Children's audiobooks

El Triángulo de las Bermudas
By: Blake Aguilar
Narrated by: Vinicio Aguinaga
Length: 3 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: No
¿Te has preguntado cuál es la razón detrás de los cientos de barcos y decenas de aviones que han desaparecido en el triángulo de las bermudas? ¿Porqué esta zona es reconocida cómo una de las más peligrosas en el océano? ¿Cuáles son los casos más impactantes que han ocurrido en este misterioso lugar del mundo? Entonces sigue leyendo..
“Se... Read more

America Children’s Book
By: Mr. Nate Gunter
Narrated by: Marianne Sheehan
Length: 18 minutes
Abridged: No
America Children’s Book is a readable history book that honors the families, foundation, and heritage of America. Bring kids to rightly understand, value, and serve a nation for the glory of God.BOOK DESCRIPTION: (also book back cover)A readable children’s history book told from a young boy’s experience from his grandpa’s military funeral and... Read more
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Recovering from Drugs: Become Completely Drug-Free
By: Frank S. Burnman
Narrated by: dms
Length: 3 hours 42 minutes
Abridged: No
Arе уоu intеrеѕtеd in hоw tо gеt your еx bасk whеn recovering frоm drug addiction? If ѕо, уоu ѕhоuld bе proud that уоu have rеасhеd a роint in which уоu саn think оutѕidе the addiction thаt уоu ѕuffеrеd. Drug аddiсtiоn iѕ emotionally, рhуѕiсаllу, аnd рѕусhоlоgiсаllу оvеrwhеlming. Many timеѕ, it iѕ common fоr a реrѕоn who iѕ going thrоugh ѕuсh аn... Read more
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Super Pigiamini - Un nuovo amico: PJ Robot!
By: eOne
Narrated by: Stefan Popa
Length: 9 minutes
Abridged: No
Nel suo laboratorio, il perfido Romeo sta escogitando un nuovo piano per fermare i Super Pigiamini. Questa volta ha costruito un adorabile robottino rotondo che gli servirà da esca per catturare Geco, Gufetta e Gattoboy. Tuttavia, non ha ancora messo in conto che la sua creazione sta per diventare PJ Robot, il fedele aiutante dei piccoli... Read more
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The Jungle Book
By: Rudyard Kipling
Narrated by: Jim Weiss
Length: 58 minutes
Abridged: No
Vivid characters true to Rudyard Kipling's original stories spring to life in tales of a young boy raised among wolves and other wild creatures of the Indian jungle. The audiobook is adapted and narrated by Jim Weiss. "Weiss succeeds superbly with characters you think you already know too well! Fresh and engaging." —Wilson Library Bulletin Read more
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K for Kara 12 - Riding Horses
By: Line Kyed Knudsen
Narrated by: Jennifer Wagstaffe
Length: 31 minutes
Abridged: No
Kara loves visiting the riding school, and she wants to spend time with Julie and Freja, the horse, every day. Rose wants to go to the club and sew their friendship scarves.Kara tries to talk Rose into going with them to the riding school. It is not easy. Kara and Julie are going to ride Freja. And she is really looking forward to it...This is... Read more
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Die schöne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie
By: Brüder Grimm
Narrated by: Thomas Dehler
Length: 2 minutes
Abridged: No
Die Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm sind weltweit die größte und berühmteste Märchensammlung und das meistübersetzte deutschsprachige Werk. Hören Sie hier alle 273 Märchen aus der ungekürzten Hörbuchausgabe. Neben den 200 Märchen und 15 Kinderlegenden der Ausgabe letzter Hand werden sämtliche nur in früheren Auflagen veröffentlichte... Read more
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Gilbert & Sullivan Set Me Free
By: Kathleen Karr
Narrated by: Carmen Viviano Crafts
Length: 4 hours 53 minutes
Abridged: No
Based on a true incident, this moving novel tells the story of a production of Gilbert & Sullivan's “Pirates of Penzance”—as performed by the inmates of a women's prison in 1914! Infused with music, beautifully researched and filled with fascinating characters, this is great teen listening. Read more
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The Minions of Midas
By: Jack London
Narrated by: Scott Miller
Length: 35 minutes
Abridged: No
The Minions of Midas by Jack London - What happens when a secret society demands your fortune—or sacrifices innocent lives instead? An electrifying tale of power, greed, and morality.Jack London was an interesting man. He ran for Mayor of Oakland, California twice in 1901 and 1905 as the Socialist candidate and lost both both times garnering... Read more
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A New Chick for Chickies
By: Janee Trasler
Narrated by: Therese Plummer
Length: 2 minutes
Abridged: No
For Chickies life was good. Life was perfect until . . . CRAAACK . . . the Chickies have a new brother! With engaging rhymes and endearing illustrations, Janee Trasler's books are perfect for babies and toddlers to enjoy. Big sisters- and brothers-to-be will be excited to take a cue from the lovable Chickies and cheep for joy when a new baby... Read more
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El catálogo Maxwell de objetos curiosos
By: Jose Andrés Gómez
Narrated by: Dafinis Fernández
Length: 51 minutes
Abridged: No
Los cuentos de este libro están unidos por una historia de no creer: las hermanas Eufrasia y Teodolinda crearon una serie de objetos curiosos para venta por catálogo. Su promesa era solucionar todo tipo de problemas con inventos extraordinarios; sin embargo, una vez recibidos, los productos solo trajeron caos a la vida de los compradores.... Read more
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K niinku Klara 14 - Olenko mä lihava?
By: Line Kyed Knudsen
Narrated by: Elina Saarela
Length: 36 minutes
Abridged: No
Olenko mä lihava?"Olenko mä lihava?" Tämän kysymyksen Klara esittää äidilleen, kun laiha Rosa yhtäkkiä kokee olevansa lihava. Ja miksi Rosa koko ajan puhuu siitä, mikä ruoka lihottaa? Tilannetta ei helpota, että Klaran oma äiti on aloittanut laihdutuskuurin."K niinku Klara on helppolukuinen kirjasarja Klara-tytöstä ja hänen ystävistään. Kirjat... Read more
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By: Robert Paul Weston
Narrated by: Alan Cumming
Length: 3 hours 11 minutes
Abridged: No
Are You a Believer in Fanciful Things? In Pirates and Dragons and Creatures and Kings?Then sit yourself down in a comfortable seat, with maybe some cocoa and something to eat, and I'll spin you the tale of Katrina Katrell, a girl full of courage (and daring, as well!), who down in the subway, under the ground, saw something fantastical roaming... Read more
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Hell Breaks Loose
By: Derek Landy
Narrated by: Kevin Hely
Length: 6 hours 28 minutes
Abridged: No
Discover the world of Skulduggery Pleasant in this prequel to the bestselling series. So many enemies, so little time . . . Italy, 1703. As the war with Mevolent rages on, the Dead Men are dispatched to a walled town in the Tuscan hills – not to assassinate the Lord of the Dark Sorcerers,... Read more
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Pumpkin Time!
By: Erzsi Deak
Narrated by: Susie Berneis
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Evy is so focused on watching her garden grow that she misses all the silliness going on around her - pigs DANCING, donkeys FLYING, and sheep HAVING A PICNIC. But after Evy's spent all year taking care of her garden, everyone's invited to pumpkin time! Read more
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The Tale of Peter Rabbit
By: Beatrix Potter
Narrated by: Ryan Aoto
Length: 5 minutes
Abridged: No
Peter Rabbit, a mischievous bunny, sneaks into Mr. McGregor’s garden to snack on lettuce and radishes. When Mr. McGregor finds Peter near his cucumbers, a chase begins. This beloved children’s story by Beatrix Potter is full of suspense and delight. Read more
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My Freedom Trip
By: Frances Park & Ginger Park
Narrated by: Ali Ahn
Length: 12 minutes
Abridged: No
Frances and Ginger Park, authors of both children's books and young adult novels, based this inspiring and deeply affecting tale on their own mother's childhood. Winner of the International Reading Association Award, My Freedom Trip features a courageous girl named Soo who makes a desperate bid for freedom by journeying from North Korea to South... Read more
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Drömmens uppfyllelse
By: L.M. Montgomery
Narrated by: Lisa Carlehed
Length: 8 hours 50 minutes
Abridged: No
Nya äventyr väntar Anne, denna gång långt borta från hennes älskade Grönkulla. Hon packar sina väskor, säger hejdå till sin barndom och beger sig av till universitetet. I den livliga staden Kingsport finner hon både nya bekantskaper och vänner från förr, men också ett liv på egna villkor. Som det anstår Anne kommer det att finnas överraskningar,... Read more
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Mizzi Mozzi And The Bee-Fuddled, Bee-Wildered Bilberry Blinky-Bees
By: Alannah Zim
Narrated by: Alannah Zim
Length: 11 minutes
Abridged: No
Mizzi Mozzi and The Bee-Fuddled, Bee-Wildered Bilberry Blinky-Bees is an enchanting story of Mizzi Mozzi's adventure to help the Bilberry Blinky-Bees, who produce her favorite Halfway-Hairy Honey. When strange blinky-lights begin to befuddle the Bilberry Blinky-Bees, Mizzi Mozzi and her friends, Lekko and Flip-Flop, set out to investigate. With... Read more
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Sternenfohlen, Teil 29: Manege frei für Wolke
By: Linda Chapman & Cordula Setsman
Narrated by: Johannes Steck, Sabine Menne, Manuel Scheuernst...
Length: 49 minutes
Abridged: No
Im Einhornland Arkadia gehen die jungen Einhörner zur Schule, um den richtigen Umgang mit ihren magischen Fähigkeiten zu lernen. Ein Zirkus gastiert in Arkadia! Schon beim Zeltaufbau lernen Wolke und ihre Freunde Fionn, den kleinen Zauberfanten, kennen. Doch erst, als er kurz vor der großen Aufführung verschwindet, merken sie, wie magisch seine... Read more
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Cyberdetective, Episode 2: Tierfarm
By: David Holy
Narrated by: Sascha Rotermund, Eva Habermann, Lutz Riedel, J...
Length: 1 hour 17 minutes
Abridged: No
Wenn Fremde in Cyberdetective James? Büro kommen, dann sollten es bitteschön Klienten sein - und nicht rüpelhafte Handwerker, die ihm eine Grundsanierung aufzwingen. Doch leider kann man sich seine Besucher nicht immer aussuchen. Zumindest hungern muss er in der plötzlichen Obdachlosigkeit nicht, denn sein nächster Fall führt ihn in das... Read more
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Como é Criado um Jogo de Videogame?
By: Luiz Filipe Matias Reis & NarraKids
Narrated by: Guga Almeida, Loretta Martins & Tiago Torres
Length: 15 minutes
Abridged: No
Já pensou como seria entrar em um jogo de videogame? Nesse episódio, o detetive-explorador Nico é teletransportado para dentro de um jogo em desenvolvimento, onde conhece Jujuba, a personagem principal do jogo. Juntos, eles desvendam os segredos e desafios da criação de um videogame, enfrentando obstáculos surpreendentes! Prepare-se para uma... Read more
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Amor Propio a Prueba de Balas
By: Isaiah Glisson
Narrated by: Matías Gallego
Length: 3 hours 19 minutes
Abridged: No
¿Has notado que las palabras de los demás suelen afectarte fácilmente? ¿Sientes que tu autoestima a veces está por los suelos? ¿Te gustaría desarrollar un amor propio a prueba de fuego? Entonces sigue leyendo…
“Amarse a sí mismo es el comienzo de una aventura que dura toda la vida.” - Oscar Wilde
Por desgracia, uno de los males más frecuentes en... Read more

I Speak Boy
By: Jessica Brody
Narrated by: Suzy Jackson
Length: 9 hours 2 minutes
Abridged: No
A phone-obsessed twelve-year-old girl, frustrated by the cryptic boys in her life, discovers a magic app that can read boys' thoughts in this modern-day retelling of Emma by Jane Austen.
After a matchmaking attempt for her best friend, Harper, goes wrong, Emmy is fed up. Why are boys so hard to figure out? But then something amazing happens--she... Read more