Social Science audiobooks

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Cowboys Full - Abridged by James McManus
Cowboys Full - Abridged
James McManus
Cowboys Full - Abridged by James McManus

Cowboys Full - Abridged

By: James McManus

Narrated by: Oliver Wyman

Length: 7 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From James McManus, author of the bestselling Positively Fifth Street, comes the definitive story of the game that, more than any other, reflects who we are and how we operate.

Cowboys Full is the story of poker, from its roots in China, the Middle East, and Europe to its ascent as a globalbut especially an Americanphenomenon. It describes how... Read more

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Active Listening - Abridged by Lilly De Sisto
Active Listening - Abridged
Lilly De Sisto
Active Listening - Abridged by Lilly De Sisto

Active Listening - Abridged

By: Lilly De Sisto

Narrated by: Darcey Kobs

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Finally available is a guide to know everything, really everything, about really listening to others! You've finally found the listen you've been looking for: minute after minute, you'll be able to embark on a path that will guide you, step by step, to the knowledge of how to effectively communicate with other people!In this pause-resisting... Read more

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Wir denken neu – Damit sich Deutschland nicht weiter spaltet - Abridged by Verena Bentele, Philipp Stielow & Dr. Ines Verspohl
Wir denken neu – Damit sich Deutschland nicht weiter spaltet - Abridged
Verena Bentele, Philipp Stielow & Dr. Ines Vers...
Wir denken neu – Damit sich Deutschland nicht weiter spaltet - Abridged by Verena Bentele, Philipp Stielow & Dr. Ines Verspohl

Wir denken neu – Damit sich Deutschland nicht weiter spaltet - Abridged

By: Verena Bentele, Philipp Stielow & Dr. Ines Vers...

Narrated by: Dagmar Bittner

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wir befinden uns in einer historisch einmaligen Situation. Die Corona-Pandemie verändert unser Land grundlegend – und sie zeigt uns in aller Schärfe, was gut und was schlecht ist. Viele Menschen befürchten, dass sich die Ungleichheit in Deutschland durch Corona weiter vertiefen wird. Mit der fortschreitenden Privatisierung des Sozialstaates... Read more

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Leading Ladies - Abridged by Kay Bailey Hutchison
Leading Ladies - Abridged
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Leading Ladies - Abridged by Kay Bailey Hutchison

Leading Ladies - Abridged

By: Kay Bailey Hutchison

Narrated by: Kay Bailey Hutchison

Length: 6 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In a series of skillfully drawn biographical portraits, United States Senator and bestselling author Kay Bailey Hutchison examines the lives of sixty-three pioneers in military service, journalism, public health, social reform, science, and politics—all American women. Mixing historical portraits with modern success stories, Senator Hutchison... Read more

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Pluto Generations - Abridged by Rhys Navarro
Pluto Generations - Abridged
Rhys Navarro
Pluto Generations - Abridged by Rhys Navarro

Pluto Generations - Abridged

By: Rhys Navarro

Narrated by: Nick Gallagher

Length: 5 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Are you technically Gen X but feel like you relate more to Millennials? Why are Boomers and Millennials constantly at odds with one another? How do Millennials differ from Gen Z? For decades, professional astrologers have known about the influence of Pluto as the “generational” planet. In this remarkable book, Rhys Navarro discusses the various... Read more

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Voll Porno! - Abridged by Christoph Pahl
Voll Porno! - Abridged
Christoph Pahl
Voll Porno! - Abridged by Christoph Pahl

Voll Porno! - Abridged

By: Christoph Pahl

Narrated by: Daniel Kopp

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Voll Porno?!" Ist Pornokonsum heutzutage alltäglich und normal geworden? Was für Auswirkungen hat er auf mein eigenes Leben, auf meine Beziehungen und auf meinen Umgang mit Sexualität? Christoph Pahl (Jg. 1981) setzt sich gekonnt mit der Thematik auseinander, präsentiert die Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Studien und spricht ehrlich über eigene... Read more

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Coming soon
Cronicamente online: existe vida além das redes? - Abridged by Dayhara Martins
Cronicamente online: existe vida além das redes? - Abridged
Dayhara Martins
Cronicamente online: existe vida além das redes? - Abridged by Dayhara Martins

Cronicamente online: existe vida além das redes? - Abridged

By: Dayhara Martins

Narrated by: Karina Coviello Boscaino

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Você já pensou em reconquistar o controle do próprio tempo em uma era dominada pelas notificações e pela necessidade incessante de conexão? A partir de conceitos como FOMO e nomofobia, Cronicamente online oferece insights sobre o impacto psicológico das redes sociais e traz estratégias para criar uma relação mais saudável com a tecnologia,... Read more

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Actual Innocence - Abridged by Barry Scheck, Peter Neufeld & Jim Dwyer
Actual Innocence - Abridged
Barry Scheck, Peter Neufeld & Jim Dwyer
Actual Innocence - Abridged by Barry Scheck, Peter Neufeld & Jim Dwyer

Actual Innocence - Abridged

By: Barry Scheck, Peter Neufeld & Jim Dwyer

Narrated by: Michael Boatman

Length: 6 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Extraordinarily powerful stories of ordinary people locked up for crimes they did not commit, and how they were freed against great odds.

A nightmare from a thousand B-movies: a horrible crime is committed in your neighborhood, and the police knock at your door. A witness swears you are the perpetrator; you have no alibi, and no one believes your... Read more

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Drew Houston: O Revolucionário por Trás do Dropbox - Abridged by Max Editorial
Drew Houston: O Revolucionário por Trás do Dropbox - Abridged
Max Editorial
Drew Houston: O Revolucionário por Trás do Dropbox - Abridged by Max Editorial

Drew Houston: O Revolucionário por Trás do Dropbox - Abridged

By: Max Editorial

Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 1 hour 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A tecnologia moldou o mundo moderno de maneiras que poucas outras forças conseguiram. Em meio a essa revolução, uma figura emergiu como pioneira no campo do armazenamento em nuvem: Drew Houston. Co-fundador e CEO do Dropbox, Houston transformou a maneira como armazenamos, compartilhamos e acessamos nossos dados. Este livro explora sua jornada,... Read more

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There Must Be a Pony In Here Somewhere - Abridged by Kara Swisher & Lisa Dickey
There Must Be a Pony In Here Somewhere - Abridged
Kara Swisher & Lisa Dickey
There Must Be a Pony In Here Somewhere - Abridged by Kara Swisher & Lisa Dickey

There Must Be a Pony In Here Somewhere - Abridged

By: Kara Swisher & Lisa Dickey

Narrated by: Kara Swisher

Length: 5 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In her acclaimed AOL.COM, Kara Swisher chronicled the unlikely ascent of a group of underdog entrepreneurs and their influence on American net culture. This book picks up where the previous one left off, investigating AOL's merger with Time Warner and its aftermath. Journalists Swisher and Dickey have an ear for the comic and an appreciation... Read more

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He-Motions - Abridged by T. D. Jakes
He-Motions - Abridged
T. D. Jakes
He-Motions - Abridged by T. D. Jakes

He-Motions - Abridged

By: T. D. Jakes

Narrated by: Richard Allen

Length: 4 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Do you find it difficult to express how you feel and what you need in your personal relationships?
Do you have trouble communicating and developing relationships with other men?
Does the weight of responsibility drag you down?
Do you wonder why it seems difficult to get the support and encouragement you need from your wife?
Do you often feel that... Read more

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Guns, Germs and Steel - Abridged by Jared Diamond
Guns, Germs and Steel - Abridged
Jared Diamond
Guns, Germs and Steel - Abridged by Jared Diamond

Guns, Germs and Steel - Abridged

By: Jared Diamond

Narrated by: Grover Gardner

Length: 5 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize

In this groundbreaking work, evolutionary biologist Jared Diamond stunningly dismantles racially based theories of human history by revealing the environmental factors actually responsible for history’s broadest patterns. It is a story that spans 13,000 years of human history, beginning when Stone Age... Read more

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Introduction to Consent Culture and Teen Films - Abridged by Michele Meek
Introduction to Consent Culture and Teen Films - Abridged
Michele Meek
Introduction to Consent Culture and Teen Films - Abridged by Michele Meek

Introduction to Consent Culture and Teen Films - Abridged

By: Michele Meek

Narrated by: Michele Meek

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Enjoy audio of the introduction to the book Consent Culture and Teen Films: Adolescent Sexuality in Teen Films read to you by the author.Teen films of the 1980s were notorious for treating consent as irrelevant with scenes of boys spying in girls' locker rooms and tricking girls into sex. Contemporary movies, on the other hand, now routinely... Read more

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Flu - Abridged by Gina Kolata
Flu - Abridged
Gina Kolata
Flu - Abridged by Gina Kolata

Flu - Abridged

By: Gina Kolata

Narrated by: Gina Kolata

Length: 6 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A national bestseller, the fast-paced and gripping account of the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918 from acclaimed science journalist Gina Kolata, now featuring a new epilogue about avian flu.

When we think of plagues, we think of AIDS, Ebola, anthrax spores, and, of course, the Black Death. But in 1918 the Great Flu Epidemic killed an estimated forty... Read more

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Moralische Ambition - Wie man aufhört, sein Talent zu vergeuden und etwas schafft, das wirklich zählt (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Rutger Bregman
Moralische Ambition - Wie man aufhört, sein Talent zu vergeuden und etwas schafft, das wirklich zählt (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged
Rutger Bregman
Moralische Ambition - Wie man aufhört, sein Talent zu vergeuden und etwas schafft, das wirklich zählt (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Rutger Bregman

Moralische Ambition - Wie man aufhört, sein Talent zu vergeuden und etwas schafft, das wirklich zählt (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged

By: Rutger Bregman

Narrated by: Julian Mehne

Length: 5 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dieses Buch handelt von Pionieren. Es erzählt die Geschichte von Menschen, die vor moralischer Ambition nur so strotzten: Abolitionisten, Suffragetten, Helden des Widerstands und Bürgerrechtlerinnen, von Menschen, die nicht nur Ideale hatten, sondern ihre Karrieren auch nach diesen Idealen ausrichteten - und den Lauf der Welt veränderten. Wie... Read more

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Altenpflege mit Herz - Abridged by Sascha Sandhorst
Altenpflege mit Herz - Abridged
Sascha Sandhorst
Altenpflege mit Herz - Abridged by Sascha Sandhorst

Altenpflege mit Herz - Abridged

By: Sascha Sandhorst

Narrated by: Armin Dallapiccola

Length: 6 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die Pflege von Menschen, die auf diese angewiesen sind, ist einer der wichtigsten Dienstleistungsbereiche in unserer Gesellschaft, da die Familien heutzutage kaum mehr in der Lage sind, dies für ihre betroffenen Angehörigen zu leisten. Umso wichtiger zu wissen, dass diejenigen, die sich um einen selbst oder die lieben Verwandten kümmern, dies... Read more

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Lies and Fairy Tales That Deny Women Happiness - Abridged by Jeanne Martinson
Lies and Fairy Tales That Deny Women Happiness - Abridged
Jeanne Martinson
Lies and Fairy Tales That Deny Women Happiness - Abridged by Jeanne Martinson

Lies and Fairy Tales That Deny Women Happiness - Abridged

By: Jeanne Martinson

Narrated by: Jeanne Martinson

Length: 1 hour 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

As women, we have grown up to believe in stories that impact our abilities, desires, roles, and potential. Some of these stories are presented as "fairy tales" - myths we hear as small children that program our perspectives to determine whether we become a victim or a self-determined woman. From Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, and... Read more

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The Progress Paradox - Abridged by Gregg Easterbrook
The Progress Paradox - Abridged
Gregg Easterbrook
The Progress Paradox - Abridged by Gregg Easterbrook

The Progress Paradox - Abridged

By: Gregg Easterbrook

Narrated by: Rick Adamson

Length: 5 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In The Progress Paradox, Gregg Easterbrook draws upon three decades of wide-ranging research and thinking to make the persuasive assertion that almost all aspects of Western life have vastly improved in the past century--and yet today, most men and women feel less happy than in previous generations. Why this is so and what we should do about it... Read more

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Demystifying Napoleon Hill's Method - Abridged by Max Editorial
Demystifying Napoleon Hill's Method - Abridged
Max Editorial
Demystifying Napoleon Hill's Method - Abridged by Max Editorial

Demystifying Napoleon Hill's Method - Abridged

By: Max Editorial

Narrated by: Christopher

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Presentation of the book "Who Thinks Enriches" and of the author Napoleon Hill Objective of the e-book: critically analyze the method proposed by the author "Who Thinks Enriches" is one of the most famous books on personal success and enrichment ever written. First published in 1937, the book was written by Napoleon Hill, an author and... Read more

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Learning to Sing - Abridged by Clay Aiken & Allison Glock
Learning to Sing - Abridged
Clay Aiken & Allison Glock
Learning to Sing - Abridged by Clay Aiken & Allison Glock

Learning to Sing - Abridged

By: Clay Aiken & Allison Glock

Narrated by: Clay Aiken

Length: 2 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“My mother prophesied years ago that my voice would take me places. She was certain that there was a reason I was able to sing. I am still discovering what that reason is, what it is that God wants to happen.”
–CLAY AIKEN, from Learning to Sing

When he was a kid singing in his church choir, Clay Aiken never dreamed of becoming a pop music star.... Read more

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An Imperfect God - Abridged by Henry Wiencek
An Imperfect God - Abridged
Henry Wiencek
An Imperfect God - Abridged by Henry Wiencek

An Imperfect God - Abridged

By: Henry Wiencek

Narrated by: Rick Adamson

Length: 7 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A major new biography of Washington, and the first to explore his engagement with American slavery

When George Washington wrote his will, he made the startling decision to set his slaves free; earlier he had said that holding slaves was his "only unavoidable subject of regret." In this groundbreaking work, Henry Wiencek explores the founding... Read more

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Relações Poderosas: Construindo Vínculos Pessoais e Profissionais com Base nos Ensinamentos de Napoleon Hill - Abridged by Max Editorial
Relações Poderosas: Construindo Vínculos Pessoais e Profissionais com Base nos Ensinamentos de Napoleon Hill - Abridged
Max Editorial
Relações Poderosas: Construindo Vínculos Pessoais e Profissionais com Base nos Ensinamentos de Napoleon Hill - Abridged by Max Editorial

Relações Poderosas: Construindo Vínculos Pessoais e Profissionais com Base nos Ensinamentos de Napoleon Hill - Abridged

By: Max Editorial

Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Se você está em busca de uma nova abordagem para alcançar o sucesso em sua vida, este e-book é para você. Contrapondo o método de Napoleon Hill em seu livro "Mais Esperto Que o Diabo", este guia apresenta "críticas" fundamentadas e alternativas eficazes para alcançar seus Ao finalizar a leitura, você terá em mãos uma visão mais clara e... Read more

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War on the Middle Class - Abridged by Lou Dobbs
War on the Middle Class - Abridged
Lou Dobbs
War on the Middle Class - Abridged by Lou Dobbs

War on the Middle Class - Abridged

By: Lou Dobbs

Narrated by: Lou Dobbs

Length: 4 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Prominent CNN host and commentator Lou Dobbs unleashes his manifesto on the vanishing American dream.

Abridged CDs - 5 CDs, 6 hours Read more

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Der Schimmelreiter - Abridged by Theodor Storm
Der Schimmelreiter - Abridged
Theodor Storm
Der Schimmelreiter - Abridged by Theodor Storm

Der Schimmelreiter - Abridged

By: Theodor Storm

Narrated by: Sven Görtz

Length: 4 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hauke Haien, nach dem Tod des alten Deichgrafen durch seine heimliche Verlobung mit dessen Tochter Elke selbst zum Deichgrafen avanciert, wird von den Dorfbewohnern als Emporkömmling abgelehnt. Nur mühsam kann er seinen Plan für einen neuen Deich, der enormen Landgewinn bedeutet, durchsetzen und die trägen Bauern zur Mitarbeit bewegen. Bei... Read more

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