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An Ancient Disk's Secret Message by Mary Morton Cowan
An Ancient Disk's Secret Message
Mary Morton Cowan
An Ancient Disk's Secret Message by Mary Morton Cowan

An Ancient Disk's Secret Message

By: Mary Morton Cowan

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

For nearly a century scholars have been trying to solve the mystery of the Phaistos Disk. Read more

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Michael's Journey by Patrick Baranov
Michael's Journey
Patrick Baranov
Michael's Journey by Patrick Baranov

Michael's Journey

By: Patrick Baranov

Narrated by: Patrick Baranov

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

"Michael's Journey" is an inspiring tale of perseverance, passion, and the pursuit of dreams. Follow young Michael as he embarks on a quest to become the greatest basketball player in America.From the streets of his hometown to the bright lights of the national stage, Michael faces countless challenges and obstacles along the way. But with... Read more

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Une croisière sans fin by Totally Spies!
Une croisière sans fin
Totally Spies!
Une croisière sans fin by Totally Spies!

Une croisière sans fin

By: Totally Spies!

Narrated by: Dany Benedito, Claire Guyot, Céline Mauge, Fily...

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Jerry informe les Spies qu'il leur offre de petites vacances sur le nouveau paquebot de croisière du WOOHP. Soudain, la sérénité de leurs vacances est rompue : un gang de malfrats, qui se fait passer pour l'équipage du bateau, s'empare du bateau. Totally Spies! raconte l'histoire de Sam, Alex et Clover, trois jeunes étudiantes qui travaillent... Read more

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The Odious Ogre by Norton Juster
The Odious Ogre
Norton Juster
The Odious Ogre by Norton Juster

The Odious Ogre

By: Norton Juster

Narrated by: James Jenner

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Norton Juster-the acclaimed author of such children's classics as The Phantom Toll Booth and The Hello, Goodbye Window-tells the story of a really rotten ogre. Huge and ugly, the angry ogre is always hungry-and utterly merciless. As he greedily gobbles up the people in his path, he seems unstoppable. And then one day, the ogre takes a wrong turn... Read more

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Station Jim by Louis de Bernières
Station Jim
Louis de Bernières
Station Jim by Louis de Bernières

Station Jim

By: Louis de Bernières

Narrated by: Andrew Wincott

Length: 2 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

One evening in early spring, in the days when all the trains were driven by steam, a stationmaster found something abandoned on a train … Mr Ginger Leghorn is used to collecting up umbrellas and other lost property but he’s never found an abandoned puppy on his train before. He has no intention of keeping it but his five children – Alfie,... Read more

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Stingers by Randy Wayne White
Randy Wayne White
Stingers by Randy Wayne White


By: Randy Wayne White

Narrated by: Tristan Morris

Length: 6 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

The trio of brave friends who make up Shark, Inc—Luke, Maribel and Sabina—dive back into adventure in Stingers, the follow-up to bestselling author Randy Wayne White’s Fins.

Marine biologist Doc Ford invites Maribel, Luke, and Sabina to a remote island in the Bahamas where lionfish, a beautiful and venomous inhabitant of the South Pacific that... Read more

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The Legend of The Pink Unicorn Vol. 7 by Ken T Seth
The Legend of The Pink Unicorn Vol. 7
Ken T Seth
The Legend of The Pink Unicorn Vol. 7 by Ken T Seth

The Legend of The Pink Unicorn Vol. 7

By: Ken T Seth

Narrated by: Joanne Tomson

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

It is a dark time in the medieval kingdom of Arialia. The Black Death has arrived. Fatima loses her parents to the plague.
She's wandering in the forest alone and doesn't know where to go for comfort.
In her desperation and in the cold at night, she dreams of a pink unicorn that can save her from fear and starvation.
When she wakes she sees the... Read more

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Mariel of Redwall by Brian Jacques
Mariel of Redwall
Brian Jacques
Mariel of Redwall by Brian Jacques

Mariel of Redwall

By: Brian Jacques

Narrated by: Brian Jacques & A Full Cast

Length: 11 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

With nearly eight million copies of his Redwall series in print, Brian Jacques is one of the most popular authors
in the world. A New York Times bestseller, Mariel of Redwall serves up generous helpings of everything Jacques’
countless fans love—rousing escapades, mouthwatering feasts, and endearing characters from deep in the woods of
Mossflower... Read more

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Wing by Sandra J. Payne
Sandra J. Payne
Wing by Sandra J. Payne


By: Sandra J. Payne

Narrated by: Christopher Showerman

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

From his home in the quaint town of Hug Harbor, Wing, the swiftest sailboat on the high seas, regularly sails off the coast of the north Atlantic. In this gentle bedtime story about focus and friendship reminiscent of "The Velveteen Rabbit," Wing gains a new perspective on his life after he experiences an unexpected adventure out on the open ocean. Read more

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The Mad Apprentice by Django Wexler
The Mad Apprentice
Django Wexler
The Mad Apprentice by Django Wexler

The Mad Apprentice

By: Django Wexler

Narrated by: Cassandra Morris

Length: 7 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

The dark and thrilling sequel to the book Kirkus called, "Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, and Inkheart all rolled into one"

When Alice's mysterious Uncle Geryon sends her to help capture a rogue apprentice--a boy who has the same ability Alice has to Read himself into stories--she knows to expect a wild and unpredictable trip. But even though... Read more

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Ausgepackt !: Stressfrei durchs Schulleben - Von Schülern für Schüler by Noah Weiprecht, Antonia Lenzer, Anna-Lena Abel, Thomas Markert, Jan-Niklas Erdmann, Adrian Urban, Eva-Marie Kümpel, Manuel Wolf, Madlen Danz & Robert Müller
Ausgepackt !: Stressfrei durchs Schulleben - Von Schülern für Schüler
Noah Weiprecht, Antonia Lenzer, Anna-Lena Abel,...
Ausgepackt !: Stressfrei durchs Schulleben - Von Schülern für Schüler by Noah Weiprecht, Antonia Lenzer, Anna-Lena Abel, Thomas Markert, Jan-Niklas Erdmann, Adrian Urban, Eva-Marie Kümpel, Manuel Wolf, Madlen Danz & Robert Müller

Ausgepackt !: Stressfrei durchs Schulleben - Von Schülern für Schüler

By: Noah Weiprecht, Antonia Lenzer, Anna-Lena Abel,...

Narrated by: Carsten Stopka & Yessica Matysik

Length: 3 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

In dem Hörbuch von Schülern für Schüler werden viele Wege vorgestellt, den ganz normalen (Schul-) Alltagswahnsinn zu meistern. Tipps und Tricks zeigen einfache Wege zum Organisieren, um dem ganzen Druck standzuhalten, seine Stärken zu stärken und seine Schwächen zu meistern, sich Ziele zu setzten, die Sozialkompetenz zu steigern und vieles mehr.... Read more

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Soof (Scholastic Gold) by Sarah Weeks
Soof (Scholastic Gold)
Sarah Weeks
Soof (Scholastic Gold) by Sarah Weeks

Soof (Scholastic Gold)

By: Sarah Weeks

Narrated by: Talitha Bateman

Length: 2 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

In this stand-alone follow-up to Sarah Weeks's beloved So B. It, a girl who the world might see as weird finds her footing and stands her ground.All her life, Aurora has heard stories about Heidi and all the good luck she brought Aurora's family. Aurora, though, doesn't feel very lucky. The kids at school think she's weird. And she's starting to... Read more

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Why Me? by Wendy B King
Why Me?
Wendy B King
Why Me? by Wendy B King

Why Me?

By: Wendy B King

Narrated by: Wendy B King

Length: 6 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

How on earth am I supposed to go on? How can I ever feel happy again? I just want to curl up in the foetal position and die. – These are the thoughts swirling within the mind of someone grappling with the aftermath of a devastating loss. Emotions so real, they threaten to break you …Why? have suffered a trauma. In "Why Me," embark on an... Read more

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No Time for Fear: 2016 Edition by Paul De Gelder
No Time for Fear: 2016 Edition
Paul De Gelder
No Time for Fear: 2016 Edition by Paul De Gelder

No Time for Fear: 2016 Edition

By: Paul De Gelder

Narrated by: Paul De Gelder

Length: 6 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

IMPROVISE. ADAPT. OVERCOME. These three words – the mantra of the Australian Army – resonated with Paul de Gelder the first time he heard them. Paul chased adventure wherever he could find it, from his wild ride as a hoodlum teen and his drug-and-alcohol fuelled stint working in a strip club to hauling his way up to the elite echelons of the... Read more

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Peg Leg Gus by Martin Duffy
Peg Leg Gus
Martin Duffy
Peg Leg Gus by Martin Duffy

Peg Leg Gus

By: Martin Duffy

Narrated by: Martin Duffy

Length: 2 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

A young girl, Flo, befriends an old horse kept in the stables of her riding school. She learns that this horse, Augustus, was once a world champion show jumper but is now crippled and bitter. Is it Flo's imagination or is there always the same magpie somewhere near this horse? Little does she know that the two animals are lifelong friends who... Read more

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Pinkey and the Crystal House by Mumfie audiobooks in English
Pinkey and the Crystal House
Mumfie audiobooks in English
Pinkey and the Crystal House by Mumfie audiobooks in English

Pinkey and the Crystal House

By: Mumfie audiobooks in English

Narrated by: Helen MacAlpine

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Written by Julie Rey and directed by Benoist Husson. Pinkey flies over the ice floe and comes across a very special house. She visits a beautiful house made of crystal, with the most soothing sounds and beauty. Read more

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Old French Fairy Tales by Comtesse de Segur
Old French Fairy Tales
Comtesse de Segur
Old French Fairy Tales by Comtesse de Segur

Old French Fairy Tales

By: Comtesse de Segur

Narrated by: Cathy Dobson

Length: 6 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Sophie, Countess of Ségur, was a Russian-born French writer who lived from 1799 to 1874. This collection of stories draws on the rich heritage of French medieval literature, courtly love, magic charms and gallant deeds. In each story, the hero or heroine must undertake a quest or overcome a series of impossible challenges in order to reach their... Read more

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Los deseos ridículos by Charles Perrault
Los deseos ridículos
Charles Perrault
Los deseos ridículos by Charles Perrault

Los deseos ridículos

By: Charles Perrault

Narrated by: Jorge Javier Salas

Length: 7 minutes

Abridged: No

¡Ten cuidado con lo que deseas porque en esta historia podría hacerse realidad! Un leñador se pasea por el bosque quejándose de su vida, cuando lo detiene Júpiter en medio del camino. Le regala tres deseos, no sin antes pedirle que se los piense bien. Junto a su esposa, reflexionan en su suerte, pero sus torpes palabras agotarán uno a uno sus... Read more

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Hermit Crabs by Christina Leaf
Hermit Crabs
Christina Leaf
Hermit Crabs by Christina Leaf

Hermit Crabs

By: Christina Leaf

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Hermit crabs are favorite pets for young kids! This introductory title shows what it takes to care for these critters, from habitat needs to changing shells. Features include a labeled diagram of a tank and common species of this pet. Simple sentences and clear photos help students who are just starting to read grow along with these fun pets! Read more

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Vlad and the First World War by Kate Cunningham
Vlad and the First World War
Kate Cunningham
Vlad and the First World War by Kate Cunningham

Vlad and the First World War

By: Kate Cunningham

Narrated by: Emma Hixson

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: No

On 25th March 1918 Vlad the flea and his friend, Crisp VC the carrier pigeon, are on a mission to deliver a secret message from behind enemy lines.They must dodge the dog-fights, survive the trenches and seek help from the staff of the hospital tent as they race to reach Britain safely.In this adventure Vlad encounters Skipper Thomas Crisp,... Read more

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A Mouse Called Miika by Matt Haig
A Mouse Called Miika
Matt Haig
A Mouse Called Miika by Matt Haig

A Mouse Called Miika

By: Matt Haig

Narrated by: Natascha McElhone

Length: 1 hour 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Ratatouille meets Roald Dahl in the funny and fantastical story of a determined mouse on a mission to procure the world's tastiest cheese. From the author of A Boy Called Christmas–now a Netflix movie starring Kristen Wiig, Maggie Smith and Henry Lawfull!

When Nikolas left the only home he had ever known, it was a mouse named Miika who kept him... Read more

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Prometes Y No Cumples En AA by Oslos Molina
Prometes Y No Cumples En AA
Oslos Molina
Prometes Y No Cumples En AA by Oslos Molina

Prometes Y No Cumples En AA

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Lo que prometes impacta de manera directa e inmediata en la manera en cómo te percibe los demás y, por supuesto, cómo te ves a ti mismo. Al no cumplir una promesa, tu credibilidad es cuestionada y no solo genera enojo, también desconfianza en los demás. Al prometer algo, la otra persona espera un resultado de ti -no importa si es una acción, ir... Read more

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Planet der Dinosaurier, Folge 4: Kampf der Giganten by Hans-Joachim Herwald
Planet der Dinosaurier, Folge 4: Kampf der Giganten
Hans-Joachim Herwald
Planet der Dinosaurier, Folge 4: Kampf der Giganten by Hans-Joachim Herwald

Planet der Dinosaurier, Folge 4: Kampf der Giganten

By: Hans-Joachim Herwald

Narrated by: Achim Schülke, Sascha Draeger, Steffi Kinderman...

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Der "Große Drache", ein schrecklicher Deinonychus, hat Martin und Stefanie gefangengenommen. Zum Glück gelingt Martins Trick mit der Geige. Doch der Rat von Nyie behauptet, die Zwillinge wären für den Aufstand der wilden Dinosaurier verantwortlich. Dabei ist die Landkarte von der Erde, die das beweisen soll, 65 Millionen Jahre alt. Auf ihr ist... Read more

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Benjamin Blümchen, Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, Folge 16: Meine liebsten Kuscheltiere by Vincent Andreas
Benjamin Blümchen, Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, Folge 16: Meine liebsten Kuscheltiere
Vincent Andreas
Benjamin Blümchen, Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, Folge 16: Meine liebsten Kuscheltiere by Vincent Andreas

Benjamin Blümchen, Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, Folge 16: Meine liebsten Kuscheltiere

By: Vincent Andreas

Narrated by: Jürgen Kluckert & Gunter Schoß

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Schlafliedchen Text: Ulli Herzog/Musik: Heiko Rüsse, KIDDINX Studios 1. Womit kuschelt Benjamin? 2. Das ungeliebte Kuscheltier 3. Die Beschütz-mich-Katze 4. Knautschi ist kein Nichtsnutz 5. Wie Karl Teddy Toffi rettete 6. Ein Stern zum Kuscheln 7. Sei kein Frosch! 8. Herrn Tierliebs Geheimnis Schlafliedchen Text: Ulli Herzog/Musik:... Read more

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