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Biography & Memoir audiobooks

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What Becomes of the Brokenhearted - Abridged by E. Lynn Harris
What Becomes of the Brokenhearted - Abridged
E. Lynn Harris
What Becomes of the Brokenhearted - Abridged by E. Lynn Harris

What Becomes of the Brokenhearted - Abridged

By: E. Lynn Harris

Narrated by: E. Lynn Harris

Length: 4 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

For almost a decade, beloved storyteller E. Lynn Harris has welcomed you into his family with his passionate, warm and trail-blazing novels. Now, he invites you into the most intimate world ever--his own.

Since his first book Invisible Life was published in the early 1990s, New York Times bestselling author E. Lynn Harris has wowed, charmed and... Read more

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Der Schöne und die Beats - Abridged by Josip Radovic & Michael Schindler
Der Schöne und die Beats - Abridged
Josip Radovic & Michael Schindler
Der Schöne und die Beats - Abridged by Josip Radovic & Michael Schindler

Der Schöne und die Beats - Abridged

By: Josip Radovic & Michael Schindler

Narrated by: Shindy

Length: 5 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Vom Hate zum Hype zum modernen Klassiker: Shindy ist ein Phänomen. Sein Weg führte ihn aus der schwäbischen Provinz an die Spitze der deutschen Charts. Von seinen ersten Versuchen als Rapper arbeitete er sich hoch, bis er schließlich von Bushido unter Vertrag genommen wurde. Mittlerweile ist er ein Superstar der deutschen Hip-Hop-Szene. Mit... Read more

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Grausamer Spass? - Abridged by Karl-Josef Kuschel
Grausamer Spass? - Abridged
Karl-Josef Kuschel
Grausamer Spass? - Abridged by Karl-Josef Kuschel

Grausamer Spass? - Abridged

By: Karl-Josef Kuschel

Narrated by: Karl-Josef Kuschel & Heinz Dieter Assmann

Length: 1 hour 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ein erfolgreiches, kämpferisches Leben hatte er gelebt, Heinrich Heine, der 1831 unter dem Eindruck einer neuen Revolution nach Paris gegangen war. Große Visionen von einer Erneuerung der Menschheit im Geist der Freiheit und der Schönheit hatte er entworfen: die Menschen als Götter. Den "Himmel" hatte er "den Engeln und den Spatzen" überlassen... Read more

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Memoirs of a Third World Millennial - Abridged by Chijioke Osuji
Memoirs of a Third World Millennial - Abridged
Chijioke Osuji
Memoirs of a Third World Millennial - Abridged by Chijioke Osuji

Memoirs of a Third World Millennial - Abridged

By: Chijioke Osuji

Narrated by: Chijioke Osuji

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This book is a coming of age story, an immersive exploration of a young writer's journey to find his voice in the Third World, while navigating the unending swarms of distraction, hormones and angst that the 21st century throws at him. The personal stories in this debut memoir present Osuji as a voice unafraid to be vulnerable and... Read more

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American Sucker - Abridged by David Denby
American Sucker - Abridged
David Denby
American Sucker - Abridged by David Denby

American Sucker - Abridged

By: David Denby

Narrated by: David Boutsikaris

Length: 9 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Join David Denby, New Yorker critic and otherwise sensible man, on a whirlwind ride through an exuberant stock market, investment feeding frenzy, and the cataclysmic result of greed and illusion. Read more

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Albert Einstein - Ein Portrait - Abridged by Ernst Peter Fischer
Albert Einstein - Ein Portrait - Abridged
Ernst Peter Fischer
Albert Einstein - Ein Portrait - Abridged by Ernst Peter Fischer

Albert Einstein - Ein Portrait - Abridged

By: Ernst Peter Fischer

Narrated by: Ernst Peter Fischer

Length: 1 hour 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) kennt jeder, auch wenn er sich kaum für Wissenschaft interessiert. Wir kennen sein Gesicht (das uns die Zunge herausstreckt), seine Friedensliebe und seine Ansicht, dass Gott nicht würfelt. Einstein ist kurz nach dem 1. Weltkrieg zum Weltstar der Wissenschaft geworden, als bei einer Sonnenfinsternis sorgfältige... Read more

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Marco Polo: Il Milione - Abridged by Ulrich Offenberg & Werner Linke
Marco Polo: Il Milione - Abridged
Ulrich Offenberg & Werner Linke
Marco Polo: Il Milione - Abridged by Ulrich Offenberg & Werner Linke

Marco Polo: Il Milione - Abridged

By: Ulrich Offenberg & Werner Linke

Narrated by: Christian Hoening, Achim Höppner & Anja Buczkowsky

Length: 5 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Kaiser, Könige und Fürsten, Ritter und Bürger - und ihr alle, ihr Wissbegierigen, die ihr die verschiedenen Rassen und die Mannigfaltigkeit der Länder dieser Welt kennen lernen wollt - nehmt dies Buch und lasst es euch vorlesen. Merkwürdiges und Wunderbares findet ihr darin und ihr werdet erfahren, wie sich Groß-Armenien, Persien, die Tartarei,... Read more

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No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged by Hamilton Jordan
No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged
Hamilton Jordan
No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged by Hamilton Jordan

No Such Thing as a Bad Day - Abridged

By: Hamilton Jordan

Narrated by: Hamilton Jordan

Length: 4 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Since serving in the Carter White House in the late 1970s, Hamilton Jordan has survived non-Hodgkins lymphoma, melanoma, and prostate cancer. Read more

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علي إمام المتقين الجزء الأول - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي
علي إمام المتقين الجزء الأول - Abridged
عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي
علي إمام المتقين الجزء الأول - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي

علي إمام المتقين الجزء الأول - Abridged

By: عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي

Narrated by: أحمد إسماعيل

Length: 17 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

للإمام علي ابن أبي طالب كرم الله وجهه مكانة كبرى في نفوس المسلمين كافة سنة و شيعة...فهو أول من أسلم من الصبية و هو ابن عم رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم و هو زوج ابنته فاطمة الزهراء رضي الله عنها ووالد الحسين سيد شباب الجنة رضي الله عنه...كما أنه رابع الخلفاء الراشدين رضي الله عنهم جميعًا....وقد امتلك الحكمة و التقوى و الورع و القدرة على القضاء... Read more

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The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged by Rifleman Harris
The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged
Rifleman Harris
The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged by Rifleman Harris

The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged

By: Rifleman Harris

Narrated by: Jason Salkey

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This audiobook is read by Jason Salkey, who played Harris in the SHARPE films, with sound effects provided by the 95th Rifles Re-enactment Society. A musical score by Adam Wakeman adds to this lavish production. A great deal of time and care has been spent creating an audiobook which truly honours the rifleman of the Peninsula. Read more

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Lebenslauf eines Optimisten - Abridged by Ludwig Ganghofer
Lebenslauf eines Optimisten - Abridged
Ludwig Ganghofer
Lebenslauf eines Optimisten - Abridged by Ludwig Ganghofer

Lebenslauf eines Optimisten - Abridged

By: Ludwig Ganghofer

Narrated by: Bernd Ungerer

Length: 12 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Im 'Buch der Jugend' beschreibt Ludwig Ganghofer seine Ausbildungs- und Studienzeit. Am Ende des Buches beschreibt er auch seine Vorstellung eines idealen Staatswesens in allen Einzelheiten. Einzelne Ideen könnt man auch heute noch herausgreifen und weiter verfolgen, doch im großen und ganzen spiegeln seine Vorstellungen den Zeitgeist jener Zeit... Read more

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علي إمام المتقين الجزء الثاني - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي
علي إمام المتقين الجزء الثاني - Abridged
عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي
علي إمام المتقين الجزء الثاني - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي

علي إمام المتقين الجزء الثاني - Abridged

By: عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي

Narrated by: أحمد إسماعيل

Length: 24 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

بإسلوبه الساحر و الروائي الرائع أنهى الشرقاوي الجزء الأول من هذا الكتاب الممتع باستتباب الخلافة لعلي بن ابي طالب رضي الله عنه عدا الشام التي استقل بها معاوية بن ابي سفيان والذي رفض البيعة لعليّ كخليفة للمسلمين مطالبًا بالقصاص من قتلة عثمان و لكنه في الحقيقة كان طامعا في الملك و الخلافة...!! في هذا الجزء من الكتاب يتناول الكاتب الأحداث التي تلت... Read more

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Storyteller's Daughter - Abridged by Saira Shah
Storyteller's Daughter - Abridged
Saira Shah
Storyteller's Daughter - Abridged by Saira Shah

Storyteller's Daughter - Abridged

By: Saira Shah

Narrated by: Saira Shah

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

The startling memoir of a young woman
shaped by two dramatically disparate worldsBorn in Britain, Saira Shah was inspired by her father's dazzling stories to rediscover the now lost life their forebears knew for 900 years within sight of orchards, snow-topped mountains, and the minarets of Kabul. This is Saira -- part sophisticated and sensitive... Read more

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Dein Leben ist kein Zufall - Abridged by Hatice Schmidt
Dein Leben ist kein Zufall - Abridged
Hatice Schmidt
Dein Leben ist kein Zufall - Abridged by Hatice Schmidt

Dein Leben ist kein Zufall - Abridged

By: Hatice Schmidt

Narrated by: Esra Vural

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Hatice Schmidts Beauty- und Lifestyle-Kanal ist ein Riesenerfolg und gehört zu den größten Deutschlands. Der YouTuberin ist dieser Erfolg allerdings nicht in den Schoß gefallen: Sie hat sich ihr selbstbestimmtes, freies Leben erkämpft und den Schritt raus aus der Mädchengang einer der härtesten Schulen Deutschlands gemacht, eine Ausbildung... Read more

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In Spite of Myself - Abridged by Christopher Plummer
In Spite of Myself - Abridged
Christopher Plummer
In Spite of Myself - Abridged by Christopher Plummer

In Spite of Myself - Abridged

By: Christopher Plummer

Narrated by: Christopher Plummer

Length: 16 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A rollicking, rich portrait of a life. And what a life! By one of our greatest actors.

Plummer tells how “this young bilingual wastrel, incurably romantic, spoiled rotten, tore himself away from the ski slopes to break into the big bad world of theatre, not from the streets up but from an Edwardian living room down,” and writes of his early... Read more

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Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now - Abridged by Maya Angelou
Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now - Abridged
Maya Angelou
Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now - Abridged by Maya Angelou

Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now - Abridged

By: Maya Angelou

Narrated by: Maya Angelou

Length: 1 hour 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Maya Angelou, one of the best-loved authors of our time shares the wisdom of a remarkable life in this bestselling spiritual classic.

This is Maya Angelou talking from the heart, down to earth and real, but also inspiring. This is a book to be treasured, a book about being in all ways a woman, about living well, about the power of the word, and... Read more

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الفاروق عمر - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي
الفاروق عمر - Abridged
عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي
الفاروق عمر - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي

الفاروق عمر - Abridged

By: عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي

Narrated by: حسام حجازي

Length: 14 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

لم تتحقق الدولة الإسلامية بصورتها المثلى في عهد أيٍّ من عهود الخلفاء والحكام مثلما تحققت في عهد الخليفة الثاني عمر بن الخطابةرضي الله عنه الذي جمع بين النزاهة والحزم، والرحمة والعدل، والهيبة والتواضع، والشدة والزهد. ونجح الفاروق في سنوات خلافته العشر في أن يؤسس أقوى إمبراطورية عرفها التاريخ، فقامت دولة الإسلام بعد سقوط إمبراطورتي لفرس والروم ،... Read more

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محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم - Abridged by توفيق الحكيم
محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم - Abridged
توفيق الحكيم
محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم - Abridged by توفيق الحكيم

محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم - Abridged

By: توفيق الحكيم

Narrated by: عادل بو حسون

Length: 7 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

هذا الكتاب هو سيرة حوارية جميلة يتناول فيها توفيق الحكيم قصة حياة النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم، لكن بشكلٍ مغاير لما اعتدنا عليه في كتب السيرة فقد خطر للحكيم أن يضع هذه السيرة على هذا النحو الغريب ، فعكف على الكتب المعتمدة والأحاديث الموثوق بها واستخلص منها ما حدث بالفعل وما قيل بالفعل . وحاول على قدر طاقته أن يضع كل ذلك في موضعه كما وقع في الأصل،... Read more

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محمد رسول الحرية - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي
محمد رسول الحرية - Abridged
عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي
محمد رسول الحرية - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي

محمد رسول الحرية - Abridged

By: عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي

Narrated by: أحمد إسماعيل

Length: 16 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

في هذا الكتاب أراد المؤلف الكبير عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي أن يكتب سيرة الحبيب المصطفى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - منطلقاً من قوله تعالى "قُلْ إِنَّمَا أنَا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُكُمْ". لذا فقد جاءت الصفحات لتصور بشرية النبي وتكتب سيرة إنسان اتسع قلبه لآلام البشر ومشكلاتهم وأحلامهم وكونت تعاليمه حضارة زاهرة خصبة أغنت الوجدان لقرون طوال، ودفعت سلالات من الأحياء فى... Read more

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I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Abridged by Maya Angelou
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Abridged
Maya Angelou
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Abridged by Maya Angelou

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Abridged

By: Maya Angelou

Narrated by: Maya Angelou

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Maya Angelou’s debut memoir is a modern American classic beloved worldwide. Her life story is told in the documentary film And Still I Rise, as seen on PBS’s American Masters.

Here is a book as joyous and painful, as mysterious and memorable, as childhood itself. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings captures the longing of lonely children, the brute... Read more

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A Prison Diary Volume I - Abridged by Jeffrey Archer
A Prison Diary Volume I - Abridged
Jeffrey Archer
A Prison Diary Volume I - Abridged by Jeffrey Archer

A Prison Diary Volume I - Abridged

By: Jeffrey Archer

Narrated by: Andrew Sachs

Length: 5 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The sun is shining through the bars of my window on what must be a glorious summer day. I've been incarcerated in a cell five paces by three for twelve and a half hours, and will not be let out again until midday; eighteen and a half hours of solitary confinement. There is a child of seventeen in the cell below me who has been charged with... Read more

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خامس الخلفاء عمر بن عبد العزيز - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي
خامس الخلفاء عمر بن عبد العزيز - Abridged
عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي
خامس الخلفاء عمر بن عبد العزيز - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي

خامس الخلفاء عمر بن عبد العزيز - Abridged

By: عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي

Narrated by: حسام حجازي

Length: 9 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

لعمر بن عبد العزيز شهرة ومكانة عند عامة المسلمين وباحثيهم، ومرجع ذلك لأعماله المثيرة والتوجهات التي عمل على تثبيتها في الدولة الإسلامية الواسعة التي قامت على المبادئ التي وضعها الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم، وعمل الحلفاء الأولون على تطبيقها في تنظيم الدولة وتوجهات الأمة. يستعرض هذا الكتاب سيرة خامس الخلفاء بقلم الأديب الكبير عبد الرحمن الشرقاوي من... Read more

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Donnie Brasco - Abridged by Joseph D. Pistone
Donnie Brasco - Abridged
Joseph D. Pistone
Donnie Brasco - Abridged by Joseph D. Pistone

Donnie Brasco - Abridged

By: Joseph D. Pistone

Narrated by: Joseph D. Pistone

Length: 3 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Posing as a jewel thief Donnie Brasco, FBI agent Joseph D. Pistone worked undercover for six years to infiltrate the flamboyant and deadly community of Mafia wise guys, captains and bosses. Now his eyewitness account brings to pulsing life the code of honor, loyalties and treacheries, and dirty dealings of unforgettable characters. Read more

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Bootlegger's Boy - Abridged by Barry Switzer
Bootlegger's Boy - Abridged
Barry Switzer
Bootlegger's Boy - Abridged by Barry Switzer

Bootlegger's Boy - Abridged

By: Barry Switzer

Narrated by: Barry Switzer

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

A riveting memoir by one of the most successful football coaches in America!As head coach of the Oklahoma Sooners, Barry Switzer was the fourth most successful coach in NCAA history. Both praised and reviled by the media as the "outlaw" of college football, Switzer was characterized as the "greatest rogue, pirate, hustler, and con man" ever to... Read more

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