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Doctor Trotter : Danger signs for little swines by Bob Hartman
Doctor Trotter : Danger signs for little swines
Bob Hartman
Doctor Trotter : Danger signs for little swines by Bob Hartman

Doctor Trotter : Danger signs for little swines

By: Bob Hartman

Narrated by: Bob Hartman

Length: 1 hour 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Doctor Trotter knows everything there is to know about pigs. He is, after all, the founder of that famous online resource, Pigipedia. So when he shares his own experiences of dodging carving knives and pork pies, you can rest assured that he knows what he is talking about.

You can also expect the odd squeals of excitement, regular snorts of... Read more

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Textos et cie: Tome 2 - #Nosrêveslesplusfous by Geneviève Guilbault
Textos et cie: Tome 2 - #Nosrêveslesplusfous
Geneviève Guilbault
Textos et cie: Tome 2 - #Nosrêveslesplusfous by Geneviève Guilbault

Textos et cie: Tome 2 - #Nosrêveslesplusfous

By: Geneviève Guilbault

Narrated by: Frederique Dufort

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Sois unique, sois authentique ! Mords dans la vie ! Vis tes rêves, même les plus fous ! Les élèves de cette école ont désespérément besoin d’une chose : MOI ! Leurs têtes débordent de rêves. Leurs coeurs sont remplis d’espoir. À travers leurs amours, leurs joies et leurs peines, je promets de les aider à réaliser leurs désirs les plus... Read more

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Ask Arizona: A Thundercloud and an Exploding Volcano by Lissa Rovetch
Ask Arizona: A Thundercloud and an Exploding Volcano
Lissa Rovetch
Ask Arizona: A Thundercloud and an Exploding Volcano by Lissa Rovetch

Ask Arizona: A Thundercloud and an Exploding Volcano

By: Lissa Rovetch

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Highlights presents Ask Arizona: A Thundercloud and an Exploding Volcano written by Lissa Rovetch. Ollie shares Arizona's jokes with their friends without giving Arizona credit--which annoys Arizona. Read more

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We Love Our Home by Chaaya Prabhat & Karthika G
We Love Our Home
Chaaya Prabhat & Karthika G
We Love Our Home by Chaaya Prabhat & Karthika G

We Love Our Home

By: Chaaya Prabhat & Karthika G

Narrated by: Sagar Arya

Length: 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Look high and low and you will find animals and birds making their homes around you, but do these high and low worlds ever meet? Find out in this story about the habitats they live in.- Read more

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Jorge el Curioso monta en bicicleta (Curious George Rides a Bike) by H. A. Rey
Jorge el Curioso monta en bicicleta (Curious George Rides a Bike)
H. A. Rey
Jorge el Curioso monta en bicicleta (Curious George Rides a Bike) by H. A. Rey

Jorge el Curioso monta en bicicleta (Curious George Rides a Bike)

By: H. A. Rey

Narrated by: Jorge Pupo

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

In this Curious George classic tale, everyone's favorite monkey gets a new bike and mischief and adventure ensue.George can do all kinds of tricks on his new bicycle—even popping a wheelie! When the Man with the Yellow Hat tells him not to go too far, George gets curious and sets off on a journey through his neighborhood. From helping the... Read more

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Ханна и Лохматый Пес - Серия 9 - Чертераты by Marcin Mortka
Ханна и Лохматый Пес - Серия 9 - Чертераты
Marcin Mortka
Ханна и Лохматый Пес - Серия 9 - Чертераты by Marcin Mortka

Ханна и Лохматый Пес - Серия 9 - Чертераты

By: Marcin Mortka

Narrated by: Марина Лисовец

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Ханна решила, что папу могли похитить пираты! Так как около их дома, на пенопластовом корабле плавают пираты-чертераты, воюющие с лягушками - подозрение пало именно на них. Read more

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Ma première fois: Recueil de nouvelles sexu by Collectif &
Ma première fois: Recueil de nouvelles sexu
Collectif &
Ma première fois: Recueil de nouvelles sexu by Collectif &

Ma première fois: Recueil de nouvelles sexu

By: Collectif &

Narrated by: Schelby Jean-Baptiste, Émile Schneider & Genevi...

Length: 3 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

"Les premières fois comme on ne vous les a jamais racontées. Sans filtre ni tabou. Si on se disait les vraies affaires ? C'est le pari de ce recueil de nouvelles qui propose des récits intimes diversifiés et surtout, toujours francs. Un baume idéal sur l'anxiété des premières fois. Avec ou sans Doritos. Sous la direction de Karine Glorieux... Read more

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South Sudan by Lisa Owings
South Sudan
Lisa Owings
South Sudan by Lisa Owings

South Sudan

By: Lisa Owings

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: No

After decades of war, South Sudan became an independent country in 2011. Though its people face struggles as they build their new nation, they do have reason for national pride. Their country contains Bandingilo National Park, which hosts one of the largest annual animal migrations. This title describes the birth of South Sudan and its efforts... Read more

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Infinity, Episode 6: Anarchie by Eric Zerm
Infinity, Episode 6: Anarchie
Eric Zerm
Infinity, Episode 6: Anarchie by Eric Zerm

Infinity, Episode 6: Anarchie

By: Eric Zerm

Narrated by: Stefan Günther, Marieke Oeffinger, Peter Sura, ...

Length: 1 hour 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Als der britische Zerstörer "HMS Coventry" im Golf von Aden einem Notruf nachgeht, wird das Schiff von Hochgeschwindigkeitstorpedos getroffen und geht unter. Wer oder was hinter dem Angriff steckt, ist unbekannt, aber 50 Seeleute geraten in die Gewalt eines Piraten-Clans aus dem afrikanischen Küstenstaat Adango. Den "Infinity"-Agenten Jack... Read more

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Sweet Dreams, Sarah by Vivian Kirkfield
Sweet Dreams, Sarah
Vivian Kirkfield
Sweet Dreams, Sarah by Vivian Kirkfield

Sweet Dreams, Sarah

By: Vivian Kirkfield

Narrated by: Lisa Renee Pitts

Length: 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Sarah E. Goode was one of the first African-American women to get a United States patent. Working in her husband's furniture store, she recognized the need for a multi-use bed and, through hard work, ingenuity, and determination, invented her unique cupboard bed. She built more than a piece of furniture. She built a life far away from slavery—a... Read more

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Pizza and Taco: Rock Out! by Stephen Shaskan
Pizza and Taco: Rock Out!
Stephen Shaskan
Pizza and Taco: Rock Out! by Stephen Shaskan

Pizza and Taco: Rock Out!

By: Stephen Shaskan

Narrated by: Rene Ruiz

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Besties Pizza and Taco are ready to rock out! They have a cool band name! And some instruments—sort of. Songs? Well, even without mad musical skills, how hard can it be? This super-silly graphic novel series, adpated for audio, by Stephen Shaskan hits a new high note!

Pizza and Taco love music! They make lists, and they have tryouts to get more... Read more

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Pimpa - Pimpa en Max de sneeuwman by Altan
Pimpa - Pimpa en Max de sneeuwman
Pimpa - Pimpa en Max de sneeuwman by Altan

Pimpa - Pimpa en Max de sneeuwman

By: Altan

Narrated by: Kirsten Fennis

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Het is eindelijk kerstvakantie en Pimpa en Armando gaan naar de bergen. De zon schijnt en Pimpa besluit om een wandeling te maken in de besneeuwde bossen. Hier ontmoet ze Max de sneeuwman. Max heeft een koud hoofd, dus Pimpa leent hem de hoed van Armando. Maar dan blaast een onverwachtse wind hem weg...Pimpa is een vrolijke hond met rode... Read more

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Hello Kitty - La caccia al tesoro by Sanrio
Hello Kitty - La caccia al tesoro
Hello Kitty - La caccia al tesoro by Sanrio

Hello Kitty - La caccia al tesoro

By: Sanrio

Narrated by: Eleonora Migliaccio

Length: 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Dear Daniel è tornato da un lungo viaggio e, per festeggiare, Hello Kitty decide di organizzare una caccia al tesoro per i suoi amici! C'è tanto da fare e poco tempo a disposizione. Riuscirà a farcela da sola?- Read more

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Im Zoo Tiere erleben (Ungekürzt) by Lorenz Hoffmann
Im Zoo Tiere erleben (Ungekürzt)
Lorenz Hoffmann
Im Zoo Tiere erleben (Ungekürzt) by Lorenz Hoffmann

Im Zoo Tiere erleben (Ungekürzt)

By: Lorenz Hoffmann

Narrated by: Diverse

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Paula und Lukas besuchen mit ihrem Opa den Zoo. Sie kommen aus dem Staunen gar nicht mehr heraus. Was für einen Lärm so ein paar Affen machen können! Und puh, das Krokodil sieht wirklich gefährlich aus! Wie gut, dass es hinter einem hohen Zaun liegt. Das Elefantenbaby dagegen würden sie schon gerne streicheln. Es sieht so süß aus! Aber halt, es... Read more

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Brandweerman Sam - De Collectie Het Grootste Avontuur by Mattel
Brandweerman Sam - De Collectie Het Grootste Avontuur
Brandweerman Sam - De Collectie Het Grootste Avontuur by Mattel

Brandweerman Sam - De Collectie Het Grootste Avontuur

By: Mattel

Narrated by: Stan Limburg

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Deze verhalencollectie neemt je mee op acht spannende avonturen met Sam en zijn trouwe team uit Pontypandy. Van leuke strandavonturen tot muzikale uitdagingen en spannende navigatieoefeningen, je ziet Sam, brandweercommandant Steve, Elvis, Tom, Penny en de rest van het team in actie. De Firefighter Sam Story Collection biedt een schat aan leuke,... Read more

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Новые приключения «Котобоя» by Андрей Усачев
Новые приключения «Котобоя»
Андрей Усачев
Новые приключения «Котобоя» by Андрей Усачев

Новые приключения «Котобоя»

By: Андрей Усачев

Narrated by: Алексей Багдасаров, Александр Жарков, Дмитрий К...

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Максим Суханов, Ольга Тумайкина, Алексей Багдасаров, Дмитрий Креминский и другие прекрасные актеры в веселом музыкальном спектакле по книге Андрея Усачева "Новые приключения "Котобоя". В продолжении музыкального аудиоспектакля "Приключения "Котобоя", уже известные вам и полюбившиеся герои, коты-мореплаватели Котаускас и Афоня, а так же их... Read more

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Forbidden City by James Ponti
Forbidden City
James Ponti
Forbidden City by James Ponti

Forbidden City

By: James Ponti

Narrated by: Lisa Flanagan

Length: 7 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

In this third “thrilling” (Kirkus Reviews) installment in the New York Times bestselling series from Edgar Award winner James Ponti, the young group of spies help a fellow agent in another international adventure perfect for fans of Spy School and Mrs. Smith’s Spy School for Girls.

After taking down a mole within their organization, the City... Read more

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The Borden Murders by Sarah Miller
The Borden Murders
Sarah Miller
The Borden Murders by Sarah Miller

The Borden Murders

By: Sarah Miller

Narrated by: André Santana

Length: 7 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

With murder, court battles, and sensational newspaper headlines, the story of Lizzie Borden is compulsively listenable and perfect for the Common Core.
Lizzie Borden took an axe, gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one.

In a compelling, linear narrative, Miller takes listeners along as she... Read more

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Cloaked in Red by Vivian Vande Velde
Cloaked in Red
Vivian Vande Velde
Cloaked in Red by Vivian Vande Velde

Cloaked in Red

By: Vivian Vande Velde

Narrated by: Laural Merlington

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

So you think you know the story of Little Red Riding Hood, the girl with the unfortunate name and the inability to tell the difference between her grandmother and a member of a different species? Well, then, try your hand at answering these questions: Which character (not including Little Red herself) is the most fashion challenged? Who (not... Read more

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Traumreisen für Kinder, Staffel 1: Luminara: Die Rückkehr des Lichts, Folge 3: Der Wolkensee (ungekürzt) by Claudia Schröder
Traumreisen für Kinder, Staffel 1: Luminara: Die Rückkehr des Lichts, Folge 3: Der Wolkensee (ungekürzt)
Claudia Schröder
Traumreisen für Kinder, Staffel 1: Luminara: Die Rückkehr des Lichts, Folge 3: Der Wolkensee (ungekürzt) by Claudia Schröder

Traumreisen für Kinder, Staffel 1: Luminara: Die Rückkehr des Lichts, Folge 3: Der Wolkensee (ungekürzt)

By: Claudia Schröder

Narrated by: Synthesized Voice-Female

Length: 9 minutes

Abridged: No

In einer magischen Welt, die von funkelnden Himmelsinseln, glitzernden Meeren und einem großen leuchtenden Baum namens Auroria erhellt wird, wird ein junger Auserwählter in ein episches Abenteuer gerufen. Ausgestattet mit dem mystischen Sternensplitter und begleitet von einem schimmernden Fuchs namens Lumio und einem neugierigen Wolkendrachen... Read more

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101 Amazing Facts About Spain by Jack Goldstein
101 Amazing Facts About Spain
Jack Goldstein
101 Amazing Facts About Spain by Jack Goldstein

101 Amazing Facts About Spain

By: Jack Goldstein

Narrated by: Charles King

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: No

In this amazing Audiobook you can find more than one hundred facts about the country of Spain. Separated into sections such as its geography, its landmarks, famous Spanish figures from history and many more you will find some fascinating information inside! 
Whether you are planning on visiting Spain, working on a geography project or just want... Read more

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Autumn is riding on a horseback by Linnea Taylor
Autumn is riding on a horseback
Linnea Taylor
Autumn is riding on a horseback by Linnea Taylor

Autumn is riding on a horseback

By: Linnea Taylor

Narrated by: Jenn Adesso

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

This sleep story is inspired by Ukrainian painter Maria Primachenko's "Autumn is riding on a horseback".. Our hero in this story is called Maria Prymachenko. She was born in 1908 in the village of Bolotyna, in Ukraine. Her father was a carpenter who made beautiful things. Her mother and grandmother were also talented at making things that were... Read more

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The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan
The Burning Bridge
John Flanagan
The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan

The Burning Bridge

By: John Flanagan

Narrated by: John Keating

Length: 8 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

The international bestselling series with over 5 million copies sold in the U.S. alone!

For years, the Kingdom of Araluen has prospered, with the evil lord Morgarath safely behind the impassable mountains. For years, its people have felt secure. But the scheming hand of the dark lord has not been idle. . . . On a special mission for the rangers,... Read more

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Athanasius by Simonetta Carr
Simonetta Carr
Athanasius by Simonetta Carr


By: Simonetta Carr

Narrated by: Lance Smith

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: No

A complex and fascinating character, Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, is best remembered as the Father of Orthodoxy, upholding the doctrine of the Trinity against the Arian heresy. In the newest addition to the Christian Biographies for Young Readers series, author Simonetta Carr introduces children to the life and times of this important... Read more

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