YA Fiction audiobooks

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Jewel & Blade. Die Wächter von Knightsbridge [Band 1 (ungekürzt)] - Abridged by Anne Lück
Jewel & Blade. Die Wächter von Knightsbridge [Band 1 (ungekürzt)] - Abridged
Anne Lück
Jewel & Blade. Die Wächter von Knightsbridge [Band 1 (ungekürzt)] - Abridged by Anne Lück

Jewel & Blade. Die Wächter von Knightsbridge [Band 1 (ungekürzt)] - Abridged

By: Anne Lück

Narrated by: Pia-Rhona Saxe

Length: 11 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gold, Silber, Kupfer: Harper hat ihr besonderes Gespür für Metall nie hinterfragt. Bis der geheimnisvolle Archer mit einem uralten Ring an der Hand in ihrer Goldschmiede auftaucht. Als Harper den Schmuck berührt, sieht sie plötzlich eine verstörende Szene vor sich: den Tod des legendären König Artus. Harper hat tausend Fragen. Die Suche nach... Read more

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لا تدخلوا شيروود - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق
لا تدخلوا شيروود - Abridged
د. أحمد خالد توفيق
لا تدخلوا شيروود - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق

لا تدخلوا شيروود - Abridged

By: د. أحمد خالد توفيق

Narrated by: آية زكريا

Length: 1 hour 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

لكم يا سادة أقدم نصيحة غالية لن تعرفوا قيمتها إلا فيما بعد : لا تدخلوا ( شيروود ) !.. لا تدخلوها خاصـة إذا ما كنتم من رجال المـأمور ، أو تجارًا أثرياء ، أو من أكلة مال اليتامى . أما إن كنتم رقيقى الحال كارهين للظلم فمرحبًا بكم ..! Read more

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قلعة السفاحين - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق
قلعة السفاحين - Abridged
د. أحمد خالد توفيق
قلعة السفاحين - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق

قلعة السفاحين - Abridged

By: د. أحمد خالد توفيق

Narrated by: عبد الحي محمد

Length: 2 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"تحتوي على 64 إصدار، والتي من اسمها تعبر عن الخيال المطلق الممزوج بحقب وأحداث وشخصيات تاريخية حقيقية مدعومة وموثقة بكل المراجع والمعلومات.سلسلة فانتازيا هي سلسلة من تأليف دكتور أحمد خالد وتعتبر ثاني سلسلة له، وتلعب دور البطولة عبير عبد الرحمن، وهي نموذج للبطل الذي يحمل مواصفات ضد البطل، مثل بطل سلسلة "ما وراء الطبيعة" الدكتور رفعت إسماعيل. تم... Read more

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فليدخل التنين - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق
فليدخل التنين - Abridged
د. أحمد خالد توفيق
فليدخل التنين - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق

فليدخل التنين - Abridged

By: د. أحمد خالد توفيق

Narrated by: أيمن مسعود

Length: 2 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

وفى الخارج كان الواقفون قد سمعوا الأصوات الرهيبة ، وفهموا بعض الحقيقة وليست الحقيقة كلها .. خروا على ركبهم ورفعوا المشاعل غير مصدقين .. فى البدء خرج سرب كثيف من الوطاويط المذعورة كأنه نذير بما سيحدث .. بعد هذا يبـرز أول الجنود .. يمشى فى تؤدة وثقـة .. له عين تحولت إلى تجويف أسود كريه ، ووجـه خال مـن التعبير .. يقف على مدخل الكهف وينظر من حوله ،... Read more

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من أجل طروادة - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق
من أجل طروادة - Abridged
د. أحمد خالد توفيق
من أجل طروادة - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق

من أجل طروادة - Abridged

By: د. أحمد خالد توفيق

Narrated by: عبد الحي محمد

Length: 1 hour 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

اسمها (عبير)... لم يكن لها نصيب من اسمها.. فهي تفتقر إلى الجمال الذي يوحي به الاسم.. إنها سمراء نحيلة بارز عظام الوجنتين، باردة الأطراف.. ترتجف رعبًا من أي شيء وكل شيء.إنها حتى غير مثقفة.. وبكل المقاييس المعروفة لا تصلح كي تكون بطلتنا.. أو بطلة أي شخص سوانا هي لا تلعب التنس، ولا تعرف السباحة، ولا تقود سيارات (الرالي)، وليست عضوًا في فريق لمكافحة... Read more

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The Adventures of Lilli and Zane - Joshuas Trumpet - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan
The Adventures of Lilli and Zane - Joshuas Trumpet - Abridged
Catherine Lanigan
The Adventures of Lilli and Zane - Joshuas Trumpet - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan

The Adventures of Lilli and Zane - Joshuas Trumpet - Abridged

By: Catherine Lanigan

Narrated by: Catherine Lanigan

Length: 2 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Joshuas Trumpet Lilli’s dad, JC Mitchell, has arranged for both Lilli and Zane to come to Jerusalem to visit him while he is on an archaeological dig near Solomon’s Temple. Knowing that the Temple once held gold and treasures, Teddy feels cheated because he does not get to go. Zane enlists Teddy as their backup tech and Teddy agrees. Lilli... Read more

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آخر أيام الرايخ - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق
آخر أيام الرايخ - Abridged
د. أحمد خالد توفيق
آخر أيام الرايخ - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق

آخر أيام الرايخ - Abridged

By: د. أحمد خالد توفيق

Narrated by: أيمن مسعود

Length: 2 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"تحتوي على 64 إصدار، والتي من اسمها تعبر عن الخيال المطلق الممزوج بحقب وأحداث وشخصيات تاريخية حقيقية مدعومة وموثقة بكل المراجع والمعلومات.سلسلة فانتازيا هي سلسلة من تأليف دكتور أحمد خالد وتعتبر ثاني سلسلة له، وتلعب دور البطولة عبير عبد الرحمن، وهي نموذج للبطل الذي يحمل مواصفات ضد البطل، مثل بطل سلسلة "ما وراء الطبيعة" الدكتور رفعت إسماعيل. تم... Read more

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اسمه أدهم - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق
اسمه أدهم - Abridged
د. أحمد خالد توفيق
اسمه أدهم - Abridged by د. أحمد خالد توفيق

اسمه أدهم - Abridged

By: د. أحمد خالد توفيق

Narrated by: عبد الحي محمد

Length: 2 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

من هو البروفسور؟هل يستطيع (حسام) تد مير القمر الصناعي؟من هو (رائد وهيب)؟ اين اختفي (ادهم صبري)؟كم الساعة الان؟ لماذا عاد (إيفان إيفانوفتش) للحياة؟ لماذا تختنق الاسماك لو غادرت المياة؟ كم قرشا في الجنية؟ ما سر (سونيا جراهام)؟اقرأ هذه الرواية لتعرف إجابة كل هذه الاسئلة وربما اكثر... Read more

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Der Junge auf dem Berg - Abridged by John Boyne
Der Junge auf dem Berg - Abridged
John Boyne
Der Junge auf dem Berg - Abridged by John Boyne

Der Junge auf dem Berg - Abridged

By: John Boyne

Narrated by: Boris Aljinovic

Length: 6 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Als Pierrot seine Eltern verliert, muss er Paris verlassen und ein neues Leben bei seiner Tante beginnen, die in einem wohlhabenden deutschen Haushalt dient. Aber dies ist keine gewöhnliche Zeit: Der zweite Weltkrieg steht vor der Tür. Und es ist kein gewöhnliches Haus: Es ist der Berghof – Adolf Hitlers Sommerresidenz. Fassungslos muss der... Read more

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Destined - Abridged by P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast
Destined - Abridged
P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast
Destined - Abridged by P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast

Destined - Abridged

By: P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast

Narrated by: Caitlin Davies

Length: 3 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Zoey is finally home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side, and preparing to face off against Neferet – which would be a whole lot easier if the High Counsel saw the ex-High Priestess for what she really is. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx's gift of a human form, Rephaim and Stevie Rae... Read more

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The Adventures of Lilli and Zane - The Golden Flute - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan
The Adventures of Lilli and Zane - The Golden Flute - Abridged
Catherine Lanigan
The Adventures of Lilli and Zane - The Golden Flute - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan

The Adventures of Lilli and Zane - The Golden Flute - Abridged

By: Catherine Lanigan

Narrated by: Catherine Lanigan

Length: 7 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Adventures of Lilli and Zane #1The Golden FluteMasterfully written by award-winning author Catherine Lanigan, this thrilling action story keeps you guessing through every twist and turn. Cross continents and connect the clues along with teen treasure hunters Lilli and Zane as they try to stay one step of ahead of danger, find the ancient... Read more

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The Real Education of TJ Crowley - Abridged by Grant Overstake & May Wuthrich
The Real Education of TJ Crowley - Abridged
Grant Overstake & May Wuthrich
The Real Education of TJ Crowley - Abridged by Grant Overstake & May Wuthrich

The Real Education of TJ Crowley - Abridged

By: Grant Overstake & May Wuthrich

Narrated by: Dani Martineck, Dion Graham, Tavia Gilbert, Joh...

Length: 9 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Set in 1968 after the slaying of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this immersive audio dramatization, inspired by the author’s own experiences, features an award-winning cast of 15 actors, in a fast-paced, suspenseful coming-of-age story.With his father’s mysterious disappearance and his brother Ronnie enlisting in the Vietnam War, 13-year-old TJ... Read more

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The Adventures of Lilli and Zane. Eagles Gold - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan
The Adventures of Lilli and Zane. Eagles Gold - Abridged
Catherine Lanigan
The Adventures of Lilli and Zane. Eagles Gold - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan

The Adventures of Lilli and Zane. Eagles Gold - Abridged

By: Catherine Lanigan

Narrated by: Catherine Lanigan

Length: 3 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Adventures of Lilli and Zane. Eagles Gold. A wealthy Houston, Texas treasure hunter’s office has been robbed of ancient Spanish Doubloons. Unwittingly, Lilli’s father’s secretary, Sharon Sachs, enlists Lilli’s help to hide a grocery sack of what she claims is family heirlooms while she is out of town. Lilli is unaware that Sharon was being... Read more

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Blue Heaven - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan
Blue Heaven - Abridged
Catherine Lanigan
Blue Heaven - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan

Blue Heaven - Abridged

By: Catherine Lanigan

Narrated by: Catherine Lanigan

Length: 7 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Blue Heaven. Part of the Secret Treasure Adventure Series. Blue Heaven is the name of a special village and valley in the Luipan Mountains in China where Genghis Khan had often retreated to. Some say this is where his tomb was. This story has several villains, all trying to stop Samantha (Sam) Ryan and Zack, who is handsome, sexy, cocky... Read more

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Legend Makers - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan
Legend Makers - Abridged
Catherine Lanigan
Legend Makers - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan

Legend Makers - Abridged

By: Catherine Lanigan

Narrated by: Catherine Lanigan

Length: 10 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Legend MakersThe steamy jungles of the Amazon offer the perfect escape for geologist M. J. Callahan, a woman running from intimacy, love and her own haunted past. Accepting a position with Texan Oil, she embarks on a mission that will change her life.As part of the three-person survey team in search of oil, M.J. soon finds herself seduced by... Read more

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ItsColeslaw: Wie ich aufhörte, perfekt sein zu wollen - Ein Leitfaden zum Umgang mit peinlichen Situationen aller Art (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Lisa Sophie
ItsColeslaw: Wie ich aufhörte, perfekt sein zu wollen - Ein Leitfaden zum Umgang mit peinlichen Situationen aller Art (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
Lisa Sophie
ItsColeslaw: Wie ich aufhörte, perfekt sein zu wollen - Ein Leitfaden zum Umgang mit peinlichen Situationen aller Art (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Lisa Sophie

ItsColeslaw: Wie ich aufhörte, perfekt sein zu wollen - Ein Leitfaden zum Umgang mit peinlichen Situationen aller Art (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged

By: Lisa Sophie

Narrated by: Lisa Sophie

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Erwachsenwerden ist eine der schwierigsten Erfahrungen, die wir überleben müssen. Manchmal tut es gut, zu wissen, dass es jemanden gibt, der das alles schon durchgemacht hat und dir versichert: Du schaffst das schon! Lisa Sophie ist (gefühlt) schon in jedes Fettnäpfchen getreten und hat die peinlichsten Situationen erlebt. Obwohl im Leben nicht... Read more

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Love is for Losers ... also echt nicht mein Ding - Abridged by Wibke Brueggemann
Love is for Losers ... also echt nicht mein Ding - Abridged
Wibke Brueggemann
Love is for Losers ... also echt nicht mein Ding - Abridged by Wibke Brueggemann

Love is for Losers ... also echt nicht mein Ding - Abridged

By: Wibke Brueggemann

Narrated by: Lilly Lengenfelder, Mathilda Book, Inga Reuters...

Length: 6 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hormone? Nein, danke! Für Phoebe steht fest: Liebeshormone verwandeln alle in Idioten! Ihre beste Freundin ist zum ersten Mal verliebt und scheint Phoebe aus ihrer Erinnerung gelöscht zu haben. Phoebes Mutter hat extreme Muttergefühle - bloß nicht für sie, sondern für alle anderen Menschen auf der Welt. Deshalb ist sie aktuell in Syrien und hat... Read more

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Doing It - Abridged by Melvin Burgess
Doing It - Abridged
Melvin Burgess
Doing It - Abridged by Melvin Burgess

Doing It - Abridged

By: Melvin Burgess

Narrated by: Jason Flemyng

Length: 3 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dino, Jon, and Ben have each got problems--a girlfriend who won't put out, a girlfriend who won't give up, and a predatory teacher . . . just for starters.

Award-winning author Melvin Burgess has written a daringly honest and often hilarious account of contemporary teenage life, and the ups and downs that surround DOING IT. Read more

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The Adventures of Lilli and Zane. THE STONE OF DESTINY - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan
The Adventures of Lilli and Zane. THE STONE OF DESTINY - Abridged
Catherine Lanigan
The Adventures of Lilli and Zane. THE STONE OF DESTINY - Abridged by Catherine Lanigan

The Adventures of Lilli and Zane. THE STONE OF DESTINY - Abridged

By: Catherine Lanigan

Narrated by: Catherine Lanigan

Length: 2 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

THE ADVENTURES OF LILLI AND ZANE - THE STONE OF DESTINY. Evil Tristan St. Clair has tracked the kids down to Bermuda. JC flies them all home, but only for one night before they must escape more assassins and go to Lilli’s grandfather’s house in England. Zane is jazzed since Stonehenge in only a few miles away. But when the kids get to... Read more

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Pop Princess - Abridged by Rachel Cohn
Pop Princess - Abridged
Rachel Cohn
Pop Princess - Abridged by Rachel Cohn

Pop Princess - Abridged

By: Rachel Cohn

Narrated by: Christy Carlson Romano

Length: 2 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Fifteen-year-old Wonder Blake and her family are trying to recover from the death of Wonder's older sister Lucky, who was about to sign a major record deal when she died. When Lucky's talent manager runs into Wonder at the Dairy Queen where she works, her life takes a dramatic turn--suddenly, despite her own ambivalence, she is the one signing... Read more

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The Last of the Mohicans - Abridged by James Fenimore Cooper
The Last of the Mohicans - Abridged
James Fenimore Cooper
The Last of the Mohicans - Abridged by James Fenimore Cooper

The Last of the Mohicans - Abridged

By: James Fenimore Cooper

Narrated by: Paul Spera

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Last of the Mohicans is a historical novel set during the Seven Years' War, when France and Great Britain battled for control of North America. It is striking, suspenseful and fast-paced, and has been widely considered the first Great American Novel. James Fenimore Cooper's classic follows an intrepid group of frontiersmen and Native... Read more

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Best Seller - Abridged by Abhilekh Dwivedi
Best Seller - Abridged
Abhilekh Dwivedi
Best Seller - Abridged by Abhilekh Dwivedi

Best Seller - Abridged

By: Abhilekh Dwivedi

Narrated by: Aroma

Length: 3 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

जीतने की जद्दोजहद में लोग क्या और कितना हार जाते हैं ये सफर के आखरी पड़ाव में और मंज़िल पर पहुँचने से पहले पता चल जाता है। लेकिन कुछ लोग इसे नजरअंदाज करना ही नियति बना लेते हैं। उनके साथ फिर वही होता है जो सादिक के साथ हुआ। आईना से प्यार और फिर शादी लेकिन इंटरनेशनल लेवल का बेस्टसेलर बनने की उसकी ख्वाहिश अभी पूरी नहीं हो रही थी। हिंदी ऑथर के लिए... Read more

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Magic Diaries 2. Victorias Geheimnis - Abridged by Marliese Arold
Magic Diaries 2. Victorias Geheimnis - Abridged
Marliese Arold
Magic Diaries 2. Victorias Geheimnis - Abridged by Marliese Arold

Magic Diaries 2. Victorias Geheimnis - Abridged

By: Marliese Arold

Narrated by: Sabine Falkenberg

Length: 4 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Verliebt in einen Geist? Victoria fühlt sich von Dorian, Mary-Lous Bruder, magisch angezogen. Doch er ist ein Geist und in ihn verliebt zu sein, birgt ungeahnte Tücken. Dorians Berührungen sind kaum zu spüren. Das will Victoria unbedingt ändern und ist fest entschlossen, ihr Ziel zu erreichen. Dabei schreckt sie auch vor schwarzer Magie nicht... Read more

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DIE MAGISCHE TIERWARTE - Abridged by Anika Hasse
Anika Hasse
DIE MAGISCHE TIERWARTE - Abridged by Anika Hasse


By: Anika Hasse

Narrated by: Heiko Grauel

Length: 3 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

DIE MAGISCHE TIERWARTE – Abenteuer im versteinerten Wald   Marly kann es nicht fassen. Ihre Eltern sagen in letzter Sekunde die versprochene gemeinsame Brasilien-Reise ab und schicken sie stattdessen in ein Ferienlager am Chiemsee. Dort angekommen, entpuppt sich dieses aber keineswegs als langweilig. Zusammen mit ihren neuen Freunden Finni... Read more

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