Children's audiobooks

Opal Lee and What It Means to Be Free
By: Alice Faye Duncan
Narrated by: Bahni Turpin
Length: 18 minutes
Abridged: No
Booklist starred reviewBlack activist Opal Lee had a vision of Juneteenth as a holiday for everyone. This true story celebrates Black joy and inspires children to see their dreams blossom. Growing up in Texas, Opal knew the history of Juneteenth, but she soon discovered that many Americans had never heard of the holiday. Join Opal on her... Read more
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Water Street
By: Patricia Reilly Giff
Narrated by: Coleen Marlo
Length: 3 hours 36 minutes
Abridged: No
Brooklyn, 1875: Bird Mallon lives on Water Street where you can see the huge towers of the bridge to Manhattan being built. Bird wants nothing more in life than to be brave enough to be a healer, like her mother, Nory, to help her sister Annie find love, and to convince her brother, Hughie, to stop fighting for money with his street gang. And... Read more
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The General
By: Robert Muchamore
Narrated by: Simon Scardifield
Length: 6 hours 29 minutes
Abridged: No
The world's largest urban warfare training compound stands in the desert near Las Vegas. Forty British commandos are being hunted by an entire American battalion.
But their commander has an ace up his sleeve: he plans to smuggle in ten CHERUB agents, and fight the best war game ever.
CHERUB agents have one crucial advantage: adults never... Read more

Good Different
By: Meg Eden Kuyatt
Narrated by: Sue Ann Pien
Length: 3 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: No
A extraordinary novel-in-verse for fans of Starfish and A Kind of Spark about a neurodivergent girl who comes to understand and celebrate her difference.Selah knows her rules for being normal.She always, always sticks to them. This means keeping her feelings locked tightly inside, despite the way they build up inside her as each school day goes... Read more
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Die Fussballbande, Folge 34: Gegen die Kickerpiraten!
By: Aikaterini Maria Schlösser
Narrated by: Daniel Welbat, Stephan Lehmann, Linus Drews, Fe...
Length: 57 minutes
Abridged: No
Es ist so weit! Das erste Turnierspiel der Camp-Mitglieder! Aber wie sind ihre Gegner drauf? Sie sind gekleidet wie Piraten und gebärden sich auch so. Und es kommt noch schlimmer. Auf dem Feld benutzen sie eine geheime Seemannssprache, durch die sie sich einen Vorteil verschaffen! Und was ist mit Kim los? Sie ist vollkommen neben der Spur und... Read more
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Corazones de gofre
By: Maria Parr
Narrated by: Nagore Irízar
Length: 3 hours 37 minutes
Abridged: No
En un pequeño pueblo de la costa noruega,Terruño Mathilde, viven Lena y Theo. Ella es intrépida, divertida y muy aventurera. Él, la mente serena de los dos. Son amigos del alma, aunque Theo a veces necesitaría que se lo dijeran un poco más a menudo, como a todos por otra parte. Lena vive sola con su madre y, de vez en cuando, piensa que le... Read more
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By: J.K.A. Musäus
Narrated by: Herbert Fleischmann, Wolfgang Reichmann, Margot...
Length: 35 minutes
Abridged: No
Eine interessante Hörspielreihe aus der klassischen Kinderliteratur - ein Dauerbrenner Read more
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Of Beast and Beauty
By: Stacey Jay
Narrated by: Julia Whelan
Length: 10 hours 18 minutes
Abridged: No
It's pointless. Hopeless. Even if she weren't afraid of me, we'll always be enemies at the core . . .
In the city of Yuan, the blind Princess Isra is raised to be a human sacrifice. Her death will ensure her city's vitality.
In the desert, a mutant beast named Gem fights to save his people, known as the Monstrous, from starvation.
Neither dreams... Read more

The Enchanted Forest Chronicles Book Four: Talking to Dragons
By: Patricia C. Wrede
Narrated by: Words Take Wing Repertory Co
Length: 6 hours 37 minutes
Abridged: No
“Mother taught me to be polite to dragons.”
Daystar never thought he’d be walking through the Enchanted Forest with a magic sword, a fire-witch, and a baby dragon. He never dreamed his mother, Cimorene, would tell him to leave their home and not to return until his task was complete. Or that he alone held the power to release King Mendanbar and... Read more

Hero From Yesterday
By: Robert Silverberg
Narrated by: Scott Miller
Length: 21 minutes
Abridged: No
Hero From Yesterday by Robert Silverberg - They were a peaceful people and somehow couldn't stand the thought of executing their only criminal. The answer was to discover a—Hero From YesterdayThe day Lugert's criminals gunned down three citizens in a bold broad-daylight robbery, Domnas Karson, Third Speaker of the Council, said, "I think I've... Read more
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Angie der Anfängerengel
By: Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr
Narrated by: Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr & Sonia Fontana
Length: 20 minutes
Abridged: No
Angie der Anfängerengel hat vor Weihnachten besonders viel zu tun. Plätzchen backend wirbelt sie auf ihrer Wolke umher. Gerade freut sie sich, dass sie Schneeflockenplätzchen erfunden hat, als sich eines der Plätzchen in eine echte Schneeflocke verwandelt. Allerdings hat das kleine Flöckchen Flugangst und möchte nicht zur Erde hinunterfliegen.... Read more
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Family Village Tribe
By: Mandy Johnson
Narrated by: Mandy Johnson & Graham Turner
Length: 12 hours 40 minutes
Abridged: No
Flight Centre Limited is an anomaly in the business world – a modern-day organisation that uses Stone Age strategies to achieve phenomenal success. ‘I didn’t realise my life had been hijacked until a year after it happened.’ That’s Mandy Johnson’s take on her introduction into the world of Flight Centre Limited – the travel company that... Read more
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Kalimán y los profanadores de tumbas
By: Carlos René Padilla, Edgar David Aguilera & Sup...
Narrated by: Kalimán, Carlos Segundo, Edgar David Aguilera, ...
Length: 4 hours 40 minutes
Abridged: No
Aparecida por primera vez como radionovela en México en 1963, Kalimán y los profanadores de tumbas es la primera aventura del icónico héroe creado en México. En esta superproducción de Storytel y Superhéroe, se reinventa esta gran historia, sin perder su esencia, pero actualizada para nuestra época. Los fans verán que todos los grandes hitos... Read more
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Stormspeaker (Spirit Animals: Fall of the Beasts, Book 7)
By: Christina Diaz Gonzalez
Narrated by: Nicola Barber
Length: 4 hours 55 minutes
Abridged: No
The four heroes of Erdas are fugitives on the run in this new chapter of the New York Times bestselling series!Conor, Abeke, Meilin, and Rollan -- once Heroes of Erdas -- are now wanted fugitives. Framed for a crime they didn't commit, they've been hunted across the globe by the ruthless mercenaries, the Oathbound.The four friends have traveled... Read more
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Alice Again
By: Judi Curtin
Narrated by: Caroline Lennon
Length: 3 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: No
It's spring mid-term, and Alice has invited Megan to visit her in Dublin. Megan is hoping for a nice trouble-free few days with her best friend. No such luck! She soon discovers that Alice is once again plotting and scheming. It seems that Alice's Mum Veronica has a new boyfriend. The plan is to discover who he is, and to get rid of him. Alice... Read more
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Ein Geheimnis liegt in der Luft - Die Duftapotheke, Teil 1
By: Anna Ruhe
Narrated by: Mark Bremer
Length: 5 hours 30 minutes
Abridged: No
In der alten Villa riecht es seltsam - nach tausend Dingen gleichzeitig. Es ist das Erste, was Luzie an ihrem neuen Zuhause auffällt. Aber die Gerüche führen nirgendwohin und der Schlüssel, den Luzie unter einer Bodendiele findet, passt in kein Schloss. Gibt es in der Villa etwa ein verstecktes Zimmer? Gemeinsam mit ihrem kleinen Bruder Benno... Read more
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Never Say Die
By: Will Hobbs
Narrated by: Nick Cordero
Length: 4 hours 35 minutes
Abridged: No
Will Hobbs' adventure novels set in the great outdoors have garnered a slew of awards, including numerous selections as ALA Best Books for Young Adults. In Never Say Die, 15-year-old Inuit hunter Nick Thrasher takes a trip downriver with his half-brother Ryan, who's visiting Canada's Arctic to photograph the caribou migration. But when disaster... Read more
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Anne auf Green Gables, Folge 19: Verwirrung der Gefühle
By: Lucy Maud Montgomery
Narrated by: Marie Bierstedt, Lutz Mackensy, Simon Jäger, Ul...
Length: 1 hour 1 minute
Abridged: No
Annes Freundschaft mit ihrer schönen Nachbarin Leslie Moore ist und bleibt schwierig. Erst ein schwerer Schicksalsschlag bringt die beiden einander endlich näher. Für zusätzliche Aufregung sorgt ein Sommergast: der Schriftsteller Owen Ford. Alle Bewohner des Traumhauses sind begeistert von dem netten jungen Mann, aber nicht nur sie Read more
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Il destino degli Elfi 2: Il cuore di pietra
By: Peter Gotthardt
Narrated by: William Angiuli
Length: 45 minutes
Abridged: No
La Terra degli Elfi è ancora sotto pericolo. Bellis e la sua compagnia sono appena giunti a Valle dell'Aquila, dove pensano di essere più al sicuro. I Pugni d'Acciaio, guidati dal loro Re, stanno provando a far breccia attraverso la Gola dell'Aquila, un passaggio nelle montagne che un gruppo di valorosi guerrieri difende eroicamente. Rubus, il... Read more
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Basil and the Royal Dare
By: Eve Titus
Narrated by: Ralph Lister
Length: 1 hour 31 minutes
Abridged: No
Named one of “13 Detective Book Series You Obsessed Over as a Kid” by BuzzFeed and the inspiration for a hit Disney film, the masterful Great Mouse Detective is back and ready to find out what happened when two royal princes disappear!
With Sherlock Holmes away on a case, Basil and Doctor Dawson find themselves at loose ends until an urgent... Read more

Le phare de l'oubli
By: Fabian Grégoire
Narrated by: Waléry Doumen, Françoise Cousin & Sarah Gevart
Length: 28 minutes
Abridged: No
Retrouvez dans ce pack, une histoire passionnante et des pastilles documentaires pour s'enrichir de nouvelles connaissances scientifiques et historiques. Read more
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Donde entra en juego la fuerza de voluntad
By: Oslos Molina
Narrated by: Oslos Molina
Length: 19 minutes
Abridged: No
PRACTICAR el Tercer Paso es como abrir una puerta que todavía parece estar cerrada y bajo llave. Lo único que nos hace falta es la llave y la decisión de abrir la puerta de par en par. Sólo hay una llave, y es la de la buena voluntad. Al quitar el cerrojo con la buena voluntad, la puerta casi se abre por sí misma, y al asomarnos, veremos un... Read more
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Tashi and the Haunted House and Tashi and the Royal Tomb
By: Anna Fienberg & Barbara Fienberg
Narrated by: Tamblyn Lord
Length: 1 hour 16 minutes
Abridged: No
Tashi is back with two more stories to tell! Tashi and the Haunted House 'Don't go near the ghost house. Who knows what is prowling around in there!' There's a light in the window of the haunted house, and Tashi is going in … He's brave, but is he fast enough to beat two mysterious strangers in a race around the village? And what will... Read more
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Gott, unseren Schöpfer, kennen und lieben lernen
By: The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection
Narrated by: Uwe Zoschke
Length: 4 minutes
Abridged: No
Unsere Kinder sind kostbare Geschenke, die uns von Gott gegeben wurden. Er betraut uns mit ihrer Pflege und Erziehung. Ein wesentlicher Teil unserer Verantwortung als Eltern besteht darin, unseren Kindern schon früh zu erklären, wer Gott ist, damit sie eine gesunde, gottesfürchtige Weltsicht und Liebe zu Gott entwickeln können. Jeder Haushalt... Read more
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