Children's audiobooks

La historia del mundo en 25 historias
By: Javier Alonso
Narrated by: José Luis Mediavilla
Length: 6 hours 26 minutes
Abridged: No
Un fantástico audiolibro para introducir a los niños en la historia universal con veinticinco relatos cortos y divertidos, presentando las etapas más significativas, los acontecimientos más relevantes y los personajes decisivos desde el Paleolítico hasta la Edad Contemporánea. Grabado en español ibérico (España). Read more
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By: Tresia
Narrated by: Asteria Arlita
Length: 19 hours 14 minutes
Abridged: No
―Untuk segala lara yang sempat tinggal― Kasus tewasnya seorang murid laki-laki SMA Mahatma memicu perseteruan antara dua kubu, yaitu SAKGAR dan Bara Merah. Amarah, dendam, dan ketidakpuasan melebur menjadi satu. Sebagai Ketua SAKGAR, Angkasa berusaha untuk melindungi anggota dan juga orang-orang terdekatnya dari marabahaya yang mengancam.... Read more
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L. Frank Baum: The Magic of Oz
By: L. Frank Baum
Narrated by: philip chenevert
Length: 4 hours 31 minutes
Abridged: No
This is the second to last book in the OZ series that Baum actually wrote himself before he passed away. "A Faithful Record of the Remarkable Adventures of Dorothy and Trot and the Wizard of Oz, together with the Cowardly Lion, the Hungry Tiger and Cap'n Bill, in their successful search for a Magical and Beautiful Birthday Present for Princess... Read more
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Take Your Fishbowl to the Beach
By: Les Ewen
Narrated by: Highlights for Children
Length: 2 minutes
Abridged: No
Highlights presents Take Your Fishbowl to the Beach by Les Ewen. Try looking at some sea creatures up close. Read more
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Abenteuer & Wissen, Johannes Gutenberg - Der Siegeszug des Buches
By: Ulrike Beck
Narrated by: Nicole Engeln, Bruno Winzen, Gregor Höppner, To...
Length: 1 hour 19 minutes
Abridged: No
Entdecker, Erfinder und Visionäre zum Hören greifbar - die spannende und unterhaltsame Wissensreihe Abenteuer & Wissen. Um 1450 verändert eine Erfindung die Welt: Das Buchdruckverfahren von Johannes Gutenberg ermöglicht es, Publikationen in hoher Stückzahl und relativ preiswert zu vervielfältigen. Die technische Grundlage für die geistigen,... Read more
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By: Nonier
Narrated by: Byas Maulana Diputra
Length: 7 hours 27 minutes
Abridged: No
Dalam pertandingan voli ataupun naklukin cewek, Aryo pantang menyerah. Gelar pemain andalan sekaligus playboy melekat erat dalam dirinya. Kalau macarin cewek, Aryo paling cuma tahan dua bulan. Setelah itu...bosen dan cari lagi yang baru! Tapi di rumah Aryo kalah dari Ardi. Masnya ini ulet berbisnis dan selalu macarin cewek-cewek cakep. Makanya... Read more
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The Young Carthaginian
By: G. A. Henty
Narrated by: William Sutherland
Length: 12 hours 42 minutes
Abridged: No
G. A. Henty’s latest historical adventure story for boys is set in ancient times during the Punic wars between Carthage and Rome, who are vying for world dominance. It follows the adventures of young Malchus, an officer in Hannibal’s army, as the army makes its incredible journey across the Alps, bringing cannons and elephants to overpower the... Read more
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Little House
By: Katya Balen
Narrated by: Eleanor Yates
Length: 57 minutes
Abridged: No
The importance and meaning of home is explored in this thought-provoking new novella from Carnegie Medal winning author Katya Balen. Juno’s furious about being sent to stay with her grandfather for the summer. She’ll miss all the fun she and her friends had planned for the holidays. She’ll also miss... Read more
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Mare's War
By: Tanita S. Davis
Narrated by: Sisi Aisha Johnson & Myra Lucretia Taylor
Length: 9 hours 13 minutes
Abridged: No
Meet Mare, a grandmother with flair and a fascinating past. Octavia and Tali are dreading the road trip their parents are forcing them to take with their grandmother over the summer. After all, Mare isn't your typical grandmother. She drives a red sports car, wears stiletto shoes, flippy wigs, and push-up bras, and insists that she's too young... Read more
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Bibi and Tina, The Mysterious Treasure Hunt
By: Markus Dittrich
Narrated by: Britt McKillip & Chantal Strand
Length: 36 minutes
Abridged: No
This summer is really hot, everyone is short tempered. When Bibi, Tina, Alex and Freddy find an old treasure map, they get into an argument about it. Because the boys want to look for the treasure on their own. But Bibi and Tina won't put up with that. A race for the treasure begins: boys against girls. Which team will win? Read more
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Le journal d'Alice tome 4. Le Big Bang
By: Sylvie Louis
Narrated by: Aurélie Aubry
Length: 4 hours
Abridged: No
Coucou cher journal, me revoilou! Déjà le mois de juin… Plus que quelques semaines d'école! Des événements bien excitants se préparent: Le spectacle de fin d'année… Une sortie de classe sur la rivière des Prairies! Et surprise organisée par monsieur Gauthier (l'enseignant de 5e année le plus cool de l'univers!) En parlant d'Univers, figure-toi... Read more
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Den of Death
By: Ali Archer
Narrated by: Jessica Duncan
Length: 9 hours 46 minutes
Abridged: No
What would you do to save the one you love?I’ll do whatever it takes.Including doing the most un-Minnie thing ever--flying off to Rome without a single clue what the heck I’m doing. All I know is I have to find the Master and rescue Philo.Not exactly a recipe for success.I might be small; I might be young; and I might not know much about what it... Read more
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How Do We Know That Christianity Is Really True?
By: Chris Morphew
Narrated by: Chris Morphew
Length: 1 hour 28 minutes
Abridged: No
Apologetics for Christian kids and tweens on the evidence for Christianity.
Sooner or later, kids have big questions about God, life, faith and the Bible, especially when their friends start asking them about what they believe. A common one is: How do we know Christianity is really true?
Big questions deserve good answers. This pithy, fun and... Read more

Муха-Цокатуха и другие сказки
By: Корней Чуковский
Narrated by: Борис щербаков
Length: 1 hour 9 minutes
Abridged: No
Корней Иванович Чуковский (1882-1969) – русский поэт и детский писатель, журналист и литературовед, переводчик и литературный критик. Но прежде всего он известен как добрый волшебник слова, поэт, подаривший детям свои забавные, полные юмора и фантазии стихи. В них столько веселья, озорной выдумки и понимания мира игры, в котором живёт ребёнок.... Read more
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ተጓዡ አባጨጓሬ (Amharic Only)
By: Rayne Coshav
Narrated by: Tsion Desalegn Yohannis
Length: 6 minutes
Abridged: No
Amharic children's book. Perfect for kids practicing their Amharic language skills. This story is about a caterpillar who accidentally went on an adventure, traveling far away from her home in the forest. She had an exciting experience, trying new foods and exploring new places. But at the end, she was the most happy to come back home to her... Read more
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El loro pelado
By: Horacio Quiroga
Narrated by: Yamila Huerta & Maureen Herman, Lucía Suárez, S...
Length: 14 minutes
Abridged: No
El loro Pedrito es muy querido por su familia humana. Un día, tras un paseo a la selva, tiene un especial enfrentamiento con un tigre, lo que provoca que se ausente de casa por mucho tiempo, preocupando a todos. Cuando regresa, narra su aventura. Read more
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Ohrenbär - eine OHRENBÄR Geschichte, Folge 89: Prinzessin Skilla im Kampf um die Krone (Hörbuch mit Musik)
By: Charlotte Richter-Peill
Narrated by: Imogen Kogge
Length: 59 minutes
Abridged: No
Der rbb 88.8-OHRENBÄR präsentiert: "Prinzessin Skilla im Kampf um die Krone" von Charlotte Richter-Peill, gelesen von Imogen Kogge In der Schule von Madame Mamba soll Skilla lernen, wie eine wahre Prinzessin auszusehen. Doch sie mag die Schule nicht. Alle sagen Hexenkind zu ihr, weil sie auf der Wange ein Feuermal hat. Als auch noch der Kampf um... Read more
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K niinku Klara 10 - Tähtityttö
By: Line Kyed Knudsen
Narrated by: Elina Saarela
Length: 37 minutes
Abridged: No
Klara näyttelee klubin teatterikerhossa. Hän ei ole koskaan esiintynyt näyttämöllä, mutta hän odottaa esiintymistä innokkaana. Niin odottaa Juliakin. Ehkä vielä enemmän kuin Klara, koska Julia on varma siitä, että hän saa pääroolin. Mutta ehkä Klarakin haluaa näytellä pääroolin..."K niinku Klara on helppolukuinen kirjasarja Klara-tytöstä ja... Read more
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Een vleugje magie 4 - Droomliefde
By: Sandra Schwartz
Narrated by: Chava Voor in 't Holt
Length: 17 minutes
Abridged: No
Runa en Mehdi hebben afgesproken in de bibliotheek. Maar Mehdi komt niet. Ze zouden zondag samen naar de bios gaan. Heeft hij zich bedacht?"De droomliefde" is het vierde deel van de serie "Een vleugje magie" over de drie vriendinnen Runa, Vigga en Frida. Sandra Schwartz heeft een leuke, pakkende schrijfstijl, met een vleugje magie.- Read more
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The Troublesome Twosome
By: Barbara Anne Machin
Narrated by: Robin Howatt Shrock
Length: 5 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: No
This is an adventure story about two children who are identical except in their ways. One is always in trouble and untidy, the other is smart and clean. The one thing they did have that they shared was they always protected each other.
Extracts from "The Troublesome Twosome":
“No, Mother, we haven’t. She was trying to make sure her pocket money... Read more

Close Calls
By: Michael P. Spradlin
Narrated by: L.J. Ganser
Length: 2 hours 18 minutes
Abridged: No
An exciting and irreverent look at our commanders in chief
Historians tell the stories of tragic and untimely presidential deaths, but often forgotten are the near misses. After a treacherous attack during World War II, JFK
and his fellow servicemen spent nearly a week with only coconuts to eat. Abe Lincoln was forced to take a train trip in... Read more

Finding Christmas
By: Carrie Wachsmann
Narrated by: Carrie Wachsmann
Length: 45 minutes
Abridged: No
Marko, a handsome and brave country mouse, embarks on a wild, winter adventure to find Christmas. His dangerous, heart-pumping journey takes him to the city of Abbyville, where “they” say, he is sure to find Christmas.There Marko meets a vivacious, brown-eyed city mouse named Bella. He quickly discovers Bella loves adventure every bit as much as... Read more
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Max in the garden of dreams
By: Marina B
Narrated by: Alex Middleton
Length: 35 minutes
Abridged: No
In this story, Max will go looking for his sleep and will make a wonderful trip on a cloudy boat with a Moon Girl. Lie down in your bed and make yourself comfortable. The story is beginning... Read more
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Calendar Mysteries #9: September Sneakers
By: Ron Roy
Narrated by: Jim Meskimen
Length: 43 minutes
Abridged: No
It's a mystery every month from popular A to Z Mysteries author Ron Roy! With the younger siblings of the A to Z Mysteries kids!
September is for Sneakers...
In the ninth book of the Calendar Mysteries- an early chapter-book mystery series- Bradley, Brian, Nate, and Lucy have taken care of the first-grade class hamster, Goldi, for the summer. But... Read more