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Ironhand (Stoneheart Trilogy, Book 2) by Charlie Fletcher
Ironhand (Stoneheart Trilogy, Book 2)
Charlie Fletcher
Ironhand (Stoneheart Trilogy, Book 2) by Charlie Fletcher

Ironhand (Stoneheart Trilogy, Book 2)

By: Charlie Fletcher

Narrated by: Jim Dale

Length: 9 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

The war between the statues of London rages on as George Chapman must complete three challenges to save his own life. Read more

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Bibi & Tina, Folge 78: Das Gestüt in England by Markus Dittrich
Bibi & Tina, Folge 78: Das Gestüt in England
Markus Dittrich
Bibi & Tina, Folge 78: Das Gestüt in England by Markus Dittrich

Bibi & Tina, Folge 78: Das Gestüt in England

By: Markus Dittrich

Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz, Dorette Hugo & Gunter Schoß

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Bibi und Tina reisen mit Alexander und dessen Vater Graf von Falkenstein auf das Gestüt seiner Bekannten Lady Bedlam nach England. Sie sind zum McIntosh-Junior-Galopprennen geladen, bei dem auch ein Team des Gestüts antreten soll. Doch daraus wird nichts - und plötzlich stehen Bibi und Tina am Start, zusammen mit dem Jungen Tom! Read more

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Fancy Nancy: There's No Day Like a Snow Day by Jane O'Connor
Fancy Nancy: There's No Day Like a Snow Day
Jane O'Connor
Fancy Nancy: There's No Day Like a Snow Day by Jane O'Connor

Fancy Nancy: There's No Day Like a Snow Day

By: Jane O'Connor

Narrated by: Chloe Hennessee

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Even a snow day is fancy when Nancy is around!Ooh la la! It's a blizzard. School is cancelled. And Nancy, JoJo, Bree, and Freddy are tres excited to go outside and play. From making snow angels to building snowmen to catching snowflakes . . . everyone has ""snow"" much fun! Celebrate Nancy's winter wonderland with this new fancy story, complete... Read more

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My Brother's A Snotrocket by Gretel Killeen
My Brother's A Snotrocket
Gretel Killeen
My Brother's A Snotrocket by Gretel Killeen

My Brother's A Snotrocket

By: Gretel Killeen

Narrated by: Gretel Killeen

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: No

It's not easy saving the world from your crazy alien neighbours, but that's what Zeke and Eppie have to do today. So far they've been turned into an egghead, catapulted through the air in an enormous bra, plopped into a ginormous ice-cream and then dragged through space in a stocking. Yes, the alien neighbours have stolen the world's only... Read more

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ДЕТЯМ от 3 до 8 лет. Валерий Шульжик. Неуловимый Фунтик. Сказки by Валерий Шульжик
ДЕТЯМ от 3 до 8 лет. Валерий Шульжик. Неуловимый Фунтик. Сказки
Валерий Шульжик
ДЕТЯМ от 3 до 8 лет. Валерий Шульжик. Неуловимый Фунтик. Сказки by Валерий Шульжик

ДЕТЯМ от 3 до 8 лет. Валерий Шульжик. Неуловимый Фунтик. Сказки

By: Валерий Шульжик

Narrated by: Михаил Богдасаров

Length: 2 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

В аудиокнигу "Неуловимый Фунтик", представляемую студией "АРДИС", вошли четыре сказки известного писателя Валерия Шульжика о приключениях поросёнка Фунтика и его друзей: "Неуловимый Фунтик", "Фунтик и старушка с усами", "Фунтик почти попался", "Фунтик и пират".Фунтик сбежал от своей хозяйки, госпожи Беладонны, потому что не хотел обманывать... Read more

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Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie by Peter Roop & Connie Roop
Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie
Peter Roop & Connie Roop
Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie by Peter Roop & Connie Roop

Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie

By: Peter Roop & Connie Roop

Narrated by: Rick Adamson

Length: 9 minutes

Abridged: No

This quality production will...allow early primary readers to enjoy the story while confirming their own reading ability. - School Library Journal Read more

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Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 150: Benjamin auf Weltreise by Vincent Andreas
Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 150: Benjamin auf Weltreise
Vincent Andreas
Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 150: Benjamin auf Weltreise by Vincent Andreas

Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 150: Benjamin auf Weltreise

By: Vincent Andreas

Narrated by: Jürgen Kluckert, Ulrike Stürzbecher & Gunter Schoß

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Das alljährliche Karls-Traktor-Rennen steht an und Karina will endlich auch mal mitfahren, und zwar nicht nur als Beifahrerin! Sie spielt ihrer Familie einen raffinierten Streich, der das Traktor-Rennen ordentlich durcheinanderwirbelt - am Ende jedoch ernste Konsequenzen hat. Karina muss nun ihren ganzen Mut zusammennehmen, um ehrlich zu sein.... Read more

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Pohádky o odvaze by H.C. Andersen
Pohádky o odvaze
H.C. Andersen
Pohádky o odvaze by H.C. Andersen

Pohádky o odvaze

By: H.C. Andersen

Narrated by: Vaclav Knop

Length: 1 hour 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Co je odvaha? Co obnáší být odvážný? Jak se pozná odvaha? Vydejte se na dobrodružství spolu s postavami z pohádek Hanse Christiana Andersena a objevte, co pro ně znamená odvaha. Sbírka pohádek pro zvědavé a vnímavé děti i dospělé. Obsahuje následující pohádky:- Statečný cín. vojáček- Iduščiny květiny- Pastýřka a kominíček- Ole Zavřiočka Read more

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Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Leaves of Grass
Walt Whitman
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

Leaves of Grass

By: Walt Whitman

Narrated by: Foon

Length: 18 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Enter the world of Walt Whitman's 'Leaves of Grass,' a poetic masterpiece that celebrates the beauty and diversity of the human experience. Whitman's verses are an ode to life itself, an exploration of the soul, and a love letter to the American landscape. This audiobook is a journey through the poetic soul of one of America's most influential... Read more

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Riley’s Ghost by John David Anderson
Riley’s Ghost
John David Anderson
Riley’s Ghost by John David Anderson

Riley’s Ghost

By: John David Anderson

Narrated by: Lillie Ricciardi

Length: 7 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

From John David Anderson, acclaimed author of Posted, comes a ghost story pulled from the darkest shadows of middle school.Riley Flynn is alone. It feels like she’s been on her own since sixth grade, when her best friend, Emily, ditched her for the cool girls. Girls who don’t like Riley. Girls who decide one day to lock her in the science closet... Read more

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Super Pigiamini - Storie della buonanotte da 5 minuti by eOne
Super Pigiamini - Storie della buonanotte da 5 minuti
Super Pigiamini - Storie della buonanotte da 5 minuti by eOne

Super Pigiamini - Storie della buonanotte da 5 minuti

By: eOne

Narrated by: Stefan Popa

Length: 1 hour 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Chi sono i Super Pigiamini? Contro cosa combattono? Come si sono conosciuti? Queste e molte altre domande troveranno risposta nelle dodici storie della buonanotte che hanno come protagonisti Gattoboy, Gufetta e Geco. Grazie all'unione dei loro superpoteri, i nostri piccoli eroi cercheranno in ogni modo di portare a termine la loro missione:... Read more

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Vad händer om man vänder på Paris? by Viveca Lärn
Vad händer om man vänder på Paris?
Viveca Lärn
Vad händer om man vänder på Paris? by Viveca Lärn

Vad händer om man vänder på Paris?

By: Viveca Lärn

Narrated by: Ida Olsson

Length: 2 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Tekla Tedin är 12 år och bor i Göteborg. En vår åker hon med sin pappa Tommy till Paris i en hel månad. Tommy är konstnär och vill se det berömda ljuset i Paris. Men det är istället Tekla som hittar en massa saker, bland annat den sorgsne tavelförfalskaren Gustave och de fnissiga tvillingarna Lisbet och Majsan.Men vad händer om man vänder på... Read more

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Ed's Bed by Eoin Colfer
Ed's Bed
Eoin Colfer
Ed's Bed by Eoin Colfer

Ed's Bed

By: Eoin Colfer

Narrated by: Morgan C. Jones

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Poor Ed Cooper seems to have one problem after another. From Going Potty to Ed's Funny Feet, Ed's life is never boring. This time around Ed is having problems in school, he just can't get his head around his time-tables. At home things are bad too - Ed has started to wet his bed. What is Ed to do? Read more

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Real by Carol Cujec & Peyton Goddard
Carol Cujec & Peyton Goddard
Real by Carol Cujec & Peyton Goddard


By: Carol Cujec & Peyton Goddard

Narrated by: Rachel L. Jacobs

Length: 9 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Inspired by a true story, Real speaks to all those who’ve ever felt they didn’t belong and reminds listeners that all people are worthy of being included.My name is Charity. I am thirteen years old. Actually, thirteen years plus eighty-seven days. I love sour gummies and pepperoni pizza. That last part no one knows because I have not spoken a... Read more

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Knights vs. Dinosaurs by Matt Phelan
Knights vs. Dinosaurs
Matt Phelan
Knights vs. Dinosaurs by Matt Phelan

Knights vs. Dinosaurs

By: Matt Phelan

Narrated by: Sam Devereaux

Length: 1 hour 38 minutes

Abridged: No

An ALA Notable Title“Absurdly entertaining. Victorious on all fronts.” —ALA Booklist (starred review)Renowned for their courage, their chivalry, and their ability to fight mythical creatures, the Knights of the Round Table must face their most dangerous opponents yet—DINOSAURS!This middle grade novel from award-winning author and artist Matt... Read more

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Maid for It by Jamie Sumner
Maid for It
Jamie Sumner
Maid for It by Jamie Sumner

Maid for It

By: Jamie Sumner

Narrated by: Emily Ellet

Length: 5 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

From the acclaimed author of Roll with It comes a relatable and “heart-wrenching” (Kirkus Reviews) middle grade novel about a girl who, in a desperate bid to keep her family afloat, takes over her mom’s cleaning jobs after an injury prevents her from working.

Now that Franny and her newly sober mom have moved to a cozy apartment above a... Read more

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Bats by Isis Gaillard
Isis Gaillard
Bats by Isis Gaillard


By: Isis Gaillard

Narrated by: Jessica Caruso

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you want to be amazed by Bats pictures? Let's see color photos of Bats! You and your child will find pictures of Bats in short simplified text for children learning to read or those who like picture books. Bats: Photos and Fun Facts for Kids. It is Book 84 in the Kids Learn with Pictures Series. This book is around a clear concept: see... Read more

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Lost Legends: Diamond in the Rough by Jen Calonita
Lost Legends: Diamond in the Rough
Jen Calonita
Lost Legends: Diamond in the Rough by Jen Calonita

Lost Legends: Diamond in the Rough

By: Jen Calonita

Narrated by: Sean Rohani

Length: 5 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

The second book in a new middle grade series that features the adventures of Disney's most lovable roguish heroes as kids! Before he defeated Jafar…Aladdin was just a poor boy in streets of Agrabah. "Do you trust me?" Twelve-year-old Aladdin has spent his entire life roaming the desert as a part of a tribe of nomads. He has nothing to his name... Read more

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The Badger Knight by Kathryn Erskine
The Badger Knight
Kathryn Erskine
The Badger Knight by Kathryn Erskine

The Badger Knight

By: Kathryn Erskine

Narrated by: Graham Halstead

Length: 9 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

National Book Award winner Kathryn Erskine presents a unique novel about a sickly boy's epic journey through England and Scotland at the height of Medieval times. Adrian is small for his age, even for an almost thirteen year old. It doesn't help that he has albinism, which makes those he meets wonder if he's an angel or a devil. His father is a... Read more

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Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 60: Der Geisterkater by Jens Hagen & Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 60: Der Geisterkater
Jens Hagen & Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 60: Der Geisterkater by Jens Hagen & Ulf Thiem

Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 60: Der Geisterkater

By: Jens Hagen & Ulf Thiem

Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz & Joachim Nottke

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Ein Angelwochenende mit Papi! Den Zeltplatz an der alten Ziegelei, gleich am See, finden Bibi und Marita super. Aber dann hören sie unheimliche maunzende Töne und Irrlichter tanzen über das Wasser! "Rudolfo Rauhbein", der Geisterkater, treibt seinen Schabernack. Doch er hat Bibi noch nicht kennengelernt. Read more

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The Winter Wish by Helen Mortimer
The Winter Wish
Helen Mortimer
The Winter Wish by Helen Mortimer

The Winter Wish

By: Helen Mortimer

Narrated by: Harriet Carmichael

Length: 9 minutes

Abridged: No

A glorious Christmas story, full of festive sparkle from the illustrator of The Primrose Railway Children. William lives in Words of Wonder, a perfect book shop full of stories and delights. He has always lived there with his family, ever since he was a baby, and now he is 37 books tall. But times are... Read more

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Nerdy Babies: Rocks by Emmy Kastner
Nerdy Babies: Rocks
Emmy Kastner
Nerdy Babies: Rocks by Emmy Kastner

Nerdy Babies: Rocks

By: Emmy Kastner

Narrated by: Isabella Star LaBlanc, Levon Oldfield & Robin E...

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

This audiobook features music and special effects. Listen along and enjoy the fun that is Nerdy Babies: Rocks

Nerdy Babies is a series that will ignite curiosity in even the youngest listeners and encourage them to ask questions and explore the world around them.

In Nerdy Babies: Rocks, follow our intrepid babies to the center of the earth. Check... Read more

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Being Young. Uns gehört die Welt by Linn Skåber
Being Young. Uns gehört die Welt
Linn Skåber
Being Young. Uns gehört die Welt by Linn Skåber

Being Young. Uns gehört die Welt

By: Linn Skåber

Narrated by: Leonie Landa & Hendrik Kleinschmidt

Length: 2 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Jugend von heute - "Being Young" dokumentiert auf einfühlsame, poetische und eindringliche Weise, wie es sich anfühlt, heute ein Teenager zu sein. Linn Skåber hat junge Menschen interviewt und sie über ihr Leben befragt - zu allen möglichen Themen von Akne über den Weltfrieden bis zu persönlichen Verlusten und Trauer. Aus diesen Interviews... Read more

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Samy est trop timide pour dire bonjour by Christina Louise
Samy est trop timide pour dire bonjour
Christina Louise
Samy est trop timide pour dire bonjour by Christina Louise

Samy est trop timide pour dire bonjour

By: Christina Louise

Narrated by: Christina Louise

Length: 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Samy, l’ourson timide, se cache toujours quand il faut dire bonjour aux amis ou à la famille. Sa timidité est telle qu’il se retrouve dans toutes sortes de situations vraiment embarrassantes. Jusqu’au jour où Maman Ours lui apprend à dire ‘bonjour’ avec confiance…Une belle histoire pour les enfants de 3 à 7 ans. Un bon moyen d’engager une... Read more

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