito y el fracaso no es más que la postura que asumimos frente a las situaciones que la vida nos presenta, a la capacidad de autoestima que tengamos y a la forma como nos relacionemos positivamente con los demás. Descubre los diez... Read more

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The Power of Your Voice - Abridged by Carol Fleming
The Power of Your Voice - Abridged
Carol Fleming
The Power of Your Voice - Abridged by Carol Fleming

The Power of Your Voice - Abridged

By: Carol Fleming

Narrated by: Carol Fleming

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Is your voice holding you back?

If you speak to people on the phone, in person, at meetings or even in front of an audience, the sound of your voice is as important as what you say. Now, from a foremost speech pathologist and communications consultant, this program will show you:
Which vocal aspects constitute powerful speech...and how to... Read more

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Living the Truth - Abridged by Keith Ablow
Living the Truth - Abridged
Keith Ablow
Living the Truth - Abridged by Keith Ablow

Living the Truth - Abridged

By: Keith Ablow

Narrated by: Keith Ablow

Length: 2 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dr. Keith Ablow, bestselling author and host of a new daily one-hour daytime-TV talk show, presents his first self-help book.

Based on more than 20 years of clinical experience and highlighting stories from his own practice, Ablow shows how ignoring or burying painful memories and experiences can negatively affect every aspect of our lives, and... Read more

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Heart-Dreamer - Abridged by Cheryl Melody Baskin
Heart-Dreamer - Abridged
Cheryl Melody Baskin
Heart-Dreamer - Abridged by Cheryl Melody Baskin

Heart-Dreamer - Abridged

By: Cheryl Melody Baskin

Narrated by: Cheryl Melody Baskin

Length: 4 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“Heart-Dreamer: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity and Dreams – No Matter What” is an award-winning motivational book written for anyone who has a dream, lost their dreams along the way, or never knew how to dream. Rooted in the ebb and flow of Cheryl Melody Baskin’s life as an unstoppable dreamer, creative visionary, musician, and... Read more

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Navigating the VA - Abridged by Raï
Navigating the VA - Abridged
Navigating the VA - Abridged by Raï

Navigating the VA - Abridged

By: Raï

Narrated by: Naomi

Length: 2 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In Navigating The VA, Raï extends a guiding hand to veterans transitioning to civilian life. Raï’s narrative is one of wisdom, empathy, and invaluable insight - a beacon amidst the uncertainties that often accompany life post-service. This engaging read takes you through an exploration of uncharted territories, revealing the hidden gems that can... Read more

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INGENIERÍA DE LA SUERTE - Abridged by Lucas Dalantine
Lucas Dalantine
INGENIERÍA DE LA SUERTE - Abridged by Lucas Dalantine


By: Lucas Dalantine

Narrated by: Isabel Vilverdo

Length: 2 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

 Este libro ofrece una nueva y fascinante perspectiva sobre cómo cada uno de nosotros puede tomar las riendas de su destino y atraer el éxito. Contrariamente a la creencia popular, que ve la suerte como un fenómeno aleatorio, revela que la suerte es en realidad el resultado de decisiones meditadas, actitudes positivas y acciones estratégicas.... Read more

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Daily Readings from Your Best Life Now - Abridged by Joel Osteen
Daily Readings from Your Best Life Now - Abridged
Joel Osteen
Daily Readings from Your Best Life Now - Abridged by Joel Osteen

Daily Readings from Your Best Life Now - Abridged

By: Joel Osteen

Narrated by: Joel Osteen

Length: 2 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Turn adversity into opportunity and grow your faith in God with 90 days of devotionals and daily readings from Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen.

In his #1 New York Times bestseller Your Best Life Now, Joel Osteen reassures readers that living life to the fullest potential is within their reach. Now, in this devotional, Joel prepares readers to... Read more

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Guide pratique du méditant - Abridged by Bill Crecelius
Guide pratique du méditant - Abridged
Bill Crecelius
Guide pratique du méditant - Abridged by Bill Crecelius

Guide pratique du méditant - Abridged

By: Bill Crecelius

Narrated by: Oscar Lalo

Length: 1 hour 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bill Crecelius est un enseignant expérimenté de méditation Vipassana qui fut l’un des premiers étudiants occidentaux de Goenkaji. Il a écrit un guide pratique de méditation clair et précis pour ceux qui cherchent à s’établir dans la méditation Vipassana. De par sa longue expérience pratique, il est plein d’encouragements, d’exemples concrets et... Read more

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Boost Your Confidence With NLP - Abridged by Ian McDermott
Boost Your Confidence With NLP - Abridged
Ian McDermott
Boost Your Confidence With NLP - Abridged by Ian McDermott

Boost Your Confidence With NLP - Abridged

By: Ian McDermott

Narrated by: Ian McDermott

Length: 2 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE WITH NLP, Ian McDermott demonstrates that by practising his five keys to confidence, and using simple and effective Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques, you will be able to overcome your fears.

BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE WITH NLP includes easy-to-follow exercises to help you assess your own confidence levels, and... Read more

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Confident Networking For Career Success And Satisfaction - Abridged by Stuart Lindenfield & Gael Lindenfield
Confident Networking For Career Success And Satisfaction - Abridged
Stuart Lindenfield & Gael Lindenfield
Confident Networking For Career Success And Satisfaction - Abridged by Stuart Lindenfield & Gael Lindenfield

Confident Networking For Career Success And Satisfaction - Abridged

By: Stuart Lindenfield & Gael Lindenfield

Narrated by: Laura Paton

Length: 2 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Confident Networking for Career Success by bestselling author Gael Lindenfield and her husband Stuart is a practical and accessible self-help book everyone will benefit from. Good networking is vital in today's world of work. This book will enable you to build your confidence and develop the essential personal and psychological qualities and... Read more

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The NLP Coach 1 - Abridged by Wendy Jago & Ian McDermott
The NLP Coach 1 - Abridged
Wendy Jago & Ian McDermott
The NLP Coach 1 - Abridged by Wendy Jago & Ian McDermott

The NLP Coach 1 - Abridged

By: Wendy Jago & Ian McDermott

Narrated by: Gordon Griffin

Length: 2 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This is volume one of a step-by-step programme to help you achieve success at work and at home. This user-friendly introductory guide to self-coaching will show you how to use the powerful techniques of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). All the essential NLP coaching tools are clearly explained, and will provide you with the basic tools to... Read more

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The NLP Coach 2 - Abridged by Wendy Jago & Ian McDermott
The NLP Coach 2 - Abridged
Wendy Jago & Ian McDermott
The NLP Coach 2 - Abridged by Wendy Jago & Ian McDermott

The NLP Coach 2 - Abridged

By: Wendy Jago & Ian McDermott

Narrated by: Gordon Griffin

Length: 2 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This is volume two of a step-by-step programme to help you manage success and failure at work and at home. This user-friendly guide begins by clearly explaining the basic self-coaching techniques of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) before showing you how to apply these techniques to help you achieve success. Read more

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The NLP Coach 3 - Abridged by Ian McDermott & Wendy Jago
The NLP Coach 3 - Abridged
Ian McDermott & Wendy Jago
The NLP Coach 3 - Abridged by Ian McDermott & Wendy Jago

The NLP Coach 3 - Abridged

By: Ian McDermott & Wendy Jago

Narrated by: Gordon Griffin

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This is volume three of a step-by-step programme. This user-friendly guide to self-coaching using the powerful techniques of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) will enable to you take control of your life. All the essential NLP coaching tools are clearly explained at the beginning, with examples and case histories. The audiobook then explains... Read more

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Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged by M. Scott Peck
Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged
M. Scott Peck
Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged by M. Scott Peck

Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged

By: M. Scott Peck

Narrated by: M. Scott Peck

Length: 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Further Along the Road Less Traveled takes the lectures of Dr. Peck and presents his profound insights into the issues that confront and challenge all of us today: spirituality, forgiveness, relationships, and growing up. In this aid for living less simplistically, you will learn not to look for the easy answers but to think multidimensionally.... Read more

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Hey God, Do You Validate? - Abridged by Kevin McBroom
Hey God, Do You Validate? - Abridged
Kevin McBroom
Hey God, Do You Validate? - Abridged by Kevin McBroom

Hey God, Do You Validate? - Abridged

By: Kevin McBroom

Narrated by: Kevin McBroom

Length: 2 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Please note: This recording is an abridged version of the original printed manuscript. Included with the purchase of this audiobook is lifetime online access to the Applications Workbook. Narrated by the author, “Hey God, Do You Validate? Discover Your Purpose. Develop Your Plan. Double Your Talents.” is a life-changing book that offers a unique... Read more

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Sei die Liebe deines Lebens - Abridged by Ellen Lutum
Sei die Liebe deines Lebens - Abridged
Ellen Lutum
Sei die Liebe deines Lebens - Abridged by Ellen Lutum

Sei die Liebe deines Lebens - Abridged

By: Ellen Lutum

Narrated by: Christina Puciata

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

UNSER LEBEN WURDE MIT EINEM ABLAUFDATUM GELIEFERT. ES IST ZEIT, ES VOLL AUSZUKOSTEN. Unglücklich bist du nicht. Aber richtig glücklich auch nicht? Der Alltag läuft ganz gut. Aber für deine Träume und Wünsche gibt es keinen Platz? Du wünschst dir mehr Leichtigkeit, Spaß und Gelassenheit? Dann mach dich auf die Reise zu dir selbst – dieses... Read more

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Tiende tu cama y otros pequeños hábitos que cambiarán tu vida y el mundo - Abridged by William H. McRaven
Tiende tu cama y otros pequeños hábitos que cambiarán tu vida y el mundo - Abridged
William H. McRaven
Tiende tu cama y otros pequeños hábitos que cambiarán tu vida y el mundo - Abridged by William H. McRaven

Tiende tu cama y otros pequeños hábitos que cambiarán tu vida y el mundo - Abridged

By: William H. McRaven

Narrated by: Pedro de Aguillón Jr.

Length: 2 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Si quieres cambiar el mundo, comienza por tender tu cama. Si tiendes tu cama al despertar, habrás cumplido con tu primera tarea. Tendrás una sensación de orgullo y te alentará a cumplir un objetivo más, después otro y otro. Esa pequeña labor se convertirá en muchas metas cumplidas. El autor, quien se sobrepuso a difíciles retos y se recuperó... Read more

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Elena Solath


By: Elena Solath

Narrated by: Clara Montdell

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Imaginez un guide conçu pour vous accompagner dans la quête d’un quotidien plus apaisé, où l’anxiété ne dicte plus vos émotions ni vos actions. Ce livre propose une approche accessible et transformative, à travers 30 pratiques soigneusement sélectionnées pour leur efficacité et leur simplicité. Il ne s’agit pas d’un simple manuel, mais d’un... Read more

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