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The Worry-Worry Whale and the Classroom Jitters by Deborah Diesen
The Worry-Worry Whale and the Classroom Jitters
Deborah Diesen
The Worry-Worry Whale and the Classroom Jitters by Deborah Diesen

The Worry-Worry Whale and the Classroom Jitters

By: Deborah Diesen

Narrated by: Fred Berman

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

The Worry-Worry Whale and the Classroom Jitters features sound design and special effects to enhance your listening enjoyment. Listen out for the sounds of the classroom and the bubbles of their fishy friends!

First introduced in The Pout-Pout Fish and the Worry-Worry Whale, Willa Whale is the star of her own spin-off series, inspired by the New... Read more

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Puppy Love by Gary Soto
Puppy Love
Gary Soto
Puppy Love by Gary Soto

Puppy Love

By: Gary Soto

Narrated by: Christian Barillas

Length: 5 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

A sweetly humorous middle grade novel packed with action, basketball, and a dash of magical realism about friendship and family, first crushes, and belonging, from acclaimed author Gary Soto.Thirteen-year-old Jordan Mendoza has a huge crush on his classmate, Sierra, but he’s never going to win her affections if he stays a C student and keeps... Read more

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Sebby, Stee, the Garbos and Me by Jane Godwin
Sebby, Stee, the Garbos and Me
Jane Godwin
Sebby, Stee, the Garbos and Me by Jane Godwin

Sebby, Stee, the Garbos and Me

By: Jane Godwin

Narrated by: Stig Wemyss

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: No

When Sebby starts quacking loud enough to wake everyone up, Mikey can't just leave him behind. So off they set together and that's when the adventure begins... Read more

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The Bully Exposed by Jonas Warstad
The Bully Exposed
Jonas Warstad
The Bully Exposed by Jonas Warstad

The Bully Exposed

By: Jonas Warstad

Narrated by: Greg Zarcone

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: No

As testified by a psychology professor, The Bully Exposed is a complete guide to dealing with bullies in the workplace. Filled with facts about bullying and offering doable solutions for every personality, it educates us on the psychology of bullies - why they are the way they are, how to communicate with them and, most important, how to get... Read more

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Bibi & Tina, Folge 60: Wölfe in der Puszta by Markus Dittrich
Bibi & Tina, Folge 60: Wölfe in der Puszta
Markus Dittrich
Bibi & Tina, Folge 60: Wölfe in der Puszta by Markus Dittrich

Bibi & Tina, Folge 60: Wölfe in der Puszta

By: Markus Dittrich

Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz, Dorette Hugo & Gunter Schoß

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Bibi, Tina und Alex sind zu Besuch auf Gut Szendrö in Ungarn, um den Geburtstag von Mikoschs Pferd Baboschko zu feiern. Doch richtig frohe Stimmung kommt nicht auf. Es ist Winter und ein Wolf streunt durch das Dorf, weil er nach Futter sucht. Als man das arme Tier jagen will, sind die Freunde entsetzt und sie versuchen, ihm zu helfen. Read more

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Jean Rouge-Gorge by Unbekannt
Jean Rouge-Gorge
Jean Rouge-Gorge by Unbekannt

Jean Rouge-Gorge

By: Unbekannt

Narrated by: André Pomarat, Richard Andrieux, Catherine Java...

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Richard Andrieux Autrefois vivait en Guirec en Bretagne une pauvre veuve avec sa fille Aubépine. Les frères de la veuve lui avaient fait perdre son héritage. Grâce à son amitié avec le petit oiseau "Jean-Rouge-Gorge", Aubépine peut acquerir d'abord une vache magique, puis un cheval, et enfin un mouton tous dotés de qualités extraordinaires et... Read more

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Harvesting by Rebecca Pettiford
Rebecca Pettiford
Harvesting by Rebecca Pettiford


By: Rebecca Pettiford

Narrated by: Dana Flemming

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

In Harvesting, early fluent readers learn how gardeners gather the results of their labor. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they learn how and when to harvest their own home-grown fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

An infographic illustrates how a vegetable ripens, and an activity offers kids an... Read more

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От двух до пяти by Корней Чуковский
От двух до пяти
Корней Чуковский
От двух до пяти by Корней Чуковский

От двух до пяти

By: Корней Чуковский

Narrated by: Корней Чуковский

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: No

Корней Чуковский (настоящее имя – Николай Васильевич Корнейчуков) – русский писатель, доктор филологических наук, критик, литературовед, переводчик, автор чудесных сказок для детей. "От двух о пяти" – великолепная книга о душе ребенка. В ней применены психологические методы изучения языка, мышления и поэтического творчества у детей. Эта книга –... Read more

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New release
Introducing the Body by Amelia Rasen
Introducing the Body
Amelia Rasen
Introducing the Body by Amelia Rasen

Introducing the Body

By: Amelia Rasen

Narrated by: Amelia Rasen & Reem Abdul

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you want your kids to learn Arabic? Look no further! This English-Arabic bilingual book will definitely entertain and teach your kids Arabic!Your kids will learn about body parts! And with frequent reading, they will be fluent in no time!
6 books available in the series:Introducing the BodyIntroducing NumbersIntroducing ColorsIntroducing... Read more

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Hippopotamuses by Kari Schuetz
Kari Schuetz
Hippopotamuses by Kari Schuetz


By: Kari Schuetz

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Hippopotamuses spend much of their time in the water. It is the only way they can keep their huge bodies cool because they do not sweat! In this book, children will be surprised as they discover many cool facts about how hippopotamuses eat, move, and more. Read more

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Maya Was Grumpy by Courtney Pippin-Mathur
Maya Was Grumpy
Courtney Pippin-Mathur
Maya Was Grumpy by Courtney Pippin-Mathur

Maya Was Grumpy

By: Courtney Pippin-Mathur

Narrated by: Kevin M. Connolly

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Maya was grumpy. She didn' t know why she was grumpy. She was just in a crispy, cranky, grumpy, grouchy mood. She didn' t want to read or color or eat banana slices or wear her favorite shorts or go outside and play. So she GRUMPED, GLUMPED, CLUMPED, and THUMPED around the house.
Can Grandma' s patience and... Read more

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History Smashers: The Mayflower by Kate Messner
History Smashers: The Mayflower
Kate Messner
History Smashers: The Mayflower by Kate Messner

History Smashers: The Mayflower

By: Kate Messner

Narrated by: Annette Amelia Oliveira

Length: 2 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Myths! Lies! Secrets! Smash the stories behind famous moments in history and expose the hidden truth. Perfect for fans of I Survived and Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales.

In 1620, the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock and made friends with Wampanoag people who gave them corn. RIGHT?

WRONG! It was months before the Pilgrims met any Wampanoag people,... Read more

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Ganesha's Great Race by Sanjay Patel & Emily Haynes
Ganesha's Great Race
Sanjay Patel & Emily Haynes
Ganesha's Great Race by Sanjay Patel & Emily Haynes

Ganesha's Great Race

By: Sanjay Patel & Emily Haynes

Narrated by: Varun Sathi

Length: 10 minutes

Abridged: No

From the creators of the bestselling Ganesha's Sweet Tooth

When Ganesha’s brother, Kartikeya, challenges him to a race around the world, Ganesha knows he cannot win with speed. He may not be as fast as Kartikeya, but clever Ganesha knows that every problem has more than one solution!

A celebration of the dynamic bond between siblings and a loving... Read more

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A Case of the Zaps by Alex Boniello & April Lavalle
A Case of the Zaps
Alex Boniello & April Lavalle
A Case of the Zaps by Alex Boniello & April Lavalle

A Case of the Zaps

By: Alex Boniello & April Lavalle

Narrated by: Alex Boniello & April Lavalle

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Meet 3.14159265358979323846264338327950...or Pi for short. Pi's just like any other kid robot: they love to listen to music, play with their dog, and hang out with their friends. And when their teacher announces a field trip to Olde Silicon Valley, Pi couldn't be more excited! They daydream of all the awesome things they want to see and do... Read more

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A Frog Who Would A-Wooing Go by Charles Bennett
A Frog Who Would A-Wooing Go
Charles Bennett
A Frog Who Would A-Wooing Go by Charles Bennett

A Frog Who Would A-Wooing Go

By: Charles Bennett

Narrated by: Richard Stibbard

Length: 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Embark on a whimsical adventure with Charles Bennett's timeless tale, A Frog Who Would A-Wooing Go. In this delightful fable, a charming frog, decked out in his finest attire, sets off with great enthusiasm to woo his love. Along the way, he encounters amusing challenges, offering a humorous yet touching reflection on love, persistence, and... Read more

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Ruby Wishfingers: Toad-ally Magic! by Deborah Kelly
Ruby Wishfingers: Toad-ally Magic!
Deborah Kelly
Ruby Wishfingers: Toad-ally Magic! by Deborah Kelly

Ruby Wishfingers: Toad-ally Magic!

By: Deborah Kelly

Narrated by: Coco Hannah

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Ruby is back – and so are her wishes!With a head full of plans for the holidays Ruby’s fingertips already tingling with magic. That is, until Mum announces that Ruby’s horrible little toad of a cousin is coming to stay.But some problems can’t just be wished away. Ruby’s wish for her cousin to turn into a real toad breaks magic’s most important... Read more

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Winter Wonderful! by Rich Wallace
Winter Wonderful!
Rich Wallace
Winter Wonderful! by Rich Wallace

Winter Wonderful!

By: Rich Wallace

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Highlights presents Winter Wonderful! by Rich Wallace. The Timbertoes decorate their home for winter. Read more

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Take Me to a Tropical Island! by Lissa Rovetch
Take Me to a Tropical Island!
Lissa Rovetch
Take Me to a Tropical Island! by Lissa Rovetch

Take Me to a Tropical Island!

By: Lissa Rovetch

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Arizona and her siblings are planning a picnic in the park when the weather turn. They manage to redo their plans inside. Read more

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Heidi, Folge 2: Die große Enttäuschung by Johanna Spyri
Heidi, Folge 2: Die große Enttäuschung
Johanna Spyri
Heidi, Folge 2: Die große Enttäuschung by Johanna Spyri

Heidi, Folge 2: Die große Enttäuschung

By: Johanna Spyri

Narrated by: Scarlet Lubowski, Harry Kalenberg, Angelika Ros...

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Heidi muss feststellen, dass nicht alle Bewohner des Dörflis nett zu ihr sind. In der Schule wird sie gehänselt, weil sie im Unterricht immer einschläft, denn der Weg jeden Morgen von der Alm hinab ins Dörfli ist weit und sehr anstrengend für die kleine Heidi. Als sie eines Tages von ihren Mitschülern in einen eiskalten Bach geworfen wird und... Read more

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New release
Benjamin Blümchen, Find's raus mit Benjamin, Folge 13: Regenwald by Matthias von Bornstädt
Benjamin Blümchen, Find's raus mit Benjamin, Folge 13: Regenwald
Matthias von Bornstädt
Benjamin Blümchen, Find's raus mit Benjamin, Folge 13: Regenwald by Matthias von Bornstädt

Benjamin Blümchen, Find's raus mit Benjamin, Folge 13: Regenwald

By: Matthias von Bornstädt

Narrated by: Matti Klemm, K. Primel, Reinhard Scheunemann, U...

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Benjamin und Otto fliegen mit Herrn Tierlieb und Karla Kolumna in den tropischen Regenwald. In vier lehrreichen Geschichten erfahren sie Interessantes über die Wälder selbst und deren tierische Bewohner. Sie lernen, wie man sich auf einer Expedition verhält und dass es auch für uns wichtig ist, den Regenwald zu schützen, und zu bewahren. Read more

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Native American Tales - Stories for Children by William Trowbridge Larned & H. R. Schoolcraft
Native American Tales - Stories for Children
William Trowbridge Larned & H. R. Schoolcraft
Native American Tales - Stories for Children by William Trowbridge Larned & H. R. Schoolcraft

Native American Tales - Stories for Children

By: William Trowbridge Larned & H. R. Schoolcraft

Narrated by: Chip

Length: 2 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Native American Tales (by William Trowbridge Larned and H. R. Schoolcraft) Learned stories re-cast as children’s tales in the 1920’s to preserve the culture and stories.
Track List:
Iagoo, The Story-Teller Shin-ge-bis Fools The North Wind The Little Boy And Girl In The Clouds The Child Of The Evening Star The Boy Who Snared The Sun How The... Read more

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Isadora Moon 3 - Isadora Moon celebra su cumpleaños by Harriet Muncaster
Isadora Moon 3 - Isadora Moon celebra su cumpleaños
Harriet Muncaster
Isadora Moon 3 - Isadora Moon celebra su cumpleaños by Harriet Muncaster

Isadora Moon 3 - Isadora Moon celebra su cumpleaños

By: Harriet Muncaster

Narrated by: Elisa Langa

Length: 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Mitad hada, mitad vampiro ¡y totalmente única! ¡Bienvenidos a la fiesta de cumpleaños de Isadora Moon! Isadora Moon es especial porque es diferente. Su mamá es un hada, su papá un vampiro y ella tiene un poquito de los dos. Por eso su fiesta de cumpleaños no es como las fiestas normales y corrientes... ¡Hadas, vampiros y niños humanos, están... Read more

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一年级爱科学:小松鼠调查记 by 叶永烈
一年级爱科学:小松鼠调查记 by 叶永烈


By: 叶永烈

Narrated by: 易桃

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《小松鼠调查记》包括《小松鼠调查记》《小咪咪看姥姥》《尾巴比赛》三篇童话。《小松鼠调查记》:冬天来了,住在森林里的小松鼠一家都换上了过冬穿的新皮袄,还储备了许多粮食。有一天,小松鼠哥俩发生了争执,弟弟灵灵认为世上万物都需要贮存吃食和换上厚皮袄,哥哥聪聪却不这样认为。妈妈让它俩出去调查调查。作者简介:叶永烈,上海作家协会专业作家,教授。1940年生于浙江温州。1963年毕业于北京大学。11岁起发表诗作,19岁写出第一本书,20岁时成为《十万个为什么》主要作者,21岁写出《小灵通漫游未来》。出版过300多部著作,获过80余次大奖。创作的《“小溜溜”溜了》曾被上海美术制片厂改编成动画片《怪城奇遇》。荣获全国少年儿童文艺创作一等奖,2002年第十三届中国图书奖。 Read more

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Sea Monsters and other Delicacies by David Sinden, Matthew Morgan & Guy Macdonald
Sea Monsters and other Delicacies
David Sinden, Matthew Morgan & Guy Macdonald
Sea Monsters and other Delicacies by David Sinden, Matthew Morgan & Guy Macdonald

Sea Monsters and other Delicacies

By: David Sinden, Matthew Morgan & Guy Macdonald

Narrated by: Gerard Doyle

Length: 3 hours

Abridged: No

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Beasts (RSPCB) operates a rescue center for werewolves, dragons, fairies, giants, sea monsters, and other fantastical creatures. The RSPCB has stopped crimes against beasts, but there are still some people out there who will do anything to get their hands on one of these mythic animals . . .... Read more

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