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The Tower at the End of the World by Brad Strickland & John Bellairs
The Tower at the End of the World
Brad Strickland & John Bellairs
The Tower at the End of the World by Brad Strickland & John Bellairs

The Tower at the End of the World

By: Brad Strickland & John Bellairs

Narrated by: George Guidall

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

When Lewis, his uncle Jonathan, and their friends Rose Rita Pottinger and Mrs. Zimmermann take a trip to a small town near Lake Superior, they expect a pleasant vacation. Instead, they find themselves facing the ghastly Ishmael Izard, son of the fiendish creator of the Doomsday Clock that was once hidden in the walls of Uncle Jonathan's house.... Read more

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The Courage to Compete by Abbey Curran & Elizabeth Kaye
The Courage to Compete
Abbey Curran & Elizabeth Kaye
The Courage to Compete by Abbey Curran & Elizabeth Kaye

The Courage to Compete

By: Abbey Curran & Elizabeth Kaye

Narrated by: Abbey Curran

Length: 5 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

A remarkable memoir by Miss Iowa USA Abbey Curran about living with cerebral palsy, competing in Miss USA, and her inspiring work with young women who have disabilities.Abbey Curran was born with cerebral palsy, but early on she resolved to never let it limit her. Abbey made history when she became the first contestant with a disability to win a... Read more

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The Perfect Present by E. Renee Heiss
The Perfect Present
E. Renee Heiss
The Perfect Present by E. Renee Heiss

The Perfect Present

By: E. Renee Heiss

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Sometimes the best present is right under your nose. Read more

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Maluna Mondschein. Wir retten die Zauberwaldschule by Andrea Schütze
Maluna Mondschein. Wir retten die Zauberwaldschule
Andrea Schütze
Maluna Mondschein. Wir retten die Zauberwaldschule by Andrea Schütze

Maluna Mondschein. Wir retten die Zauberwaldschule

By: Andrea Schütze

Narrated by: Cathlen Gawlich

Length: 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Der Lehrer der Zauberwaldschule ist krank und so soll die Schule geschlossen werden. Zum Glück heckt Maluna mit den Zauberwaldbewohnern einen klugen Plan aus, damit die Schule gerettet werden kann! Read more

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Peces y más peces / Fish, Fish, Fish by Kathy Broderick
Peces y más peces / Fish, Fish, Fish
Kathy Broderick
Peces y más peces / Fish, Fish, Fish by Kathy Broderick

Peces y más peces / Fish, Fish, Fish

By: Kathy Broderick

Narrated by: Jay Nazario & Jarod Facknitz

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Meet different kinds of fish under the sea! First, hear the story in Spanish. Then, hear it again in English. Comparing words in both languages helps early readers with comprehension and literacy. Read more

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Yawnimals Box Set #1 (Books 1 - 4) by Luna
Yawnimals Box Set #1 (Books 1 - 4)
Yawnimals Box Set #1 (Books 1 - 4) by Luna

Yawnimals Box Set #1 (Books 1 - 4)

By: Luna

Narrated by: Rocket

Length: 1 hour 35 minutes

Abridged: No

"If you yawn during the 2-minute sample … so will your little one.”Are you tired of the nightly struggle to put your little ones to sleep without resorting to screens or gummy supplements? Introducing "Yawnimals," a collection of enchanting audio bedtime stories tailored exclusively for young children, toddlers, infants, and babies about their... Read more

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Sherlock Holmes Legends, Folge 12: Silberstrahl by Eric Zerm
Sherlock Holmes Legends, Folge 12: Silberstrahl
Eric Zerm
Sherlock Holmes Legends, Folge 12: Silberstrahl by Eric Zerm

Sherlock Holmes Legends, Folge 12: Silberstrahl

By: Eric Zerm

Narrated by: Florian Hoffmann, Hannes Maurer, Frank Schröder...

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Herbst 1887: Gemeinsam mit seinem Freund Dr. John Watson taucht der beratende Detektiv Sherlock Holmes in Südengland in die Welt des Pferderennsports ein. Als in King's Pyland in der Region Dartmoor sowohl das Rennpferd Silberstrahl als auch Oberst Ross' Stallmeister John Straker verschwinden, stürzt sich Holmes mit Feuereifer in die... Read more

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Billie Jazz - Tome 8 by Geneviève Guilbault
Billie Jazz - Tome 8
Geneviève Guilbault
Billie Jazz - Tome 8 by Geneviève Guilbault

Billie Jazz - Tome 8

By: Geneviève Guilbault

Narrated by: Edith Cochrane

Length: 1 hour 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Après un mois particulièrement mouvementé à apprendre le patinage artistique, voilà que Billie s'apprête à découvrir un nouveau sport : LA NATATION ARTISTIQUE! !Billie ne connaît pratiquement rien à cette discipline, mais elle a déjà hâte de monter une routine avec ses camarades. Pour y arriver, elle devra travailler sa force, son endurance et... Read more

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Jack and the Beanstalk by Joseph Jacobs
Jack and the Beanstalk
Joseph Jacobs
Jack and the Beanstalk by Joseph Jacobs

Jack and the Beanstalk

By: Joseph Jacobs

Narrated by: Jason Tibor

Length: 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Embark on a thrilling adventure with the timeless tale of Jack and the Beanstalk, narrated by the captivating voice of Jason Tibor. This classic story follows Jack, a young boy who trades his family’s cow for magical beans, only to discover a towering beanstalk that leads him to a world of wonder—and danger.As Jack climbs the beanstalk, he... Read more

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Adders by Ellen Frazel
Ellen Frazel
Adders by Ellen Frazel


By: Ellen Frazel

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

One of the most common snakes in the world, the adder is the only snake to live in the Arctic Circle. Burrowing away in winter and basking in the spring sun, adders make their homes in woodlands, mountains, and other areas. Young readers will learn all about the adder’s physical characteristics, venomous bite, and hunting methods. Read more

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Кит, который летал в облаках by Марина Бабанская
Кит, который летал в облаках
Марина Бабанская
Кит, который летал в облаках by Марина Бабанская

Кит, который летал в облаках

By: Марина Бабанская

Narrated by: Наталия Казначеева

Length: 23 minutes

Abridged: No

В этой сказке лунная девочка познакомится с малышом-китенком и узнает, что в каждом из нас живет настоящий волшебник, способный творить чудеса. Далеко-далеко – за лесами, за горами, за облаками, на большой и круглой Луне живёт лунная девочка Саша. Она очень добрая и любознательная, прямо как ты, малыш. Родители Саши – хранители снов и волшебные... Read more

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Abel Classics, Pinokkio by Carlo Collodi
Abel Classics, Pinokkio
Carlo Collodi
Abel Classics, Pinokkio by Carlo Collodi

Abel Classics, Pinokkio

By: Carlo Collodi

Narrated by: Denise Lukkenaer

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Wanneer de houtbewerker Geppetto een vallende ster ziet, wenst hij dat de pop die hij net heeft afgemaakt, Pinokkio, een echte jongen zou worden. 's Nachts vervult de Blauwe Fee Geppetto's wens. Read more

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Kauhistuttavat eläimet by Line Friis Frederiksen
Kauhistuttavat eläimet
Line Friis Frederiksen
Kauhistuttavat eläimet by Line Friis Frederiksen

Kauhistuttavat eläimet

By: Line Friis Frederiksen

Narrated by: Panu Vauhkonen

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Maailma on täynnä kauhistuttavia eläimiä! Tule mukaan ja opi niistä, jotka ovat kaikkein myrkyllisimpiä ja niistä, jotka ovat kaikkein tappavimpia.Tiesitkö, että valkohai voi nielaista merileijonan yhdellä haukkauksella, että myrkkykäärmeet tappavat vuosittain 50 000 ihmistä, tai että kultanuoli on maailman myrkyllisin eläin?Kaikki tämä ja... Read more

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On the Line by Joseph Ponthus
On the Line
Joseph Ponthus
On the Line by Joseph Ponthus

On the Line

By: Joseph Ponthus

Narrated by: John Sackville

Length: 3 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Unable to find work in his field, Joseph Ponthus enlists with a temp agency and starts to pick up casual shifts in the fish processing plants and abattoirs of Brittany. Day after day he records with infinite precision the nature of work on the production line: the noise, the weariness, the dreams stolen by the repetitive nature of exhausting... Read more

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Hildas skolutflykt by Esther Skriver
Hildas skolutflykt
Esther Skriver
Hildas skolutflykt by Esther Skriver

Hildas skolutflykt

By: Esther Skriver

Narrated by: Ida Olsson

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Hilda ska på skolutflykt till Grönberg. Hela klassen ska åka tåg och de får ta med sig fickpengar till glass och dricka. Men mycket kan hända på en skolutflykt. Saften rinner ut i väskan och Hilda tappar sin nya röda plånbok. Kommer hon någonsin få den tillbaka?Även när man lovar att vara försiktig kan de värsta missöden inträffa. Men med lite... Read more

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Shreshth Baal Kahaniya Assamese by Peeyush
Shreshth Baal Kahaniya Assamese
Shreshth Baal Kahaniya Assamese by Peeyush

Shreshth Baal Kahaniya Assamese

By: Peeyush

Narrated by: Anamaya Verma

Length: 1 hour 25 minutes

Abridged: No

श्रेष्ठ बाल कहानियाँ चुनी हुई चुनिंदा कहानियों का संग्रह! इस किताब में असमिया भाषा से अनुवादित चुनिंदा कहानियाँ हैं! ये कहानियाँ बच्चों के मन एक नेक दुनिया की तस्वीर बनाती है और बेहतर इंसान बनाने का अलख जगाती है! ऑडियो में इन कहानियों को सुनना बच्चों को अलग अनुभव प्रदान करता है! Read more

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Die drei Spinnerinnen by Brüder Grimm
Die drei Spinnerinnen
Brüder Grimm
Die drei Spinnerinnen by Brüder Grimm

Die drei Spinnerinnen

By: Brüder Grimm

Narrated by: Claudia Gräf

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm sind weltweit die größte und berühmteste Märchensammlung und das meistübersetzte deutschsprachige Werk. Hören Sie hier alle 273 Märchen aus der ungekürzten Hörbuchausgabe. Neben den 200 Märchen und 15 Kinderlegenden der Ausgabe letzter Hand werden sämtliche nur in früheren Auflagen veröffentlichte... Read more

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The Icarus Show by Sally Christie
The Icarus Show
Sally Christie
The Icarus Show by Sally Christie

The Icarus Show

By: Sally Christie

Narrated by: Joe Jameson

Length: 5 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Wonder if it were written by David Almond. A powerful, deeply insightful middle grade novel that poignantly deals with themes of friendship, bullying, and loneliness.Alex has worked out a foolproof plan to avoid being picked on. Don't React. It's so simple, it just might work. David, a boy in his class, does react. He's branded a weirdo, becomes... Read more

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मुकेश कुमार की कहानियाँ by मुकेश कुमार मासूम
मुकेश कुमार की कहानियाँ
मुकेश कुमार मासूम
मुकेश कुमार की कहानियाँ by मुकेश कुमार मासूम

मुकेश कुमार की कहानियाँ

By: मुकेश कुमार मासूम

Narrated by: पल्लव & मृद्वीका

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: No

मुकेश कुमार मासूम की कुछ चुनिंदा कहानियाँपुनरावृत्ति, बड़े दिल वाला, पंडित जी का लोटा Read more

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Snippets of Truths by Mary Hardy
Snippets of Truths
Mary Hardy
Snippets of Truths by Mary Hardy

Snippets of Truths

By: Mary Hardy

Narrated by: Joanna Henning

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Stories are the backbone of life. In Snippets of Truths, author Mary Hardy shares the stories of her youth while growing up in rural southern Mississippi in the fifties and sixties. A collection of anecdotes and vignettes, this memoir narrates the memorable experiences of Hardy’s childhood. From the large to the small, and from the ordinary... Read more

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Kasperli, Wer hät Angscht vorem Güselgrüsel? by Andrea Jansen & Anja Knabenhans
Kasperli, Wer hät Angscht vorem Güselgrüsel?
Andrea Jansen & Anja Knabenhans
Kasperli, Wer hät Angscht vorem Güselgrüsel? by Andrea Jansen & Anja Knabenhans

Kasperli, Wer hät Angscht vorem Güselgrüsel?

By: Andrea Jansen & Anja Knabenhans

Narrated by: David Bröckelmann, Fabienne Hadorn, Andrea Jans...

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Seit bald 50 Jahren tra-tra-trallerlat Kasperli in den Kinderzimmern und Stuben aus den Boxen. Das neue Kasperli-Team rund um Moderatorin Andrea Jansen hat nun exklusiv für die IG saubere Umwelt (IGSU) und "wir eltern" eine Geschichte zum Clean-Up Day produziert, in der der neugierig-rotzige Bub mit der roten Zipfelmütze einem vermeintlichen... Read more

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The Adventures of Bobby Rooster by Paul  A.  Lynch
The Adventures of Bobby Rooster
Paul A. Lynch
The Adventures of Bobby Rooster by Paul  A.  Lynch

The Adventures of Bobby Rooster

By: Paul A. Lynch

Narrated by: Stacey Patterson

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Bobby Rooster was sitting at home bored. He was waiting for an adventure in his hometown of Chickenville. He was on his day off from his part-time work down at the toy store.Suddenly, Bobby heard a loud knock at his door and he ran over to see who it was. It was his best friend Stuart, the rabbit! Stuart was hopping around, excitedly, with a... Read more

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The Ghoul of Windydown Vale by Jake Burt
The Ghoul of Windydown Vale
Jake Burt
The Ghoul of Windydown Vale by Jake Burt

The Ghoul of Windydown Vale

By: Jake Burt

Narrated by: Ramón de Ocampo

Length: 7 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Copper Inskeep holds Windydown Vale’s deepest and darkest secret: He is the ghoul who haunts the Vale, donning a gruesome costume not only to scare travelers away from the dangers of the surrounding swamps, but also to keep
them from discovering Windydown Vale’s best-kept secret. When a terrified girl claims she and her father were attacked by a... Read more

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Dale Kennedy


By: Dale Kennedy

Narrated by: Elmer Bowman

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Content is king in the digital age, and creating high-quality content is essential for any business or individual looking to establish a strong online presence. "Content Writing Step-by-Step" is a comprehensive guide to crafting compelling content for digital platforms.Whether you're a seasoned content writer looking to hone your skills or a... Read more

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