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The Very Merry Murder Club by Abiola Bello, Maisie Chan, Benjamin Dean, Nizrana Farook, Roopa Farooki, Sharna Jackson, Patrice Lawrence, Elle McNicoll, E.L. Norry, J.T. Williams, Annabelle Sami, Dominique Valente & Harry Woodgate
The Very Merry Murder Club
Abiola Bello, Maisie Chan, Benjamin Dean, Nizra...
The Very Merry Murder Club by Abiola Bello, Maisie Chan, Benjamin Dean, Nizrana Farook, Roopa Farooki, Sharna Jackson, Patrice Lawrence, Elle McNicoll, E.L. Norry, J.T. Williams, Annabelle Sami, Dominique Valente & Harry Woodgate

The Very Merry Murder Club

By: Abiola Bello, Maisie Chan, Benjamin Dean, Nizra...

Narrated by: Various

Length: 9 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

A collection of wintery crime and mystery stories by thirteen of the most exciting and diverse authors in children’s books today! Co-edited by Serena Patel, the award-winning author of the Anisha: Accidental Detective series and by Robin Stevens, author of the bestselling Murder Most... Read more

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ילד של אמא by Zeruya Shalev
ילד של אמא
Zeruya Shalev
ילד של אמא by Zeruya Shalev

ילד של אמא

By: Zeruya Shalev

Narrated by: מאיה לוי

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

בכל בוקר אמא אומרת לגור שהוא הילד הכי אהוב בעולם, הכי יפה, הכי חכם, הכי גבוה והכי חזק, אבל בכל בוקר, כשהוא מגיע לגן, הוא מגלה שיש ילדים יותר גבוהים ממנו, יותר חזקים, יפים וחכמים. "מי אני", הוא שואל, מבולבל, "האם אני מה שאמא אומרת או מה שאני רואה בגן?" זהו ספור על ילד הפוגש את המציאות, על נסיון לישב בין תחושת היחוד והבטחון בביתו לבין המתח המכאיב... Read more

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Humbug Witch (Unabridged) by Lorna Balian
Humbug Witch (Unabridged)
Lorna Balian
Humbug Witch (Unabridged) by Lorna Balian

Humbug Witch (Unabridged)

By: Lorna Balian

Narrated by: David Rothauser

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

What can a little witch do when her witchy spells and potions don't turn out right? She just keeps on trying until it's time for bed. The readers then discover her true identity. A lovely surprise! Read more

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The Very Clumsy Click Beetle by Eric Carle
The Very Clumsy Click Beetle
Eric Carle
The Very Clumsy Click Beetle by Eric Carle

The Very Clumsy Click Beetle

By: Eric Carle

Narrated by: Kevin R. Free

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

A VERY classic from Eric Carle, creator of The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

When a little click beetle falls onto his back, he seeks the help of a wise old click beetle. "Look at me," says the more experienced click beetle, giving a loud CLICK and flipping onto its feet. But try as he might, the clumsy little click beetle just can't get the hang of... Read more

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Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen
J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen

By: J.K. Rowling

Narrated by: Jouman Fattal

Length: 9 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Dit is de editie uit 2020 van Harry Potter en de steen der wijzen, voorgelezen door Jouman Fattal.

"Harry keerde de envelop met trillende handen om en zag een paars lakzegel, met een wapen erop: een leeuw, een raaf, een das en een slang, rond een grote letter 'Z'."

Harry Potter heeft nog nooit van Zweinstein gehoord als de brieven door de bus van... Read more

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Rusty the Trustworthy Pony by Pippa Funnell
Rusty the Trustworthy Pony
Pippa Funnell
Rusty the Trustworthy Pony by Pippa Funnell

Rusty the Trustworthy Pony

By: Pippa Funnell

Narrated by: Harrie Dobby

Length: 1 hour 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Bloomsbury presents Rusty the Trustworthy Pony by Pippa Funnell, read by Harrie Dobby.

Tilly dreams of having a pony of her own. One that only she can ride to stardom. Will her wishes come true when she joins Silver Shoe Farm Stables?

Tilly witnesses the beginning of a lifelong bond between a young autistic boy, Edward, and a sweet pony called... Read more

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Textos et cie: Tome 1 - #Ainsivalavie by Geneviève Guilbault
Textos et cie: Tome 1 - #Ainsivalavie
Geneviève Guilbault
Textos et cie: Tome 1 - #Ainsivalavie by Geneviève Guilbault

Textos et cie: Tome 1 - #Ainsivalavie

By: Geneviève Guilbault

Narrated by: Frederique Dufort

Length: 4 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Je m’appelle Morgane et, pour moi, aucun défi n’est insurmontable. Au contraire! Je suis passionnée, je suis intense, je suis unique en mon genre! Rien ne pourra m’empêcher de réaliser mon rêve : mettre sur pied un journal étudiant révolutionnaire au sein de ma nouvelle école. Ma vie est remplie de surprises… et de coups de coeur… et de petits... Read more

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Inverosímil by Paula Vidal Oliveras
Paula Vidal Oliveras
Inverosímil by Paula Vidal Oliveras


By: Paula Vidal Oliveras

Narrated by: Marc Gómez

Length: 4 hours

Abridged: No

Una conmovedora novela sobre la familia y las pequeñas cosas que hacen de la vida una gran aventura Marisa, la abuela de Dani, siempre ha cuidado de su familia, pero ahora que ha comenzado a tener fallos de memoria, son ellos los que cuidarán de ella. O eso pensaba su nieto cuando le diagnosticaron Alzhéimer: en realidad, sus padres planean... Read more

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Pimpa e Cappuccetto Rosso by Altan
Pimpa e Cappuccetto Rosso
Pimpa e Cappuccetto Rosso by Altan

Pimpa e Cappuccetto Rosso

By: Altan

Narrated by: Francesca Vettori

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Riscopri le fiabe classiche in modo inedito e divertente, attraverso gli occhi di Pimpa.Pimpa accompagna Cappuccetto Rosso a trovare la nonna. Nel suo mondo, la famiglia del lupetto Lodovico è amica di tutti, alla nonna piace fare scherzetti che fanno prendere un grande spavento e l'unico pericolo che si aggira nel bosco è un cacciatore fin... Read more

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Mizzi Mozzi And The Yorrible, Yammering Yoke-Toed Yetzee by Alannah Zim
Mizzi Mozzi And The Yorrible, Yammering Yoke-Toed Yetzee
Alannah Zim
Mizzi Mozzi And The Yorrible, Yammering Yoke-Toed Yetzee by Alannah Zim

Mizzi Mozzi And The Yorrible, Yammering Yoke-Toed Yetzee

By: Alannah Zim

Narrated by: Alannah Zim

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

In the whimsical world of Mizzipotazia, Mizzi Mozzi, Lekko, and Flip-Flop embark on a daring adventure to Mysterious Mikahara Mountain to taste the legendary Klategorically Krumptious Chok-Leet Cake made by the kind Wampling Waggerly Weremousley. Along the way, they face the treacherous Yorrible Yammering Yetzee, Yarwelp, and enlist the help of... Read more

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We've Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children's March by Cynthia Levinson
We've Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children's March
Cynthia Levinson
We've Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children's March by Cynthia Levinson

We've Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children's March

By: Cynthia Levinson

Narrated by: Ervin Ross

Length: 6 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

By May 1963, African Americans in Birmingham, Alabama, had had enough of segregation and police brutality. But with their lives and jobs at stake, most adults were hesitant to protest the city’s racist culture. Instead, children and teenagers—like Audrey, Wash, James, and Arnetta— marched to jail to secure their freedom.
     At a time when the... Read more

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King Flashypants and the Toys of Terror by Andy Riley
King Flashypants and the Toys of Terror
Andy Riley
King Flashypants and the Toys of Terror by Andy Riley

King Flashypants and the Toys of Terror

By: Andy Riley

Narrated by: Mathew Baynton

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: No

"Brilliantly original and hilarious. It's nearly as good as one of my books." DAVID WALLIAMS
"Two words - such fun!" MIRANDA HART
"Beautiful, inventive and laugh-out-loud funny." SUE PERKINS

FOO HOO HOO! King Flashypants is back for his third rib-tickling adventure. Something weird is happening in Edwinland - Emperor Nurbison isn't evil any more!... Read more

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Where Are the Constellations? by Stephanie Sabol & Who HQ
Where Are the Constellations?
Stephanie Sabol & Who HQ
Where Are the Constellations? by Stephanie Sabol & Who HQ

Where Are the Constellations?

By: Stephanie Sabol & Who HQ

Narrated by: Jennifer Sun Bell

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Calling all stargazers, this addition to the New York Times bestselling series is sure to be the perfect book for you!

From the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series comes Where Is?, a series that tells the stories of world-famous landmarks and natural wonders and features a fold-out map!

Ancient people from many different... Read more

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The Incredible Adventures of Sir Cutlet, Knight Book III by Paolo Mascherpa
The Incredible Adventures of Sir Cutlet, Knight Book III
Paolo Mascherpa
The Incredible Adventures of Sir Cutlet, Knight Book III by Paolo Mascherpa

The Incredible Adventures of Sir Cutlet, Knight Book III

By: Paolo Mascherpa

Narrated by: Ella Claire Whitehead

Length: 1 hour 23 minutes

Abridged: No

The Incredible Adventures of Sir Cutlet, Knight is a collection of children's stories set in the rustic land of Newfoundland County. Follow Sir Cutlet, a knight in shining silver armor, as he roams the countryside on his bicycle, accompanied by his loyal dog, Spyke. Always ready to lend a hand, he offers his unique services to everyone he meets.... Read more

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Big Bugs and Other Bug Stories by Highlights for Children
Big Bugs and Other Bug Stories
Highlights for Children
Big Bugs and Other Bug Stories by Highlights for Children

Big Bugs and Other Bug Stories

By: Highlights for Children

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Bugs! See the work of an artist who makes giant sculptures of some of the world's smallest creatures. Enjoy a creepy crawly counting poem. Learn about an insect eating caterpillar and get answers to questions such as "why can't bugs talk?" Stories by Jennifer Mattox, Mary Meinking, Charlotte, Gunnufson, and Highlights for Children. Read more

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Paula Dehmel: Die schönsten Gedichte, Lieder und Geschichten für Kinder by Paula Dehmel
Paula Dehmel: Die schönsten Gedichte, Lieder und Geschichten für Kinder
Paula Dehmel
Paula Dehmel: Die schönsten Gedichte, Lieder und Geschichten für Kinder by Paula Dehmel

Paula Dehmel: Die schönsten Gedichte, Lieder und Geschichten für Kinder

By: Paula Dehmel

Narrated by: Tim Eriksson

Length: 3 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Paula Dehmel (1862 – 1918) war so kreativ, wie man nur sein kann, und dieser Kreativität ließ sie in ihren Gedichten, Märchen und Geschichten für Kinder freien Lauf! In ihrer Sammlung "Das liebe Nest" präsentiert sie Lieder, kleine Theaterstücke, Reime – ein riesiges Buffet wunderbarer kleiner Pretiosen, die auch heute noch den Einfallsreichtum... Read more

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Épisode 09-12: Une petite merveille by author
Épisode 09-12: Une petite merveille
Épisode 09-12: Une petite merveille by author

Épisode 09-12: Une petite merveille

By: author

Narrated by: Thomazo Olivier

Length: 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Le ranch Dino est exploité par Bo et Jane Cassidy et leurs enfants tous adoptés, Jon, l'ainé qui aimerait devenir Dino entraineur, Min ambitionne de devenir Dino médecin et Miguel le cadet créatif. Dans un monde où humains et dinosaures vivent côte à côte, Jon, Min et Miguel découvrent le frisson de la vie au ranch avec leur Dino. Read more

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Andy Shane and the Very Bossy Dolores Starbuckle by Jennifer Richard Jacobson
Andy Shane and the Very Bossy Dolores Starbuckle
Jennifer Richard Jacobson
Andy Shane and the Very Bossy Dolores Starbuckle by Jennifer Richard Jacobson

Andy Shane and the Very Bossy Dolores Starbuckle

By: Jennifer Richard Jacobson

Narrated by: Rachael Lillis

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Why would Andy Shane want to go to school? All Dolores Starbuckle ever does is tattle on him, correct him, or attempt to outshine him in every area. With Granny's help, Andy figures out how to stand up to Dolores in a way that empowers him and transforms her. With insight and humor, a common childhood struggle is presented in a fresh, endearing... Read more

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A Party for Myrtle by Leela Hope
A Party for Myrtle
Leela Hope
A Party for Myrtle by Leela Hope

A Party for Myrtle

By: Leela Hope

Narrated by: Annette Martin

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Do your kids feel like they don't have any friends? Do they ever feel alone? A Party for Myrtle tells a tale about Myrtle the Monster's birthday. Myrtle feels alone on her birthday because she thinks that no one knew it was her birthday - she felt like she didn't have any friends. However, her neighboring companions surprise her with a wonderful... Read more

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Miikan salainen tehtävä by Marja-Leena Tiainen
Miikan salainen tehtävä
Marja-Leena Tiainen
Miikan salainen tehtävä by Marja-Leena Tiainen

Miikan salainen tehtävä

By: Marja-Leena Tiainen

Narrated by: Juha Seppänen

Length: 3 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Kymmenvuotias Miika on kokenut elämässään kovia. Isä on vankilassa, ja Miika itse asuu lastenkodissa. Kun Miika pääsee asumaan maaseudulle sijaiskotiin tätinsä luokse, asioiden luulisi paranevan. Miika ei kuitenkaan viihdy tätinsä luona ja kaipaa takaisin lastenkotiin. Eniten Miika kaipaa isäänsä. Miika uppoutuu unelmiin ja haavekuviin, joissa... Read more

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De nepvampier by Sophia Drenth
De nepvampier
Sophia Drenth
De nepvampier by Sophia Drenth

De nepvampier

By: Sophia Drenth

Narrated by: Bart Oomen

Length: 4 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Boze darmen, jeuk aan zijn kladden en een reusachtige pukkel op zijn neus. Vladimir von Rotenbeck is geen gewone vampier. Bloed maakt hem ziek tot op het bot, een kwaal die hem de schande van de familie heeft gemaakt.Vladimir zweert dat hij op de Nacht der Doden weer bloed zal kunnen drinken. Tijdens zijn speurtocht naar een geneesmiddel maakt... Read more

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Un maniaque au chalet by Julie Royer & Sabrina Gendron
Un maniaque au chalet
Julie Royer & Sabrina Gendron
Un maniaque au chalet by Julie Royer & Sabrina Gendron

Un maniaque au chalet

By: Julie Royer & Sabrina Gendron

Narrated by: Pierre-Luc Fontaine

Length: 2 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Tu cherches une histoire qui donne la frousse ? Alors, lis ce livre.Une fin de semaine de rêve s'annonce pour Charlie et ses amis Louis et Maggie, grands amateurs de films d'horreur. Ils comptent tourner une reprise d'Un maniaque au chalet, la nouvelle oeuvre de leur cinéaste favori, Hemon Globill. Alors qu'ils se préparent au tournage, au... Read more

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New release
History Smashers: Earth Day and the Environment by Kate Messner
History Smashers: Earth Day and the Environment
Kate Messner
History Smashers: Earth Day and the Environment by Kate Messner

History Smashers: Earth Day and the Environment

By: Kate Messner

Narrated by: Lee Osorio

Length: 2 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Myths! Lies! Recycling scams? Discover the real story behind the first Earth Day celebration and some of the biggest US climate catastrophes--and their solutions! Don't miss the award-winning History Smashers series as they get to the truth on the biggest environmental fibs!

In April 1970, twenty million people grabbed their rakes, gloves, and... Read more

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When Things Aren't Going Right, Go Left by Marc Colagiovanni
When Things Aren't Going Right, Go Left
Marc Colagiovanni
When Things Aren't Going Right, Go Left by Marc Colagiovanni

When Things Aren't Going Right, Go Left

By: Marc Colagiovanni

Narrated by: Chester Gregory

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Instant New York Times bestseller!From #1 New York Times bestselling creator Peter H. Reynolds and talented debut author Marc Colagiovanni comes an inspirational story about optimism, overcoming adversity, and forging your own path."""One day for no particular reason, nothing was going right. Absolutely positively, nothing was going right. So, I... Read more

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