Children's audiobooks

What's Inside A Bird's Nest?
By: Rachel Ignotofsky
Narrated by: Tashi Thomas
Length: 18 minutes
Abridged: No
Discover the next nonfiction picture book—adapted for audio—about eggs, nests, and birds from the creator of the New York Times bestseller Women in Science, Rachel Ignotofsky!
Want to learn more about the bird that chirps outside your window? Ignotofsky crafts a perfect read out loud with a touch of humor and compassion for our friends with wings... Read more

¡Luis y Caro vs los fantasmas de la ciudad!
By: Veka G. Duncan & Chuy Campos
Narrated by: Veka G. Duncan, Chuy Campos, Any Cemar, Gaby To...
Length: 4 hours 32 minutes
Abridged: No
Entrada la noche, la Ciudad Fantástica emerge con ruidos, sombras y voces espectrales que surgen en distintos espacios. Uno nunca sabe cuándo ocurrirán estas horripilantes apariciones. ¿Qué pasaría si hubiera algún tipo de artefacto mágico que te permitiera ver fantasmas y demás seres sobrenaturales? Luis y Caro tendrán la oportunidad de hallar... Read more
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Sand des Verderbens - Karl Mays Gesammelte Werke, Band 10 (Ungekürzte Lesung)
By: Karl May
Narrated by: Heiko Grauel
Length: 12 hours 21 minutes
Abridged: No
Die fünf Erzählungen führen uns nach Nordafrika. Kara Ben Nemsi zeigt sich Freund und Feind gegenüber immer wieder als Retter in der Not. Mitglieder einer Raubkarawane, die die Sahara unsicher machen, Sklavenhändler und räuberische Wüstenstämme sind seine ärgsten Widersacher. Der Band enthält folgende Erzählungen: 1.) Die Gum 2.) Christus oder... Read more
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God, I Feel Sad
By: Michelle Nietert & Tama Fortner
Narrated by: Michelle Nietert & Jill Blackwood
Length: 1 hour 8 minutes
Abridged: No
Includes audiobook-exclusive extended emotional learning content! Kids have big feelings, but none of their feelings are too big for God. In this children’s book from licensed counselor Michelle Nietert and Tama Fortner, young readers will explore what it means to feel their sadness and discover how to manage their emotions in a healthy way.Sad... Read more
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Wie Findus zu Pettersson kam / Eine Geburtstagstorte für die Katze
By: Sven Nordqvist
Narrated by: Ulrich Noethen
Length: 41 minutes
Abridged: No
Schon lange erleben Pettersson und Findus zusammen die tollsten Abenteuer. Doch wie war das damals, als der kleine Findus in seinem Pappkarton zu Pettersson kam? Und warum hat der hüpflustige Kater eigentlich so oft Geburtstag? Ungekürzte Fassung der Geschichten von Sven Nordqvist. Gelesen von Ulrich Noethen, dem Film-Pettersson. Read more
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Black Beauty, with eBook
By: Anna Sewell
Narrated by: Simon Vance
Length: 5 hours 7 minutes
Abridged: No
Every child loves a story about a horse, and Black Beauty remains one of the finest, most touching ever written. Set in Victorian London, the novel follows the shifting fortunes of a horse as he moves from owner to owner. Narrated by the noble Black Beauty himself, the tale offers an animal's perspective of the world and highlights the... Read more
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The Mountain of Strength
By: Nick Di
Narrated by: Nikolai Dementiev as Nick Di
Length: 15 minutes
Abridged: No
The Mountain of Strength"Gain confidence and inner resilience."Every day, we face challenges that require strength and determination. At times, we may feel uncertain and doubt our abilities. It is essential to find inner support and resilience to overcome any obstacles life throws our way."The Mountain of Strength" is a guided practice designed... Read more
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Grounded: The Adventures of Rapunzel (Tyme #1)
By: Megan Morrison
Narrated by: Susan Hanfield
Length: 12 hours 46 minutes
Abridged: No
"Think you know Rapunzel's story? Think again, because the tower was only the beginning..." -- Jennifer Nielsen, New York Times bestselling author of The False PrinceIn all of Tyme, from the Redlands to the Grey, no one is as lucky as Rapunzel. She lives in a magic tower that obeys her every wish; she reads wonderful books starring herself as... Read more
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Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Carbuncle
By: Alex Woolf & Arthur Conan Doyle
Narrated by: Thomas Judd
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Join world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his ever-loyal sidekick Dr. Watson as they embark on a daring adventure.
When the Countess of Morcar's priceless blue jewel is stolen, a former thief is charged with the crime, but is he really guilty? Never fear: Sherlock Holmes is on the case, and the truth will out!
Adapted by award-winning... Read more

Absolutely No Paradox
By: Lester Del Rey
Narrated by: Scott Miller
Length: 11 minutes
Abridged: No
Absolutely No Paradox by Lester Del Rey - If time-travel is possible, then why haven't we been visited by people from the future? But Pete LeFranc found the answer to that.The old men's section of the Arts and Science Club was always the best ordered. The robots somehow managed to avoid clanking there; the greensward beyond the veranda was... Read more
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Wayne McLair, Folge 2: Der Revolvermann, Teil 1
By: Paul Burghardt
Narrated by: Felix Würgler, Paul Burghardt, Thomas Kramer, T...
Length: 2 hours 14 minutes
Abridged: No
Aidan Quinn ist auf der Jagd nach dem Meisterdieb McLair, der wiederum seine ganz eigenen Pläne verfolgt. So wie auch die schöne Isabelle, die dem jungen Dieb eine ganz besondere Chance offeriert. In der Zwischenzeit kommt David D. Slypher aus dem Gefängnis frei und sinnt auf Rache. Doch während sich Meisterdieb und Revolvermann einen... Read more
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The Things You Kiss Goodbye
By: Leslie Connor
Narrated by: Lauren Fortgang
Length: 8 hours 29 minutes
Abridged: No
Fans of Sarah Dessen will love this heartbreaking story about family, loss, and the joys and disappointments of first love.Bettina Vasilis can hardly believe it when star basketball player Brady Cullen convinces her strict father to let them date. That summer, Bettina falls in love with Brady and the freedom that comes along with him. But when... Read more
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Märchen, Die Gänsemagd
By: Wilhelm Grimm & Jacob Grimm
Narrated by: Sprecher vom Landestheater Klagenfurt & Spreche...
Length: 42 minutes
Abridged: No
Die ganze Vielfalt der klassischen Hausmärchen (Andersen, Gebrüder Grimm, Bechstein, Hauff, internationale Märchen) als unterhaltsame Hörspiele - Kinder mögen die klare Trennung zwischen Gut und Böse. Read more
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Beebee Bear
By: Jill Eggleton
Narrated by: Jill Eggleton
Length: 4 minutes
Abridged: No
Beebee was a bear with fuzzy-wuzzy, curly-wurly orange hair. Baxter took Beebee with him everywhere in a grasshopper green backpack. But one day when Baxter and his dad were getting off the bus, the grasshopper green backpack tipped over and Beebee fell out. “Stop!” shouted Baxter. But the bus didn’t stop. Read more
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Gurra Grís - Gurra elskar alla og aðrar sögur
By: Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Narrated by: Vaka Vigfúsdóttir
Length: 39 minutes
Abridged: No
Gurra grís elskar alla! Gurra grís sýnir okkur hvað hún elskar pabba sinn og mömmu sína mikið, en líka ömmu og afa, Georg litla bróður og alla vini sína. Allir elska Gurru grís! Read more
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Lost Sci-Fi Books 191 thru 200 - Ten Lost Vintage Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s
By: Clifford D. Simak, Carl Jacobi, Hal Clement, Is...
Narrated by: Scott Miller
Length: 6 hours 15 minutes
Abridged: No
Lost Sci-Fi Books 191 thru 200 - Ten Lost Vintage Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s The Street That Wasn't There by Carl Jacobi and Clifford D. Simak The Shipshape Miracle by Clifford D. Simak Hot Planet by Hal Clement Everest by Isaac Asimov The Visitor by Ray Bradbury The Last Man in New York by Paul MacNamara The Portable... Read more
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Strażak Sam - Konkurs w niebezpieczeństwie
By: Mattel
Narrated by: Maciej Motylski
Length: 7 minutes
Abridged: No
Dzisiaj w Pontypandy odbywa się konkurs na największe warzywo. Dzieci są pewne wygranej, ponieważ mają ogromną dynię Hannah, ale nic nie idzie zgodnie z planem.Strażak Sam to brytyjski serial animowany, który po raz pierwszy został wyemitowany w brytyjskiej telewizji w 1987 roku. Pomysł na serial pochodzi od dwóch byłych strażaków, Dave'a... Read more
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Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side
By: Beth Fantaskey
Narrated by: Katherine Kellgren & Jeff Woodman
Length: 10 hours 47 minutes
Abridged: No
Author Beth Fantaskey injects a little humor into the vampire romance genre with this critically acclaimed debut novel. High school senior Jessica Packwood is a down-to-earth mathlete who's not sure what her future holds. What she definitely doesn't see coming is foreign exchange student-and vampire-Lucius Vladescu showing up at her door.... Read more
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Once Upon a Tim
By: Stuart Gibbs
Narrated by: Gibson Frazier, Lamarr Gulley, Aden Hakimi & La...
Length: 2 hours 2 minutes
Abridged: No
Now with a reimagined look! Join a peasant boy who wants to be a knight in the laugh-out-loud funny, highly illustrated first book of the New York Times bestselling Once Upon a Tim chapter book series from Spy School author Stuart Gibbs.
Tim is just a peasant, but he dreams big. He wants more out of life than to grow up to be a woodsman like his... Read more

The Sea of Trolls
By: Nancy Farmer
Narrated by: Gerard Doyle
Length: 13 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: No
Jack was eleven when the berserkers loomed out of the fog and nabbed him. "It seems that things are stirring across the water," the Bard had warned. "Ships are being built, swords are being forged." "Is that bad?" Jack had asked, for his Saxon village had never before seen berserkers. "Of course. People don't make ships and swords unless they... Read more
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Through a Clouded Mirror
By: Miya T. Beck
Narrated by: Sarah Skaer
Length: 7 hours 35 minutes
Abridged: No
Inspired by The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and set in a magical imperial Japan, this is a breathtaking fantasy adventure from the acclaimed author of The Pearl Hunter.Yuki Snow wishes she were anywhere but here.She hates Santa Dolores, where her mom and stepdad just moved the family. Her BFF back home, Julio, has... Read more
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Народные русские сказки А.Н. Афанасьева. Выпуск 1
By: Александр Афанасьев
Narrated by: Леонид Кулагин
Length: 1 hour 3 minutes
Abridged: No
Александр Николаевич Афанасьев говорил о себе, что он более собиратель русских сказок, нежели писатель. Сказки для него - не просто источники сюжетов для собственных произведений, а самостоятельный факт культуры: он старался передать всю их самобытность. В этом сборнике представлены три сказки: «Марья Моревна», «Вещий сон», «Сказка о добром... Read more
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By: Heidi Lang & Kati Bartkowski
Narrated by: James Fouhey
Length: 8 hours 30 minutes
Abridged: No
Caden's brother Aiden is many things: clever, powerful, vindictive. Unforgiving. And now, he's also mysteriously free from the hellish dimensional prison that Caden had trapped him in. Caden is sure that Aiden is out for revenge, but since his parents refuse to see the danger when it comes to his brother, he'll have to find a way to survive on... Read more
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Das kleine Büchlein vom Drachen, über Freundschaft und Liebe
By: Uschi Albrecht
Narrated by: Jan Erek Erban
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Dabei treffen sie auf ein altes Kräuterweiblein und seine Katze. Es hatte einen Traum und ist auf der Suche nach einer Blume, die mit ihrer Heilkraft die Menschen retten kann. Die drei helfen dem Kräuterweiblein und gemeinsam finden sie schließlichauch die Blume. Aber zuvor müssen sie noch dem Hüter der Blume eine Frage beantworten, und... Read more
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