Self-Improvement audiobooks

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Le futur de l'amour - Abridged by Daphne Rose Kingma
Le futur de l'amour - Abridged
Daphne Rose Kingma
Le futur de l'amour - Abridged by Daphne Rose Kingma

Le futur de l'amour - Abridged

By: Daphne Rose Kingma

Narrated by: Catherine Hasselwander

Length: 1 hour 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Nous vivons présentement une époque absolument fascinante et stimulante de l'histoire humaine où l'on voit éclore la conscience spirituelle. Les relations telles que nous les avons connues sont désormais révolues. Et l'amour renaît sous une forme nouvelle. Nous sommes invités à passer de l'idylle à l'amour véritable, des relations qui sont... Read more

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Geführte Meditationen, Achtsamkeitsübungen und Body-Scan - Abridged by Ursula Martens
Geführte Meditationen, Achtsamkeitsübungen und Body-Scan - Abridged
Ursula Martens
Geführte Meditationen, Achtsamkeitsübungen und Body-Scan - Abridged by Ursula Martens

Geführte Meditationen, Achtsamkeitsübungen und Body-Scan - Abridged

By: Ursula Martens

Narrated by: Sören Martens

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Diese Meditationen und Achtsamkeitsübungen geleiten dich durch den Tag - gelesen von der tiefen, beruhigenden Stimme von Sören Martens. Wann immer du Stress loslassen und Ruhe finden willst, mache eine oder mehrere Übungen. Übrigens: Du kannst deine Achtsamkeit trainieren wie einen Muskel. Darum empfehlen wir dir möglichst regelmäßige... Read more

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Arrosez les fleurs, pas les mauvaises herbes ! - Abridged by Fletcher Peacock
Arrosez les fleurs, pas les mauvaises herbes ! - Abridged
Fletcher Peacock
Arrosez les fleurs, pas les mauvaises herbes ! - Abridged by Fletcher Peacock

Arrosez les fleurs, pas les mauvaises herbes ! - Abridged

By: Fletcher Peacock

Narrated by: Cédric Noël & Sophie Stanké

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Plutôt que de chercher pourqoui ça va mal, concentrez-vous sur ce qui vous réussit le mieux ! Découvrez tous les outils mis de l'avant par Fletcher Peacock pour faciliter vos relations. Voici une véritable philosophie de la coopération grâce à laquelle vous transformerez les problèmes en occasions, privilégierez ce qui fonctionne et non ce qui... Read more

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Bill Gates: Life Lessons - Take A Shortcut To Success By Learning From His Mistakes - Abridged by Skillbooks Editorial
Bill Gates: Life Lessons - Take A Shortcut To Success By Learning From His Mistakes - Abridged
Skillbooks Editorial
Bill Gates: Life Lessons - Take A Shortcut To Success By Learning From His Mistakes - Abridged by Skillbooks Editorial

Bill Gates: Life Lessons - Take A Shortcut To Success By Learning From His Mistakes - Abridged

By: Skillbooks Editorial

Narrated by: John Austin

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

ABOUT THIS BOOKIt is sometimes thought that people who have achieved something in the world, or succeeded in being recognized seem to be people whose lives are out of the ordinary, which is not the case. These people have worked for a long time to achieve their dreams. Like anyone else they have strived to achieve what they have today. But this... Read more

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Overcome Loneliness Meditation - finding comfort hope & support - Abridged by Think and Bloom
Overcome Loneliness Meditation - finding comfort hope & support - Abridged
Think and Bloom
Overcome Loneliness Meditation - finding comfort hope & support - Abridged by Think and Bloom

Overcome Loneliness Meditation - finding comfort hope & support - Abridged

By: Think and Bloom

Narrated by: CCmuse

Length: 5 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Do you feel lonely during the festival season in Christmas, Thanksgiving, New year, or birthdays? 
The emotion of loneliness can be overwhelming. It is ok to feel lonely. At times, we need connections and support. We tend to struggle to believe that we have to go through everything by ourselves. We feel disconnected, isolated and even abandoned.... Read more

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Steve Jobs: Adversity And Loss - Discover The Skills He Used To Cope With Adversity In Life And Business - Abridged by Skillbooks Editorial
Steve Jobs: Adversity And Loss - Discover The Skills He Used To Cope With Adversity In Life And Business - Abridged
Skillbooks Editorial
Steve Jobs: Adversity And Loss - Discover The Skills He Used To Cope With Adversity In Life And Business - Abridged by Skillbooks Editorial

Steve Jobs: Adversity And Loss - Discover The Skills He Used To Cope With Adversity In Life And Business - Abridged

By: Skillbooks Editorial

Narrated by: John Austin

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

STEVE JOBS: ADVERSITY AND LOSS  DISCOVER THE SKILLS HE USED TO COPE WITH ADVERSITY IN LIFE AND BUSINESS - ABOUT THIS BOOKAdversity will cross the path of every professional, businessman or entrepreneur. And while some will be luckier than others, all will reach a point where they feel exhausted, defeated and considering giving up. So what does... Read more

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Steve Jobs: How To Live Your Best Life - Discover The Life Philosophy He Used To Guide His Decisions - Abridged by Skillbooks Editorial
Steve Jobs: How To Live Your Best Life - Discover The Life Philosophy He Used To Guide His Decisions - Abridged
Skillbooks Editorial
Steve Jobs: How To Live Your Best Life - Discover The Life Philosophy He Used To Guide His Decisions - Abridged by Skillbooks Editorial

Steve Jobs: How To Live Your Best Life - Discover The Life Philosophy He Used To Guide His Decisions - Abridged

By: Skillbooks Editorial

Narrated by: John Austin

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

STEVE JOBS: HOW TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE DISCOVER THE LIFE PHILOSOPHY HE USED TO GUIDE HIS DECISIONS - ABOUT THIS BOOKEveryone knows that life is short, but is it objectively short? Would we still feel that life is too short if we lived ten times as long? The answer is yes, life would still seem really short to us.  Does knowing that make a... Read more

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The Science of Being Great - Abridged by Wallace Wattles
The Science of Being Great - Abridged
Wallace Wattles
The Science of Being Great - Abridged by Wallace Wattles

The Science of Being Great - Abridged

By: Wallace Wattles

Narrated by: Mitch Horowitz

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Within This Short Book Is the ONE SECRET That Will Deliver you to Greatness

We all dream of being celebrated, rewarded, and recognized—in short, of being great. But so few people actually attain greatness. Why?
In The Science of Being Great, legendary success writer Wallace D. Wattles demonstrates exactly how you can move from merely thinking of... Read more

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Steve Jobs: How To Make Faster Decisions - Discover The Skills He Used To Achieve This On A Daily Basis - Abridged by Skillbooks Editorial
Steve Jobs: How To Make Faster Decisions - Discover The Skills He Used To Achieve This On A Daily Basis - Abridged
Skillbooks Editorial
Steve Jobs: How To Make Faster Decisions - Discover The Skills He Used To Achieve This On A Daily Basis - Abridged by Skillbooks Editorial

Steve Jobs: How To Make Faster Decisions - Discover The Skills He Used To Achieve This On A Daily Basis - Abridged

By: Skillbooks Editorial

Narrated by: John Austin

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

STEVE JOBS: HOW TO MAKE FASTER DECISIONS DISCOVER THE SKILLS HE USED TO ACHIEVE THIS ON A DAILY BASIS - ABOUT THIS BOOKWhy do experts seem to have more intuitive skills than the rest of us? Why can the most famous investors make decisions about a financial transaction so quickly? Why can experienced doctors often arrive at an accurate diagnosis... Read more

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Achtsamkeitsübungen für die klinische Praxis und den Alltag - Abridged by Johannes Michalak, Thomas Heidenreich & J. Mark G. Williams
Achtsamkeitsübungen für die klinische Praxis und den Alltag - Abridged
Johannes Michalak, Thomas Heidenreich & J. Mark...
Achtsamkeitsübungen für die klinische Praxis und den Alltag - Abridged by Johannes Michalak, Thomas Heidenreich & J. Mark G. Williams

Achtsamkeitsübungen für die klinische Praxis und den Alltag - Abridged

By: Johannes Michalak, Thomas Heidenreich & J. Mark...

Narrated by: Petra Meibert

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Achtsam sein bedeutet, eine offene, im Hier-und-Jetzt verankerte und nicht wertende Form der Aufmerksamkeit einzunehmen. Achtsamkeitsübungen können dabei helfen, die direkte und lebendige Wahrnehmung des eigenen Körpers zu fördern. Sie können insbesondere bei Stress, Depression, Ängsten und häufigem Grübeln hilfreich sein. Mithilfe der Übungen... Read more

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Resumen Completo: En El Principio Era El Sexo (Sex At Dawn) - Basado En El Libro de Christopher Ryan y Cacilda Jethá - Abridged by Instalibros Editorial
Resumen Completo: En El Principio Era El Sexo (Sex At Dawn) - Basado En El Libro de Christopher Ryan y Cacilda Jethá - Abridged
Instalibros Editorial
Resumen Completo: En El Principio Era El Sexo (Sex At Dawn) - Basado En El Libro de Christopher Ryan y Cacilda Jethá - Abridged by Instalibros Editorial

Resumen Completo: En El Principio Era El Sexo (Sex At Dawn) - Basado En El Libro de Christopher Ryan y Cacilda Jethá - Abridged

By: Instalibros Editorial

Narrated by: Angela Reyes

Length: 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

RESUMEN COMPLETO: EN EL PRINCIPIO ERA EL SEXO (SEX AT DAWN) - BASADO EN ELLIBRO DE CHRISTOPHER RYAN Y CACILDA JETHÁ-¿Quieres saber las respuestas a estas preguntas basadas en el libro?Somos Parecidos A Nuestros Antepasados Primates En Casi Todo, Excepto En La MonogamiaEl Tamaño Revela Nuestra Naturaleza SexualLa Promiscuidad Sexual Es Parte De... Read more

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La guérison intérieure - Abridged by Colette Portelance
La guérison intérieure - Abridged
Colette Portelance
La guérison intérieure - Abridged by Colette Portelance

La guérison intérieure - Abridged

By: Colette Portelance

Narrated by: Colette Portelance

Length: 2 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La guérison intérieure par l'acceptation et le lâcher-prise se veut un hymne à la paix, autant à la paix intérieure qu'à la paix dans le monde. Ce livre audio vous propose différentes pistes accessibles pour dissoudre les guerres en vous et autour de vous, et pour apaiser les souffrances de vos blessures causées par l'abandon, le rejet,... Read more

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Doorway to the Soul  - Abridged by Ron Scolastico
Doorway to the Soul - Abridged
Ron Scolastico
Doorway to the Soul  - Abridged by Ron Scolastico

Doorway to the Soul - Abridged

By: Ron Scolastico

Narrated by: Ron Scolastico

Length: 2 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From Simon & Schuster, Doorway to the Soul is Ron Scolastico's guide on how to have a profound spiritual experience.

According to Ron Scolastico, a spiritual psychologist and teacher, each of us holds the key to the mystery of life and the power of consciousness. Doorway to the Soul teaches the reader how to unravel that mystery to have a... Read more

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The No Asshole Rule - Abridged by Robert I. Sutton
The No Asshole Rule - Abridged
Robert I. Sutton
The No Asshole Rule - Abridged by Robert I. Sutton

The No Asshole Rule - Abridged

By: Robert I. Sutton

Narrated by: Robert I. Sutton

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The definitive guide to working with -- and surviving -- bullies, creeps, jerks, tyrants, tormentors, despots, backstabbers, egomaniacs, and all the other assholes who do their best to destroy you at work.

"What an asshole!"

How many times have you said that about someone at work? You're not alone! In this groundbreaking book, Stanford... Read more

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Cessez de tourner en rond - Abridged by Ian Renaud
Cessez de tourner en rond - Abridged
Ian Renaud
Cessez de tourner en rond - Abridged by Ian Renaud

Cessez de tourner en rond - Abridged

By: Ian Renaud

Narrated by: Ian Renaud

Length: 1 hour 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La procrastination fait partie du quotidien de milliers de personnes. Des gens comme vous et moi qui se laissent prendre dans le tourbillon de la vie. Métro, boulot, dodo. Eduquer, laver, se reposer. Et on recommence. Cependant, il y a une petite voix qui se fait parfois entendre pour remettre en doute votre routine quotidienne. C'est celle de... Read more

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Bleib locker - Abridged by Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus
Bleib locker - Abridged
Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus
Bleib locker - Abridged by Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus

Bleib locker - Abridged

By: Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus

Narrated by: Johannes Klein-Heßling

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Schon im Grundschulalter leiden viele Kinder unter Stresssymptomen wie Nervosität, Unkonzentriertheit, Bauch- und Kopfschmerzen oder Schlafschwierigkeiten. Mithilfe der Progressiven Muskelentspannung (PME) können Kinder lernen, sich zu entspannen, wenn sie sich nervös oder gestresst fühlen. Die Audio-CD enthält Instruktionen zu zwei... Read more

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Amor e relacionamentos - AUDIOBOOK - Abridged by Digital World
Amor e relacionamentos - AUDIOBOOK - Abridged
Digital World
Amor e relacionamentos - AUDIOBOOK - Abridged by Digital World

Amor e relacionamentos - AUDIOBOOK - Abridged

By: Digital World

Narrated by: Digital World

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

A inteligência emocional é uma habilidade essencial para construir relacionamentos saudáveis e gratificantes. Ao desenvolver a inteligência emocional, podemos melhorar a qualidade de nossas relações amorosas, familiares, profissionais e sociais. Existem diversos recursos disponíveis para ajudar a desenvolver a inteligência emocional, Ao... Read more

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Elon Musk: Life Lessons - Take A Shortcut To Success By Learning From His Mistakes - Abridged by Skillbooks Editorial
Elon Musk: Life Lessons - Take A Shortcut To Success By Learning From His Mistakes - Abridged
Skillbooks Editorial
Elon Musk: Life Lessons - Take A Shortcut To Success By Learning From His Mistakes - Abridged by Skillbooks Editorial

Elon Musk: Life Lessons - Take A Shortcut To Success By Learning From His Mistakes - Abridged

By: Skillbooks Editorial

Narrated by: John Austin

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

ELON MUSK: LIFE LESSONS TAKE A SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS BY LEARNING FROM HIS MISTAKES - ABOUT THIS BOOKIt is sometimes thought that people who have achieved something in the world, or succeeded in being recognized seem to be people whose lives are out of the ordinary, which is not the case. These people have worked for a long time to achieve their... Read more

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New release
The Girl on the Train - Abridged by Paula Hawkins
The Girl on the Train - Abridged
Paula Hawkins
The Girl on the Train - Abridged by Paula Hawkins

The Girl on the Train - Abridged

By: Paula Hawkins

Narrated by: Jade Monroe

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Book summary and Analysis by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title The Girl on the Train: A Journey Through Obsession, Truth, and Self-Discovery Memory is unreliable, perception is deceiving, and the truth is never as simple as it seems. The Girl on the Train is a gripping psychological thriller that unravels a chilling... Read more

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La magie de voir grand - Abridged by David J. Schwartz
La magie de voir grand - Abridged
David J. Schwartz
La magie de voir grand - Abridged by David J. Schwartz

La magie de voir grand - Abridged

By: David J. Schwartz

Narrated by: Gérard Gervais & Sophie Stanké

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Cet ouvrage propose une méthode qui fonctionne, pas seulement des promesses vides. Les idées et les techniques qu'on y retrouve sont si originales que l'auteur a dû inventer un nouveau vocabulaire pour les exprimer.  Le docteur Schwartz explique les étapes à franchir pour acquérir le vocabulaire de ceux qui voient grand. Il vous enseigne la... Read more

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Les 7 habitudes des ados qui réussissent tout ce qu'ils entreprennent - Abridged by Sean Covey
Les 7 habitudes des ados qui réussissent tout ce qu'ils entreprennent - Abridged
Sean Covey
Les 7 habitudes des ados qui réussissent tout ce qu'ils entreprennent - Abridged by Sean Covey

Les 7 habitudes des ados qui réussissent tout ce qu'ils entreprennent - Abridged

By: Sean Covey

Narrated by: Cédric Noël & Stéphanie Fleury

Length: 2 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Être adolescent aujourd'hui est à la fois complexe et angoissant. Mais cette période de la vie pose les bases de la future vie d'adulte. Sean Covey, fils de Stephen Covey, auteur du best-seller mondial Les 7 habitudes des gens efficaces, montre comment appliquer ces principes fondamentaux dans la vie quotidienne d'un adolescent. Les 7 habitudes... Read more

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Éduquer pour rendre heureux - Abridged by Colette Portelance
Éduquer pour rendre heureux - Abridged
Colette Portelance
Éduquer pour rendre heureux - Abridged by Colette Portelance

Éduquer pour rendre heureux - Abridged

By: Colette Portelance

Narrated by: Colette Portelance

Length: 2 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Éduquer un être humain pour le rendre heureux, c'est lui apprendre à être lui-même, à être en relation avec les autres, à être créateur de sa vie, de ses rêves et du monde. Écrit spécialement pour les éducateurs de tous les milieux par une spécialiste des relations humaines, ce livre audio se veut surtout un guide pratique qui fournit aux... Read more

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Resumen Completo: Comer Un Durazno (Eat A Peach) - Basado En El Libro De David Chang - Abridged by Instalibros Editorial
Resumen Completo: Comer Un Durazno (Eat A Peach) - Basado En El Libro De David Chang - Abridged
Instalibros Editorial
Resumen Completo: Comer Un Durazno (Eat A Peach) - Basado En El Libro De David Chang - Abridged by Instalibros Editorial

Resumen Completo: Comer Un Durazno (Eat A Peach) - Basado En El Libro De David Chang - Abridged

By: Instalibros Editorial

Narrated by: Angela Reyes

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

RESUMEN COMPLETO: COMER UN DURAZNO (EAT A PEACH) - BASADO EN EL LIBRO DE DAVID CHANG - ¿Quieres saber las respuestas a estas preguntas basadas en el libro? ¿Qué Es De La Vida De Uno De Los Chefs Más Influyentes De Los Estados Unidos?¿Qué Hizo Chang Para Darle Una Perspectiva Distinta A Su Vida Y Dedicarse A La Cocina?¿Qué Le Sucedió A David... Read more

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Le choix de vivre - Abridged by Marie Lise Labonté
Le choix de vivre - Abridged
Marie Lise Labonté
Le choix de vivre - Abridged by Marie Lise Labonté

Le choix de vivre - Abridged

By: Marie Lise Labonté

Narrated by: Marie Lise Labonté

Length: 2 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Soudain, un drame frappe: maladie, handicap, deuil, agression, licenciement… Ces événements sont des points de rupture qui nous marquent dans notre chair, notre coeur, et bouleversent notre existence. L'avant était un temps d'illusions. De quoi sera fait l'après? Comment réagit-on à ces expériences qui nous brisent dans un premier temps? Ayant... Read more

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