Children's audiobooks

Stick Dog Slurps Spaghetti
By: Tom Watson
Narrated by: Andrew Eiden
Length: 2 hours 2 minutes
Abridged: No
Perfect for fans of Big Nate, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Timmy Failure, and the previous Stick Dog books, Tom Watson’s hilarious Stick Dog Slurps Spaghetti will be gobbled up even by reluctant readers.
It’s slippery. It’s slurpable. It’s spaghetti!Stick Dog and his gang of hungry hounds want to play tug-of-war. Their search for rope leads to something... Read more

Liebe Liebe, ...
By: Khalil Gibran, Erich Kästner, Eva Illouz, Virgi...
Narrated by: Elke Heinrich
Length: 2 hours 45 minutes
Abridged: No
Mit zahlreichen Texten aus Wissenschaft, Philosophie, Theater, Lyrik u.v.m. wird das ewige Thema der Liebe aus allen möglichen Blickwinkeln betrachtet und die ZuhörerInnen durch die Höhen und Tiefen der Liebe begleitet: Vielseitig wie unterhaltsam, aber auch nachdenklich, melancholisch und mitunter bitterböse und sarkastisch. Ein kurzweiliges... Read more
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Про лунную девочку и маленькую панду
By: Марина Бабанская
Narrated by: Прохор Чеховской
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
В этой сказке лунная девочка совершит необыкновенное путешествие на облачном кораблике, познакомится с самой настоящей пандой и узнает, о чем мечтают эти милые мишки перед тем, как крепко и сладко заснуть. Read more
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Vanha kirkonkello
By: H.C. Andersen
Narrated by: Anna Reini & Laura Eriksson
Length: 12 minutes
Abridged: No
Kun pieni poika syntyy Würtembergissa Saksassa 1700-luvulla, kumahtaa kirkonkello. Kellon sointi tuo lohtua äidille synnytykseen. Myöhemmin kello putoaa kirkontornista, ja äiti ja poika käyvät ihmettelemässä tapahtunutta. Poika, Johann Christoph Friedrich nimeltään, ei arvaa, kuinka hänen elämänsä kietoutuu yhteen tuon samaisen kellon... Read more
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Pseudonymous Bosch's Bad Magic
By: Pseudonymous Bosch
Narrated by: Pseudonymous Bosch & Adam Gidwitz
Length: 47 minutes
Abridged: No
The mysterious author of the New York Times-bestselling book The Name of This Book is Secret, as well as the other dangerous and daring adventures in the hugely popular Secret Series gives a behind-the-scenes look at his new adventure series Bad Magic. In conversation with Adam Gidwitz (A Tale Dark and Grimm). Read more
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Wie die Sterne an den Himmel kamen - Elf Geschichten aus der Zeit unserer Vorfahren (ungekürzt)
By: Kianoosh Rezania
Narrated by: Katja Körber & Kevin Körber
Length: 2 hours 15 minutes
Abridged: No
Wie kommen die Sterne an den Himmel? Warum gibt es Tag und Nacht? Wie sind Menschen und Tiere entstanden? Diese Fragen stellen sich die achtjährige Dina und ihr kleiner Bruder Mika eines Abends. Um Antworten zu finden, begeben sie sich mit ihrem Papa auf eine zauberhafte Reise zu unterschiedlichen Kulturen und Religionen. Elf... Read more
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I fidanzati
By: H.C. Andersen
Narrated by: Luciano Caratto
Length: 6 minutes
Abridged: No
Un trottolino e una palla stavano in un cassetto insieme ad altri giocattoli. Un giorno il trottolino chiese alla palla se volesse findanzarsi con lui, dato che stavano insieme nel cassetto, ma la palla non lo guardò neanche. Il trottolino cambiò aspetto più volte e si ripropose alla palla, che però continuò a rifiutare le sue avances. Cosa... Read more
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My Sister the Vampire #1: Switched
By: Sienna Mercer
Narrated by: Emily Bauer
Length: 4 hours 10 minutes
Abridged: No
Don't miss this fun tween vampire series, featuring regular girl Olivia and goth girl Ivy!When Olivia Abbott moves to town, she's excited to join the cheerleading team and make new friends. Then she meets Ivy Vega. At first, Ivy, pale and dressed all in black, looks like Olivia's opposite. Then the girls look beyond the glittery pink blush and... Read more
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La course des tuques
By: Nicholas Aumais
Narrated by: Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc
Length: 1 hour 26 minutes
Abridged: No
L’hiver est revenu. Les Tuques se préparent pour le concours annuel d’ingéniosité. François les Lunettes a bien hâte de montrer une fois de plus tout son génie à ses amis. Mais Zac, le nouveau du village, arrive avec une luge spectaculaire ! Pendant la course, c’est la catastrophe : la luge de François se désagrège. Comment est-ce possible ? Zac... Read more
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Een Aanval Van Moed (Boek #6 in de Tovenaarsring)
By: Morgan Rice
Narrated by: Jeroen Kramer
Length: 7 hours 6 minutes
Abridged: No
In EEN AANVAL VAN MOED (Boek #6 in de Tovenaarsring), vervolgt Thor zijn zoektocht, dieper het Rijk in, om het Zwaard van het Lot te vinden en de Ring te redden. Terwijl hij en zijn vrienden met een tragedie te maken krijgen en een lid van hun hechte groep verliezen, worden Thor en zijn overgebleven vrienden closer dan ooit, en leren ze dat ze... Read more
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Lupin Legends, Folge 6: Vergeltung
By: Paul Burghardt
Narrated by: Manuel Schmitt, Marie Burghardt, Paul Burghardt...
Length: 58 minutes
Abridged: No
Immer mehr Untaten der Plume Noir werden Lupin angehängt und der Meisterdieb ist zutiefst gekränkt ob dieser schlimmen Verschandelung seines Rufs. Bei seinem großen Coup in Zusammenarbeit mit seinem neuen Partner plant er, seinen Namen endgültig reinzuwaschen. Fraglich ist nur, ob er sein Vertrauen den richtigen Personen schenkt ... Read more
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By: Peter Bunzl
Narrated by: Penelope Rawlins
Length: 9 hours 27 minutes
Abridged: No
Old secrets can weigh heavy when you want to fly.
Invited to a one-off spectacular show by Slimwood’s Stupendous Travelling Skycircus, Lily, Robert and
mechanical fox Malkin can’t wait to jump onboard.
But behind the daredevil deeds of the bewitching bird-girl and the lobster-handed boy, something sinister
lurks. And soon, the watchful ringmistress,... Read more

Bernice Knows Best
By: Max Dann
Narrated by: Stig Wemyss
Length: 18 minutes
Abridged: No
Hugh was a walking-talking disaster without any friends. Then Bernice came along - with her amazing cures. Read more
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Bibi & Tina, Folge 100: Das Waisenfohlen
By: Matthias von Bornstädt
Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz, Dorette Hugo & Gunter Schoß
Length: 1 hour 9 minutes
Abridged: No
Bibi und Tina sind mit Alexander und Graf Falko zu Besuch auf einem Gestüt in Andalusien. Alexanders Vater will dort Pferde kaufen. Da werden sie auf das Fohlen Fernando aufmerksam. Es hat seine Mutter verloren und wurde bisher von keiner Stute angenommen. Der Kleine braucht dringend Zuspruch und die Kinder wollen ihm helfen! Read more
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Приключения В.Швыршвырма
By: Toon Tellegen
Narrated by: Тутта Ларсен
Length: 1 hour 41 minutes
Abridged: No
Тоон Теллеген - знаменитый нидерландский автор детских книг, которого называют "амстердамским Хармсом". Книги Теллегена для детей тайком читают и их родители: слишком уж они смешные, абсурдные и неожиданно глубокие. Его сказки неоднократно получали самые престижные награды, включая международную премию имени Ганса Кристиана Андерсона, и... Read more
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Murder at the Museum
By: Lena Jones
Narrated by: Aspen Reiss
Length: 6 hours 11 minutes
Abridged: No
A second mystery for thirteen-year-old Agatha Oddly – a bold, determined heroine, and the star of this stylish new detective series. Agatha Oddlow’s set to become the youngest member of the Gatekeepers’ Guild, but before that, she’s got a mystery to solve! There’s been a murder at the British Museum and, although... Read more
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The Cloud Painter
By: Renee Conoulty
Narrated by: Renee Conoulty
Length: 1 minute
Abridged: No
Unleash the magic of the skies, where clouds come to life and worries drift away.Meet Percy, a young artist with a gift for seeing animals in the clouds. As others focus on daily worries, Percy finds joy in the sky above. But can he share this magic with those around him?Armed with paints and a brush, Percy sets out to transform the heavens,... Read more
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King & Kayla and the Case of the Missing Dog Treats
By: Dori Hillestad Butler
Narrated by: Kevin R. Free
Length: 12 minutes
Abridged: No
A lovable dog helps his human girl solve a mystery. Kayla made peanut butter treats for Jillian's new puppy Thor. But now the treats are missing. What does Kayla know? ?There are three treats missing. King was in the kitchen. King's breath doesn't smell like peanut butter. What does King know? ?There's an intruder in the house. How will they... Read more
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수상한 교장실
By: 박현숙
Narrated by: Ha-Jin Park, Eui-Jin Jung & Ji-Hee Chae
Length: 3 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: No
여진이의 친구 이대팔은 같은 반 윤지에게 푹 빠집니다. 종일 윤지 뒤만 졸졸 따라다녀서 '윤지 꼬리'라는 별명을 갖게 되지요. 여진이와 친구들은 윤지 뒤만 따라다니는 이대팔이 도무지 이해가 되지 않습니다. 그런데 어느 날 갑자기 학교에 이상한 소문이 돌기 시작합니다. 여진이네 학교 교장실 앞에는 교장 선생님께 고민을 상담할 수 있는 '마음 우체통'이 걸려 있는데, 고민 편지에 이대팔 이름이 등장했다는 소문이었지요. 여진이는 이대팔에 대한 나쁜 소문이 점점 커질까 걱정이 되어 소문의 진상을 파악하기로 합니다. 과연 여진이와 친구들은 소문의 진상을 밝히고 이대팔의 억울함을 풀 수 있을까요? 목차 이상한 소문 우리가... Read more
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Jasper and Scruff
By: Nicola Colton
Narrated by: Linda Quinn
Length: 26 minutes
Abridged: No
Smart kitty. Mucky pup. Here comes trouble … Jasper has everything he could want – a fancy apartment, bow ties in every colour and a large book collection. The only thing he’s missing is the right type of friends! Jasper wants to become a member of ‘The Sophisticats’, a society for exceptional felines, more than anything. When they accept... Read more
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The Very Quiet Cricket
By: Eric Carle
Narrated by: Kevin R. Free
Length: 5 minutes
Abridged: No
One day, a little cricket is born and meets a big cricket who chirps his welcome. But the little cricket cannot make a sound. The cricket meets many insects, but it isn't until he meets a beautiful female cricket that he can finally chirp "hello!"
Hello! whispered a praying mantis,
scraping its huge front legs together.
The little cricket... Read more

On the Court with...LeBron James
By: Matt Christopher
Narrated by: Jacobi Hollingshed
Length: 3 hours 32 minutes
Abridged: No
Get on the court with basketball superstar LeBron James in this in-depth, updated biography!
LeBron James was a sensation in his early days playing ball in Akron, Ohio, and he continued to amaze as a high school phenomenon. Now an international icon and the heart of his hometown Cleveland Cavaliers, he is widely known as one of the greatest... Read more

Happy Birthday! (Peppa Pig)
By: Annie Auerbach
Narrated by: Lauren Irwin
Length: 14 minutes
Abridged: No
Peppa celebrates her birthday in this adorable audio book! Based on the hit TV show.It's Peppa Pig's birthday! Peppa invites her friends to a very special birthday party, complete with a magic show by The Amazing Mysterio -- also known as Daddy Pig. Find out what birthday surprises are in store for Peppa! Based on the hit TV show on Nick Jr.! Read more
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Purrmaids #4: Search for the Mermicorn
By: Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
Narrated by: Holly Linneman
Length: 57 minutes
Abridged: No
The adorable mermaid-kittens (and unicorn-mermaid!) in this chapter book series will have fans of Magic Kitten and the Fairy Animal series paw-sitively hooked from page one!
What's better than a purrmaid? A mermicorn!
Coral, Angel, and Shelly can't wait to work on their school project about creatures in the ocean. There are so many animals to... Read more