Children's audiobooks

Kidnap on the California Comet: Adventures on Trains #2
By: M. G. Leonard & Sam Sedgman
Narrated by: Jot Davies
Length: 6 hours 48 minutes
Abridged: No
In this second audiobook of the middle-grade Adventures on Trains series, amateur sleuth Hal Beck travels to the U.S. with his uncle to ride a famous train—the California Comet—and stumbles on a new mystery to solve, in M.G. Leonard and Sam Sedgman's Kidnap on the California Comet...
After his adventure on the Highland Falcon, amateur sleuth Hal... Read more

By: Lou Anders
Narrated by: Fabio Tassone
Length: 8 hours 14 minutes
Abridged: No
From the author of Frostborn comes Book 2 in the acclaimed Thrones and Bones fantasy-adventure trilogy for fans of Lloyd Alexander and Brandon Mull.
Karn Korlundsson is a gamer. Not a riddle solver. But in order to rescue his best friend, Thianna Frostborn, he will need to travel to the faraway city of Castlebriar (by wyvern), learn how to play... Read more

Der König der Schneewölfe - Foxcraft, Band 3 (Ungekürzte Lesung)
By: Inbali Iserles
Narrated by: Cathlen Gawlich
Length: 8 hours 11 minutes
Abridged: No
Isla ist allein in den Schneelanden unterwegs, auf der Suche nach ihrem Bruder Pirie. Als ein Rudel Wölfe sie umzingelt, scheint ihr der Tod sicher. Doch der Anführer ist ein alter Freund, den sie einst aus dem Zoo der Stadt befreite. Er hilft ihr bei der Suche, doch Pirie ist nicht in den Schneelanden, sondern beim bösen Magier. Isla muss sich... Read more
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Awesome Air
By: Rena Korb
Narrated by: Robert Rance
Length: 9 minutes
Abridged: No
Learn about the awesome air in these easy-to-read books. The atmosphere, gases, pollution, and conservation are explained in simple text and matching art. A science activity, fun facts section, glossary, and index aid students in learning about the Awesome air around them. Special thanks to content consultant Julian Marshall Ph.D. Read more
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What Rhymes with Cat?
By: Lissa Rovetch
Narrated by: Highlights for Children
Length: 1 minute
Abridged: No
Highlights presents What Rhymes with Cat by Lissa Rovetch. Tex and Indi write a poem about their cat Cow. Read more
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Better With Butter
By: Victoria Piontek
Narrated by: Erin Moon
Length: 7 hours 39 minutes
Abridged: No
Twelve-year-old Marvel is afraid of absolutely everything—amusement park rides, food poisoning, earthquakes, and that big island of plastic floating through the ocean. She also obsesses about smaller worries like making friends, getting called on by the teacher, and walking home alone. Her parents and the school therapist call her worries an... Read more
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By: Ken T Seth
Narrated by: Erica Hazelton
Length: 1 hour 6 minutes
Abridged: No
Mysteries for Kids : The CLUE FINDER CLUB : SPECIAL 1 - THE CASE OF THE DISAPPEARING DE MILO (Kids detective books, Books for kids age 7 to 10)
Beatrix, Clara, Christopher and Benjamin, They called themselves the Cluefinders Club.So for years they had been meeting after school. They called themselves the Cluefinders Club.The best friends would... Read more

Das verlorene Schaf
By: Sebastian Rochlitzer
Narrated by: Sebastian Rochlitzer
Length: 4 minutes
Abridged: No
Auf seiner Reise in die Mongloei lernt Ulfie Venja kennen. Venja kennt sich gut mit Wildpferden aus und Ulfie lernt auf einem Wildpferd zu reiten! Als sich eins der Wildpferde von der Herde entfernt, wird es spannend. Sebastian und Ulfie schauen gemeinsam in die Bibel. In Lukas Kapitel 15 entdecken sie das Gleichnis vom verlorenen Schaf, das... Read more
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By: Pamela Hall
Narrated by: Robert Rance
Length: 2 minutes
Abridged: No
The Shapes illustrated nonfiction books provide the first lessons on common shapes. In Squares, rhyming text and creative illustrations draw attention to where squares are found in the world around us. Square games and a glossary help even the youngest students understand beginning geometry. Special thanks to content consultant Paula J. Maida... Read more
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Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 62: Benjamin in der Steinzeit
By: Elfie Donnelly
Narrated by: Edgar Ott & Joachim Nottke
Length: 44 minutes
Abridged: No
Im Museum gefallen Benjamin die Höhlenmalereien von der Mammutjagd in der Steinzeit gar nicht. Zurück im Zoo schläft er ein und träumt davon. Plötzlich ist da ein Junge in einem Fell, der aussieht wie Otto. Er hält Benjamin nur für ein komisches Mammut ohne Haare. Ob in Benjamins Traum noch mehr seltsame Dinge geschehen? Read more
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Talking Leaves
By: Joseph Bruchac
Narrated by: Joseph Bruchac
Length: 4 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: No
A new work of historical fiction about Sequoyah and the creation of the Cherokee alphabet, from the acclaimed author of Code Talker
Thirteen-year-old Uwohali has not seen his father, Sequoyah, for many years. So when Sequoyah returns to the village, Uwohali is eager to reconnect. But Sequoyah’s new obsession with making strange markings causes... Read more

Fiasol - Doing fine
By: Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir
Narrated by: Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir
Length: 1 hour 14 minutes
Abridged: No
Fíasól is a seven-year-old crab living in Green Grove in Grasby. Well, she is not actually a crab. She is a girl born in the Cancer star sign, and in her opinion that stinks. So she’s decided to adopt a brand new star sign for herself, it’s called the Flowery Butterfly and is a sign made specially for people who don’t want to be Cancerians.She... Read more
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Skolspöket och magister SNARK
By: Helena Unée
Narrated by: Kim Bergkvist
Length: 43 minutes
Abridged: No
När Stina och hennes bästa vän Calle börjar i tredje klass får de reda på att det finns ett spöke i skolan! Det är Stinas bästa lärare, magister Bark, som berättar det för klassen. Men magister Bark är inte riktigt som han brukar. Han är så väldigt trött hela tiden och en dag är han bara borta. Är det kanske skolspöket som har kidnappat honom?... Read more
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Knitty Bear
By: Jane Allighan
Narrated by: Jane Allighan
Length: 32 minutes
Abridged: No
Knitty Bears are different from Panda Bears and Spectacled Bears and Grizzly Bears and Polar Bears -They are Bears made from wool and as deeply connected to all the Bears of all the Worlds, as you and I.This spoken lullaby for Bedtimes and Sniffletimes and times when you want to feel closer, to yourself and to the Land.A pattern for you to... Read more
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Pete the Cat: Snow Daze
By: James Dean
Narrated by: James Fouhey & Pete the Cat L.L.C.
Length: 5 minutes
Abridged: No
New York Times bestselling author and artist James Dean brings readers along for a fun, surprising, snowy adventure with Pete the Cat! In Pete the Cat: Snow Daze, school is canceled, and Pete cannot wait to play in the snow with all his friends. Imagine a day filled with snowball fights, hot chocolate, snowcats, and more.But when the next day... Read more
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Los deseos de Carmela
By: Matt de la Peña
Narrated by: Carolina Ayala
Length: 7 minutes
Abridged: No
Los deseos de Carmela
Hasta ahora el cumpleaños de Carmela no puede ser mejor. Hoy es lo suficientemente mayor para acompañar a su hermano en su recorrido por la ciudad. Y la tarde que pasan juntos se llena con la magia de lo que ven a su alrededor:
desde el brillante sol de los campos hasta las golosinas en la vidriera de la panadería. Pero... Read more

Just Don't Fall (Adapted for Young Readers)
By: Josh Sundquist
Narrated by: Josh Sundquist
Length: 4 hours 22 minutes
Abridged: No
Adapted for young readers from his adult memoir, Just Don't Fall is the the hilarious true story about Josh Sundquist's battle with childhood cancer and how he worked his way to making the United States paralympic ski team.
The inspiration for the Apple TV show Best Foot Forward!
When he was ten years old Josh Sundquist had his leg amputated to... Read more

einfach abnehmen mit Hypnose
By: Hypnowelten
Narrated by: Michael Gorka
Length: 52 minutes
Abridged: No
Diese Hypnosesitzung soll dir dabei helfen, schnell, einfach und sicher abzunehmen. Das ganze ohne Jojo-Effekt und auch langfristig. Millionenfach erprobt ist Hypnose ein guter Wegbegleiter zu deinem Wunschgewicht. Read more
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Alien Envoy
By: Pamela F. Service
Narrated by: Intuitive
Length: 2 hours 5 minutes
Abridged: No
Alien Agent Zack Gaither has spent his whole life on planet Earth. His assignment: to protect humans from the knowledge of life on other planets. Finally, the time is right, and Zack has the chance to help Earth join the Galactic Union. The only problem? A small army of alien thugs is set on keeping Earth out of the picture. And they’re... Read more
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K for Kara 15 - Forbidden Photo
By: Line Kyed Knudsen
Narrated by: Jennifer Wagstaffe
Length: 36 minutes
Abridged: No
Kara is looking forward to having her class photos taken. Some of the boys take photos with their phones. They share the photos with each other. But suddenly, some of the photos are not so innocent. And some of the girls get really sad.This is the fifteenth book in the series about Kara and her friends. The books can be read separately. Read more
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Noche Antigua
By: David Álvarez & David Bowles
Narrated by: David Bowles
Length: 10 minutes
Abridged: No
"Al comienzo de todo, los viejos nos cuentan,
el cosmos estaba callado y quieto.
Solo la luna brillaba redonda
en la vasta y estrellada oscuridad del cielo.
David Álvarez es uno de los artistas más extraordinarios de la actualidad. Sus ilustraciones en blanco y negro le han ganado fama en su país de origen, México, y en todo el mundo.
Ahora, con... Read more

The Golden Goose and The Adventurous Snail
By: Dick King-Smith
Narrated by: Andrew Sachs
Length: 1 hour 47 minutes
Abridged: No
Farmer Skint and his family have fallen on hard times at Woebegone Farm until their goose lays a golden egg. With the birth of Joy the Golden Goose, the fortune of the Skint family begins to change. But what will happen when people find out about their golden-feathered friend? How long can they keep Joy a secret? Read more
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Sahara Special
By: Esme Raji Codell
Narrated by: Phylicia Rashad
Length: 3 hours 21 minutes
Abridged: No
There are two files on Sahara Jones. The one the school counselor keeps is evidence that she's a fifth grader who needs special education. The other is the book Sahara is secretly writing, her Heart-Wrenching Life Story and Amazing Adventures.
The latest chapter in her book unfolds when her mother insists that she be taken out of special ed. So... Read more

Bedtime Meditation Stories for Kids Collection: Short Tales & Positive Affirmations for Children and Toddlers to Help Sleep Faster and Relax.
By: Children Story Group
Narrated by: Children Story Group
Length: 2 hours 37 minutes
Abridged: No
Help Your Child Relax & Wind Down After a Day Filled with High-Energy Activities with the Most Beloved Meditation Bed Time Stories for Kids!
When it comes to stress and relaxation, your children's needs are no different than yours. When bed time comes, children have an essential need for a comfortable and safe space, so they can shed away... Read more