Self-Improvement audiobooks

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Where the Crawdads Sing - Abridged by Colleen Hoover
Where the Crawdads Sing - Abridged
Colleen Hoover
Where the Crawdads Sing - Abridged by Colleen Hoover

Where the Crawdads Sing - Abridged

By: Colleen Hoover

Narrated by: Jade Monroe

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Book summary and Analysis by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title Step into the breathtaking marshlands of Where the Crawdads Sing, where nature is both a sanctuary and a teacher. This audiobook adaptation transforms the novel’s themes into a powerful guide on resilience, self-reliance, and personal success. Kya Clark’s... Read more

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The Outsider - Abridged by Stephen King
The Outsider - Abridged
Stephen King
The Outsider - Abridged by Stephen King

The Outsider - Abridged

By: Stephen King

Narrated by: Bill Hathey

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Book summary and Analysis by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title The Outsider: A Journey Into Fear, Doubt, and the Unknown When an impossible crime defies all logic, how do you uncover the truth? The Outsider is a chilling blend of crime, supernatural horror, and psychological suspense that forces us to confront our... Read more

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Ensinamentos de Louise Hay para Agosto - Abridged by Louise Hay
Ensinamentos de Louise Hay para Agosto - Abridged
Louise Hay
Ensinamentos de Louise Hay para Agosto - Abridged by Louise Hay

Ensinamentos de Louise Hay para Agosto - Abridged

By: Louise Hay

Narrated by: Sueli Gonçalves

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

31 afirmações e reflexões para Agosto retiradas do trabalho inspiracional de Louise Hay. "Rainha da Nova Era", "fundadora do movimento de autoajuda" e "a pessoa viva mais próxima de uma santa" foram alguns dos apelidos que recebeu. Seu trabalho inspirou milhares de pessoas ao redor do mundo, apesar de nunca ter se definido como uma guru que... Read more

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The Success Principles(TM) - Abridged by Jack Canfield
The Success Principles(TM) - Abridged
Jack Canfield
The Success Principles(TM) - Abridged by Jack Canfield

The Success Principles(TM) - Abridged

By: Jack Canfield

Narrated by: Jack Canfield

Length: 6 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Success Principles™ by Jack Canfield, cocreator of the phenomenal bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, will teach you how to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize all your ambitions. This audio spells out the timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout... Read more

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The Magic Of Believing - Abridged by Claude M. Bristol
The Magic Of Believing - Abridged
Claude M. Bristol
The Magic Of Believing - Abridged by Claude M. Bristol

The Magic Of Believing - Abridged

By: Claude M. Bristol

Narrated by: Various

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mystical, motivating and inspiring, The Magic of Believing is an extraordinary self-improvement program which draws on the philosophy that the energy of the subconscious mind can help individuals achieve any goal. With a step-by-step system for tapping and unleashing the powers of the mind,... Read more

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Integrity - Abridged by Henry Cloud
Integrity - Abridged
Henry Cloud
Integrity - Abridged by Henry Cloud

Integrity - Abridged

By: Henry Cloud

Narrated by: Henry Cloud

Length: 5 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Integrity -- more than simple honesty, it's the key to success. A person with integrity has the ability to pull everything together, to make it all happen no matter how challenging the circumstances. Drawing on experiences from his work, Dr. Henry Cloud, a clinical psychologist and nationally syndicated radio host, shows how our character can... Read more

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La montaña eres tú - Abridged by Brianna Wiest
La montaña eres tú - Abridged
Brianna Wiest
La montaña eres tú - Abridged by Brianna Wiest

La montaña eres tú - Abridged

By: Brianna Wiest

Narrated by: Lupita Sánchez

Length: 5 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

«Tu montaña es el obstáculo entre tú y la vida que quieres vivir. Enfrentarlo también es el único camino hacia tu libertad y conversión […] Tal vez sabes qué es tu montaña. Quizás es la adicción, el peso, las relaciones, los trabajos, la motivación o el dinero. Quizá no lo sabes. A lo mejor es una vaga sensación de ansiedad, baja autoestima,... Read more

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Die Formel für Glück - Abridged by Mo Gawdat
Die Formel für Glück - Abridged
Mo Gawdat
Die Formel für Glück - Abridged by Mo Gawdat

Die Formel für Glück - Abridged

By: Mo Gawdat

Narrated by: Peter Wolter

Length: 11 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mo Gawdat befasst sich schon seit Jahren mit dem Thema Glück und was dieses ausmacht. Als Entwickler und Leiter in Googles Denkfabrik, Google[X], geht er das Problem eben wie ein solcher an: Er prüft alle prüfbaren Fakten und sucht die Logik dahinter. Nach unzähligen Stunden, Büchern und Interviews konnte er tatsächlich eine Gleichung für... Read more

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How Did I Get Here? - Abridged by Barbara De Angelis
How Did I Get Here? - Abridged
Barbara De Angelis
How Did I Get Here? - Abridged by Barbara De Angelis

How Did I Get Here? - Abridged

By: Barbara De Angelis

Narrated by: Barbara De Angelis

Length: 3 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

All of us find ourselves, at one time or another facing the unexpected and asking "How did I get here?" Whether because of disappointments in love, crises in health, family or finances, professional dissatisfaction, or events beyond your control, life doesn't look like you expected or intended it to. In this program Barbara De Angelis teaches... Read more

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Lucys Rausch Nr. 18 - Abridged by Nachtschatten Verlag
Lucys Rausch Nr. 18 - Abridged
Nachtschatten Verlag
Lucys Rausch Nr. 18 - Abridged by Nachtschatten Verlag

Lucys Rausch Nr. 18 - Abridged

By: Nachtschatten Verlag

Narrated by: Chris Heidrich

Length: 1 hour 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Lucys beleuchtet die interdisziplinäre Thematik rund um sämtliche psychoaktiven Drogen aus verschiedensten Blickwinkeln in Form von Reportagen, Interviews, Berichten, Features und Bildern. Neue Entwicklungen, Kunst, Musik und Literatur gehören ebenso zum Spektrum, wie Drogenpolitik und Konsumgewohnheiten von damals bis heute. Lucys Rausch... Read more

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Un café contigo - Abridged by Kristen Helmstetter
Un café contigo - Abridged
Kristen Helmstetter
Un café contigo - Abridged by Kristen Helmstetter

Un café contigo - Abridged

By: Kristen Helmstetter

Narrated by: Ana Laura Santana

Length: 6 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Kristen Helmstetter comparte contigo una poderosa rutina que puedes combinar con tu café matutino para materializar tus deseos más profundos. Este sencillo ritual, que solo toma 5 minutos, comienza con pensamientos positivos y edificantes para luego replantear la manera en que hablas y piensas sobre tu persona. A partir de la programación... Read more

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A lei da persistência - Abridged by Catherine Ponder
A lei da persistência - Abridged
Catherine Ponder
A lei da persistência - Abridged by Catherine Ponder

A lei da persistência - Abridged

By: Catherine Ponder

Narrated by: Mariana Ferrari

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Não há nada de limitado, morno ou vago na persistência. Ela é ousada, audaciosa, destemida, e não hesita.Neste minilivro a autora Catherine Ponder adentra sobre o poder da persistência para o alcance da prosperidade. Lembre-se a si mesmo: "Eu não estou só seguindo em frente, estou seguindo rumo às estrelas" Read more

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Shades of Blue - Abridged by Niyaatii Swami
Shades of Blue - Abridged
Niyaatii Swami
Shades of Blue - Abridged by Niyaatii Swami

Shades of Blue - Abridged

By: Niyaatii Swami

Narrated by: Sharmila R

Length: 5 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Kavita Bhardwaj is an 18-year-old IIT aspirant and a school topper, who backs out from the exam at the last moment and takes the drastic step of not going to college, leaving everyone around her feeling disappointed. In the middle of all the protests and fighting with the parents she figures out that she has PCOD, a condition not very serious,... Read more

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The Chapter Black - Abridged by Bushra Rahmani
The Chapter Black - Abridged
Bushra Rahmani
The Chapter Black - Abridged by Bushra Rahmani

The Chapter Black - Abridged

By: Bushra Rahmani

Narrated by: Sharmila R

Length: 9 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

She is young, radiant and has her boyfriend swooning over her.
Until, one day, someone splashes a piping hot liquid on that beautiful face of her,
and the face she always held up high with pride melts off in flames.
She has been attacked with ACID. For a girl whose adverse nightmare is an acne breakout,
what do you assume she would do with a... Read more

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A saúde e o pensamento próspero - Abridged by Catherine Ponder
A saúde e o pensamento próspero - Abridged
Catherine Ponder
A saúde e o pensamento próspero - Abridged by Catherine Ponder

A saúde e o pensamento próspero - Abridged

By: Catherine Ponder

Narrated by: Mariana Ferrari

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Entre as grandes bênçãos da vida, com certeza está a saúde. Sem ela, nada mais tem importância. Com boa saúde, todas as outras bênçãos são também intensificadas. Este minilivro de Catherine Ponder se aprofunda em como a saúde é essencial para que a prosperidade possa fluir em sua vida. Read more

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E quanto à dívidas? - Abridged by Catherine Ponder
E quanto à dívidas? - Abridged
Catherine Ponder
E quanto à dívidas? - Abridged by Catherine Ponder

E quanto à dívidas? - Abridged

By: Catherine Ponder

Narrated by: Mariana Ferrari

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Neste capítulo a autora Catherine Ponder nos ajuda a compreender que quando as contas chegam, devemos recebê-las com um estado mental sereno, lembrando sempre a nós mesmos de que elas representam bênçãos que você já está gozando. Uma atitude negativa e crítica às contas faz muitas pessoas entrarem no endividamento e ali permanecerem. Read more

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A lei do charme - Abridged by Catherine Ponder
A lei do charme - Abridged
Catherine Ponder
A lei do charme - Abridged by Catherine Ponder

A lei do charme - Abridged

By: Catherine Ponder

Narrated by: Mariana Ferrari

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Neste minilivro a autora Catherine Ponder explica que embora o charme tenha muitas facetas, se ele pudesse ser definido em apenas uma palavra, essa palavra seria "harmonia": harmonia da mente, do espírito, do corpo, nos relacionamentos, nos eventos da vida da pessoa e na atmosfera em que ela vive e trabalha. A harmonia é a primeira condição para... Read more

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A lei da autoconfiança - Abridged by Catherine Ponder
A lei da autoconfiança - Abridged
Catherine Ponder
A lei da autoconfiança - Abridged by Catherine Ponder

A lei da autoconfiança - Abridged

By: Catherine Ponder

Narrated by: Mariana Ferrari

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Talvez o segredo mais importante da autoconfiança seja este: por mais que existam cursos e livros para ajudá­lo a conquistá-la, saiba que você já a possui! Neste minilivro a autora Catherine Ponder mostra ao leitor como desbloquear e usar a sua autoconfiança para que tenha prosperidade plena. Read more

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Os poderes especiais para a prosperidade - Abridged by Catherine Ponder
Os poderes especiais para a prosperidade - Abridged
Catherine Ponder
Os poderes especiais para a prosperidade - Abridged by Catherine Ponder

Os poderes especiais para a prosperidade - Abridged

By: Catherine Ponder

Narrated by: Mariana Ferrari

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Nesta Nova Era, os poderes mentais mais profundos, que permaneceram dormentes nas eras anteriores, estão começando a vir à tona na raça humana. O mundo científico nomeia tais poderes como telepatia, clarividência, percepção extrassensorial, precognição e psicocinese. Para este minilivro, da autora Catherine Ponder, vamos considerar esses poderes... Read more

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Os seus poderes excepcionais para a prosperidade - Abridged by Catherine Ponder
Os seus poderes excepcionais para a prosperidade - Abridged
Catherine Ponder
Os seus poderes excepcionais para a prosperidade - Abridged by Catherine Ponder

Os seus poderes excepcionais para a prosperidade - Abridged

By: Catherine Ponder

Narrated by: Mariana Ferrari

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Neste minilivro, a autora Catherine Ponder nos mostra como todos nós podemos estimular a intuição e a imaginação criativa como poderes excepcionais para a prosperidade, para o sucesso e para uma vida mais satisfatória. Read more

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A lei da oração - Abridged by Catherine Ponder
A lei da oração - Abridged
Catherine Ponder
A lei da oração - Abridged by Catherine Ponder

A lei da oração - Abridged

By: Catherine Ponder

Narrated by: Mariana Ferrari

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Todos os homens, em todas as épocas, oraram, de uma forma ou de outra e, para a autora Catherine Ponder, nunca é demais enfatizar o poder da oração na obtenção da prosperidade permanente. Read more

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Resumen Completo: Pajaro A Pajaro (Bird By Bird) - Basado En El Libro de Anne Lamott - Abridged by Instalibros Editorial
Resumen Completo: Pajaro A Pajaro (Bird By Bird) - Basado En El Libro de Anne Lamott - Abridged
Instalibros Editorial
Resumen Completo: Pajaro A Pajaro (Bird By Bird) - Basado En El Libro de Anne Lamott - Abridged by Instalibros Editorial

Resumen Completo: Pajaro A Pajaro (Bird By Bird) - Basado En El Libro de Anne Lamott - Abridged

By: Instalibros Editorial

Narrated by: Angela Reyes

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

¿Quieres saber las respuestas a estas preguntas basadas en el libro?
Aprenda A Liberar Al Gran Escritor Que Lleva Dentro¿Se Debe Escribir Sobre Todo Los Que Nos Pasa Para Convertirse En Un Buen Escritor?¿Se Debe Ser Honesto Con El Lector Para Encontrar La Voz... Read more

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Resumen Completo: Ansiosos Por Nada (Anxious For Nothing) - Basado En El Libro de Max Lucado - Abridged by Instalibros Editorial
Resumen Completo: Ansiosos Por Nada (Anxious For Nothing) - Basado En El Libro de Max Lucado - Abridged
Instalibros Editorial
Resumen Completo: Ansiosos Por Nada (Anxious For Nothing) - Basado En El Libro de Max Lucado - Abridged by Instalibros Editorial

Resumen Completo: Ansiosos Por Nada (Anxious For Nothing) - Basado En El Libro de Max Lucado - Abridged

By: Instalibros Editorial

Narrated by: Angela Reyes

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

¿Quieres saber las respuestas a estas preguntas basadas en el libro?
Aprenda A Reconocer Su Ansiedad Y Controlarla Por Medio De La Fe¿Qué Es La Soberanía De Dios Y Cómo Utilizarla Para Contrarrestar Nuestra Ansiedad?¿Qué Relación Tiene La Ansiedad Con La... Read more

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Fight Back and Win - Abridged by Gloria Allred
Fight Back and Win - Abridged
Gloria Allred
Fight Back and Win - Abridged by Gloria Allred

Fight Back and Win - Abridged

By: Gloria Allred

Narrated by: Gloria Allred

Length: 6 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

World-renowned women's rights attorney and civil rights advocate Gloria Allred sharesempowering life lessons learned while fighting on the front lines for victims' rightsVoted by her peers as one of the best lawyers in America, and described by Time as ""one of the nation's most effective advocates of family rights and feminist causes,"" Allred... Read more

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