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Under the Tuscan Sun - Abridged by Frances Mayes
Under the Tuscan Sun - Abridged
Frances Mayes
Under the Tuscan Sun - Abridged by Frances Mayes

Under the Tuscan Sun - Abridged

By: Frances Mayes

Narrated by: Frances Mayes

Length: 6 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The beloved memoir of self-discovery set against the spectacular Tuscan countryside that inspired the major motion picture starring Diane Lane—now in a twentieth-anniversary edition featuring a new afterword
“This beautifully written memoir about taking chances, living in Italy, loving a house and, always, the...
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Noa Noa - Abridged by Paul Gauguin
Noa Noa - Abridged
Paul Gauguin
Noa Noa - Abridged by Paul Gauguin

Noa Noa - Abridged

By: Paul Gauguin

Narrated by: Achim Höppner

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Paul Gauguin war der erste europäische Künstler, der auf der Suche nach der Ursprünglichkeit des Lebens und der Kunst das Abendland verließ und sich einer "primitiven" Kultur zuwandte. In "Noa Noa" schildert der Maler sein Leben auf der Südseeinsel Tahiti, dem Land seiner Sehnsucht. Achim Höppner, mit Ausbildung an Kunstakademie,... Read more

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Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg (11) - Abridged by Theodor Fontane
Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg (11) - Abridged
Theodor Fontane
Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg (11) - Abridged by Theodor Fontane

Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg (11) - Abridged

By: Theodor Fontane

Narrated by: Gunter Schoß

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Den Park bezeichnete Fontane als "glückliche Mischung" und das Schloß Rheinsberg als "kleines Sanssouc", in dem Friedrich der Große als Kronprinz seine musischen Neigungen und Talente auslebte. Rheinsberg und Umgebung waren es, die Fontane anregten, die Mark Brandenburg und ihre Schlösser und Seen beschreiben zu wollen. Ein Besuch lohnt sich... Read more

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Dschingis Khans Tochter - Abridged by Manfred S. Schulze
Dschingis Khans Tochter - Abridged
Manfred S. Schulze
Dschingis Khans Tochter - Abridged by Manfred S. Schulze

Dschingis Khans Tochter - Abridged

By: Manfred S. Schulze

Narrated by: Manfred S. Schulze

Length: 7 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Es war täglicher Kampf, es gab Entbehrungen und Einsamkeit: Der Preis für seinen Ausbruch aus geregeltem Leben, aus der Sicherheit westlicher Zivilisation. Was steuerte ihn? Was entschädigte ihn immer wieder nach haarsträubenden Erlebnissen am Rande der Verzweiflung? War auch diese so intensive Begegnung in exotischer Ferne ein Geschenk... Read more

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Into Thin Air - Abridged by Jon Krakauer
Into Thin Air - Abridged
Jon Krakauer
Into Thin Air - Abridged by Jon Krakauer

Into Thin Air - Abridged

By: Jon Krakauer

Narrated by: Jon Krakauer

Length: 5 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

When Jon Krakauer reached the summit of Mt. Everest in the early afternoon of May 10, 1996, he hadn't slept in fifty-seven hours and was reeling from the brain-altering effects of oxygen depletion. As he turned to begin his long, dangerous descent from 29,028 feet, twenty other climbers were still pushing doggedly toward the top.  No one had... Read more

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Paris. Hörbuch auf Französisch. - Abridged by Reinhard Kober
Paris. Hörbuch auf Französisch. - Abridged
Reinhard Kober
Paris. Hörbuch auf Französisch. - Abridged by Reinhard Kober

Paris. Hörbuch auf Französisch. - Abridged

By: Reinhard Kober

Narrated by: Virginie Demians

Length: 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Paris erkunden und gleichzeitig, die Sprachkenntnisse vertiefen. Das bietet die fremdsprachliche Ausgabe der geophon Produktion über Paris. Das Sprachniveau entspricht B2. In dem Reise-Hörbuch geht es um kleine Läden und versteckte Restaurants und die Geheimnisse der französischen Küche. Wir hören uns um auf dem Markt von Belleville und besuchen... Read more

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The Call of the Weird - Abridged by Louis Theroux
The Call of the Weird - Abridged
Louis Theroux
The Call of the Weird - Abridged by Louis Theroux

The Call of the Weird - Abridged

By: Louis Theroux

Narrated by: Louis Theroux

Length: 3 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Read by the author, this is Louis Theroux's hilarious and thought-provoking journey through weird America.

For 10 years, Louis Theroux has been making programmes about off-beat characters on the fringes of US society. Now he revisits America and the people who have most fascinated him to try to discover what motivates them, why they believe the... Read more

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TRANS SIBIRIEN - Abridged by Birgit von Klitzing
Birgit von Klitzing
TRANS SIBIRIEN - Abridged by Birgit von Klitzing


By: Birgit von Klitzing

Narrated by: Veronika Habich

Length: 3 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die transsibirische Eisenbahn - die längste Zugstrecke der Welt und eine Reise voller Abenteuer und Magie. Erlebnisse auf der Strecke von Hamburg über Helsinki, St. Petersburg und quer durch Russland über den Baikalsee und die Mongolei nach China. Read more

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City of the Soul - Abridged by William Murray
City of the Soul - Abridged
William Murray
City of the Soul - Abridged by William Murray

City of the Soul - Abridged

By: William Murray

Narrated by: William Murray

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: Yes

“One lifetime is not enough for Rome,” the famous saying goes, and anyone who’s ever been there knows these words to be true. In City of the Soul, William Murray begins to show us why.

Growing up in Rome and spending much of his life in the city, William Murray is an expert guide as he takes us on an intimate walking tour of some of Rome’s most... Read more

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The Big Year - Abridged by Mark Obmascik
The Big Year - Abridged
Mark Obmascik
The Big Year - Abridged by Mark Obmascik

The Big Year - Abridged

By: Mark Obmascik

Narrated by: Oliver Wyman

Length: 6 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A classic in the making -- an account of the biggest year in birdwatching history.

In the USA, some 50 million people lay claim to being bird-watchers or “birders,” spending billions of dollars on birding-related travel and membership fees every year. A select, and utterly obsessed, few compete in one of the world’s quirkiest contests -- the race... Read more

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Who's Gonna Drive You Home? - Abridged by Charles Brickfield
Who's Gonna Drive You Home? - Abridged
Charles Brickfield
Who's Gonna Drive You Home? - Abridged by Charles Brickfield

Who's Gonna Drive You Home? - Abridged

By: Charles Brickfield

Narrated by: Charles Brickfield

Length: 7 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Adapted from the 2015 book Bad Uber, an unintentional antiwork novel. A true account of leaving a worthy career to join the gig economy.As the Uber phenomenon takes over London with its minicab booking app, destroying the trade of the world-famous black cab, trampling history under wheel and smashing prices, Charles Brickfield brings us the life... Read more

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Blues City - Abridged by Ishmael Reed
Blues City - Abridged
Ishmael Reed
Blues City - Abridged by Ishmael Reed

Blues City - Abridged

By: Ishmael Reed

Narrated by: Ishmael Reed

Length: 2 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Oakland is a blues city, brawling and husky . . .

Often overshadowed by San Francisco, its twinkling sister city across the Bay, Oakland is itself an American wonder. The city is surrounded by and filled with natural beauty—mountains and hills and lakes and a bay—and architecture that mirrors its history as a Spanish mission, Gold Rush outpost,... Read more

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Hallowed Ground - Abridged by James M. McPherson
Hallowed Ground - Abridged
James M. McPherson
Hallowed Ground - Abridged by James M. McPherson

Hallowed Ground - Abridged

By: James M. McPherson

Narrated by: James M. McPherson

Length: 1 hour 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

James M. McPherson, the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Battle Cry of Freedom, and arguably the finest Civil War historian in the world, walks us through the site of the bloodiest and perhaps most consequential battle ever fought by Americans: the Battle of Gettysburg.

The events that occurred at Gettysburg are etched into our collective... Read more

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A Handful of Honey - Abridged by Annie Hawes
A Handful of Honey - Abridged
Annie Hawes
A Handful of Honey - Abridged by Annie Hawes

A Handful of Honey - Abridged

By: Annie Hawes

Narrated by: Saskia Wickham

Length: 3 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Aiming to track down a small oasis town deep in the Sahara, some of whose generous inhabitants came to her rescue on a black day in her adolescence, Annie Hawes leaves her home in the olive groves of Italy and sets off along the south coast of the Mediterranean.

Travelling through Morocco and Algeria she eats pigeon pie with a family of cannabis... Read more

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Main Hanuman - Abridged by Pawan Kumar
Main Hanuman - Abridged
Pawan Kumar
Main Hanuman - Abridged by Pawan Kumar

Main Hanuman - Abridged

By: Pawan Kumar

Narrated by: Ranvijay Pratap Singh

Length: 10 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Lord Hanuman is one of the most integral part of the epic Ramayana, and is worshipped entire country. The fated encounter of Lord Ram and Hanuman in the epic teaches one many things, but seldom do we see a story written from the perspective of the latter. This new book bridges this very gap by making Hanuman the protagonist! Written in an... Read more

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Groovin' - Abridged by Rich Israel
Groovin' - Abridged
Rich Israel
Groovin' - Abridged by Rich Israel

Groovin' - Abridged

By: Rich Israel

Narrated by: J. R. Moorland

Length: 5 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Do you have the courage to follow your dreams? In this delightful coming-of-age memoir, Rich Israel takes off on a journey of self-discovery during the late 1960s. Renouncing societal norms, he hitchhikes across the country, works at a circus, and rides a horse hundreds of miles through the Rocky Mountain wilderness—all the while, the draft and... Read more

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Fire - Abridged by Sebastian Junger
Fire - Abridged
Sebastian Junger
Fire - Abridged by Sebastian Junger

Fire - Abridged

By: Sebastian Junger

Narrated by: Sebastian Junger

Length: 3 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

For readers and viewers of The Perfect Storm, opening this long-awaited new work by Sebastian Junger will be like stepping off the deck of the Andrea Gail and into the inferno of a fire burning out of control in the steep canyons of Idaho. Here is the same meticulous prose brought to bear on the inner workings of a terrifying elemental force;... Read more

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In 80 Tagen um die Welt - Abridged by Jules Verne
In 80 Tagen um die Welt - Abridged
Jules Verne
In 80 Tagen um die Welt - Abridged by Jules Verne

In 80 Tagen um die Welt - Abridged

By: Jules Verne

Narrated by: Philipp Moog

Length: 4 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Der reiche Engländer Phileas Fogg sorgt im ganzen Land für Aufsehen: Er wettet, dass er es schafft, in 80 Tagen um die Welt zu reisen, und setzt dabei sein ganzes Vermögen aufs Spiel. Niemals kann das gelingen, meinen seine Freunde. Doch Fogg veranlasst seinen Diener zum Packen der nötigsten Sachen und schon sitzen beide im Zug Richtung Dover.... Read more

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Pies and Prejudice - Abridged by Stuart Maconie
Pies and Prejudice - Abridged
Stuart Maconie
Pies and Prejudice - Abridged by Stuart Maconie

Pies and Prejudice - Abridged

By: Stuart Maconie

Narrated by: Stuart Maconie

Length: 5 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A Northerner in exile, Stuart Maconie goes on a journey in search of the North, attempting to discover where the clichés end and the truth begins. He travels from Wigan Pier to Blackpool Tower and Newcastle's Bigg Market to the Lake District to find his own Northern Soul, encountering along the way an exotic cast of chippy Scousers, pie-eating... Read more

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The Devil's Teeth - Abridged by Susan Casey
The Devil's Teeth - Abridged
Susan Casey
The Devil's Teeth - Abridged by Susan Casey

The Devil's Teeth - Abridged

By: Susan Casey

Narrated by: Susan Casey

Length: 5 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Travel thirty miles north, south, or east of San Francisco city hall and you'll be engulfed in a landscape of thick traffic, fast enterprise, and six-dollar cappuccinos. Venture thirty miles due west, however, and you will find yourself on what is virtually another planet: a spooky cluster of rocky islands called the Farallones.

Journalist Susan... Read more

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Bella Tuscany - Abridged by Frances Mayes
Bella Tuscany - Abridged
Frances Mayes
Bella Tuscany - Abridged by Frances Mayes

Bella Tuscany - Abridged

By: Frances Mayes

Narrated by: Frances Mayes

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Frances Mayes, whose enchanting #1 New York Times bestseller Under the Tuscan Sun made the world fall in love with Tuscany, invites readers back for a delightful new season of friendship, festivity, and food, there and throughout Italy.

Having spent her summers in Tuscany for the past several years, Frances Mayes relished the opportunity to... Read more

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Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice - Abridged by Mark J. Plotkin
Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice - Abridged
Mark J. Plotkin
Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice - Abridged by Mark J. Plotkin

Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice - Abridged

By: Mark J. Plotkin

Narrated by: Mark J. Plotkin

Length: 2 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice has been called one of the greatest adventure stories ever told.As then-chief ethnobotanist for Conservation International, Mark Plotkin spent almost 15 years tracking the shamans of the northeast Amazon. Their knowledge of healing plants may hold the cure to some of today's most devastating diseases. This... Read more

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The Snow Leopard - Abridged by Peter Matthiessen
The Snow Leopard - Abridged
Peter Matthiessen
The Snow Leopard - Abridged by Peter Matthiessen

The Snow Leopard - Abridged

By: Peter Matthiessen

Narrated by: Peter Matthiessen

Length: 7 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

An unforgettable spiritual journey through the Himalayas...

IN 1973, Peter Matthiessen and field biologist George Schaller traveled high into the remote mountains of Nepal to study the Himalayan blue sheep and possibly glimpse the rare and beautiful snow leopard. Matthiessen, a student of Zen Buddhism, was also on a spiritual quest to find the... Read more

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Revenge - Abridged by Laura Blumenfeld
Revenge - Abridged
Laura Blumenfeld
Revenge - Abridged by Laura Blumenfeld

Revenge - Abridged

By: Laura Blumenfeld

Narrated by: Laura Blumenfeld

Length: 6 hours

Abridged: Yes

In 1986, Laura Blumenfeld's father was shot in Jerusalem by a member of a rebel faction of the PLO responsible for attacks on several tourists in the Old City. Her father lived, but Blumenfeld's desire for revenge haunted her. This is her story.
Traveling to Israel, Blumenfeld gathers stories and methods of avengers as she plots to infiltrate... Read more

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