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我爱我的妈妈 (Chinese Only) by Shelley Admont
我爱我的妈妈 (Chinese Only)
Shelley Admont
我爱我的妈妈 (Chinese Only) by Shelley Admont

我爱我的妈妈 (Chinese Only)

By: Shelley Admont

Narrated by: Mia Lee

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Everybody loves their Mom, no matter what their age. In this bedtime story, the little bunny Jimmy and his older brothers try to find a perfect present for Mom’s birthday. They want to show how much they love her.What creative solution did they find to express their feelings? You will find out in this illustrated children’s book. This children’s... Read more

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A Day Out with Grandma by Eddie Broom
A Day Out with Grandma
Eddie Broom
A Day Out with Grandma by Eddie Broom

A Day Out with Grandma

By: Eddie Broom

Narrated by: Martyn Laycock

Length: 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Meow Meow and Sunny head into Sky City with Grandma for a day out. After a lovely lunch, they set out to play. But can they keep up with Grandma?How can oyu still be so active when you're as old as Grnadma? Well, you need to be active now. Talk about putting down the iPad, turning off the TV and getting away from YouTube on a good old-fashioned... Read more

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Leo und die Abenteuermaschine, Folge 31: Leo und Hannibal by Matthias Arnold
Leo und die Abenteuermaschine, Folge 31: Leo und Hannibal
Matthias Arnold
Leo und die Abenteuermaschine, Folge 31: Leo und Hannibal by Matthias Arnold

Leo und die Abenteuermaschine, Folge 31: Leo und Hannibal

By: Matthias Arnold

Narrated by: Marco Rosenberg, Dagmar Bittner, Babette Büchne...

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Der kleine Stadtstaat Rom, ist im Begriff eines der größten Imperien der Menschheitsgeschichte zu werden. Niemand stellt sich den Römern entgegen? Nicht ganz! Der karthagische Heerführer Hannibal wagt es, dem römischen Adler die Flügel zu stutzen. 218 vor Christus fällt er in Rom ein. Aber wie vollbringt er diese strategische Meisterleistung?... Read more

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My Exciting Ride on the Bridges of Iceland by Nancy Marie Brown
My Exciting Ride on the Bridges of Iceland
Nancy Marie Brown
My Exciting Ride on the Bridges of Iceland by Nancy Marie Brown

My Exciting Ride on the Bridges of Iceland

By: Nancy Marie Brown

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Why are Icelandic horses called the "bridges of Iceland"? Read more

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Blackout by Alice Gabathuler
Alice Gabathuler
Blackout by Alice Gabathuler


By: Alice Gabathuler

Narrated by: Dirk Jacobs

Length: 5 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Schwarz. Leer. Einfach nichts. Carla ist weg. Spurlos verschwunden. Und Nick soll schuld sein. Aber der kann sich an nichts erinnern. Nur eines weiss er: Er würde seiner Cousine niemals etwas antun. Weil ihm niemand glaubt, beginnt Nick, auf eigene Faust zu ermitteln. Was er dabei herausfindet, lässt ihn immer mehr zweifeln. An sich... Read more

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Van Dusen, Folge 30: Das Ende, das ein Anfang war by Marc Freund
Van Dusen, Folge 30: Das Ende, das ein Anfang war
Marc Freund
Van Dusen, Folge 30: Das Ende, das ein Anfang war by Marc Freund

Van Dusen, Folge 30: Das Ende, das ein Anfang war

By: Marc Freund

Narrated by: Uve Teschner, Manja Doering, Tim Knauer, Thomas...

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Ein angeschossener Inspektor Bishop bringt van Dusen einen Kronzeugen ins Haus, der in der Lage sein könnte, eine mächtige Mafia-Familie zu stürzen. An sich kein Freund von Action und Verfolgungsjagden, muss der Professor ihn nun schnellsten aus der Stadt bringen und gerät dabei bald in weitere Verwicklungen sowie ein Ereignis, das seinen... Read more

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A Christmas Carol by Steve Hendrickson
A Christmas Carol
Steve Hendrickson
A Christmas Carol by Steve Hendrickson

A Christmas Carol

By: Steve Hendrickson

Narrated by: Steve Hendrickson

Length: 1 hour 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Steve Hendrickson has performed in multiple stage productions of A Christmas Carol for over 40 years. Now he brings his own particular take to Charles Dickens' classic ghost story of Yuletide redemption. Read more

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Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the American West by Linda Barr
Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the American West
Linda Barr
Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the American West by Linda Barr

Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the American West

By: Linda Barr

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Highlights presents Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the American West written by Linda Barr. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were the first Americans to explore the land west of the Mississippi River all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Read more

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Piggy: The Cure: An AFK Book by Terrance Crawford
Piggy: The Cure: An AFK Book
Terrance Crawford
Piggy: The Cure: An AFK Book by Terrance Crawford

Piggy: The Cure: An AFK Book

By: Terrance Crawford

Narrated by: Fred Berman

Length: 2 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Dive into terrifying world of PIGGY in the second original illustrated novel based on the fan-favorite video game!There is a mystery to be solved, a cure to be found, and a horde of Infected to escape!Welcome to the bone chilling, pulse-pounding world of PIGGY, the survival-horror game that will keep you up at night. With the Infected hot on... Read more

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Cannons at Dawn (Dear America) by Kristiana Gregory
Cannons at Dawn (Dear America)
Kristiana Gregory
Cannons at Dawn (Dear America) by Kristiana Gregory

Cannons at Dawn (Dear America)

By: Kristiana Gregory

Narrated by: Ilyana Kadushin

Length: 4 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Kristiana Gregory returns with a stunning new sequel to the bestselling Dear America title THE WINTER OF RED SNOW!Kristiana Gregory returns with a stunning new sequel to the bestselling Dear America title THE WINTER OF RED SNOW!Abigail Jane Stewart returns in this brand-new sequel to THE WINTER OF RED SNOW. The Revolutionary War toils on, but... Read more

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Technocracy Explained by Arlo Holders
Technocracy Explained
Arlo Holders
Technocracy Explained by Arlo Holders

Technocracy Explained

By: Arlo Holders

Narrated by: Juliette Fanser

Length: 3 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Technocracy is a concept that has evolved over time, yet its core principles remain focused on the idea that governance should be driven by scientific knowledge and technical expertise rather than political ideologies or populist sentiments. The term "technocracy" was first introduced in the early 20th century by engineers and economists who... Read more

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Heidi, Folge 1: Heidi kommt zum Alm-Öhi by Johanna Spyri
Heidi, Folge 1: Heidi kommt zum Alm-Öhi
Johanna Spyri
Heidi, Folge 1: Heidi kommt zum Alm-Öhi by Johanna Spyri

Heidi, Folge 1: Heidi kommt zum Alm-Öhi

By: Johanna Spyri

Narrated by: Agnes Bühlmann, Oskar Hoby, Ruth Bannwart & Rol...

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Die kleine Heidi hat keine Eltern mehr. Tante Dete bringt das Mädchen zu ihrem Großvater, dem Alm-Öhi, der ganz allein und zurückgezogen auf einer Alm in den Schweizer Bergen lebt. Es dauert nicht lange und die fröhliche und lebenslustige Heidi erobert das Herz ihres Großvaters im Sturm. Sie schließt Freundschaft mit dem Geißenpeter und den... Read more

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A Long Winter's Nap by Karen G. Ballen
A Long Winter's Nap
Karen G. Ballen
A Long Winter's Nap by Karen G. Ballen

A Long Winter's Nap

By: Karen G. Ballen

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Highlights presents A Long Winter's Nap by Karen G. Ballen. The arctic squirrel hibernates underground to survive the winter. Read more

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Der kleine Prinz im Zaubermantel (Ungekürzt) by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Der kleine Prinz im Zaubermantel (Ungekürzt)
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Der kleine Prinz im Zaubermantel (Ungekürzt) by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Der kleine Prinz im Zaubermantel (Ungekürzt)

By: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Narrated by: Luca Zamperoni

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

Der lila Minimond spielt verrückt, er dreht sich viel schneller als üblich. Der Astronom Abdulkadir weiß, dass ein sonderbarer König dahinter steckt. Nur mit Hilfe seines Zaubermantels gelingt es dem kleinen Prinzen, den hochmütigen Alten zu überlisten. Read more

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Boribon a játszótéren (teljes terjedelmű) by Veronika Marék
Boribon a játszótéren (teljes terjedelmű)
Veronika Marék
Boribon a játszótéren (teljes terjedelmű) by Veronika Marék

Boribon a játszótéren (teljes terjedelmű)

By: Veronika Marék

Narrated by: Rajkai Zoltán

Length: 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Annipanni és Boribon, a játékmackó története immár az 1970-es évek óta töretlenül a gyerekek nagy kedvence. Marék Veronika méltán híres sorozatának hangoskönyves változata Rajkai Zoltán előadásában. Read more

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Mindfulness para Principiantes by Eric Mc Luhan
Mindfulness para Principiantes
Eric Mc Luhan
Mindfulness para Principiantes by Eric Mc Luhan

Mindfulness para Principiantes

By: Eric Mc Luhan

Narrated by: Elvimar Monsalve

Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Si su vida está llena de estrés y ansiedad, este libro es la clave para hallar la paz y alivio.El antiguo concepto budista de Mindful a menudo se presenta como un concepto demasiado complicado, pero el autor Eric McLuhan toma estos conceptos y comunica mindfulness en términos sencillos y comprensibles. Fácil de leer la guía incluye un libro de... Read more

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The Best Easter Basket Ever by Marilyn Kratz
The Best Easter Basket Ever
Marilyn Kratz
The Best Easter Basket Ever by Marilyn Kratz

The Best Easter Basket Ever

By: Marilyn Kratz

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 1 minute

Abridged: No

Highlights presents The Best Easter Basket Ever by Marilyn Kratz. Sara's outdoor flowerpot has an Easter surprise. Read more

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A Pumpkin Party by Rich Wallace
A Pumpkin Party
Rich Wallace
A Pumpkin Party by Rich Wallace

A Pumpkin Party

By: Rich Wallace

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Highlights presents A Pumpkin Party by Rich Wallace: The Timbertoes have a harvest feast. Read more

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All of Creation by Betsy Painter
All of Creation
Betsy Painter
All of Creation by Betsy Painter

All of Creation

By: Betsy Painter

Narrated by: Jill Blackwood

Length: 4 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

From conservation to protecting endangered species to sustainable living, All of Creation offers young readers accessible and fascinating information on the challenges our planet faces and practical ways we can care for the magnificent world around us.Drawing on science and Scripture, this hope-filled and kid-friendly guide to planet Earth... Read more

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Luck May Lie in a Pin by H.C. Andersen
Luck May Lie in a Pin
H.C. Andersen
Luck May Lie in a Pin by H.C. Andersen

Luck May Lie in a Pin

By: H.C. Andersen

Narrated by: Alex Lehman

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

To every child born, God offers a gift – this gift is not placed in their cradle, but in a secret place, where no one would dream of looking for it. So, this gift can be found in many different places, even in a simple stick... Read more

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Liv och Emma: Liv får en hund by Line Kyed Knudsen
Liv och Emma: Liv får en hund
Line Kyed Knudsen
Liv och Emma: Liv får en hund by Line Kyed Knudsen

Liv och Emma: Liv får en hund

By: Line Kyed Knudsen

Narrated by: Amanda Krüger

Length: 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Tänk om man hade en hund! Äntligen blir drömmen på riktigt när Livs familj skaffar hundvalp. Hunden heter Manja. Emma hälsar på hos Liv och de vill leka med Manja, men Manja är vild av sig och vill bitas och rivas. Vad ska de göra då?Liv och Emma: Liv får en hund är en trivsam och lättläst bok för nybörjare.Liv och Emma är en lättläst serie för... Read more

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알고 보니 내가 바로 무공의 고수 by I-An Kim
알고 보니 내가 바로 무공의 고수
I-An Kim
알고 보니 내가 바로 무공의 고수 by I-An Kim

알고 보니 내가 바로 무공의 고수

By: I-An Kim

Narrated by: I-An Kim

Length: 1 hour 26 minutes

Abridged: No

두 얼굴을 가진 악당과 맞서 싸우는 초등학생 향이의 무공 고수 도전기! 『어쨌든 이게 바로 전설의 권법』에 이은 이승민 작가의 두 번째 무협 장르동화. 장르문학을 읽는 이유는 무엇보다 재미가 있기 때문입니다. 또한 장르문학도 주로 사람에 대한 이야기를 하기 때문에 사람을 탐구하고 이해하는데 도움을 줍니다. 이 동화는 우리 어린이에게 색다른 책 읽는 재미를 주고자 기획되었습니다. 주인공 향이네 아빠는 초등학교 근처에서 문구점과 작은 도서관을 운영합니다. 향이는 〈만나 분식〉에 떡볶이를 먹으러 갔다가 〈만나 분식〉 할머니에게 무술을 익히면 금세 고수가 될 수 있을 거라는 이야기를 듣습니다. 그때부터 열심히... Read more

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Alligators by Vanessa Black
Vanessa Black
Alligators by Vanessa Black


By: Vanessa Black

Narrated by: Dana Flemming

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

In Alligators, beginning readers will learn how alligators build a nest, lay eggs, and protect their young from predators. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text engage young readers as they discover the dramatic world of alligators.

A labeled diagram helps readers identify an alligator’s body parts, while a picture glossary... Read more

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Moe Berg by Jeri Cipriano
Moe Berg
Jeri Cipriano
Moe Berg by Jeri Cipriano

Moe Berg

By: Jeri Cipriano

Narrated by: Brian Conover

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Some people call him the smartest baseball player of all time. Moe Berg could speak twelve languages—and make up signs on the baseball diamond. How did this major league catcher go on to become an American spy in World War II? HIDDEN HISTORY books share the important roles these men and women played in our nation's history as spies -- hidden in... Read more

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