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Biography & Memoir audiobooks

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[Resumo] A Vida de C. S. Lewis - Abridged by Alister McGrath
[Resumo] A Vida de C. S. Lewis - Abridged
Alister McGrath
[Resumo] A Vida de C. S. Lewis - Abridged by Alister McGrath

[Resumo] A Vida de C. S. Lewis - Abridged

By: Alister McGrath

Narrated by: Hector Gomes

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Neste resumo de A vida de C. S. Lewis: Do ateísmo às terras de Nárnia, você será apresentado a um panorama abrangente e fascinante da trajetória de um pensador profundamente original e que se tornou fonte de inspiração para crianças e adultos em todo o mundo. "McGrath oferece um olhar novo, e por vezes chocante, sobre a vida dessa figura... Read more

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Paula Modersohn-Becker: Briefe und Tagebuchblätter - Abridged by Paula Modersohn-Becker & Sophie Dorothee Gallwitz
Paula Modersohn-Becker: Briefe und Tagebuchblätter - Abridged
Paula Modersohn-Becker & Sophie Dorothee Gallwitz
Paula Modersohn-Becker: Briefe und Tagebuchblätter - Abridged by Paula Modersohn-Becker & Sophie Dorothee Gallwitz

Paula Modersohn-Becker: Briefe und Tagebuchblätter - Abridged

By: Paula Modersohn-Becker & Sophie Dorothee Gallwitz

Narrated by: Sonja Szylowicki & Ilka Sehnert

Length: 6 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Paula Modersohn-Becker: Briefe und Tagebuchblätter Mit biographischen Bemerkungen von Sophie Dorothee Gallwitz, gelesen von Sonja Szylowicki und Ilka Sehnert. Als Paula Modersohn-Becker am 20. November 1907 starb, gab es nur zwei Menschen, welche wussten, dass in diesem Tod eine große Künstlerin hinweg genommen wurde. Die beiden waren... Read more

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Do You! - Abridged by Russell Simmons & Chris Morrow
Do You! - Abridged
Russell Simmons & Chris Morrow
Do You! - Abridged by Russell Simmons & Chris Morrow

Do You! - Abridged

By: Russell Simmons & Chris Morrow

Narrated by: Black Ice

Length: 4 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Since rising out of the New York City streets over 25 years ago, Russell Simmons has helped create such groundbreaking ventures as Def Jam Records, Phat Farm, and Def Comedy Jam. Russell might have helped introduce hip-hop to the world, but he credits his success to his belief in a strong set of principles—or laws. In 12 straightforward steps,... Read more

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O diário de Anne Frank (Resumo) - Abridged by Anne Frank
O diário de Anne Frank (Resumo) - Abridged
Anne Frank
O diário de Anne Frank (Resumo) - Abridged by Anne Frank

O diário de Anne Frank (Resumo) - Abridged

By: Anne Frank

Narrated by: Ana Maria Morais

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este livro é um resumo produzido a partir da obra original. Publicado pela primeira vez em 1947, "O diário de Anne Frank" é um best-seller mundial. Um relato emocionante e de extrema relevância até hoje, o livro já foi publicado em mais de 60 idiomas e nos conduz pelas experiências da jovem Anne Frank, que, junto com a sua família, vai morar num... Read more

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Mark Twain - Abridged by Ron Powers
Mark Twain - Abridged
Ron Powers
Mark Twain - Abridged by Ron Powers

Mark Twain - Abridged

By: Ron Powers

Narrated by: Ron Powers

Length: 10 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“Powers brings to vivid life Twain's America...No biography of Mark Twain could do him full justice. Powers' comes as close as you can imagine." —Los Angeles Times

A magnificent and insightful biography of legendary writer Mark Twain and a great American story.

Samuel Clemens, the man known as Mark Twain, invented the American voice and became... Read more

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An American Son - Abridged by Marco Rubio
An American Son - Abridged
Marco Rubio
An American Son - Abridged by Marco Rubio

An American Son - Abridged

By: Marco Rubio

Narrated by: Marco Rubio

Length: 4 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Few politicians have risen to national prominence as quickly as Marco Rubio. Here is the full story of his unlikely journey.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio electrified the 2012 Republican National Con­vention by telling the story of his parents, who were struggling immigrants from Cuba. They embraced their new country and taught their children to... Read more

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Eu sou Ozzy (resumo) - Abridged by Ozzy Osbourne
Eu sou Ozzy (resumo) - Abridged
Ozzy Osbourne
Eu sou Ozzy (resumo) - Abridged by Ozzy Osbourne

Eu sou Ozzy (resumo) - Abridged

By: Ozzy Osbourne

Narrated by: Cido Tavares

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

ESTE É UM RESUMO DA OBRA EU SOU OZZY, DE OZZY OSBOURNE. PARA SE APRODUNDAR, LEIA A OBRA COMPLETA A LENDÁRIA AUTOBIOGRAFIA DO PRÍNCIPE DAS TREVAS ESTÁ DE VOLTA AO BRASIL! As pessoas me perguntam como eu ainda estou vivo, e eu não sei o que dizer. Quando eu estava crescendo, se você me colocasse contra uma parede com os outros garotos da minha... Read more

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A obra de Anchieta no Brasil - Abridged by Capistrano de Abreu
A obra de Anchieta no Brasil - Abridged
Capistrano de Abreu
A obra de Anchieta no Brasil - Abridged by Capistrano de Abreu

A obra de Anchieta no Brasil - Abridged

By: Capistrano de Abreu

Narrated by: Cido Tavares

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O historiador Capistrano de Abreu faz neste texto sucinto uma biografia bem completa daquele que é um ícone na formação do Brasil. Do nascimento nas Ilhas Canárias à morte na cidade que hoje leva seu nome, no Espírito Santos, são apresentados todos os fatos relevantes de sua vida, bem como de sua obra – missionária, literária, humana. Read more

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Fernão Cardim - Abridged by Capistrano de Abreu
Fernão Cardim - Abridged
Capistrano de Abreu
Fernão Cardim - Abridged by Capistrano de Abreu

Fernão Cardim - Abridged

By: Capistrano de Abreu

Narrated by: Cido Tavares

Length: 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O historiador Capistrano de Abreu faz neste texto sucinto uma biografia bem completa daquele que é um dos mais relevantes nomes dentre os viajantes observadores do Brasil colonial: Fernão Cardim. Com a curiosidade de que sua obra só tenha sido descoberta no século XIX, o biógrafo narra as muitas idas e vindas do padre no Atlântico, envolvido nas... Read more

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I Am the Central Park Jogger - Abridged by Trisha Meili
I Am the Central Park Jogger - Abridged
Trisha Meili
I Am the Central Park Jogger - Abridged by Trisha Meili

I Am the Central Park Jogger - Abridged

By: Trisha Meili

Narrated by: Trisha Meili

Length: 6 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A timeless, “triumphant” (Entertainment Weekly) story of healing and recovery from the victim of a crime that shocked the nation: the Central Park Jogger. As featured in When They See Us—the Netflix limited series created, written, and directed by Ava DuVernay that retells the story of the Central Park Five, the young men wrongly accused of this... Read more

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Um livro sobre a Marquesa de Santos - Abridged by Capistrano de Abreu
Um livro sobre a Marquesa de Santos - Abridged
Capistrano de Abreu
Um livro sobre a Marquesa de Santos - Abridged by Capistrano de Abreu

Um livro sobre a Marquesa de Santos - Abridged

By: Capistrano de Abreu

Narrated by: Cido Tavares

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O historiador Capistrano de Abreu faz neste texto sucinto uma biografia bem completa daquela que é uma das mais célebres personagens femininas do Brasil Império: Domitila de Castro do Canto e Melo, a Marquesa de Santos, amante de D. Pedro I. Do nascimento à morte em São Paulo, são apresentados todos os fatos relevantes de sua vida, incluindo... Read more

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Blood and Thunder - Abridged by Hampton Sides
Blood and Thunder - Abridged
Hampton Sides
Blood and Thunder - Abridged by Hampton Sides

Blood and Thunder - Abridged

By: Hampton Sides

Narrated by: Don Leslie

Length: 6 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

NATIONAL BESTSELLER From the author of Ghost Soldiers comes an eye-opening history of the American conquest of the West—"a story full of authority and color, truth and prophecy" (The New York Times Book Review).

In the summer of 1846, the Army of the West marched through Santa Fe, en route to invade and occupy the Western territories claimed... Read more

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Unconquered - Abridged by Adam Davis
Unconquered - Abridged
Adam Davis
Unconquered - Abridged by Adam Davis

Unconquered - Abridged

By: Adam Davis

Narrated by: John Chancer

Length: 6 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Face your pain. Live unconquered. Trauma is notorious for trapping people in the pain of their past. When you live in defeat, it can be difficult to embrace the hope and victory available in Christ. Former law enforcement officer Adam Davis knows what it's like to feel defeated. In Unconquered, Davis bravely shares his personal experiences... Read more

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Cartas para Ozzy Osbourne e Sir Paul McCartney mais jovens - Abridged by Ozzy Osbourne & Sir Paul McCartney
Cartas para Ozzy Osbourne e Sir Paul McCartney mais jovens - Abridged
Ozzy Osbourne & Sir Paul McCartney
Cartas para Ozzy Osbourne e Sir Paul McCartney mais jovens - Abridged by Ozzy Osbourne & Sir Paul McCartney

Cartas para Ozzy Osbourne e Sir Paul McCartney mais jovens - Abridged

By: Ozzy Osbourne & Sir Paul McCartney

Narrated by: Ana Maria Moraes

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

ESTE É UM EPISÓDIO DA OBRA "CARTA PARA O MEU JOVEM EU", DE JANE GRAHAM, QUE APRESENTAM CARTAS PARA OZZY OSBOURNE E SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY MAIS JOVENS. SE QUISER LER TODAS AS CARTAS LEIA A OBRA COMPLETA. Se a viagem no tempo fosse uma possibilidade, o que você diria ao seu eu adolescente, caso o encontrasse? Em Carta Para Meu Jovem Eu,... Read more

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An Imperfect God - Abridged by Henry Wiencek
An Imperfect God - Abridged
Henry Wiencek
An Imperfect God - Abridged by Henry Wiencek

An Imperfect God - Abridged

By: Henry Wiencek

Narrated by: Rick Adamson

Length: 7 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A major new biography of Washington, and the first to explore his engagement with American slavery

When George Washington wrote his will, he made the startling decision to set his slaves free; earlier he had said that holding slaves was his "only unavoidable subject of regret." In this groundbreaking work, Henry Wiencek explores the founding... Read more

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Elizabeth Taylor - Abridged by Kitty Kelley
Elizabeth Taylor - Abridged
Kitty Kelley
Elizabeth Taylor - Abridged by Kitty Kelley

Elizabeth Taylor - Abridged

By: Kitty Kelley

Narrated by: Susan Strasberg

Length: 2 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Before she became a teenager, Elizabeth Taylor was already a star, appearing in such films as Lassie Come Home and National Velvet. One of the few child actors to transition to a successful film career as an adult, Taylor starred in such classics as Father of the Bride, A Place in the Sun, and Who' s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? In... Read more

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An Unseemly Man - Abridged by Larry Flynt & Kenneth Ross
An Unseemly Man - Abridged
Larry Flynt & Kenneth Ross
An Unseemly Man - Abridged by Larry Flynt & Kenneth Ross

An Unseemly Man - Abridged

By: Larry Flynt & Kenneth Ross

Narrated by: Todd Susman

Length: 2 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Controversial and outspoken, hated and admired, Larry Flynt was one of the most polarizing figures of the 20th century. The life of the infamous publisher needs no exaggeration to make it one of the most interesting stories of our time. The found of Hustler magazine, Flynt was an ardent advocate of First Amendment rights and a man whose landmark... Read more

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Flashbacks - Abridged by Timothy Leary
Flashbacks - Abridged
Timothy Leary
Flashbacks - Abridged by Timothy Leary

Flashbacks - Abridged

By: Timothy Leary

Narrated by: Timothy Leary

Length: 3 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Timothy Leary (1920-1996) was an American psychologist, educator, and author who advocated the use of psychedelic drugs. His books included Exo-Psychology, Your Brain Is God, and Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out. Read more

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Die Humboldts - Abridged by Dorothee Nolte
Die Humboldts - Abridged
Dorothee Nolte
Die Humboldts - Abridged by Dorothee Nolte

Die Humboldts - Abridged

By: Dorothee Nolte

Narrated by: Dorothee Nolte & Paul Sonderegger

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Wir sind uns gut, aber selten eng", sagte Wilhelm von Humboldt über sein Verhältnis zu Alexander. Zwei Jahre trennen die Brüder Humboldt, sie wachsen behütet, aber nicht glücklich im Tegeler Familienschloss auf, werden auf eine Karriere im preußischen Staatsdienst vorbereitet. Alexander wird Forschungsreisender, Wilhelm Staatsbeamter und... Read more

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The Majesty of the Law - Abridged by Sandra Day O'Connor
The Majesty of the Law - Abridged
Sandra Day O'Connor
The Majesty of the Law - Abridged by Sandra Day O'Connor

The Majesty of the Law - Abridged

By: Sandra Day O'Connor

Narrated by: Sandra Day O'Connor

Length: 6 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In The Majesty of the Law, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor explores the law, her life as a Justice, and how the Court has evolved and continues to function, grow, and change as an American institution. Tracing some of the origins of American law through history, people, and ideas, O’Connor sheds new light on the basics, and through... Read more

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No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged by Hamilton Jordan
No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged
Hamilton Jordan
No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged by Hamilton Jordan

No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged

By: Hamilton Jordan

Narrated by: Hamilton Jordan

Length: 4 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Since serving in the Carter White House in the late 1970s, Hamilton Jordan has survived non-Hodgkins lymphoma, melanoma, and prostate cancer. Read more

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Cartas para Ewan McGregor e João Barone mais jovens - Abridged by Ewan McGregor & João Barone
Cartas para Ewan McGregor e João Barone mais jovens - Abridged
Ewan McGregor & João Barone
Cartas para Ewan McGregor e João Barone mais jovens - Abridged by Ewan McGregor & João Barone

Cartas para Ewan McGregor e João Barone mais jovens - Abridged

By: Ewan McGregor & João Barone

Narrated by: Ana Maria Moraes

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

ESTE É UM EPISÓDIO DA OBRA "CARTA PARA O MEU JOVEM EU", DE JANE GRAHAM, QUE APRESENTAM CARTAS PARA EWAN MCGREGOR E JOÃO BARONE MAIS JOVENS. SE QUISER LER TODAS AS CARTAS LEIA A OBRA COMPLETA. Se a viagem no tempo fosse uma possibilidade, o que você diria ao seu eu adolescente, caso o encontrasse? Em Carta Para Meu Jovem Eu, personalidades... Read more

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Steve Jobs - Abridged by Walter Isaacson
Steve Jobs - Abridged
Walter Isaacson
Steve Jobs - Abridged by Walter Isaacson

Steve Jobs - Abridged

By: Walter Isaacson

Narrated by: Dylan Baker

Length: 9 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

2012 Audie Award Finalist for Audiobook of the Year

Walter Isaacson’s “enthralling” (The New Yorker) worldwide bestselling biography of Apple cofounder Steve Jobs.

Based on more than forty interviews with Steve Jobs conducted over two years—as well as interviews with more than 100 family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and... Read more

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I'm a Stranger Here Myself - Abridged by Bill Bryson
I'm a Stranger Here Myself - Abridged
Bill Bryson
I'm a Stranger Here Myself - Abridged by Bill Bryson

I'm a Stranger Here Myself - Abridged

By: Bill Bryson

Narrated by: Bill Bryson

Length: 5 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A classic from the New York Times bestselling author of A Walk in the Woods and The Body.

After living in Britain for two decades, Bill Bryson recently moved back to the United States with his English wife and four children (he had read somewhere that nearly 3 million Americans believed they had been abducted by aliensas he later put it, "it was... Read more

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