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Kings and Sorcerers: A Short Story by Morgan Rice
Kings and Sorcerers: A Short Story
Morgan Rice
Kings and Sorcerers: A Short Story by Morgan Rice

Kings and Sorcerers: A Short Story

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Daniele Ridolfi

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: No

“Se credi di non avere più un motivo per vivere dopo la fine della serie L’ANELLO DELLO STREGONE, ti sbagli. In L’ASCESA DEI DRAGHI, Morgan Rice ha inventato quella che promette di essere un’altra serie brillante, immergendoci in un fantasy di troll e draghi, valore, onore, coraggio, magia e fede nel proprio destino… Consigliato nella libreria... Read more

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Celia en el mundo (Las aventuras de Celia 4) by Elena Fortún
Celia en el mundo (Las aventuras de Celia 4)
Elena Fortún
Celia en el mundo (Las aventuras de Celia 4) by Elena Fortún

Celia en el mundo (Las aventuras de Celia 4)

By: Elena Fortún

Narrated by: Laura Carrero del Tío

Length: 4 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Celia, la niña rebelde y valiente que cautivó a generaciones enteras y que hoy renace en formato audiolibro para seguir acompañando a grandes y pequeños. Un clásico infantil y juvenil del siglo XX que nos permite volver a ver el mundo desde los ojos de un niño. En los locos años veinte, nació el gran personaje de Elena Fortún: Celia, una niña... Read more

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Panda-monium by Stuart Gibbs
Stuart Gibbs
Panda-monium by Stuart Gibbs


By: Stuart Gibbs

Narrated by: Gibson Frazier

Length: 7 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

New York Times bestselling author

Teddy Fitzroy returns as FunJungle’s resident sleuth when the zoo’s newest addition goes missing—before she even arrives!—in the latest novel in New York Times bestselling author Stuart Gibbs’s FunJungle series.

FunJungle is frenzied, awaiting the arrival of its most thrilling animal yet—Li Ping—a rare and very... Read more

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Yoga Nidra Scripts - Energy by Uma Shaw
Yoga Nidra Scripts - Energy
Uma Shaw
Yoga Nidra Scripts - Energy by Uma Shaw

Yoga Nidra Scripts - Energy

By: Uma Shaw

Narrated by: Heather Livesey

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation technique involving conscious, systematic relaxation and breath awareness. This 19-minute guided yoga nidra script is for increased focus and energy. This is just one individual script from the book. Read more

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Game: Online (Level UP  Book#3): Worlds LitRPG by D.Sugralinov
Game: Online (Level UP Book#3): Worlds LitRPG
Game: Online (Level UP  Book#3): Worlds LitRPG by D.Sugralinov

Game: Online (Level UP Book#3): Worlds LitRPG

By: D.Sugralinov

Narrated by: Neil Woodhead

Length: 17 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Phil tribulations seem to have run their course. He's quite prepared to quit the alien game installed in his brain. In fact, Phil looks forward to a normal existence: both he and his company are in excellent shape. Still, the timing seems to be badly wrong.Humanity's enemies are stronger than ever. Despite all his new abilities, Phil has never... Read more

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Sport by Louise Fitzhugh
Louise Fitzhugh
Sport by Louise Fitzhugh


By: Louise Fitzhugh

Narrated by: Anne Bobby

Length: 4 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Eleven-year-old Sport Rocque is living a happy life, keeping his father?s absentmindedness under control, and managing the family budget. When Kate, Sport?s new?and nice?stepmother enters the picture, things couldn?t be better. Then comes the news: Sport?s wealthy grandfather has just died and Sport is a multimillionaire.
   But millions of... Read more

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Peiter, Peter, Peer by H.C. Andersen
Peiter, Peter, Peer
H.C. Andersen
Peiter, Peter, Peer by H.C. Andersen

Peiter, Peter, Peer

By: H.C. Andersen

Narrated by: Douglas Monteiro

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Todos sabemos que as cegonhas trazem os bebês para os pais. O que normalmente não sabemos é o que acontece com essas crianças depois que são entregues à família. Então, perguntei a uma cegonha sobre isso e ela me contou a história da família Peitersen, para quem ela entregou três filhos: Pieter, Peter e Peer.Este audiolivro é narrado em... Read more

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Frostfire by Jamie Smith
Jamie Smith
Frostfire by Jamie Smith


By: Jamie Smith

Narrated by: Catherine Ho

Length: 6 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Chosen as one of hundreds to journey to the top of the glacier in their village, Sabira will embark on a dangerous pilgrimage that will guarantee her a life of importance, but only if she can survive.On Choosing Day, children of Adranna who reach the age of fourteen are finally eligible to undergo the tests to determine if they are worthy of... Read more

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Sternenschweif, Teil 19: Zauberhafte Freundschaft by Linda Chapman
Sternenschweif, Teil 19: Zauberhafte Freundschaft
Linda Chapman
Sternenschweif, Teil 19: Zauberhafte Freundschaft by Linda Chapman

Sternenschweif, Teil 19: Zauberhafte Freundschaft

By: Linda Chapman

Narrated by: Anette Gunkel, Anita Hopt & Henry Dahlke

Length: 1 hour 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Das magische Pony Sternenschweif ist der geheimnisvolle Held der zauberhaften "Sternenschweif"-Welt. Zusammen mit Laura erlebt es fantasievolle Abenteuer und aufregende Geschichten, die viel Platz zum Träumen lassen. Laura hat alle Hände voll zu tun: Zusätzlich zu ihrer neuen kleinen Schwester und dem Schulfest hält sie ihre Aufgabe als Hüterin... Read more

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The Joyful Wisdom by Friedrich Nietzsche
The Joyful Wisdom
Friedrich Nietzsche
The Joyful Wisdom by Friedrich Nietzsche

The Joyful Wisdom

By: Friedrich Nietzsche

Narrated by: TimSC

Length: 12 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

"The Joyful Wisdom," written in 1882, just before "Zarathustra," is rightly judged to be one of Nietzsche's best books. Here the essentially grave and masculine face of the poet-philosopher is seen to light up and suddenly break into a delightful smile. The warmth and kindness that beam from his features will astonish those hasty psychologists... Read more

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How Old is Mr. Tortoise? by Dev Petty
How Old is Mr. Tortoise?
Dev Petty
How Old is Mr. Tortoise? by Dev Petty

How Old is Mr. Tortoise?

By: Dev Petty

Narrated by: Mark Sanderlin

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

From the author of I Don’t Want to Be a Frog comes a hilarious new picture book that asks readers to solve one very important mystery
It’s Mr. Tortoise’s birthday, and he can’t wait to eat cake with his friends. But there’s a hitch! Mr. Tortoise can’t remember how old he is, so his friends don’t know how many candles to put on the cake. And they... Read more

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Le petit train Montessori de l'éveil musical by Isabelle Palombi
Le petit train Montessori de l'éveil musical
Isabelle Palombi
Le petit train Montessori de l'éveil musical by Isabelle Palombi

Le petit train Montessori de l'éveil musical

By: Isabelle Palombi

Narrated by: Amaury de Crayencour & Clara Soares

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Embarquez avec les Zanimomusic pour un voyage d'éveil musical pour les tout-petits. Chaque petite séquence dialoguée, conçue selon l'approche Marie-Jaëll Montessori, est l'occasion de découvrir un nouvel instrument, pour animer des séances d'éveil musical en famille ou à la crèche. Read more

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Die Olchis und das Piratenschiff und zwei Geschichten von Isabel Abedi und Christoph Schöne by Erhard Dietl, Isabel Abedi & Christoph Schöne
Die Olchis und das Piratenschiff und zwei Geschichten von Isabel Abedi und Christoph Schöne
Erhard Dietl, Isabel Abedi & Christoph Schöne
Die Olchis und das Piratenschiff und zwei Geschichten von Isabel Abedi und Christoph Schöne by Erhard Dietl, Isabel Abedi & Christoph Schöne

Die Olchis und das Piratenschiff und zwei Geschichten von Isabel Abedi und Christoph Schöne

By: Erhard Dietl, Isabel Abedi & Christoph Schöne

Narrated by: Robert Missler, Anne Moll & Konstantin Graudus

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Olchig gut! Piraten, Ritter und mehr Nur am Strand zu spielen, ist den Olchi-Kinder viel zu langweilig! Sie suchen lieber nach dem Geist eines Piraten. Prinzessin Pulcinella begegnet sogar einem leibhaftigen Seeräuber - das findet sie viel spannender, als den langweiligen Prinz Popel zu heiraten. Und der kleine Ritter Löwenzahn verjagt... Read more

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T-DOLA 8 by Jason D. Yonai
Jason D. Yonai
T-DOLA 8 by Jason D. Yonai


By: Jason D. Yonai

Narrated by: KazeLoon

Length: 5 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

T-DOLA 8 narrated by KazeLoon who is also the author has put together six chapters of his times putting in work in the streets to the pen. KazeLoon goes into detail and tells many stories of his prison gladitor school days in C.Y.A, C.D.C.R, County Jail, etc. KazeLoon puts the listener up on how to survive in some of the worst hoods and "Level 4... Read more

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Pit und Pat (Schweizer Mundart) by Rosalina Zweifel
Pit und Pat (Schweizer Mundart)
Rosalina Zweifel
Pit und Pat (Schweizer Mundart) by Rosalina Zweifel

Pit und Pat (Schweizer Mundart)

By: Rosalina Zweifel

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: No

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Los vestidos nuevos del emperador by Hans Christian Andersen
Los vestidos nuevos del emperador
Hans Christian Andersen
Los vestidos nuevos del emperador by Hans Christian Andersen

Los vestidos nuevos del emperador

By: Hans Christian Andersen

Narrated by: Francisco López

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Un cuento menos conocido que otros, pero que dispone de una belleza y una moraleja increíble Read more

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Strażak Sam - Wybuchowy koncert by Mattel
Strażak Sam - Wybuchowy koncert
Strażak Sam - Wybuchowy koncert by Mattel

Strażak Sam - Wybuchowy koncert

By: Mattel

Narrated by: Maciej Motylski

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Mike i Elvis ćwiczą przed wieczornym koncertem. Elvis trenuje grę na gitarze, a Mike na perkusji. Jednak nagle dochodzi między nimi do konfliktu i duet się rozpada. Co robić? Obaj pragną zabawiać publiczność i każdy osobno snuje nowe plany. Strażak Sam to brytyjski serial animowany, który po raz pierwszy został wyemitowany w brytyjskiej... Read more

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Die schönsten Märchen der Brüder Grimm by Brüder Grimm
Die schönsten Märchen der Brüder Grimm
Brüder Grimm
Die schönsten Märchen der Brüder Grimm by Brüder Grimm

Die schönsten Märchen der Brüder Grimm

By: Brüder Grimm

Narrated by: Ralf Steuernagel

Length: 1 hour 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Märchen erzählen aus einer Welt voller Wunder, von der sich jeder gerne verzaubern lässt. Die Brüder Grimm haben mit ihrer Sammlung viele der schönsten Geschichten zusammengetragen. Ob Dornröschen ewig schläft oder der Froschkönig jemals erlöst wird? Was ist das Geheimnis von Rumpelstilzchen und wer ist Frau Holle? Wie es wohl Daumesdick ergeht... Read more

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Petit Tigre, Petit Ours et la circulation routière by Janosch
Petit Tigre, Petit Ours et la circulation routière
Petit Tigre, Petit Ours et la circulation routière by Janosch

Petit Tigre, Petit Ours et la circulation routière

By: Janosch

Narrated by: Hugues Louagie

Length: 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Petit Tigre décide de montrer à Petit Ours comment traverser la rue. Pourtant, lui non plus ne sait pas comment s'y prendre et c'est donc monsieur Castornez qui s'y attèle : « quiconque marche à pied est un piéton », « la bordure marque la fin du trottoir » ou encore « attendre que TOUTES les voitures se soient arrêtées avant de traverser »,... Read more

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Prédestination: Mémoires d’un Vampire – Livre Quatre by Morgan Rice
Prédestination: Mémoires d’un Vampire – Livre Quatre
Morgan Rice
Prédestination: Mémoires d’un Vampire – Livre Quatre by Morgan Rice

Prédestination: Mémoires d’un Vampire – Livre Quatre

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Audrey (synthesized voice)

Length: 5 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Cet enregistrement a été produit numériquement par Morgan Rice, en utilisant une version synthétisée de la voix d’un narrateur sous licence. Dans PRÉDESTINATION (livre 4 des Mémoires d’un Vampire), Caitlin Paine se réveille et découvre qu’elle a voyagé dans le passé. Elle se retrouve dans un cimetière, fuyant une bande de villageois, et se... Read more

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The Lost Continent (Wings of Fire #11) by Tui T. Sutherland
The Lost Continent (Wings of Fire #11)
Tui T. Sutherland
The Lost Continent (Wings of Fire #11) by Tui T. Sutherland

The Lost Continent (Wings of Fire #11)

By: Tui T. Sutherland

Narrated by: Shannon McManus

Length: 8 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

The #1 New York Times bestselling series continues with a thrilling revelation -- brand-new tribes of dragons!Blue the SilkWing is content. Life in his Hive is safe; he loves his family; he has enough to eat. And Pantala has been at peace for as long as he can remember -- SilkWings and HiveWings live and work together in harmony, and because... Read more

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Leaping on the Run by Andy Boyles
Leaping on the Run
Andy Boyles
Leaping on the Run by Andy Boyles

Leaping on the Run

By: Andy Boyles

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

MIT Cheetah, a robot developed at MIT, can run and jump hurdles without missing a step! Sidebar on how its vision system works. Read more

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Lost in the Blizzard by Nancy Wilcox Richards
Lost in the Blizzard
Nancy Wilcox Richards
Lost in the Blizzard by Nancy Wilcox Richards

Lost in the Blizzard

By: Nancy Wilcox Richards

Narrated by: Marysia Bucholc

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

It's a cold winter's day in 1813.Emma's brother William is ill; and inside the log cabin, the fireplace is dark and cold. A snow storm is fast approaching. Emma must journey through the storm to fetch a kettle of hot coals from the nearest cabin one mile away. How can she do this all by herself? Read more

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Where is the Bermuda Triangle? by Megan Stine & Who HQ
Where is the Bermuda Triangle?
Megan Stine & Who HQ
Where is the Bermuda Triangle? by Megan Stine & Who HQ

Where is the Bermuda Triangle?

By: Megan Stine & Who HQ

Narrated by: Lisa Larsen

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Who doesn't love a great mystery? This book presents the eerie accidents and unexplained disappearances that have occurred in the region known as the Bermuda Triangle.

Even before it was named, the Bermuda Triangle--roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico--had gained a mythic reputation. The Bermuda Triangle became famous for making... Read more

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